Rin is now ... the Joe Biden of PatNet

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2024 Aug 9, 8:00pm   1,370 views  46 comments

by Rin   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  


It's happened. My ... yes, girlfriend in Wales, has gotten that correspondence w/ her firm that they're offering a fast track, as in the last month, her & I have doubled the no of trades & increased the P/L ratio with no added drawdown. In other words, if in 1 quarter, she can reproduce these results, then within a couple of years, she'll be a millionaire trader.

Apparently, a lot of these firms have competition to keep their best traders in-house and instead of waiting till she leaves for another shop, they decided to roll out the red carpet ahead of time.

I'm going to call her, Claire, as that was Jenna Coleman's character in Dr Who.

So now, she won't need me for money in the future but yet, it's working out. I met one of Claire's best male friends, her kickboxing instructor and discovered that he was gay. And thus, has no interest in her aside from the brother/sister thing & was disappointed that I wasn't available for him. Yeah, imagine that, he thought that Claire was trying to set him up w/ someone.

And finally, in that Cardiff amateur theatre group, I met one of her ex-lesbo lovers & both of them avoided talking to each other throughout the practices. Claire really doesn't like women and wants something else in her life.

This is really strange and I can't believe it's happening.

Reality or Ceffer, step up and take over Rin Wah Law! Your founder needs you!

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1   Ceffer   2024 Aug 9, 10:58pm  

Sorry, Rin, there are no substitute proxies for Rin Wah Law. It either lives or dies under your watch, but we will keep a monument with fresh cut flowers for the one and only Patriarch Of Wah.

We hope you aren't becoming witchy lesbian dumb stick road kill after all. Who inherits the Real Dolls?
2   Rin   2024 Aug 10, 2:43am  

Ceffer says

Who inherits the Real Dolls?

Here's the problem ... Claire & I are banging Real Dolls together! It's now communal property, though it's still in transit to Wales. Hopefully, arriving in a week or so.

Here's her introduction to one in Germany ...


"My lady friend & I were in Germany during the past week & we partook in a Sex Doll threesome. Yes, she wore a clitoris stimulator and was grinding against the Doll's ass, while I was banging the Doll from the front side. Well, she was squeezing the Doll's boobs, having intense orgasms, while I was embracing my lady friend's ass and having my own, inside the Doll.

She never did a Doll before & immediately put in an order. It'll be delivered from Japan to Wales in a few weeks.

Well, she spilled the beans. Despite being attracted to women, she could never stand having a relationship (meaning romantic), with one. Well, being with an inanimate Doll and me, she was happy & felt that she was having pleasure with me, despite a "physical impediment" as it meant she wouldn't have my schlong grinding against her cervix which makes her feel a bit weird if it goes on for too long. So for her, since the Doll had no consciousness, she would only be aware of my presence and just the Doll's T&A."

The Real Doll has made our relationship come alive. She's so happy to not have to engage w/ a woman, romantically, ever again outside of those A.O.C bondage fantasies. I guess now, we'll add some UK politicians to the roster of Femi-Nazi sex slaves.

And what's so awful is that she knows how to make a guy happy. Whenever we sleep together, she gives me a handjob upon awakening (a.k.a morning woody massage). And then, there's this shower blowjob game where she uses a random number generator & if it's a 'heads', she goes into the shower when I'm washing up & gives me a blowjob. I have this rule that if the door is locked, which means that I'm in a hurry & don't have time for fun, that she doesn't interrupt my showering. This is terrible, I'm so content that I can't even get excited about starting fights on PatNet about this or that.

How can a guy tell other guys that women are evil when he's having all this fun w/ one? That's a level of hypocrisy that only a DC politician can muster. I have to live like an honest person.
3   Onvacation   2024 Aug 10, 5:28am  

Rin says

Rin Wah Law!


Does it mean fucking silicon dolls? Or avoiding women?
4   Rin   2024 Aug 16, 12:14pm  

Ok, the Doll arrived in Cardiff. This is one with a customized hip gyration.

