Grand Unified Theory of Recent American Politics

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2024 Jun 1, 4:11pm   4,783 views  121 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

The largest cost for every employer is wages. Employers want to pay lower wages to have higher profits for themselves. Lower wages are good for owners, but bad for employees.

American wages are high relative to most other countries. So what is an employer to do about that?

Nixon went to China in 1972, and I imagine this is what he said to Mao: "You have vast numbers of desperately poor people. The American ruling class would like to get richer by moving our manufacturing to China, where your people will accept dramatically lower wages than American workers. How about it?"

Mao thought: "Wow, this guy is a traitor to his country, but I should take advantage of American corruption and agree to help move US manufacturing to China. America will transfer all of its manufacturing technology to us for free, which would otherwise take us many decades to catch up on."

Mao said: "OK"

And so US manufacturing was moved to China and the entire Midwest was devastated as five million jobs were lost to China. Consumers were happy with lower prices for manufactured goods, but did not connect these prices to the devastation of the rust belt.

US wages were still too high for the US ruling class, which is never satisfied, no matter how wealthy. The housebuilding, farming, and meatpacking industries in particular lobbied in DC to reduce protection of the US border with Mexico, claiming a "labor shortage". But that was a lie. There is no shortage of American labor, only a shortage of Americans willing to work for very low wages. At high enough wages, American labor is easily available.

But the ruling class got their way as usual, and to import people willing to work for low wages, the border was deliberately weakened. Millions of illegal aliens flooded in, and the housebuilders, farmers, and meatpackers employed them illegally for about half as much as they would have to pay American citizens.

Employers were again happy with the lower wages, and Americans were further impoverished because they were again forced to compete with vast numbers of desperately poor people. Consumers were happy with lower prices for construction, vegetables, and meat, but did not connect these prices to the open southern border right away.

But after a while, even ordinary consumers started getting wise to what was going on, and objected to the outsourcing of jobs to China and importation of illegals, seeing the devastation it was creating in America.

The ruling class then came up with the strategy of calling all the newly impoverished white US citizens "racist" in their corporate media, to distract and divide the working class. Since maybe half of the working class was white, and half black or Hispanic, this worked well to divide them and prevent the political unity necessary to fight the oligarchy.

Impoverished and vilified as racists by the ruling class, poor white people turned to drugs to escape, and the Sackler family in particular supplied them with opiates, killing millions while generating billions of dollars in profits.

Around this point, Warren Buffett said "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." Admirable honesty there.

When the left and right briefly united against the corrupt and manipulative ruling class during the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011, the ruling class decided to appeal to the resentments of the incompetent to deepen divisions and distract the hoi polloi from looking upward at who was actually impoverishing them. The oligarchy told the least competent people, who are rightly insecure about their abilities, that they should get preference based on race, sex, or sexual perversion for college admissions and jobs which normally require long training and difficult qualification tests. The incompetent loved it because it shifted blame for failure from themselves onto smarter and harder working people.

So the well-justified anger at betrayal and exploitation by the ruling class was redirected to be anger at competent ordinary people working in essential jobs.

The infrastructure of the US began to fall apart as competence became much less important in getting hired than having the right victimhood qualifications. The current US Vice president is a good example of this racism and sexism in hiring, as she was selected explicitly because of her race and sex but is clearly incompetent. Boeing's hiring based on diversity quotas has made air travel much more dangerous for everyone. Medical schools now admit very weak students based on race, making medical care a very risky proposition.

Enter Donald Trump. Born rich but never accepted by the rest of the ruling class because of his uncouth manners, Trump was stung by their rejection. Even in ancient Greece, rejected members of the oligarchy traditionally turned to the common people for support. So Trump decided to appeal to the common people and give away the game, explaining exactly how the rest of the ruling class was screwing them over with outsourcing to China and insourcing illegals. He ran for president in 2016, not really expecting to win.

But he did win, because no other candidate among either Democrats or Republicans had the slightest interest in helping ordinary people raise their wages. Maybe Bernie did, but Hillary had him (politically) bumped off. Nearly all politicians are on the payroll of various large corporations which benefit from outsourcing to China and importing illegals. Those corporations donate generously to reelection campaigns, or not, depending on the obedience of Congressmen to their wishes.

Trump simply stepped into the gap left by the Democratic Party's betrayal of the working class, the Democrats' traditional base of support. Trump was also greatly helped in 2016 because Hillary is so odious that people were more horrified at the thought of having her as president than at having a reality TV star.

As president, Trump failed to drain the swamp or build the wall, but he did raise tariffs on Chinese goods, close the southern border, and raid US companies which were employing illegals. During the Trump administration, the black unemployment rate hit its lowest point ever because of these raids. For example, Trump had a chicken-processing plant in Chicago raided, and it turned out that every single line employee there was illegal. When those illegals were rounded up by INS, the factory had no choice but to hire local black US citizens for those jobs at about twice the hourly wage they had been paying.

Big corporate employers were enraged at Trump. Cutting off the supply of low-wage illegal aliens meant that several trillion dollars a year would go to poor and middle class US citizens as wages instead of to the very rich as dividends and stock price gains.

Those trillions of dollars per year is what all this fighting is really about.

Ironically, the overall economy is always much more prosperous when workers get high wages, because then the workers can actually buy products, instead of only the rich being able to afford anything. When the rich get more money, they just throw it on their pile of cash in the basement. When the poor get more money, they spend it. This spending is one reason the economy was doing so well under Trump. So the short-term greed of owners was strangling their own long-term prosperity.

