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2024 Jul 13, 3:26pm   25,470 views  812 comments

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531   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jul 19, 11:14am  

Patrick says

They weren't real secret service agents. So yes, this can easily happen.
533   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 12:55pm  

Patrick says

I know it's a meme, but it's actually worse. The big ladder in the pics ("SWAT Ladder") was not there at the time of the shooting. The cop who peeped over the roof was actually boosted by another cop and didn't have free hands when he spotted the shooter. The ladder the shooter actually used up was on a lower section further away "Shooter's Later", but he walked it 1 mile from his car to the Attendee parking lot.

534   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 12:59pm  

Sometimes, Hanlon's Razor depends on too much incompetence over too many variables, thus exceeding an acceptable level of hypotheticals relative to what is known for certain:

Therefore Occam's Razor becomes the better rubric.

An assasination attempt was made on President Trump. One man died, 2 were in Critical Condition and:

No FBI Press Breifing

No DOJ Press Briefing

The House of Representatives doesn't reconvene back in Session

The US Senate doesn't reconvine back in Session

Oversight sends out Invitations to appear not subpoena's

FBI Director refuses the invitation to appear

Cable Media refuses to call it an assasination attempt for several hours

Secret Service Director refuses to resign

Mayorkas says he has confidence in the SS Director

We learn DHS replaces Secret Service advanced team with DHS employees

PA Police agencies ignore their jurisdiction blame Secret Service

Secret Service can't define their jurisdiction and balme PA Police

We were told 2 snipers learned there were 4 snipers. 2 Pa Police 2 Secret Service

Jill Biden, Antony Blinken and Austin are unusually silent

None of this is normal unless they knew in advance because these are not appropriate reactions to an attempted assasination attempt.

535   Karloff   2024 Jul 19, 1:49pm  

They sure set the stage for all of this to happen though, didn't they?

Use lies, half-truths, and manipulation to drum up hate for Trump every single day for years on end. Rile up all the crazies telling them he's "literally Hitler" and a threat to your life and the very fabric of the nation.

Run him through the legal wringer with bogus court cases, further solidifying the threat status in the eyes of the NPCs.

Deny him any competent protection.

Let one of the many loonies out there take care of things for you. Afterwards, claim "we need to tone down the rhetoric and be peaceful".
537   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Jul 19, 5:25pm  

Fox has repeatedly covered Trump rally’s live.
538   Ceffer   2024 Jul 19, 5:52pm  

More manufactured MSM narrative reinforcing bullshit:

541   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 7:11pm  

Ceffer says


Occam trumps Hanlon at this point.

Secret Service: No aerial coverage, no drone.
20-year old Lone Wolf: Recon via drone.
542   Ceffer   2024 Jul 19, 7:16pm  

Ole Dammegard (wrote on JFK assassination, has predicted other Globalist mischief) will be doing an analysis with Michael Jaco on Monday. I guess he's waiting for things to percolate through a bit, but we are in the major disinformation storm of 'lone crazed assassin' and supporting fabrications.
Dammegard always says to believe your eyes, not what you are told, and to look for things that are there, but shouldn't be, or aren't there, but should be. It sure looked like they WANTED everybody to see the patsy (with lush brown hooker's wig?) and point and scream at him while something else somewhere else was going on entirely (magic act).

Remember Occam's Razor with JFK assassination? "Just believe what we tell you and show you, it's simple, one guy one rifle." Everything was a misdirection. That kind of misdirection is how the Globalists roll.
543   Ceffer   2024 Jul 19, 7:25pm  

Is there a difference between incompetence and intended feature?

544   Patrick   2024 Jul 19, 8:16pm  


He was a loser of the highest order and was even nicknamed “School Shooter” by his classmates because he fit the stereotype so well, reports TMZ.

The reason there is so much speculation on this shooting is that to say mistakes were made is putting it mildly. Just as it seems highly implausible they would leave the Capitol unprotected on January 6th, how do you relax security on a guy who is already the target of an assassination plot and has been treated as Hitler himself by the media? ...

He knew too much. He knew to climb on a sloped roof and there would be so Secret Service agents there. He knew to buy a ladder. He knew exactly where to position himself to be at just the right angle to be both out of sight but also able to shoot Trump.

How does he know all of this? He’s smart, okay. He likes to shoot, sure. But for there to be absolutely no footprint online, not even google searches about the location, seems suspicious.

Here is what I would guess if I were speculating on how this would have gone if it was a government-orchestrated assassination, with the caveat that I’m not saying it was. I’m exploring how it might have been carried out.

Find the mark. Look for someone who is a loner and plays many online games, like first-person shooters. Crooks lives in a small town in Pennsylvania and is very young, but he likely lived in virtual worlds online. He was probably a heavy gamer and spoke with many other users while playing games.