Well ... I wanted it to be Claire's first time with her own ... alone, so I left her with it & went away for a day to visit a friend on the English side of the border.

When I returned, Claire was all excited about us having a sandwich & so we partook & it was unbelievable! Claire was wearing her clitoris massager under her panties & I was banging the Doll from the front. The Doll's ass was grinding against Claire's panties (plus clit massager) but also, its pussy lips were grinding against my hardened cock. All I was doing was holding Claire's ass, kissing her and both of us were having pleasure simply holding onto each other.

Wow! It was like a dream come true, I mean the Doll & Claire are both gorgeous and I was essentially having two women doing practically nothing but embracing my girlfriend. I hope this dream never ends!
5   Rin   2024 Aug 16, 12:19pm  

Right now, Claire & I are debugging our portfolio management code. It's like we're the ultimate team in terms of sex, love, & work. I'm sorry, but if this works out, then Rin Wah Law is dead & someone else will need to come up with his own version of it.
6   Reality   2024 Aug 16, 12:34pm  

Rin, just seeing your post now. I'm sorry to hear you fell for the good old best male friend being gay lie. Any particular trading strategy is only good for a time period and limited by volume (the size of the market inefficiency / arbitrage loop hole). You will be back upholding the righteous flag of the the Rin Wah Law yourself soon enough, perhaps with some modification that women are good for more than just sex: also reproduction. Having some kids to take care of will prevent you from falling in love with women again; kids can be in love with you for 18 years, women fall out of that state much sooner. Meanwhile, enjoy your vacation from the Rin Wah Law world.

BTW, women are desperate resource gatherers and tend to be expert at ruining relationship for a very good reason: evolution. Just like men are evolved to throw themselves at risk of ruining their own health trying to impregnate as many women as possible, women are evolved to get themselves thrown out of the cave at most 2-3 years after reproducing: so that the space/niche they take up can be recycled to be used by their own offspring. Appreciate the woman's beauty for what it is: a lure to make you sacrifice yourself and eventually make her sacrifice herself, for perpetuating genes. Nothing more, nothing less.
7   Rin   2024 Aug 16, 1:06pm  

Yes Reality, I hope you're right and I come to my senses.

The problem is that I've met so many women, over the past dozen years, that I've rejected again and again, because I saw the pattern.

If this woman is in fact, a true lesbian, and thus doesn't need men sexually but instead, in terms of companionship, and she's a successful millionaire trader (very soon), then my year no 2, her and I will go our separate ways because of your prognostications. If not, well ... perhaps, there's something to be said about soulmates, though I think that's a lot of New Age BS.
8   Booger   2024 Aug 16, 1:13pm  

Rin has severe Dimentia???
9   Rin   2024 Aug 16, 1:14pm  

Booger says

Rin has severe Dimentia???

For a person like Rin, being in love is like Dementia for the olde Joe.
10   Rin   2024 Aug 17, 6:26am  

Reality says

Any particular trading strategy is only good for a time period and limited by volume (the size of the market inefficiency / arbitrage loop hole).

This is an FYI for others on this forum because in effect, our man in London has been able to create a plethora of strategies & hedging techniques for the past 15 or more years. Here's a simple diagram of why 90% fail and only 5% succeed in the long run. 1% after a decade.

The first is a person who either has a fixed set of strategies a/o uses dollar cost averaging (a type of mean reversion technique) for his regular trades but then one day, his equity starts to rescind & sure, perhaps in his own personal account, he can handle the drawdown & re-coup in time, but for a prop firm, he's fired. And then, you have 'our man in London', with adaptive strategies & hedging enabled, he's able to minimize drawdown & steer the ship.

Reality says

good old best male friend being gay lie

Yes, every American woman has a gay guy bestie, however, the reason for this fill-in is that most women play games with other women and men, but then, use this free psychiatrist as a dumping ground for their problems. In contrast, Claire's actually inspired this person to add Brazilian Capoiera to his training, not as a fighting style (as Kickboxing plays tight) but as a way of increasing one's range of motion & ability to 'fall & pivot' elsewhere. And yes, she trains hard with him. She came up with the idea as she also does Bagua Circle Walk along w/ Tai Chi & thought that Capoiera could add that to a standard external style. And I've also trained at that dojo.