Then Trump pissed off the ruling class yet more by refusing to start any new wars. US foreign policy had been dictated by weapons makers like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin up to that point. They like wars. Wars mean weapons sales, and weapons sales means profits. Profits can be used to bribe Congressmen who then distract everyone with "racism" and other bullshit non-problems to get votes while never mentioning what their donors really want. It's a big circle of corruption, and Trump was getting in the way.

When it became clear that Trump was going to win again in 2020 because he had actually helped common Americans get some of those trillions of dollars which had been rerouted from wages to dividends, the oligarchy, including people like Gates, Zuckerberg, and Soros, decided that something must be done. They arranged to have him impeached, but impeachment didn't remove him. They impeached him again, but again to no effect. So they called their henchman Fauci at NIAID and told him it was time to release the latest virus he had been working on, this one in Wuhan. Fauci's work had to be done in Wuhan because it is illegal in the US to deliberately make viruses more infectious to humans. The release of the virus provided a convenient pretext for universal mail-in ballots, which are the perfect vehicle for election fraud. Fauci and other NIAID employees also stood to reap millions from a dangerous experimental "vaccine" against the new virus.

The virus was originally called "Wuhan Virus", which makes sense because Fauci paid Peter Daszak to create it at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but since China is central to the revenue stream of the US oligarchy, the name of the virus was forcibly changed in the media, to "covid". Anyone continuing to use the correct name (Wuhan Virus) was labelled "racist" once again.

The oligarchy also sponsored BLM and Antifa riots in big cities in 2020 to increase voter unease with Trump's presidency, and set off booming fireworks in dozens of cities over and over for weeks to increase anxiety. Then for good measure, they lit forest fires along highways up and down the west coast to create an ominous pall of smoke while also supporting their scientifically fraudulent "global warming" bid to take over all energy production by dictating which sources of energy were to be allowed. The wealthy bought waterfront property and insurers didn't charge them any higher premiums than they would for higher land, because the insurers all know that sea levels are not actually rising.

Trump also pissed off the giant government worker goldbricking class. This is an army of guys at the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc. who can easily commit clandestine crimes and who number in the hundreds of thousands. They are all pension multimillionaires. Trump noticed the huge expense of these goldbrickers and mentioned that he would like to start decreasing their numbers and slowing their wage growth. They were therefore happy to help the oligarchy commit the above crimes via BLM, and by lighting forest fires, and by locking down the economy to reverse Trump's economic success, etc. They are the very opposite of public servants, being enemies of the public, especially the FBI.

In November 2020, the oligarchy carried out their election fraud. Everyone went to bed on election night seeing that Trump was the clear winner. Then the voting machines, all connected by cellular or internet, reported back the number of fraudulent ballots needed to swing the election, and a sufficient number were printed up and delivered at 3am in the swing states. When everyone woke up, the impossible 3am surge in ballots made Biden the "winner" of a rigged election.

A million common people who had benefitted from Trump's presidency collected in DC to protest the fraud. But Pelosi and the FBI were ready for them with their Jan 6th entrapment scheme. The FBI hired Ray Epps to urge the protestors to go into the Capitol, and when the protestors were still too peaceful, happily staying within the velvet ropes in the Capitol, FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters smashed furniture and windows. The "Buffalo Man" was literally given an escorted room to room tour of the Capitol by Capitol Police, but after the FBI plants smashed things up, Capitol Police then arrested him and he was imprisoned, as was the plan all along. Video of his very peaceful Capitol tour was suppressed until Mike Johnson became speaker. Much more video is still suppressed to protect identities of the FBI agents who were smashing things up. US veteran Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by a Capitol Policeman, who was praised for murdering her, since she was a Trump supporter.

The FBI still refuses to say even approximately how many of the protestors were actually FBI agents pretending to be Trump supporters.

The FBI then arrested more than 700 real election fraud protestors and hasty kangaroo courts sentenced them to many years in prison under novel legal theories invented on the spot. Most are still in jail today, real US political prisoners. The oligarchy tried to label Jan 6th as an "insurrection" but what kind of insurrection is completely unarmed? No one was buying the "insurrection" lie except people already blinded by hate for Trump.

After the fraudulent election, the FBI and media quietly admitted that Hunter Biden's laptop actually did belong to him, and that it did document not only his illegal drug use, weapons violations, and pedophilia, but also the bribery scheme whereby Hunter sold access to his father to Chinese and Ukrainian oligarchs. 51 former US "intelligence" officials publicly asserted before the election that the laptop was fake. They lied, but the corporate media suppressed the story of their lie, so most people still have not heard about it, nor have any of them been prosecuted for their overt interference in the election.

Note that the corporate media is 100% owned by the same ruling class which benefits from outsourcing to China, importing illegals, and starting wars. The Washington Post, for example, is owned by Jeff Bezos, who is the largest shareholder in Amazon, which imports most of their products from China. The Atlantic, as another example, is owned by Laurene Powell Jobs, Steve Jobs's widow. She also profits from manufacturing Apple products in China.

