Rob Reiner threatens to set himself on fire if Trump elected, as if we would be so lucky. He'd smolder for months like a old tire dump. Also, the new fake wave crashing on shore of celebrities threatening to leave the country if Trump elected has started. As if anybody literally gives a flying shit.
They don't have to talk me into voting for Trump, I already am. They'd just get a new troop of unimaginative spoiled rotten Rodeo Drive dynastic Intel drivels, anyway.
Didn't Dave get the memo: their cartoon hero dropped out of the race, Har!
I'm not sure what I care less about, the election, or people threatening to leave the country. Can we set it up so the next guy is only president of Death Valley, and all the whiners are force relocated there?
They don't have to talk me into voting for Trump, I already am. They'd just get a new troop of unimaginative spoiled rotten Rodeo Drive dynastic Intel drivels, anyway.
Didn't Dave get the memo: their cartoon hero dropped out of the race, Har!