Reality says

BTW, women are desperate resource gatherers and tend to be expert at ruining relationship for a very good reason

This is why you should run Rin Wah Law. Realize this, the Code of Hammurabi happened, because his lineage founder, Sargon the Great, unified Mesopotamia and created Babylonia, the world's first empire. Hammurabi, himself, was probably more an administrator than a Warrior King, though I could be wrong as records back then were sketchy.
11   Onvacation   2024 Aug 17, 8:02am  

Rin says

If this woman is in fact, a true lesbian, and thus doesn't need men sexually but instead

Booger says

Rin has severe Dimentia???

Dementia. Rin has severe dementia, not dimentia.
12   Rin   2024 Aug 17, 8:42am  

Onvacation says

Dementia. Rin has severe dementia, not dimentia.

C'mon, that's a spelling error. No one likes the Grammar Police.

Go after the real issues ... "Rin has lost his mind over some woman in Wales because she's drop dead gorgeous, likes to bonk SexDolls w/ him, engage in team BDSM w/ other women, practice some Martial Arts, along w/ other Renaissance Men/Women activities, and thus, he's been fooled into believing that he's found his soulmate"

You see, now you get the picture!
13   Onvacation   2024 Aug 17, 9:05am  

Rin says

been fooled into believing that he's found his soulmate

Been there. Then I realized I would never find "the one". I had to be the one.

Your Patnet friends just don't want you to get burned.

Personally not into kink, but have fun.
14   Ceffer   2024 Aug 17, 12:54pm  

Lots of lesbians around Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz is one of their unheralded witchy cultural centers. They do know how to exploit men, and I would guess they gather in their covens and give seminars on it. They should have a Satanic logo, feminist ideology in one clawed demon hand, a dumb stick in the other.

They will certainly be more exotic than the usual female wrecking ball. I know a couple of affluent older dudes that somehow got involved with younger lesbos who sponge off of them. I suppose these older guys just think some female presence is better than none. Male elder abuse seems to be one of their gigs.
15   Rin   2024 Aug 17, 8:28pm  

Ceffer says

Santa Cruz is one of their unheralded witchy cultural centers. They do know how to exploit men, and I would guess they gather in their covens and give seminars on it. They should have a Satanic logo, feminist ideology in one clawed demon hand, a dumb stick in the other.

They will certainly be more exotic than the usual female wrecking ball.

As far as witches go, Massachusetts has 'em all beat as Laurie Cabot (now in her 90s) is the official witch of Salem MA, as stated by the former governor of the state.


I've met her and her ilk during my journeys to Salem, as it's a part of the north shore, and they're basically a bunch of whack jobs. If older guys want to hang w/ 'em, then they need to invest in Real Dolls w/ AI software if they want to stay local or move to the Philippines & bang bar girls daily.

Onvacation says

Rin says

been fooled into believing that he's found his soulmate

Been there. Then I realized I would never find "the one". I had to be the one.

Here's the problem, if I don't at least try, (realize, this is my first love interest in a dozen years) then I'll always be asking myself that "if I were braver ... what would be the alternate reality?"

And understand, I'd known a Chilean visiting scholar, a genuinely nice gal who was widowed from her graduate school hubby, and if I wanted to settle down & have a typical South American family, she would have been a great catch. But I sensed that over time, I'd get bored so for me, I never saw that 'alternate reality' with her and went on my Rin Wah ways. Most other women were simply not worth knowing.
16   Ceffer   2024 Aug 17, 10:57pm  

Well, I hope if you become Rin un-Wah'd and Rin de-res'd, that they at least let you keep a Real Doll or two.

