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McCullough is looking into bird flu, and not liking what he’s seeing. A couple days ago, he described his study’s conclusion on Twitter/X:
Our new study presents strong evidence that the current HPAI H5N1 "Bird Flu" Clade outbreak is a result of laboratory leaks from the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. ...
Even brushing aside Biden’s nuclear warmongering, these virus scientists and their gain of function experiments “to predict the next pandemic” might pose the single greatest imminent threat to mankind. At some point, we need to start acting like they are an existential threat.
Hmmm, just in time for another lockdown requiring mail-in election ballots. Isn't it the weirdest coincidence?!?!
Gruesome??? That looks like a bad night out of drinking mixed with some cocaine staying up to 6am.
WookieMan says
Gruesome??? That looks like a bad night out of drinking mixed with some cocaine staying up to 6am.
It did happen to me once when I did long and vigorous exercise. Called hospital, told me to wait for few days to go away by itself. It did like they say. It was scary though!
Honestly I hope for another plandemic. I got the best travel deals because of it with covid.
At this point in history it seems as though the entire medical system is geared towards treating symptoms with "prescription medicine" that often causes side effects that also cause symptoms that need to be treated. Money.
The latest generations don't know what real natural food tastes like. Why do you think all this "Fusion" cooking with all these seasonings has become the fad? The meat has no flavor.
I grill up some fajita meat - my God, it is so beefy. This is real flavor, this is real nutrients
Same for fish
A world-renowned cardiologist is raising the alarm after uncovering evidence that the current strain of “bird flu” is “man-made” and was developed in an American biolab using dangerous “gain-of-function” research.
The warning was issued by Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world’s leading medical experts.
During an appearance on InfoWars, McCullough warned that the current strain of “bird flu” – H5N1 – is a “man-made problem” that was developed in Georgia.
McCullough explains that a peer-reviewed study traced the origins of the strain to the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, GA.
Researchers believe the gain-of-function research is also tied to the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
According to McCullough, the gain-of-function research sought to modify “bird flu” to allow it to jump to humans and spread through the general public.
“Bird flu, or H5N1 influenza, has been around for over a hundred years,” McCullough noted on InfoWars.
“It’s well documented in the scientific literature in the United States.
“This most recent outbreak, which is now four years old, […] the current strain of bird flu, is a product of gain-of-function research done in the USDA Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia. ...
McCullough then called on President Donald Trump’s incoming administration to crack down on supposedly illegal gain-of-function research.
“So it’s a bad line of thinking to continue to do gain-of-function research,” he said.
“And, I hope, under the new administration, one of the very first steps taken by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the CDC… would be to do an all-out ban on gain-of-function research, certainly in U.S. labs and our funding of what happens outside of the United States.
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