Iran attacking Israel

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2024 Apr 13, 6:35pm   7,166 views  155 comments

by RC2006   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Look like it's starting now let's see how much we get dragged into it.

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128   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 18, 12:39pm  

25 Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers:[d] a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written,

Notice Paul does not say "upon you". Why would a partial hardening come upon the members of Church (spritual Israel) until more Gentiles come in to save spiritual Israel?

The only coherent way to interpret this is that the Seed of Abraham is under partial hardening until the Church of Believers bring more non-Jews into the Church.

28 “The Deliverer will come from Zion,
he will banish ungodliness from Jacob”;
27 “and this will be my covenant with them
when I take away their sins.”

What was Jacob's name he got later in life, given him by God? I think it starts with an "I".

28 As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, 29 for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.

Wait, Wuh? Irrevocable?! God's not a L'Etat Est Moi style Charles the First, nor a Liar, but one who honors all His eternal promises.

30 Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience, 31 so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now[h] receive mercy as a result of God’s mercy to you. 32 For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.

Again, who are these "They" others if not the physical seed of Abraham?

"The Spiritual Israel Church is obedient, but once disobedient, so the Spiritual Israel is now disobedient - despite me just mentioning the fact they were disobedient in the past but are obedient now - so Spiritual Israel (you) will now recieve mercy so that you can recieve Mercy to you... that reading is nonsensical.

It's only sensical if "You" means the Church of Believers in Christ and "They" and Israel means... physical Israel.


You blessed lucky sons of guns, you Wild Branches!
129   WookieMan   2024 Apr 18, 12:55pm  

richwicks says

I see what is done to 3rd world countries, and I know it will come here. Our nation always brings it back home. You can see it with propaganda. You can't see this so you won't stop it, you won't even acknowledge it.

I've answered every question. You again prove my point in every comment. EVERY country does this. Move if you don't like it instead saying the same shit over and over that isn't always true.

You either get in the sandbox and fix it or be the dummy bully outside of it to afraid to make change yourself. You can bark on a random CA centric forum all you want. No one is listening. The problem is you live and work with narcissistic Californians and foreigners with a bunch of cash. Fix the sandbox instead of spouting shit, then you can worry about the rest of the playground. You're worse than dealing with a 4 year old kid.

And no dude, I won't fuck off. You keep talking about your knowledge. You say some of the dumbest stuff on this site repeatedly. Daily. No one cares or wants to listen to you. At least 10 users ignored you. Since you,re one topic oriented, clearly people don't believe what you have to say, every day, month after month. You're not accomplishing some "mission" you sought out. Read your own comments over the years. Take the time. You'll see how silly you look. All the comments you could have taken that wasted time and done something about what you conceive in your head as a problem or you think you 100% know everything about. You actually don't. You're worse than the LGTBLMNOP+ crowd. Doing the same thing over and over. You're literally insane.
130   richwicks   2024 Apr 18, 12:56pm  

WookieMan says

I've answered every question.

Are you a person, an AI, or a propagandist?
131   WookieMan   2024 Apr 18, 12:58pm  

richwicks says

WookieMan says

I've answered every question.

Are you a person, an AI, or a propagandist?

Actual person in small town IL. Any other brain busters? You're losing it dude.
132   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 18, 1:07pm  

The Founding Fathers warned against permanent membership in lengthy alliances - they didn't mention temporary or short term alliances against an opponent.

The Founding Fathers DID go to war over interference in Trade, the War of 1812's major cause was a British attempt to restrict our trade with France.

I mention that because WW1 "Muh Kaiser" "Give up 3% of GDP from mostly Exports to Western Europe" whingers forget the VERY FIRST FING WAR WE FOUGHT WHILE THE FOUNDERS WERE STILL RUNNING THINGS was about our Freedom of the Seas to trade with whomever the FUCK WE DAMNED WELL PLEASED in the Atlantic and other Oceans of the World. So Lusitania my fat hairy ass.

Also: In a legal Blockade - you can sieze and return the ships and cargo from a neutral to a belligerent as another belligerent. What is ILLEGAL is to sink the ship of a neutral, warning or no warning.

Arson isn't made legal by trying to run an ad in the New York Times telling somebody you're going to burn their boat if they don't stop buying and selling from another customer you're having a dispute with. Whether that buying and selling is Wheat, Nitrates, Ammo, Horses, or Pink Plastic Lawn Flamingos.