I wouldn't be surprised that with your participation in the houses of sport that at some point a syndicate elected to study you in depth, establish a profile and send out a honey trap. That would be a nice payday for them. Apparently, it is not that uncommon amongst the net worth crowd.
17   Reality   2024 Aug 17, 11:36pm  

Thank you, Rin, for your trust and faith in me; much appreciated! I have been researching gender dynamics and societal sustainability for over a decade, and have come to the following conclusions / theories:

1. Hens and all other female animals (and all sexless/hermaphrodite animals) are eggs' way of making more eggs (i.e. standard Darwinian evolution theory with eggs being the carrier of genes from one generation to the next, and making life-giving "eggs" being the process of genetic replication, so "egg" for a species that split to reproduce is simply the egg-shaped chromosome tangle in the middle of the cell prior to splitting). Roosters and all male animals are sperms' way of producing sperms that hitch rides on the eggs both as a strategy for the gene to replicate itself at much lower cost than egg-making + incubating + nursing (in case of mammals) and for the animal species to adapt to the changing environment much quicker through sexual selection (i.e. multiple females choosing the same male for reproduction, while leaving out the less "fit" males; that's the essence of sexual selection, and why the two sexes exist, and consequently why having sex feels good).

2. Because raising, educating and giving extra opportunities to children are very costly, and most parents want to provide the best for their children if they can afford it, and the fact that most people want to retire at some point (natural preference for being lazy, as Ludwig von Mises observed), all human beings are susceptible to being "farmed," just like cows produce milk for their children therefore get farmed for milk, chicken lay eggs to give their children a big ball of prime nutrients to start life therefore get farmed for eggs, not to mention cattle turning grass into "its" flesh being farmed for meat and slaughtering.

3. There are two most common ways of farming human beings: (1). Building an empire, appointing imperial officials to have privileges, which make them corrupt but very wealthy after a decade or two, then arrest and kill the corrupt officials seizing their accumulated monopolistic profit, then rinse and repeat! Empire itself also get recycled after 100-300 years by inviting foreign invasions and enforcing iatrogenic mass murder under the pretense of pandemics (or actually causing/spreading pandemics to kill account holders); (2). Create institutional religions to give a small group of priests or ethnic/religious group the privilege to accumulate wealth through monopolies/oligopolies, then have a religious backlash against the small group to kill the account holders; a classic example of that is the whole "chosen people" mythology that the Persian official Ezra invented and marketed to the southern Levant, then 2400 years later (100 years ago) giving a majority Weimar Republic cabinet seats to "the chosen" from the North Caucasus Steppes for a few years to accumulate wealth, then kill "the chosen" through the Holocaust, harvesting the chosen's bank accounts. Likewise for Crusades/Islam and Catholic/Protestants killing each other en masse, enabling the banks to harvest accounts on both sides in each case.

4. Overwhelming majority of women (and most men) are too short-sighted to avoid being lured then harvested through either (1) or (2) or a combination of the two. For men who can not see through the human-farming/husbandry scam, having a wife is usually a disaster. For men who can see through it, having a wife is still most likely a liability. Because a wife's appetite grows over time, and is never satisfied (because she faces stiffer and stiffer competition from other women if she stays with your ascending life).

5. However, just pumping-and-dumping girls in their prime age leaving no offspring is not a solution either: every man will get old eventually; it would be quite disastrous to find oneself aging in the middle of a collapsing societal ponzi scam: the banks and governments will import wars, foreigners and "pandemics" to kill you to void your account balances! Idiots will sign up to serve them, only to be harvested in turn later. 2nd-Amendment rights is one way to limit the damage: if Jewish families had guns to defend themselves, the Nazi thugs would think twice before breaking in and throwing victims down stairs to void their bank accounts and loot their households. Ultimately, it's not the order itself that matters, but the willingness of thugs (usually high on the Cluster-B personality disorder: Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Psychopathy) to take the risk and exploit their victims.