Corporate media like the Washington Post obediently reported hoaxes and lies to support the oligarchy's narratives, such as the "fine people" hoax, the Russian collusion hoax, the Trump Dossier hoax, the "full hospitals" hoax, the "safe and effective" lie, the "100% effective" lie (when you can for yourself look up that the best reported absolute risk reduction was under 1% and only for a short time), the climate change hoax, various "hate crime" hoaxes like Jussie Smollett's, that Hunter's laptop was disinformation when it was actually true, and on and on without end.

Reporters with integrity who questioned the repeated hoaxes were systematically fired or quit the corporate media in disgust, people like Bari Weiss, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Alex Berenson, and Tucker Carlson. They are now all independent reporters via the internet.

TV stations have exceptionally weak editorial integrity now that most of their advertising revenue has been eaten by Google and Facebook. They are willing to say anything to please any advertiser who will give them enough money to stay alive. They found their savior in Pfizer. In return for Pfizer dollars, they simply had to lie and claim that the vaccine is "safe and effective" over and over. It is in reality anything but safe and effective. It killed millions of people worldwide, at least 1 in 800 of anyone who took even one shot.

Note that ivermectin does seem to help against vaccine damage because it binds to the spike protein generated by the mRNA as well as it binds to the spike protein in the virus. Note also that many people died because the FDA ran a disparagement campaign against ivermectin in order to boost "vaccine" sales for Pfizer and Moderna.

Sadly, Trump himself took a million dollars from Pfizer for his 2017 inauguration party and obediently continues to tout their horrifyingly dangerous vaccine even now after it is perfectly clear that it killed vast numbers of people and not only helped no one, but after a few months made everyone who took it more likely to catch the virus and more likely to get seriously ill or die. Random young people continue to drop dead of vaccine-induced "heart attacks" daily, and the corporate press says not a word about the true cause. This makes them complicit in murder.

The virus itself was very weak. The median age of a Wuhan Virus death is greater than the median age of death overall. The only way to die from it is to be on death's door to begin with. The majority of supposed virus deaths were in nursing homes, and the majority of those deaths were induced with Midazolam in order to collect large payments per "virus" death from the government. This was another mass murder. There was never any need for the vaccine at all. Mandating it to most people on earth was the worst crime against humanity ever, but hey, Pfizer got $100 billion from it, so not a total loss, right?

Right on schedule, the Biden administration provoked a new war, this time in Ukraine. "Aid" to Ukraine is really payments to US weapons makers, so they were also happy that the usual DC circle of corruption had been restored.

As Biden's corruption was compounded by his obvious senility, it became clear that Trump would win for a third time in 2024. So the oligarchy decided to sacrifice the integrity of the US justice system to get Trump. Literally Trumped up charges were invented, a corrupt judge and jury installed, and yet more novel legal theories were invented on the spot, such as the idea that the jury did not have to agree at all and Trump could be found guilty anyway.

So here we are. Trump is more popular than ever because pretty much everyone can see through the latest sham trial of Trump. Even most Democrats are starting to feel a bit nauseous about the obvious corruption of the justice system to get Trump.

It is very uncertain what will happen next. (Late July: What happened next was the CIA's attempted murder of Trump in Butler, PA.) The ruling class is desperate to maintain their trillions of dollars of income from outsourcing jobs to China, importing illegals, and starting wars.

One solution is the make corporate charters subject to a public vote for renewal. Overtly evil corporations like Pfizer would be dissolved and shareholders bankrupted if they failed a vote of public confidence. Voting to dissolve specific corporations must absolutely be in-person and on paper, with valid US ID proving citizenship and no exceptions whatsoever for any reason. Ballots would be kept for five years after the vote. Any group of citizens would be allowed to recount the votes in person at any time.

Please copy this essay to anywhere you think people might read it. I'd also be grateful for feedback on how to improve it. You can comment here:


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34   AmericanKulak   2024 Jun 5, 7:54pm  

Ally Financial is the new name of GMAC
35   AmericanKulak   2024 Jun 5, 8:03pm  

Patrick says

Explains more about how both parties betray the working class by deliberately keeping them poor in order to shuffle profits upward.

After the Cold War, the prior system was deliberately dismantled to funnel money upstairs. The methods were developed before, in the 70s and 80s, but kept controlled until after the USSR collapsed. Then outsourcing (which began as a way to create industry and economic prosperity for Asian Allies) was ludicrously expanded to Communist China and the rest of the world, financialization exploded, etc.

Women are far more valuable than men to the economic order, hence the explosion of useless admin jobs, DIE, processes, etc. to recycle money to the people responsible for 80% of consumer spending.

Breaking the patriarchal family was KEY, since with it men amassed wealth, owned things ("Du vil own nutting"), and passed on enough wealth to 2-3 children so they could retire or not struggle so much. This was extremely disturbing to the elite, especially to the old Yankee class which wanted to have the same powers as European Bureaucrats and Government Officials, not have to deal with a huge middle class of Small Scale Owners.

Women are natural Stage 3 Kohlberg Moral Development: "Good Girl", which is determined by what Education and Society in general tells them being a "Good Girl" is, this is where 99% of women stop their moral development around age 13-16.
36   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Jun 5, 8:50pm  

our politics are what elites with money and assets want. nothing else.
37   mell   2024 Jun 5, 8:57pm  

Patrick says

I think it's related in that it's another example of corporate control of the FDA which caused millions of deaths.

I'm trying to give an overall picture of the situation in this essay, not just explain the toxxine.