"I told Sam not to sell to Tommy because I Franz am in a vendetta with Tommy, or I'd burn his yacht down. Well, Sam didn't stop selling to Tommy, so now I have the right to burn Sam's yacht."

Not how it works. In reality, Sam now has the right to beat the shit out of Franz for burning his yacht.
133   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 18, 1:13pm  

Oops, the War of 1812 was the SECOND time we went to war for our Freedom of the Seas when the Founding Fathers were alive and running things.

The first time was when we sent the USN to smack around Algerian and Libyan warlords for fucking with our ships in The First Barbary War. (1801-1805)

So BOTH of our first military conflicts during the lifetime of the Founders were over Freedom of the Seas with plenty (or all) Military Action taking place abroad far distance from US Shores.

So let's smack the shit out of the Houthis just like Jefferson would.
134   richwicks   2024 Apr 18, 1:18pm  

WookieMan says

richwicks says

WookieMan says

I've answered every question.

Are you a person, an AI, or a propagandist?

Actual person in small town IL. Any other brain busters?

It's difficult for me to imagine you as a person.

Somebody, perhaps you, said I didn't live in Indiana - that it's not as nearly religious and ignorant as I experienced. It absolutely was. I really knew an engineer that believed in Biblical literalism - creation, Noah's flood, everything was LITERALLY true, and a secretary that said she would pray for my soul, because if I didn't believe in a god, I must be a satanist.

I'm not kidding when I say I envy you. I have to trust you at your word, that you are indeed human, but we are totally different. Maybe you are human, and I'm not. I've entertained this possibility years ago, but you don't have the capacity to do this, do you?

I have talked to every nation our nation has attacked or threatened to attack - every single one. You have no idea what our nation is doing. These people have no idea what they can do to stop it, and I'm helpless to prevent it, and you're joining the government. I know people who have had family murdered by my government - how do I stop it?

I wanted to know, and I do now. Ignorance really is bliss. You have no clue. It's just horrifying, and I would expect our "rulers" to know exactly what they are doing.

WookieMan says

You're losing it dude.

Yeah, I am. Ignorance is bliss. Don't do what I did, remain ignorant. Knowledge isn't power, it's just crippling. Ignorance is easy, and I went through the process of learning, what a stupid mistake that was. It was a lot of effort, what an asshole stupid shithead I was to do it. I prefer to be a drone - I can't be sociopath and I can't return to ignorance. It's a one way street, and perhaps there is no exit from it.
135   WookieMan   2024 Apr 18, 5:57pm  

I can't keep this going. Have you met your House Rep? Yes or no? Until then I don't care what you type here. You have control and you've given up to internet diarrhea for a tiny crowd. DO SOMETHING!!!!! I do, you won't. You think you can't, I think I can and am. You're too old to behave like this. Next time I'm out in the Bay Area, I'll bring my old pack 'n play and you can take a nap.

Our government does things so you're not dead right now. You don't have to like it. The positive far outweighs the negative regardless of what you want to rant on about. You STILL live here. If I was a Ukrainian I'd be gone by now. No no one wants to hear bitching with no action. That's you. Enjoy your existence in misery. That's what it is.
136   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Apr 19, 7:16am  

RayAmerica says

So what does the above prove? It proves that the 'blessing' as mentioned in Genesis 12:1-3 are not for the PHYSICAL seed of Abraham, but for the SPIRITUAL

This is the biggest mis-understanding when it comes to the Bible, even among Christians. You'd think it's obvious that spiritual is always the focus, and trumps physical. But you have people quoting the paying taxes to Caesar as a mandate to blindly obey government, despite the Bible clearly separating religious and secular authority, spiritual being higher. And you have Jesus routinely flaunting Jewish "spiritual" laws.

Jesus says His children are those who believe, not those who have a specific DNA strain. The only people I know who've ever said that are eugenicists(see Hitler).
137   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 19, 8:46am  

Who is it that the Scriptures clearly declares to be Abraham's seed? Is it Israel, or is it someone else? You decide:

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." - Galatians 3:28,29
138   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 19, 9:05am  

Are these Jews anti-semitic because they oppose the secular/political State of Israel?

Neturei Karta: The Orthodox Jews who oppose the existence of Israel

Most Jews around the world support the state of Israel and the ideology of Zionism, but there is one ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect that denies Israel’s “right to exist” and supports the Palestinians.