6. So how to dissuade/prevent the thugs, besides universal arms/weapons ownership? Raising children in environment that is not desperate. Raising and educating children should be correctly recognized as a very costly endeavor that only the upper middle-class and wealthy can afford, instead of having children growing up in desperation (which leads to Cluster-B personality disorders; this may explain why government keep pushing for subsidy for the poor to have children, only to become disaster for both the women and the poor men involved). Encourage the wealthy to have many children one after another with some years in between, so each children would not get too much attention form parents (another usual reason for NPD, besides not getting enough attention), and let the wealthy father raise children while pensioning off the mother after births and nursing. For reasons mentioned in my earlier post in this thread, mothers are really terrible at raising children; statistics also show that there is no achievement gap between children raised by single-fathers vs. two-parent households, unlike the massive achievement gap between children raised by single-mothers vs. two-parent household; due to the transitivity of "better," the father is statistically clearly much better at raising children than mothers are, once past the breast-feeding age. Fathers are statistically far less likely than mothers to push household finances to the brink due desires to keeping up with the Joneses, so once the mother is no longer dictating the household finances (like modern married households are prone to become), even the upper middle class and middle-class fathers would be able to raise children on their own.

7. Due to the obvious rarity of men capable of paying a large enough lump sum to have most if not nearly all women to reproduce with them and then (the women) walk away from the children (because most women have to reproduce in order to sustain somewhat pyramid scheme society) and the fact that most people can't handle a lump sum money well before wasting it, the government may actually have to be involved to provide women a pension-guarantee insurance system: treating women having children as the women's first career! Say, if a woman and a man agree that they will have a child together and afterwards the man would pay the woman $2000/mo (average SS payout, and the woman can get more by rinse and repeat) for doing nothing (compared to average child support in the US right now is about $378, which is why obviously a lot of children raised in poverty and desperation) for 18 years, and woman can find a normal job as her second career after birthing children. That will also make it much easier for the woman to date a different man without any children in tow (having children in tow doesn't affect a wealthy man as much in dating). If the man stops paying within 32 quarters (same as Social Security qualification; unless the two had agreed to shorter than 8yr term), he goes to jail and his assets are seized to pay the woman; if the man pays as agreed for at least 32 quarters (8 yrs), and then can't afford it, he also faces bankruptcy proceeding and having his asset seized to pay the woman, with the government kicking in funds to guarantee some kind of minimum comparable to Social Security formula to her. Of course, to get the government involved, it collects 15% of each monthly payment, and perhaps even receive an extra year from the man to initiate the insurance policy just like a typical term life insurance agent would be paid. The 15% every month and up-front year will both stuff the depleted coffers quickly and induce women to have higher quality children that can potentially plug the gap between ever rising expectations in a pyramid scheme vs. real return on investment, due to the next generation being more intelligent and less desperate. Hundreds of years of peace in England county records have proven that it is possible to improve both IQ and reduce crime through a process of more successful men having more children to be raised in less desperate environment.

8. As you can see, I'm not a fan of empires. The collapse of Rome started with Caesar looting the Helvets, Gauls and the Belgics (a holocaust that killed off over 60% of the population in western Europe northwest of the Alps), quickly turning Rome from a Republic into an Empire, and Romans gradually being enslaved by their own government subsequently. People joke about Germany in the middle ages had Princes that were essentially village chiefs. Yet, those village chief Princes lived far more enjoyable lives than Emperors: emperors had to harvest high officials to fund the coffer, so high officials had incentive to stage coups using the emperors' siblings, so it's often in the interest of a sitting emperor worried about his own security to kill all his siblings and then senior officials periodically. If the empire is "universal," (i.e. everywhere reachable using the predominant means of transportation at the time), there is nowhere for the high officials or the siblings to escape (i.e. a founder of a universal empire essentially dooms his own official genetic line to extinction sooner or later; only the bastards' lines survive because they usually have no claim to the throne) . . . quite unlike the cluster of village chief Princes situation where anyone falling out of favor with the Prince can still stay alive by escaping to a neighboring Prince-village. More importantly, the multitude of Prince-villages can try different policies and see what works. The desire to remove all tariff barriers, as we can see in the relatively recent global trade fad is a banksters' scam pushing around globalist capital harvesting one political entity after another, impoverishing and slaughtering each of them in turn.