Ok but I don't see the big crime here. What Purdue did is literally what every big pharma co. does today, downplaying their medications side effects and lobbying MDs, esp. high volume prescribers, congress and FDA to get as many Americans onto their drugs instead of lifestyle changes. They even went as far as lowering the definition of hypertension by more than 10mm hg and creating a fake "pre-hypertension" category literally starting at 121/81. But ultimately patients are in control, they can decide whether to take shit or not. If you have an addictive personality something will get you hooked (even if it's phone/social media) and chances are high it will destroy your life in one way or another if you don't take accountability for yourself. If somebody thinks they can take a prescription medication 24/7 just to feel better without consequences just because nobody "warned" them they can't be helped. The current glp-1 craze is such an example. Patients, especially womynz popping them left and right, doing parties, importing them from Mexico, sending drug distributors stocks such as hims/hers through the roof, and everybody cheering them on. What are the odds that fast forward in 20 years when the side effects of long term glp-1 meds use has destroyed quite a few lives that there is a new pharma witch hunt for the once celebrated darlings of weight-loss medicine! You can't fix people who have zero interest in researching the stuff they ingest.
38   SoTex   2024 Jun 5, 9:01pm  

AmericanKulak says

Ally Financial is the new name of GMAC

No shit! yeah, I'm gone.
39   SoTex   2024 Jun 5, 9:04pm  

mell says

but nobody was forced to take this highly effective pain killer, which, if used correctly, is a miracle drug.

100% agree! People who can benefit (minimize pain) don't tend to abuse it. There is a paper called, "The Physicians Dilemma", if I recall that backs that up.

I can't find it on pubmed right now.
40   SoTex   2024 Jun 5, 9:12pm  

mell says

What are the odds that fast forward in 20 years when the side effects of long term glp-1 meds use has destroyed quite a few lives

Good god that is some killer shit. You can never stop or you'll have ravenous hunger. Along the lines of shrunken testicles in a former binge steroid injector. But it's food.
41   SoTex   2024 Jun 6, 6:18am  

just_passing_through says

Patrick says

Ally Financial

I've got about $250K in that bank but not for long. Fuck those asshoes.

Okay, was only 180K but I just started the transfer of 100K. I tried to leave a note in the comment section stating why but it was only 40 characters. I'll let them know when it's drained and I notify them I want to close the account.
42   Patrick   2024 Jun 6, 9:23am  

I left JP Morgan Chase when they starting kicking out accounts for political reasons.

Moved to local credit union, and those guys have been great.
43   Patrick   2024 Jun 6, 5:54pm  

Patrick says

Boeing's hiring based on diversity quotas has made air travel much more dangerous for everyone.

44   stereotomy   2024 Jun 6, 7:03pm  

Anyone who has seen American Gods will understand this:

Corporations are:

1) Immortal
2) Omnipotent (they can buy any government to pass any law they want - just look at what happened during the scamdemic)
3) Omniscient (everyone with a cell phone is in constant communication with their god).

We worship these gods with every dollar we pay and every liberty we surrender to these "legal fictions."
45   Patrick   2024 Jun 6, 7:25pm  

All at the will of the people, and if the will of the people turns against them, they can be terminated.
46   SoTex   2024 Jun 7, 8:29am  

Patrick says

Moved to local credit union, and those guys have been great.

I looked into one in San Diego a few years back. I left because I was blown away that if I put a couple hundred grand in their credit union they wouldn't give me free checks. And the price of a check book was relatively steep too considering it's just a book of paper. Something like $25.

It looks like Mission Credit Union owns the building now that I've checked the map but I'm nearly certain it used to be an SDCCU (which advertise like crazy on the radio)

I use several regular banks but some are online only. Maybe I'll checkout redneck bank lol. Or give the credit union my dad uses here in San Antonio a try, he really likes it.

I've always also wondered if they were safe in a financial meltdown vs. a regular bank.

Patrick says

I left JP Morgan Chase when they starting kicking out accounts for political reasons.

I left Wells Fargo because they scam customers. I cancelled credit cards of banks that attack conservatives. I think even USAA (military) bank kicked out some conservatives this past month?
47   Patrick   2024 Jun 8, 4:44pm  

Patrick says

The ruling class then came up with the strategy of calling all the newly impoverished white US citizens "racist" to distract and divide the working class. Since maybe half of the working class was white, and half black or Hispanic, this worked well to divide them and prevent the political unity necessary to fight the oligarchy.

48   Patrick   2024 Jun 10, 8:02pm  

Patrick says

The infrastructure of the US began to fall apart as competence became much less important in getting hired than having the right victimhood qualifications. The current US Vice president is a good example of this racism and sexism in hiring, since she was selected explicitly because of her race and sex but is clearly incompetent. Boeing's hiring based on diversity quotas has made air travel much more dangerous for everyone. Medical schools now admit very weak students based on race, making medical care a very risky proposition.


For instance, the fantastic failures in higher education now on display, largely due to the Marxian defeat of excellence, will implant a generation of incompetents in all hierarchies of management. That will result in an insidious matrix of bad decision-making. The Pareto 80-20 principle will ensure that 80-percent of all institutional energy will focus on propping up failing institutions with bad decisions that add up to broken business models (while 20-percent goes into actually carrying-out the bad decisions as policy). That explains how Pete Buttigieg’s Department of Transportation spent $7.5-billion to build seven electric car charging stations.

