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Globohomo is only as powerful as they believe it is. When the gaslighting and propaganda fail, when the 1% finally realize that they can't convince the 99%, then the reckoning will come. It may take years, but I hope I live to see it.
Since there are no solutions within conventional electoral politics, the Irish people have, sensibly enough, reverted to an older and more hands-on form of politics. They refuse to work on construction projects meant to house migrants. They block buses filled with migrants from entering town. They burn those buses, and sometimes they burn the buildings which have been set aside for the migrants to use. They started doing this the night after one of their fellow brotherly victims of historical colonial oppression stabbed a little Irish girl while rampaging about, as brotherly victims of historical colonial oppression are wont to do, in the name of solidarity you see. Solidarity with fellow brotherly victims of historical colonial oppression notwithstanding, it’s hard to feel brotherly when little girls get stabbed, and that kind of thing had happened once to often, and so now the Irish are practically in open insurrection against “their” government, in a battle for the continued existence of Ireland as something distinguishable from a North African slum.