I don't expect anyone to agree with all 8 points above. Everyone is free to expand on these ideas and no need to cite me, and more importantly, start trying your own Princely sub-village if you can afford it. As you can see, Rin, I already have a set of ideas that may not be the same as the Rin Wah World, and I might give away the shop (the school of thought) to public domain if you entrust me with your school of thoughts ;-) IMHO, all the thoughts I have must have gone through the minds of many Greek philosophers who already discovered kyklos, and the Founding Fathers of the US too (who not only thought of banning privileges and enabling universal weapon ownership, up to warships, the weapon of mass destruction of their time, but also some of them thought of removing government licensing requirement for medical practitioners, who in their time coordinated the sudden popularity of blood-letting therapy to kill account holders). It is the re-awakening that is of paramount importance to our generation. Besides universal weapon ownership to stop thugs like the Nazis during the Holocaust, a systemic and common understanding of how human farming/husbandry works will also prevent the gullible from being induced into "privileges" hoping to harvest others only to be harvested themselves.
18   Ceffer   2024 Aug 18, 12:10am  

Problem is, is Rin being harvested by a too good to be true wraith a bit too exotic and a bit too highly adapted to his fantasy structure? 'Too good to be true, means it probably isn't'? What was that about prostitutes becoming so hard bit that they hate men, become lesbian and become adept in the arts of exploiting men to their destruction? Such a female apparition deserves a deep dive with a private investigator.

An 'ordinary' chick with a generous heart who just wants some clearance for birthing and homemaking might serve better? At least you don't have to hide the knife set (at least not until later).
19   Ceffer   2024 Aug 18, 12:27am  

Reality says

so it's often in the interest of a sitting emperor worried about his own security to kill all his siblings and then senior officials periodically.

Not to mention the chronic alpha paranoia. Looking through Roman Emperors, many didn't even live long enough to have a coinage with their portraits, sometimes weeks or months, before being murdered by their Praetorians. We kind of see this going on in Saudi Arabia now, a sparsely documented familial/tribal struggle. An episode of the TV show "The Borgias" had the Pope entertaining an Eastern prince (died painfully of poisoning in an episode) who talked about ascendant relatives who had all of their family members blinded as soon as they achieved the Sultanate.
20   Reality   2024 Aug 18, 6:09pm  

Very good points, Ceffer, IIRC, the Ottoman Turkish Empire had a tradition of blinding all the male siblings when a new Sultan ascend the throne, according to the history books anyway. I have to wonder why didn't the siblings stage coup before their father the previous Sultan died. In any case, the net result of the tradition was that real political power at the Ottoman Court went to the females of the old Sultan's harem (so we are told), often the new Sultan's mother, who often were not even Turkish but some pretty girl grabbed by the old Sultan in his conquests. One has to wonder if such a system had something to do with the bankers trying to control the court. Banking was much more extensive in ancient times and middle ages than we are taught in the usual history books. For example, Caesar invaded and looted the Helvets, Gauls and Belgics (killing over 60% of them in his campaigns) because he had owed enormous sums of money and couldn't otherwise get out of his debt. Presumably, nobody would lend any such large sums without charging interest or be able to without a deposit base of clients to source the funds; i.e. would not be possible without sophisticated (and inherently fraudulent) banking. That aspect was suppressed in the publishing of history books, just like Youtube usually suppress reference to banks in comments when people try to figure out why wars were taking place.
21   Rin   2024 Aug 20, 4:44am  

Ceffer says

become lesbian

IMHO, women, in general, are natural lesbians. Here's why ... the first person, whether or not one's male or female, whom one is intimate with is one's biological mother. It starts in the womb and continues with breast feeding and being held as an infant. And thus, there is no 'Electra Complex' because for the most part, "liking the dad" is a learned behavior, depending upon one's household. This is not a default conditioning.