Similarly, if you have an urgent medical problem, the 80-percent of administrative clerks in your primary care doctor’s overgrown practice (with an assist from the health insurance company cohorts they must coordinate with) will actually manage to delay your treatment as long as possible, with a fair chance of disallowing it altogether. And if you happen to get treatment, there’s also an excellent chance you will be misdiagnosed and subjected to iatrogenic injury.
53   Patrick   2024 Jun 13, 6:12pm  




They define democracy as rule by Democrats.

So when they jail the opposition, censor your speech, and build one-party blue states…that’s all in defense of democracy.

But when someone outside the Party wins an election…well, *that* is an attack on democracy.

Go try it yourself. Ask a partisan blue whether they’d ever vote for a Republican. Of course they wouldn’t, because one-party Democrat rule is the essence of democracy!

This also applies abroad. When Bukele or Milei or Orban wins an election, that is not democracy. But when Justin Trudeau silences truckers by freezing their assets, that is the essence of democracy.

It’s verbal inversion, the intentional corruption of words to mean their opposite. Watch violent BLM/Hamas riots become protected speech, while your mere speech becomes violence.

And watch as they apply the same systematic corruption of words to science, journalism, and information itself.

Trust the science! By that they mean Fauci and the institutions. It’s all about prestigious citation over independent replication. Masks don’t work, and then they do. Because science isn’t something *you* can do, it’s only something blues can do.

And support journalism! By this they mean blue journalism. They mean journalism as nepotism, as the hereditary fiefdom of the Ochs-Sulzbergers. They sure don’t mean citizen journalism — again, it’s not what *you* say but what blues say.

Oh, and combat disinformation! By this too they mean non-Democrat information. A true story that disadvantages Democrats like the Hunter Biden laptop is censored before the election, while a false story like the Steele Dossier gets wide circulation. Once more, *you* think information is what’s true, but they think information is what helps blues.

Ultimately we’ll need to reclaim these words via citizen journalism, decentralized science, verifiable information, and internet democracy.

But step one is calling out their verbal inversion. As @micsolana points out, democracy doesn’t mean prosecution of the opposition. And it sure doesn’t mean one-party Democrat rule.

It means an election that even blues can lose.
54   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 13, 6:33pm  

Patrick says

And it sure doesn’t mean one-party Democrat rule.

It means an election that even blues can lose.

Yes it does. Why do you think they use the phrase "our democracy"?
55   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Jun 13, 7:22pm  

Patrick says

I left JP Morgan Chase when they starting kicking out accounts for political reasons.

Moved to local credit union, and those guys have been great.

man most fucked up shit is we bailed those fucking banks out. those fuck owe us. but treat us like shit.
56   Patrick   2024 Jun 15, 8:58pm  


My conclusion is that Bezos bought this media property because owning this influential “narrative-creating” newspaper would somehow benefit his other companies. ...

That is, the fact he owns The Washington Post probably allows Bezos to make more money with Amazon or other businesses he runs - for example, from lucrative government contracts.

This, as I understand it, has actually happened as Amazon and its affiliate businesses have several lucrative contracts with the government and even the Department of Defense. ...

Also, owning The Washington Post gives Bezos great leverage or provides a form of protection or insurance against the world’s real Mafia - the U.S. government.

The Post can certainly protect and promote all the government’s favored bogus narratives by the stories editors choose to run … and, perhaps more importantly, the stories it chooses to not investigate or publish.

The government, one assumes, might appreciate this help and reward a news organization that is so willing to “play ball” with Big Brother. (This might be called a “carrot.”)

Similarly, it’s possible savvy business owners like Bezos understand that the only entity that can put him out of business would be the U.S. government. ...

The possibility has occurred to me that Jeff Bezos may have been recruited to purchase The Washington Post as the CIA and our Deep State rulers also clearly knew the paper was at the risk of going under …. unless it had an owner with unlimited amounts of money (someone who could easily afford to lose $73 million/year).

It turns out that almost every big journalism or media company must have an owner who can afford to lose millions or billions of dollars from these media “investments.” (This is because at least half the country now knows the MSM is completely captured and these citizens will never subscribe to one of these newspapers or magazines).

Almost all of the Big Media companies are owned by companies that have other businesses. It’s possible the arrangement - or quid pro quo - is that “if you buy this company (and keep it going and promote all the authorized narratives), we’ll make sure the stock price of your other companies continues to go sky-high (via the rigged stock market).”

Amazon and Bezos certainly made a killing in Covid years as retail customers could no longer buy the products this company sells at local Mom-and-Pop businesses, which were shut down … by the government.

At the same time, the Washington Post’s army of journalists were filing as many stories as they could, proclaiming this was the only way to save the country’s grandmothers and children.
58   Patrick   2024 Jun 17, 3:24pm  

Patrick says

Reporters with integrity who questioned the repeated hoaxes were systematically fired or quit the corporate media in disgust, people like Bari Weiss, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Berenson, and Tucker Carlson. They are now all independent reporters via the internet.

TV stations have exceptionally weak editorial integrity now that most of their advertising revenue has been eaten by Google and Facebook. They are willing to say anything to please any advertiser who will give them enough money to stay alive. They found their savior in Pfizer. In return for Pfizer dollars, they simply had to lie and claim that the vaccine is "safe and effective" over and over. It is in reality anything but safe and effective. It killed millions of people worldwide, at least 1 in 800 of anyone who took even one shot.