Befriend the mark and build trust. Flatter him, then start talking about politics. Find out what his leanings were. If he’s pro-Trump, move on. If he’s anti-Trump, keep going.

Maybe you aren’t even a man. Maybe you are a pretty girl and maybe you flirt with him and make him see himself as the hero and protector of the world if he just does this one thing.

Or you fill his head with fantasies about how evil Trump is and how if only we could have taken out Hitler before the war. Who wouldn’t want to be that kind of hero? And would you be willing to give your life to save the world? Yes, the answer comes back. Yes. Now you have a potential plan.

Drop details. Next, you’d have to feed him info as though you yourself were doing the detective work. You pretend you are just “discovering” the rules for the Secret Service (they can’t shoot unless you shoot first), and the sloped roof rule.

Ah, it just so happens there is a building with a sloped roof. What else would you need? A ladder? A scope and a rifle? It just so happens he has all three. He tries to beef up his shooting skills in preparation for his one-in-a-million shot.

The informant or CIA operative or whomever it is feeding him info also has to have someone embedded within the Secret Service, maybe. ...
545   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 8:18pm  

More selective "Incompetence". CNN carried only one Trump Rally live in all 2024. Guess which one?

549   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 9:25pm  

CNN knew to carry the Butler rally like they knew to be at Roger Stone's house.
550   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 19, 9:28pm  

Patrick says

Was it a telescopic ladder? I have one of these and it collapses in pretty small package. As for AR and two-and-half mags worth of ammo: even a fat blue-haired lesbo in full Army uniform, flack jacket and helmet wouldn't break a sweat carrying these a mile or five, let alone 20yo male doing it in jeans an tee shirt. If this is supposed to be a proof of something it fails at whatever it tries to prove. AR-15 is not your Gramp's Garand, mkay? And even if the guy had a Garand it still would be a nothigburger to RUN a mile with it for an average 20 yo male.
551   Patrick   2024 Jul 19, 9:29pm  


Libs of TikTok has been outing violent lefties after they celebrated the hit on Trump. Here's a compilation of everyone who has been fired.

Remember in the past how every time a conservative somewhere said something mildly offensive or rude, the entire internet would demand that he lose his job and have his life ruined?

Well, in the wake of the assassination attempt against Donald Trump last week, our old friend Chaya Raichik at Libs of TikTok is happily returning the favor - except this time it isn't people getting outed for using the wrong pronouns or supporting the Second Amendment, but for celebrating the attempted assassination of a president.

She has the receipts (including of everyone who lost their jobs!).

This is 100% the right thing to do. It is more than justified because it's about leftists advocating murder as a way to defeat democracy.
552   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 9:36pm  

Am I missing something, or has the usual series of post-shooting press conferences simply not materialized?

It seems we don’t even know the basics. How many of these questions have a satisfactory/confirmed answer?

Beyond ‘AR-15’ what weapon, exactly? How was it equipped? What type of ammunition, exactly? How many shots? How many unfired rounds left in the magazine? In the backpack? How many people were hit/grazed? Who are they and what are their injuries. What are President Trump’s injuries? How many fired rounds have been recovered? From where? Is the venue still an active crime scene, and if so, why was the roof being washed? What was the presumptive shooter doing over the several days prior? What was the transmitter for? What else was in the car? Was the shooter in contact with anyone by phone or other device while at the rally? Was the water tower covered? If so, how? If not, why not?

Feel free to provide any answers you think we have official confirmation of. And please suggest other questions that should be readily answerable.
553   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 9:40pm  

Law Enforcement displays Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle to press on November 22, 1963. Hours after the assassination.

It has been a week since the attempt on Trump.
554   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 10:05pm  

In an age before the internet, or the fax machine.

Where is the rifle?

More importantly - account for every single Damned Bullet.

No more picking it up off the ground and "losing it".
555   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 10:32pm  

Here’s an abbreviated list of extremely basic factual questions about the Trump assassination attempt that for some reason haven’t been definitively answered (anonymous leaks don’t count):

1) What make, model, and caliber of firearm was used, and when/where/by whom was it purchased?

2) What make and model of ammo was used (including the weight of the bullet used)?

3) Did the rifle used have any type of magnified optic or red dot sight on it, and if so, what make/model, and what exact setting was the optic on when the shooter used it?

4) Have authorities put identical rounds through the rifle with the identical optics settings and confirmed both the zero and the result of shots fired at the range at which they were fired on Saturday?

5) How many shell casings were recovered from the crime scene? How many remaining rounds were in the magazine that was found in the rifle?

6) How many rounds were fired by the shooter on the warehouse rooftop? Has each round been accounted for (i.e., do investigators know where each round landed, and does the number of bullets found or accounted for match the number of shell casings found?