Who are Neturei Karta?

Neturei Karta are a group of Orthodox Jews who refuse to recognise the existence or authority of Israel which they say is against the Torah and authentic Judaism.

The group was founded in Jerusalem, Palestine, in 1938 and was established for the purpose of fighting Zionism.

Although their numbers are small (5,000 or more), they say the number of Orthodox Jews who believe in their anti-Zionist ideology number in the hundreds of thousands.

What is their objection to Israel?

Neturei Karta opposes Israel because it does not believe that the Jewish people have the right to self-determination, and because only God can restore Jewish sovereignty in the land of Israel by bringing the Messiah.

They say the Talmud teaches that Jews must not use force to bring about the establishment of a Jewish state before the coming of the universally accepted Messiah from the House of David. Furthermore, Jews should remain loyal citizens of their countries and should not attempt to leave the exile which God sent them into ahead of time.

Neturei Karta also says that Jews are not allowed to dominate, kill, harm or demean another people and are not allowed to have anything to do with the Zionist enterprise.

Judaism is a religion of thousands of years, they say, while Zionism is a new movement of just over a hundred years, created by non-religious Jews who aspired to transform the religion into nationalism and have rebelled continually against the Almighty’s commandments.

Why do many Neturei Karta members live outside Israel?

According to Neturei Karta, some of the reasons include: ideological refusal to live under the illegitimate heretical “Israeli” regime; being exiled by the Zionist government for their insistence on remaining independent; or being unable to live a normal life due to being persistently harassed, incarcerated and even physically tortured by the Israeli authorities.

Are they heretical?

Although most Jews disassociate themselves from Neturei Karta, they do not question the fact that they are Orthodox Jews. On the other hand, Neturei Karta says it is Zionism that is heretical to Judaism.

What do they think of the Palestinians?

They say true Jews are against dispossessing Arabs of their land and homes and, according to the Torah, the land should be returned to them.

Neturei Karta say they deplore the shedding of Jewish and non-Jewish blood for the sake of Zionist sovereignty and they favour a peaceful transition from the present Zionist rule to a non-Zionist entity.

The Neturei Karta regret that the Zionist state has usurped the holy name of Israel and that the Zionists so often claim to speak in the name of the Jewish people and assume the right to act on their behalf.

139   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 19, 10:16am  

RayAmerica says

Neturei Karta: The Orthodox Jews who oppose the existence of Israel

And since the Unitarian-Universalist Society of Duluth supports the MN Dept of Ed Social Workers scheduling surgery for Transkids, so look at "all the GOOD Christians of the world standing for Trans People."

Already addressed the bullshit above.
140   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 19, 10:17am  

RayAmerica says

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." - Galatians 3:28,29

Yep, also explained by Paul in Romans, Supercessionists most disliked chapter of the Bible. Even though the Book directly addresses the issue that All Israel Wil Be Saved, the Status of Gentiles and all members of the Church in Christ regardless of their origin, promises of eternal life against the still extant promises made to the Hebrew Sons of Jacob, they prefer to pull out of context quotes.

Just like a woke Church uses some vague command to be good to each other to explain why LGBTQ123C+ must be celebrated, while ignoring the in context, plentiful passages about Homosexuality being an Abomination in both Testaments.

Grafted on wild branches are in the Tree of Life.

That has nothing to do with the unconditional convenant of Israel granted to the literal descendents of Abraham.
141   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 19, 10:41am  

Where's the regurgitated PressTV Propaganda from Syrian Girl and Ryan Dawson? Coming on 24 hours here
142   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Apr 19, 10:41am  

margarita bar israel thing happening?
143   PeopleUnited   2024 Apr 19, 8:01pm  

Read Revelation 7 and remember that in the last days 12,000 people from each of the twelve tribes of Israel will be sealed. This makes it clear that God is not finished with the Jews, nor have Christians replaced Jews. In fact the church will not be present on earth at that time, God is coming to rescue the church prior to the Revelation Judgements.
144   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 19, 8:20pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

margarita bar israel thing happening?

Just the usual bullshit in the Middle East, really.

And on a different tack:

Our regurgitated Iran and Syria propaganda second hand via "Independent Journalists" and Bitchute Bullshitters is late .