More on the death of journalism:


Over the last 20 years the tax-efficient billionaire foundations have stepped into the funding gaps left by declining circulation and advertising sales across mainstream media. It is noted by the EJN that journalists “overwhelmingly agreed” that support from external funding organisations was “essential” to enabling their climate and environmental reporting. Any journalist can apply to be a member of the EJN and the “primary benefit” is said to be access to grant funding for stories and “training opportunities”. The operation claims over 25,000 members in 200 countries.

The list of EJN funders is a long one and includes many well-known supporters of climate fear-mongering work. Included is the European Climate Foundation, heavily supported by Michael Bloomberg and Extinction Rebellion paymaster Sir Christopher Hohn. Other supporters include Tides, Gulbenkian, Oak, Packard, Climate Justice Resilience, MacArthur and Rockefeller. Helping out with taxpayer money are political and government organisations including the United Nations and the British Foreign Office. ...

and this trend is spreading inexorably like some sort of invasive slime mold and the desperate denizens of failing mastheads are clutching at it like life preservers in a shipwreck.

there are literal schools for it: come and get indoctrinated. learn to push our agenda and get grants and sinecures. it’s a pervasive trend and as marketing dollars go, it’s cheap as dirt. this is not even a cult, it’s just a grift preying on the desperate and the devoted.

you gather hundreds, bestow them with false gravitas, let them cross link and validate one another, then publish the “ward letter” to parliament pushing aggressive green policy that just happens to require large purchases of the things the companies you are invested in just happen to sell.

the whole point is to break the free market. consumer sovereignty driven competition is difficult and uncertain. margins from mandate and oligopoly are far higher. big firms and big investment pools do not want to guess. they want to bet on sure things. this is why they always cozy up to fascists, totalitarians, and socialists alike. mandate my wealth and i’ll rise and applaud for whatever nonsense you like.

and green is a perfect storm because it touches everything. ...

this is a helluva business model. you make billions investing in shoddy and pointless greentech that has little purpose and less ability to compete unaided in the marketplace by conjuring false consensus in academia, media, and politics by flooding them with money.

people need a new everyhting. new car, new dishwasher, new heat pump, new solar panel, new foods, new clothing, new windows and washing machines. the ROI on buying the academia/journalism industrial complex and the politicos who lean on them for justification is staggering. you drop $20 million in and get mandates to buy 100’s billions worth of products. and the rule by rube true believers you elevate to positions of power literally don’t know any better and are sure the poison they push is panacea. this is how you get absolute incompetents in charge of everything. they were selected for ideological purity and nothing else because that’s what serves the grift. they are chumps too impossibly ignorant to ever be wised up. but the people are cottoning on to this and they are increasingly kicking these wreckers to the curb.
59   stereotomy   2024 Jun 17, 3:48pm  

The real reason mainstream journalism died is that the CIA/FBI/Deepstate deprioritized mainstream medium funding (Project Mockingbird) to focus on cyber propaganda and warfare. Case in point: the covid scamdemic.
60   stereotomy   2024 Jun 17, 4:39pm  

Russia is like a woman who was in a really nasty abusive situation, then got free, then appealed to Chad (the US), but was pumped and dumped thanks to Wall Street. Picking herself out of the gutter once more, Russia tried to play nice with the J who ruled her world, and was repeatedly fucked.

At this point, it's "anyone touches me, and you'll pay." The West has turned Russia into the whore that it has become. Russia and her people have been raped for over a century, and all it gets is scorn from the west. Who are the evildoers?
61   Patrick   2024 Jun 19, 1:48pm  

Patrick says

The ruling class then came up with the strategy of calling all the newly impoverished white US citizens "racist" in their corporate media, to distract and divide the working class. Since maybe half of the working class was white, and half black or Hispanic, this worked well to divide them and prevent the political unity necessary to fight the oligarchy.

62   Patrick   2024 Jun 22, 2:32pm  

Patrick says

Impoverished and vilified as racists by the ruling class, poor white people turned to drugs to escape, and the Sackler family in particular supplied them with opiates, killing millions while generating billions of dollars in profits.


Consider the jaw-dropping implications of this awe-inspiring list of the Court’s remaining big issue cases: ...

A case on whether the Sackler family can get personal legal releases in the Purdue Pharma opioid settlement.
63   Patrick   2024 Jun 22, 2:33pm  

Patrick says

The FBI then arrested more than 700 election fraud protestors and hasty kangaroo courts sentenced them to many years in prison under novel legal theories invented on the spot.


The Fischer case on whether January 6th defendants were creatively over-charged under an irrelevant document-shredding law.
64   Patrick   2024 Jun 23, 8:30pm  

Patrick says

The ruling class then came up with the strategy of calling all the newly impoverished white US citizens "racist" in their corporate media, to distract and divide the working class. Since maybe half of the working class was white, and half black or Hispanic, this worked well to divide them and prevent the political unity necessary to fight the oligarchy.


65   AmericanKulak   2024 Jun 24, 11:01am  

Patrick says

Patrick says

The ruling class then came up with the strategy of calling all the newly impoverished white US citizens "racist" in their corporate media, to distract and divide the working class. Since maybe half of the working class was white, and half black or Hispanic, this worked well to divide them and prevent the political unity necessary to fight the oligarchy.