7) Have investigators confirmed, via the recovered bullets and the known trajectory of the bullets, that the shooter on the rooftop fired each one?

8) Have investigators reconstructed the shooter’s precise movements over the past days, weeks, and months? If so, have they put together a list of every person with whom he interacted over that time period, but in person and virtually or online?

9) Have investigators reviewed video surveillance of the shooter at all various locations he recently visited (e.g., gun range, gun dealer, restaurants, traffic cameras, etc.)? If so, have they canvassed and interviewed each person seen with the shooter?

These aren’t difficult questions to answer. These are usually the types of details promptly provided by authorities in the days following shocking, violent events of national importance.

Yet we do not have a single one of these questions definitely answered on the record by an official authority. Not one.

Why the heck not?


Days? Many of these are partially answered and answered officially within hours, certainly within 48 hours.
556   Ceffer   2024 Jul 19, 10:42pm  

AmericanKulak says

Law Enforcement displays Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle to press on November 22, 1963.

They also displayed two entirely different rifles at different times as the Oswald's assassin weapon. One was a model that obviously was shorter. So, good luck getting any ballistics information from the Trump scene. Information will probably fluctuate until they get their 'narrative' down.
"We don' need no stinkin' investigation. We just need a good story, and anybody who disagrees will get a visit from the FBI."

Remember Epstein's fakeicide? No testimonies from any emergency or hospital personnel AT ALL along the chain of examination. All they needed was the news shell of the assertion fallacies. That, and some crooked pathologists and coroners who don't seem to be in short supply. It was a major 'fuck you' to the inquiring public and marked a new stage in the audacity of the Intels and Deep State showing contempt for the population. I doubt this will be any different.
557   Ceffer   2024 Jul 19, 10:56pm  

The FBI 'officially' denied it, so that must be confirmation it was her. Spokesman to 'Daily Mail', LOL! It's the FBI NoName source again to the citadel of journalistic integrity, Daily Mail (Fleet Street Royal owned rag).

558   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 10:57pm  

The timing:

* SCOTUS ruling upholding immunity
* Canon's ruling showing Smith's lack of appointment
* RNC convention imminent
* Trump's sentencing delay
559   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 11:02pm  

Ceffer says

The FBI 'officially' denied it, so that must be confirmation it was her.

The FBI that has yet to hold a press conference on the issue a week after the event.

The last press release from the FBI on the subject is from July 15th, 5 days ago.

NOT ONE of the past 50 press releases by the FBI concern Trump, Butler, Rally, or Shooter as of right now.
560   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 11:04pm  

The last official statement on the FBI's website as of today was made back on July 14th.

561   Ceffer   2024 Jul 19, 11:33pm  

LOL! Gateway Pundit is already citing multiple inconsistencies making FBI's case look like assertion fallacy Swiss cheese.


view pdf

Of course, there's this. Where is the long, dark river of 'blood' from the 'body' at this point? Guess they enhanced that later. Why is the gun over there. As a trauma surgeon pointed out, why no spray of tissues, brains or vertebra?

562   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 11:35pm  

Just wait until you see is running Crowd Strike.
563   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 19, 11:36pm  

Ceffer says

Of course, there's this. Where is the long, dark river of 'blood' from the 'body' at this point? Guess they enhanced that later. Why is the gun over there. As a trauma surgeon pointed out, why no spray of tissues, brains or vertebra?

The only pictures we have of the firearm are from a distance and apparently not officially from the authorities. As far as I know, I believe the shooter's dead pic was not official, but was leaked.

Also, he sure seems much further away from the edge like he was in the mobile videos that were uploaded by rally attendees.

And yeah, he was a kid with no criminal record, no online presence, no job or license that would require blood to be drawn or anything else. Unless somebody did a 23andme, but boy that was lightening speed to figure out they had it and get it back to test against blood. Must have picked it up and returned it via F-15 on afterburners.
566   HeadSet   2024 Jul 20, 6:57am  


Patrick says

Was it a telescopic ladder? I have one of these and it collapses in pretty small package. As for AR and two-and-half mags worth of ammo: even a fat blue-haired lesbo in full Army uniform, flack jacket and helmet wouldn't break a sweat carrying these a mile or five, let alone 20yo male doing it in jeans an tee shirt. If this is supposed to be a proof of something it fails at whatever it tries to prove. AR-15 is not your Gramp's Garand, mkay? And even if the guy had a Garand it still would be a nothigburger to RUN a mile with it for an average 20 yo male.

I think the idea is that he did this UNSEEN. Nothing to do with endurance.
567   RayAmerica   2024 Jul 20, 7:01am  

Chris Martenson: 'Rock Solid' Evidence of 'At Least' Two Shooters in Trump Assassination Attempt (32 minute video)

570   Patrick   2024 Jul 20, 1:41pm  


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