(Not directed at you, @FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden)
145   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 19, 10:54pm  

Syrian Girl: Makes Claim about King of Jordan

Community Notes: Uhhhhh

I don't think the Assads have such a rich long history of ruling important lands.
146   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2024 Apr 20, 9:01am  


Ceffer says

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but ultrasonic rockets will never reach me

A what now?

These are small rockets one can launch down the neighborhood row that spout ultrasonic sound that gets the dogs to shut up and quit barking. People can't hear it thus, it will never reach him.
147   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 20, 9:45am  

AmericanKulak says

Syrian Girl: Makes Claim about King of Jordan

What about the British Royals? What was their name prior to their adopted name Windsor?

The roots of the British Royal Family's German heritage can be traced back to Queen Victoria's mother who was German. Queen Victoria married the German Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. As a result of this union, their children and subsequent generations inherited the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha name. The German connection had become an accepted part of the royal identity in Britain, but the outbreak of World War I in 1914 challenged the perception of their German heritage, hence the politically motivated name change to Windsor.
148   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 20, 2:15pm  

RayAmerica says

What about the British Royals? What was their name prior to their adopted name Windsor?

Something long and German.

But I don't see how this makes Syrian Girl correct. In Arab countries, just like in Europe, the Inherited Lines are associated primarily with the Paternal Line.

Elizabeth the First is considered of the House of Tudor for being the Daughter of Henry VIII Tudor, not a Boleyn like her mother Anne was.

Similarly, the King of Jordan is a Hashemite Husseyn, because of his father.

Just like William and Harry are of the House of Windsor because their Father Charles is, not of the House of Spencer like their mother Diana.
149   Patrick   2024 Aug 6, 11:15am  


It certainly seems like the Biden Administration and Israel are provoking another Proxy War. Why? Is this a ‘Wag the Dog’ election strategy to prop up the Biden Regime? Perhaps. But there is a simpler dot that we could connect. ...

Two weeks ago, Secretary of State and rabid neocon Anthony Blinken announced Iran was only two weeks away from getting nukes. Remember that. ...

Could Israel be provoking Iran into throwing the first punch, and lunging right into the American bouncer? Does it have to play out this way, with Iran attacking first, to make it politically possible for the Biden Administration to start its next Proxy War against Iran?
150   Ceffer   2024 Aug 6, 12:53pm  

More Tantric Iranian Sword Rattling Theater, or is Israel gonna get the bigga badda hypersonics where it hurts. I wouldn't bet on it.

152   AD   2024 Aug 6, 2:34pm  

Ceffer says

it could be that the Democrat pollsters are recommending paying off (with cash, Bitcoin, etc.) enough of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the mullahs in Iran to at least hold off until after the election.

Problem is that it is so chaotic that its hard to control the hot heads in the region like Hamas zealots, so all this does is stop or delay a large scale attack not "isolated" attacks such as rocket attacks from southern Lebanon or Gaza.

But if the Dems could ward off a large scale attack then that will be a victory leading into November 5, especially with all the stock market jittery or volatility.

153   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 6, 2:52pm  

There's not much going on. The usual rocket attacks. I think so far there's a few injuries on the Izzy side.

On the Hezbollah/Hamas side, a wave of eliminations and chaos in their command structure.

There's a lot of weirdness in Iran too. Strange explosions AT their missile launch sites... interesting crackdowns.... arrests of dozens of suspects for 'helping the zionists'... etc.

The Ayatollah regime is deeply unliked by about half the population.

So far, a nothing burger.

But NO DOUBT that the Pro-Ayatollah State Department and Biden Regime generally is trying to bribe the Ayatollahs to be quiet for a few months and not use all their Obama billions.
154   HeadSet   2024 Aug 6, 5:24pm  

AmericanKulak says

But NO DOUBT that the Pro-Ayatollah State Department and Biden Regime generally is trying to bribe the Ayatollahs to be quiet for a few months and not use all their Obama billions.

May not have to bribe. Iran does not want Trump elected, as Trump will sanction and Kamala will likely grant more Obama bucks.
155   RWSGFY   2025 Feb 26, 6:10pm  

BTW, in the spirit of "fuck you, Europe, your problem is not our problem", what happens if Europe acts symmetrically and lifts sanctions on Iran? They weren't all that fond of sanctions on Iran to begin with, but this new stance gives them even less reasons to tag along.

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