If you look at the population as a whole, women experiment with lesbianism between HS and College at anywhere from 20% to 30%. In contrast, aside from HSs in San Fran, chances are, you won't find more than 5-8% of any male population center engaging in homosexuality.

I believe that Claire is a true lesbian who is attempting to reach a state I call ... hermaphroditophilia. In other words, her disappointment with women in general (since most of them are a pain in the ass) is being resolved psycho-physiologically by turning me in a hermaphrodite where the Real Doll is the vaginal/boobs prosthesis and my schlong ... well, is the real deal. Men are simply better companions than women. And what do I get out of it? ... Well, banging two hot women is better than one.

In order for this to work, she needs to be weaned off women-hood & the best way to do that is for her to become a millionaire trader so that she's no longer a potential leech for the male population. Afterwards, if she still likes her hermaphrodite ... then I'm content to be in a perpetual threesome with a Sex Doll and a cute woman.

To quote AC/DC ... "My big balls should be held every night" is somewhat apropos.
22   Rin   2024 Aug 20, 6:59am  

Rin is the 1st hand symbol (mudra) in Ninjitsu, designed to evoke power, both interpersonal and physical/mental.

Reality, the symbol is now in your hands. You are Rin!

Ceffer, you can be Vice Rin, if Reality needs to take a holiday.
23   Ceffer   2024 Aug 20, 7:21am  

It looks like two birds copulating in flight. Or maybe a bird and a RealBird. I'm confused.

Being Vice Anything is the highest office I have ever held in my life. I don't know whether to be honored, or wonder if somebody has a blackmail vid on me.
24   Rin   2024 Aug 20, 7:39am  

Be honored! Aside from you two, the rest of the PatNet is highly pro-female & believes that women are sugar & spices.

While it's a contentious subject, I would even suggest that TurtleDove’s husband lost his mind when he saw all these men on an anonymous forum admiring his wife, who was over 40 years (towards the 50 line) at the time. He probably realized that apart from stating that he was a doctor, most women wouldn’t give him much attention, and he may have expected that after his wife turned 40, she would adopt a more humble attitude, despite still being significantly more attractive than him. He thought she would accept her role as a 'kept wife,' relying on his feasible ~$400K MD salary after she was previously making possibly ~$70K as a paralegal. However, that setup didn’t satisfy her, and ultimately, the truth about their glasshouse situation came to a head.

It's too bad because being honest may have prevented that outcome.
25   mell   2024 Aug 20, 8:09am  

Rin says

Be honored! Aside from you two, the rest of the PatNet is highly pro-female & believes that women are sugar & spices.

It's tough to talk honestly when marriage is still the best vehicle to raise your own kids but one needs to admit they're getting a raw deal. Or when their salary depends on it ;)
26   Reality   2024 Aug 22, 6:24pm  

Rin, I like the double middle-finger meditation posture! LOL! All right, Ceffer and I will co-caretake the Rin Wah Law for you and keep the honest conversations going during your personal "vacation." Take good care of yourself, and avoid falling into any alluring feminine trap that might hurt you and hurt herself in the long run. As carbon-based carrier of genetic codes, each of us is programmed to be exploited by our own offspring and there is some kind of hardware / firmware programming that are experienced as pleasure when the carrier is being exploited; just make sure the severity of exploitation stays at a level you can tolerate and enjoy.
27   Ceffer   2024 Aug 22, 6:29pm  

Rin Wah Law is in safe bird fingers.
28   Rin   2024 Aug 23, 8:13am  

If you want to use the first Ninjitsu hand (*mudra) position, Rin, here's how it's done.

First of all, recognize, as a beginner, you may not 'sense' the fire inside and thus, may do a careless job with it.

