Milk Bird Flu on the Rise, screams CDC

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2024 May 4, 11:33am   826 views  24 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

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2   WookieMan   2024 May 4, 3:01pm  

AmericanKulak says

Gruesome??? That looks like a bad night out of drinking mixed with some cocaine staying up to 6am.

I only drink, but I've seen those eyes on others and it had nothing to do with a bird or cow. We'll see if this fear mongering turd sticks to the wall. Covid somehow worked.... I want to live as long as possible, but I simply don't care about dying either. So this shit doesn't move me. Even if serious.
5   rocketjoe79   2024 May 24, 9:42pm  

Hmmm, just in time for another lockdown requiring mail-in election ballots. Isn't it the weirdest coincidence?!?!
6   Patrick   2024 Jun 9, 3:20pm  


McCullough is looking into bird flu, and not liking what he’s seeing. A couple days ago, he described his study’s conclusion on Twitter/X:

Our new study presents strong evidence that the current HPAI H5N1 "Bird Flu" Clade outbreak is a result of laboratory leaks from the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. ...

Even brushing aside Biden’s nuclear warmongering, these virus scientists and their gain of function experiments “to predict the next pandemic” might pose the single greatest imminent threat to mankind. At some point, we need to start acting like they are an existential threat.
7   HeadSet   2024 Jun 9, 3:24pm  

rocketjoe79 says

Hmmm, just in time for another lockdown requiring mail-in election ballots. Isn't it the weirdest coincidence?!?!

We will have mail-in ballots even without another plandemic.
8   DhammaStep   2024 Jun 9, 3:37pm  

C'mon let's do it. Alpha COVID kicked my ass four years ago but I took it as a lesson learned. Come at my new and improved immune system, bird flu.
9   Blue   2024 Jun 9, 9:24pm  

WookieMan says

Gruesome??? That looks like a bad night out of drinking mixed with some cocaine staying up to 6am.

It did happen to me once when I did long and vigorous exercise. Called hospital, told me to wait for few days to go away by itself. It did like they say. It was scary though!

Edit: Its called Subconjunctival hemorrhage (broken blood vessel in eye)
10   stereotomy   2024 Jun 10, 4:00am  

Ivermectin? Check.
Hydroxychloroquine? Check.
Budesonide Inhaler? Check.
Quercetin phytosome? Check.
Zinc? Check.
Vitamin D 5000 IU? Check.
NAC? Check.
R-lipoic acid? Check.
Vitamin C? Check.
Colchicine? Check.
50 libs of 100% grass-fed beef at all times in the freezer? Check.

I think I'm good.
11   WookieMan   2024 Jun 10, 4:28am  

Blue says

WookieMan says

Gruesome??? That looks like a bad night out of drinking mixed with some cocaine staying up to 6am.

It did happen to me once when I did long and vigorous exercise. Called hospital, told me to wait for few days to go away by itself. It did like they say. It was scary though!

For sure I'd be freaked out if my eyes did that. But what ailment in our lifetimes has killed anyone you know besides cancer or a heart issue? I'm only 3 steps removed knowing of one elderly person that died with covid. Never even met the person. Probably would have died from the flu or a fall.

I won't get caught up in the hype ever again. Think about a bear that just lives outside. Somehow they manage to live just fine in what I'd consider horrible conditions. At the end of the day we're all just animals, including humans. We're pretty durable creatures.

Honestly I hope for another plandemic. I got the best travel deals because of it with covid. Even with cheating I don't see a path for Biden to win if whoever "they" are try to cheat again. We should be looking forward to it this time.
12   DhammaStep   2024 Jun 10, 7:00am  

WookieMan says

Honestly I hope for another plandemic. I got the best travel deals because of it with covid.

Travel deals are nice. Millions of people losing their jobs because of media panic isn't so great. Consider yourself very lucky.
13   stereotomy   2024 Jun 10, 7:25am  

In any catastrophe, there are those who are able to take advantage of the situation. As long as these catastrophes are not regularly engineered for profit, I guess it's OK.

However, we are long past that. I'd say 90% of catastrophes of medical or economic origin are deliberately planned and engineered to profit a small group of particularly vile people.
14   Onvacation   2024 Jun 10, 8:30am  

At this point in history it seems as though the entire medical system is geared towards treating symptoms with "prescription medicine" that often causes side effects that also cause symptoms that need to be treated. Money.
15   stereotomy   2024 Jun 10, 11:24am  

The medical industry wants to convince us that we can't be healthy without their intervention.

