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"We will not change our protection details. Doofus midget lesbians who can't pack, aim, run, takedown or shoot will continue to stand around Trump exposing his heart, chest and head while preventing access to the actual protecting men. We are the velvet red rope of the assassins."
Anyway, the cops spotted assassin Crooks, several times. Each time Crooks was acting incredibly sketchy and even once used a rangefinder. The Beaver County police stayed put, but called it in to the command post — all while Crooks continued prowling around on the ground. They knew exactly where he was —well before he took the shot— called it in more than once, and even took pictures of him, but still didn’t stop the shooting. CBS:
Crooks came back, sat down and looked at his
phone. At that point, one of the snipers took a
picture of him. Crooks took out a rangefinder and
the sniper radioed to the command post. Crooks
disappeared again and then came back a third time
with a backpack. The snipers called in with
information that he had a backpack and said he
was walking towards the back of the building.
Not only that, but they knew the building was a good spot for shooting presidents. Citing NBC’s sources, the BBC reported yesterday that the rooftop was a “known vulnerability,” and Secret Service had assigned local police to secure the building. ...
Another unconfirmed wrinkle developed yesterday on social media, with no mention in any of the confirmed reporting. They could just be confused by the fog of war, but at least two witnesses interviewed by local reporters claimed there was a second shooter on the water tower.
Here is witness clip one. And here is witness clip two.
Here is a top-down map showing the potential shooting angles.
... Finally, the New York Post interviewed a trained Canadian sniper who holds the current record for the longest kill. I was especially gratified that a professional, military-trained sniper agreed with C&C’s assessment: it seems unlikely unemployed drifter Crooks could possibly have planned and executed the sophisticated operation without some help, regardless of what the FBI says:
"You're gonna tell me that that kid went through all those levels of security, somehow got into the closest
building to the president and accessed the rooftop, then had the time to unpack his rifle, lay down and
then take five to eight well-aimed shots at the president before he was decisively engaged?" he asked.
"There's absolutely no way possible that kid was able to get up there and take those shots at the
president without a lot of internal help," he said.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — who oversees the Secret Service — conceded on “Good Morning America” yesterday that “a direct line of sight like that to the former president” should never have been possible. “That’s why President Biden directed an independent review of the incident,” Mayorkas quipped. By “independent,” the impeached Secretary meant a totally controlled internal FBI whitewash by the same field office that “debunked” the Hunter Biden laptop.
July 14, 2024
I am thinking of you, now, my fellow Americans.
We have always been a unique union. America, the fabric of our gentle nation is tattered, but our courage and common sense must ascend and bring us back together as one.
When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron's life, were on the brink of devastating change. I am grateful to the brave secret service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their own lives to protect my husband.
To the families of the innocent victims who are now suffering from this heinous act, I humbly offer my sincerest sympathy. Your need to summon your inner strength for such a terrible reason saddens me.
A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald's passion - his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration. The core facets of my husband's life - his human side - were buried below the political machine. Donald, the generous and caring man who I have been with through the best of times and the worst of times.
Let us not forget that differing opinions, policy, and political games are inferior to love. Our personal, structural, and life commitment - until death - is at serious risk. Political concepts are simple when compared to us, human beings.
We are all humans, and fundamentally, instinctively, we want to help one another. American politics are only one vehicle that can uplift our communities. Love, compassion, kindness and empathy are necessities.
And let us remember that when the time comes to look beyond the left and the right, beyond the red and the blue, we all come from families with the passion to fight for a better life together, while we are here, in this earthly realm.
Dawn is here again. Let us reunite. Now.
This morning, ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence. We all want a world where respect is paramount, family is first, and love transcends.
We can realize this world again. Each of us must demand to get it back. We must insist that respect fills the cornerstone of our relationships, again.
I am thinking of you, my fellow Americans.
The winds of change have arrived. For those of you who cry in support, I thank you. I commend those of you who have reached out beyond the political divide - thank you for remembering that every single politician is a man or a woman with a loving family.
so what have the donkeys got left?
attacking trump as a monster just became political suicide.
DEI is crumbling.
immigration is a massive loser for them.
so is the economy.
so what’s the pitch?
and who can carry water for you?
the media exploded into all kinds of hilarious self-own trying to downplay what happened.
hell, they tried to make it look like a fall to make him seem as frail as joe. this does not play well with the bloody face fist pose of a guy who just got shot and is having none of it.
the media must be in apoplexy. their partisan mode has become a self-immolating pratfall and the harder they try, the worse it gets for them.
it was meme entrapment. they got utterly destroyed and lost yet another substantial piece of what little credibility remains to them after the senility cover up spin sessions. they actually thought they were being slick and effective to “help the team.”
but you cannot fight this. memelords for the win. (again)
there seems to be a strong new sense that the politics of vilification have gone too far. this is just not the sort of thing america tolerates and those cheering for it (there were folks who did this for reagan’s would be assassin too) are going to be rapidly ejected from the debate.
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