Nailed it.
66   Patrick   2024 Jun 25, 5:21pm  

Patrick says

Then Trump pissed off the ruling class yet more by refusing to start any new wars. US foreign policy had been dictated by weapons makers like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin up to that point. They like wars. Wars mean weapons sales, and weapons sales means profits. Profits can be used to bribe Congressmen who then distract everyone with "racism" and other bullshit non-problems to get votes while never mentioning what their donors really want. It's a big circle of corruption, and Trump was getting in the way.

68   Patrick   2024 Jun 28, 2:03pm  

Patrick says

Impoverished and vilified as racists by the ruling class, poor white people turned to drugs to escape, and the Sackler family in particular supplied them with opiates, killing millions while generating billions of dollars in profits.


Next up, NPR ran another encouraging story on a lower-profile but still important case, headlined “Supreme Court rejects controversial Purdue Pharma bankruptcy deal.” In a mixed 5-4 decision, the Court said the Sackler family members, who own the criminal pharmaceutical giant, are not entitled to civil and criminal releases as part of the Purdue opioid settlement.
69   Patrick   2024 Jul 2, 3:23pm  


Bob loblaw
What does "Democracy" mean, as applied to our government?

They say, “If Trump is re-elected, he will end Democracy.”
Do you know why they are saying this?
What will Trump Do to 'end Democracy'?

From the knowledge I gained in recent months, I agree with them.

I finally understand why they (hillary, biden, pelosi, schumer, romney, chenney) profess this phrase vehemently. These people (and many others) are plugged into The Blob.

I stopped watching the news after the 2016 election, and I did not start watching it again until a couple months before the 2018 election. The political media coverage was unrecognizable as anything fair and balanced, and I could not understand what I was seeing.

Due to my fresh eyes seeing the vicious attacks against Trump in combination with the lack of context from the previous 18 months of media stories, I could not make sense of the situations. The reactions were on a level of hate I have never seen against a public person. I’ve been searching for an explanation that could reconcile this confusion since that time.

Which resulted in my years-long Thought Experiment:
“How did we get here?”

Now, I know the answer:
World War II.

Is Trump an existential threat to Democracy if elected in 2024?

Well, yes. But, what does “Democracy” mean….

Without World War II we would never have arrived at the political state of the world that we are in now. World War II has been thoroughly examined for the cause and the events that took place. But, the TRUE motivation behind the recovery plan and the political environment at that time is much less well-known to most people. In the aftermath of the War, the politics of the Western World changed from a Colonial Model to a Neo-Liberal Capitalistic Model by mandate. This meant the powerful Countries of the world can no longer conquer foreign lands by force, and Sovereign Nations would choose their desired form of Governance and Political Leaders by vote.

The CIA and the Marshall plan, which was designed by Secretary of State George Marshall (not Congress), went hand-in-hand to overturn governments and control the world. They funded Radio Free companies to control the narratives, and established CIA Stations in each area. The state department, the DOD and the CIA all worked together to put a face of diplomacy on covert operations. They wrote the manual for Color Revolutions, and it has been used repeatedly for decades around the world. This was new to the world in the 1950’s due to the recent advancements in technology, so it was not obvious what was really happening. Even to this day, people do not want to accept the level of covert corruption that happens right in front of us.

The Neo liberal capitalist system came out of World War II. The U.S. had ramped domestic production to extreme levels during the War, and it needed to find a way to export our capacity around the world to generate massive profits. This new Capitalist system fears two things:
1) Right/Left-Wing Nationalists (Populists), which will resist global trade and focus internally to make their own lives better, ahead of the Global Community.
2) Left-Wing Communism, where the State owns all the resources in the country so foreign governments can’t steal them through business deals.

The solution for the Populist case is to declare these groups “Domestic Terrorists” and label them as an existential threat to our Democracy. Then use Institutional Media (which has been influenced by the Intelligence Agencies since the 1940’s) to relentlessly repeat a supporting narrative. Over time the credibility of these Populist Groups are degraded in the court of public opinion. At this point, the members of these groups can be publicly shamed, arrested, prosecuted, bankrupted, or outright killed, and the Country would see it as a solved problem. Historical examples include McCarthyism’s attack on the left-wing Populists in the 1950’s; the assassination of MLK Jr. to end the rise of his Populist movement; the assassination of Malcom X to end the rise of his Populist movement; and most recently, the arrest and prosecution of the leaders in the MAGA Populist movement and continuous political, financial, and legal prosecution against Trump, who is now labeled a future Dictator if elected.

The solution for the Communist case is to overthrow the “Dictatorship” Government in a given Country and put somebody who represents “Democracy” in power. Gene Sharp, from the Einstein Institute in Massachusetts, is credited for creating the CIA’s definitive guide to effectuate a Color Revolution, and the process was used to overthrow over 100 Regimes between 1947 and 2016. The plan included having the new “Democratic” Government privatize industries and allow Our Country to take control of the previously State-owned resources for huge profits.

This model of “Democracy” is called “Institutional Democracy.” It is a type of Democracy where the Institutions vote on policy, not the people. They know what is “best for the Country.”

Why did Hillary spend over $1.2 Billion in her campaign for the Presidency? Because the President appoints the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the CIA. These (3) positions control the organizations that form the core of The Blob (it is noteworthy to point out that these are unelected individuals controlling World Events via our Government). Trillions of dollars in Global Capital is at risk if the wrong people are appointed. You can look back over the past 40+ years, and you will see the same people rotating through these positions, and in some cases, generations are represented.