The truth is not quite the opposite but is largely so. Especially when we are younger, our bodies can cope with a lot of acute diseases. People are getting sicker because they don't have the nutrients they need to combat their illnesses effectively. I'm not talking about supplements; rather, I'm talking about the nutritional quality of the foods that we eat and how over the past 50 years the quality has degraded massively.

If a vegetable, piece of animal flesh, fruit, etc. both smells and tastes good, they are probably good eating. Most vegetables in the grocery store - they taste and smell like nothing, hence no nutrition. Any grocery store meat - it smells mildly rancid, and the taste is minimal.

The latest generations don't know what real natural food tastes like. Why do you think all this "Fusion" cooking with all these seasonings has become the fad? The meat has no flavor.

I grill up some fajita meat - my God, it is so beefy. This is real flavor, this is real nutrients.
16   WookieMan   2024 Jun 10, 8:05pm  

Onvacation says

At this point in history it seems as though the entire medical system is geared towards treating symptoms with "prescription medicine" that often causes side effects that also cause symptoms that need to be treated. Money.

I don't watch any TV anymore. Pharma ads are a joke. They literally say you'll die if you take the drug. But dip shits go and ask their doctors for the drugs. If we're gonna go full retard lets brings back cigarette ads. Right? My 3 pack a day grandma lived to 88.

The reality is one industry will blame the other. Government will regulate. My friends that still smoke always apologize to me. Sure I don't want to smell like a smoke, but I don't fucking care. You do you. I drink beer. Other people pop pills. I know what a smoke does. I know what beer does. I have no fucking clue what some prescribed pill is going to do. Even OTC stuff. TUMS gives me worse heartburn.
17   mell   2024 Jun 10, 8:44pm  

stereotomy says

The latest generations don't know what real natural food tastes like. Why do you think all this "Fusion" cooking with all these seasonings has become the fad? The meat has no flavor.

I grill up some fajita meat - my God, it is so beefy. This is real flavor, this is real nutrients

Correct. People complain about gamey lamb while it's the bfcas from grass fed lamb which make it so tasty and healthy. Same for fish and everything else, you're supposed to taste the animal you're eating, close to nature as nature intended.
20   WookieMan   2024 Jun 17, 3:38am  

mell says

Same for fish

I know the ocean is huge, but I generally just don't trust much from the oceans. Were does everyone think African coastal countries drain their piss, shit and waste? Same with China and India. You got Fukushima. Cruise ships for sure are dumping their waste into the ocean and I don't care if they say that they don't. Rain run off from storm sewers. There never used to be massive blooms of sargassum. You got most of 8 billion people's stuff running off or being dumped in the ocean.

I'm not some greenie type, but there's a lot of actual shit and other crap running off into the ocean. So I'll pass on that food. I'll only eat fish caught and cooked same day in a body of water that I trust. Mountain rivers and spring fed lakes. Problem is most of those are over fished for legal sized keepers.

I stick to land based animals. Usually buy a cow and pig every year. Fresh when bought and freeze it, but I know where and what they eat. Butchered but unprocessed with anything else like store bought meat. And yes, still buy grocery store meat, but try to avoid it or go to a local butcher.
23   Patrick   2024 Dec 31, 1:28pm  


A world-renowned cardiologist is raising the alarm after uncovering evidence that the current strain of “bird flu” is “man-made” and was developed in an American biolab using dangerous “gain-of-function” research.

The warning was issued by Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world’s leading medical experts.

During an appearance on InfoWars, McCullough warned that the current strain of “bird flu” – H5N1 – is a “man-made problem” that was developed in Georgia.

McCullough explains that a peer-reviewed study traced the origins of the strain to the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, GA.

Researchers believe the gain-of-function research is also tied to the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

According to McCullough, the gain-of-function research sought to modify “bird flu” to allow it to jump to humans and spread through the general public.

“Bird flu, or H5N1 influenza, has been around for over a hundred years,” McCullough noted on InfoWars.

“It’s well documented in the scientific literature in the United States.

“This most recent outbreak, which is now four years old, […] the current strain of bird flu, is a product of gain-of-function research done in the USDA Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia. ...

McCullough then called on President Donald Trump’s incoming administration to crack down on supposedly illegal gain-of-function research.

“So it’s a bad line of thinking to continue to do gain-of-function research,” he said.

“And, I hope, under the new administration, one of the very first steps taken by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the CDC… would be to do an all-out ban on gain-of-function research, certainly in U.S. labs and our funding of what happens outside of the United States.

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