So TMZ tried to shame Amber Rose as to why she and other celebrities supports Donald Trump and she told them that she's not brainwashed anymore, and that for years she had been brainwashed by the Left. In 2016 and 2020 that interview would have been enough to send Amber Rose to the poor house and her career would have been over. But for the first time, these newly minted Trump supporters are putting it back to them, that THEY are brainwashed not them. Just how can the left keep shoving microphones in Trump supporting celebs faces and have their viewers be told that they are being brainwashed by the Left? Especially when these Celebs have never looked more happy, healthy, vibrant, and at peace.
I suppose it depends on whether the celebrity is 1.Genuinely financially independent or not (many aren't as rich as they appear, being provided with the spangles and dangles of wealth as part of their publicity package). 2. Dependent on the drugs supplied by their industry 3. Sold already to Satanic organs associated with 'success' 4. A variant of Monarch type psyops mental and sexual abuse puppetry (Brittany Spears) 5. Generally blackmailed along the Illuminati protocols. 6. Some combination of the above not including 1. 7. Possessed of some residual moral and ethical conscience not eradicated by hedonistic lifestyles.
The Hollywood TDS howler monkeys are likely drug and sex dependent, or they are members of the baleful control grids or were performers who have been promoted to pimps and producers.
Like said, drug addicts will crawl through broken glass and strangle their mothers for their fix. If that fix is something as exotic as adrenochrome, multiply that by ten.
Apparently, promising them eternal life and youth are also part of the tempter's package. From the Illuminati Card Game:
It doesn't have to deliver what it promises, it just has to feel that way to the end users to gain their desperate cooperation. Narcissists (aka Hollywood fame whores) are suckers for this kind of ploy.
I have noticed that recently the Left has shied away from chastising individual celebrities by name, and aren't even deriding Trump himself as much. While they are leaving that up to the rabid bat crazy Congress critters. The Left and the media is going after "Trump Supporters" in general, without mentioning names or dropping celebrity names.
They are trying to demonize Trump supporters as a whole. I saw several articles last week that proclaimed Trump isn't the problem but his supporters are. As we enable him somehow, and that Trump is placating an already existing base of what ever they call us.
I'm sure the newly minted POC Trump supporters will welcome that news. They left the Plantation due to the vitriol of the Left only to be scorned by them again for their new political beliefs.
Democrat are miserable failures and fuck ups. So it's to be expected that they would blame everyone but themselves.
In 2016 and 2020 that interview would have been enough to send Amber Rose to the poor house and her career would have been over. But for the first time, these newly minted Trump supporters are putting it back to them, that THEY are brainwashed not them. Just how can the left keep shoving microphones in Trump supporting celebs faces and have their viewers be told that they are being brainwashed by the Left? Especially when these Celebs have never looked more happy, healthy, vibrant, and at peace.