THIS IS THE “DEMOCRACY” that could end if Trump is re-elected. INSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY.

Trump is an Existential Threat to Democracy.
Trump is an Existential Threat to INSTITUTIONAL Democracy.

It is true that Trump might seriously damage the current state of Institutional Democracy. This could disrupt Global Markets. We need to make a decision to try to move back to a Populist model of Governance or allow the Institutions to continually and increasingly control our lives. Neither option has a guaranteed outcome, and the opportunity to effectuate this Populist Movement is only possible now because of the recent explosion of Social Media Independence. This window of Internet Freedom might be short-lived. The Censorship Industry has grown dramatically since 2016, and The Blob is actively using it to gain back control of The Narrative. It is already happening in the EU and Canada.

Credit for any accuracies above to my Professors who continue to educate me:

Dilbert Guy (
Robert Barnes (
Mike Benz (
> thanks for buying X

I take responsibility for the inaccuracies.
3:04 PM · Mar 29, 2024
71   Patrick   2024 Jul 8, 11:33pm  

Patrick says

Enter Donald Trump. Born rich but never accepted by the rest of the ruling class because of his uncouth manners, Trump was stung by their rejection. Even in ancient Greece, rejected members of the oligarchy traditionally turned to the common people for support. So Trump decided to appeal to the common people and give away the game, explaining exactly how the rest of the ruling class was screwing them over with outsourcing to China and insourcing illegals. He ran for president in 2016, not really expecting to win.


You can explain the media’s initial repugnance to Donald Trump going back to his 2015 debut in politics. Much about him had a low-class odor, despite all the gold-plating — his origins in tawdry Queens, his career as a builder in Manhattan where the trades are mob-controlled, the Atlantic City casino debacle, bankruptcy, ditching Ivana and his mid-life playboy reputation, the tacky TV show, the increasingly mystifying hair-doo, his rough, jumbly manner of speech. Everything about him repelled the Ivy Leaguers who increasingly filled the ranks of national-level journalism.

Despite all that, Mr. Trump raised five kids successfully. The grown ones had careers and they all visibly loved him. With that and his overt masculinity, he assumed the lineaments of the archetypal Daddy, which enflamed the enormous cohort of feminists who had taken over the Democratic Party behind their avatar Hillary Clinton. And when he squeaked out an electoral victory over her in 2016, they were sure it was cheat. The menace of Daddy in da (White) house pushed them over the edge psychologically.

Daddy was all about setting boundaries, which was the antithesis to the “progressive” (and transgressive) agenda of the Dems, and was probably the reason that his talk of “building the wall” along the Mexican border drove them nuts. It signaled patriarchal control of a whole lot of other things, too. Boundaries galore!

Patrick says

Trump also pissed off the giant government worker goldbricking class. This is an army of guys at the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, etc. who can easily commit clandestine crimes and who number in the hundreds of thousands. They are all pension multimillionaires. Trump noticed the huge expense of these goldbrickers and mentioned that he would like to start decreasing their numbers and slowing their wage growth. They were therefore happy to help the oligarchy commit the above crimes via BLM, and by lighting forest fires, and by locking down the economy to reverse Trump's economic success, etc. They are the very opposite of public servants, being enemies of the public, especially the FBI.


Now, it happened that the Democratic Party was also the favored party of the DC permanent bureaucracy, which had been growing and growing for decades and had become overtly politicized during the eight years of Barack Obama. Mr. Trump threatened to downsize this leviathan government, meaning many patronage jobs might be lost. (Boundaries would be imposed!) The warrior branch of this Deep State was the Intel community. The FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, the State Dept, and elements of the military were commissioned by the Democratic Party to destroy Mr. Trump.
72   Patrick   2024 Jul 11, 8:02am  


John Deere has gone full woke and is firing hundreds of Americans to move operations to Mexico

In a comprehensive and scathing video, journalist Robby Starbuck has exposed the latest corporation with a largely conservative customer base to go woke: John Deere.

He provided a list of what he found:
-Funding a pride event for kids as young as 3

-"Genderbread man" training

-They ask employees to list their "preferred pronouns" on all communications

-Bill Gates is listed as their largest shareholder

-John Deere celebrated their accounting and finance team taking United Way's 21 day "United For Equity" program

-When I did "United For Equity" program it promoted Ibram Kendi, the woke children's book "Anti-Racist Baby", "Awake to Woke to Work", a podcast on the concept of "Whiteness", woke activist Robin DiAngelo, bigotry against Christians who supposedly have "Christian Privilege" and more

-The woke policies have spread across the global John Deere brand with many of their DEI policies also being forced on their Latin America and India branches

-LGBTQ & race based identity groups at corporate

-A total commitment to DEI policies

-95/100 CEI score from the HRC

To add insult to injury, John Deere is also eliminating 600 American jobs across the Midwest and moving them to Mexico.
A report from Fox 8 Cleveland confirmed these layoffs come on the heels of 970 additional layoffs from earlier this year. Most jobs are being outsourced to other countries.

Another once-great American company, hollowed out from the inside. Here's hoping they face a big enough backlash to make them turn things around.

It's all about lowering wages to increase dividends.
73   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jul 11, 8:49am  

Patrick says

It's all about lowering wages to increase dividends.

Stock buybacks. Dividends get taxed more than cap gains, I believe.

Stock buybacks should be re-made illegal.

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