Here's a way to avoid that. If you have let's say 5 mins free within the subsequent hour, make a plan. In other words, plan to spend that final 50-55 mins, running a 5K, cleaning one's room, or some other simple activity but one which requires a bit of moving about but in a controlled way. So for those first 5 mins, get into a comfortable chair, and hold the Rin hand position. During this time, allow thoughts and emotions to come in but slowly push 'em out …

For example:

'My neighbor is an A-hole'
'Claire looks hot in that skirt'
'This job sucks'

Allow these thoughts/emotions to come but then, push 'em out slowly. If you're not able to push 'em out and they become sticky thoughts, stop the meditation. Then pick up again, the following day.

Here's why … the Ninjitsu hand position can evoke energy and you may end up doing something stupid like tripping down a stairwell or driving too fast and getting into an altercation.

And then, when you're finished with your quick meditation, start your 50-55 min run or household cleaning activity.

*Note: the term Mudra is from Indian Kundalini Yoga, however, last I'd checked ... the Ninjas made full use of its actual power as they'd actually fought Samurai and other aristocratic robber baron strongmen in defense of the peasant folks (at least the good ones). And no, this isn't some 'Couching Tiger Hidden Dragon' martial arts film noire, it's the true history of Ninjitsu.
29   Rin   2024 Aug 23, 8:26am  

FYI, the west has ruined Ninjas by naming every other Karate or youth empowerment program, a Ninja X Y or Z.

Here are Ninja Coders ...

30   Ceffer   2024 Aug 29, 3:39pm  

Will Rin return from the honey trap harvesting thresher to renew Rin Wah Law with new codicils and warning labels? Stay tuned for 'Days of Our Rih Wah Law Lives'.
31   Rin   2024 Aug 30, 1:04pm  

Ceffer says

Will Rin return from the honey trap harvesting thresher to renew Rin Wah Law with new codicils and warning labels? Stay tuned for 'Days of Our Rih Wah Law Lives'.

I think the situation is only getting worse. Remember the whole idea of one's hands being happy, simply squeezing boobs ...

Here's the link to prevent NSFW:


Claire and I are banging RealDolls together. And it's her hands that are on the Doll's boobs while I'm embracing Claire's ass, holding the entire threesome structure together. So what's happening, since I don't have 4 hands, is that Claire's hands feel like my own, as my hands are only on her ass but it feels like l'm fondling boobs and ass at the same time. You see, this is something that no true heterosexual woman can offer a guy.
32   Ceffer   2024 Aug 30, 11:04pm  

I think it should be RealityWahLaw rather than CefferWahLaw. Reality is a talented bibliographic historian and commentator, while I am a sound bite harlequin. At least, that is, until the WahLaw returns to Rin's bitter, broken and freshly betrayed hands.

The Way of the Wah will survive.
33   Rin   2024 Aug 31, 3:27am  

Ceffer says

I think it should be RealityWahLaw rather than CefferWahLaw.

Neither of you guys have a symbol. Remember 'Batman' ... sure it's Bruce Wayne, however, anyone willing ... could be a Batman. Unfortunately, the series never explored other heroes doning the cape, but it's doable.

Ceffer says

At least, that is, until the WahLaw returns to Rin's bitter, broken and freshly betrayed hands.

I think I have a back up plan. I'll create an AI powered RealDoll, using the likeness of Jenna Coleman back in MA. And then, using two Dolls, I'll re-create the domestic tranquility of banging two woman while one talks dirty about the other doll as a sex slave, etc. I'll have this setup in the darkened basement, with a VPN, so that no one on the server side has footage of how my place looks.
34   Ceffer   2024 Sep 1, 2:59pm  

Time to get rid of that lesbo resource sponging honey trap, and go back to full bot. Technology marches on! The Way of the Wah lives!
35   stereotomy   2024 Sep 1, 3:06pm  

It's funny how easy it is to imitate women who are DTF. Move such a way, a certain facial expression, and then bada-bing. It's easy because it's fucking obvious, but almost never seen in the wild, at least by men who are not Chad Chaddington IV.
36   mell   2024 Sep 2, 7:53am  

At least you have the real doll once the hymen starts growing shut again and it's mostly dry, after you supplied her with the 1st millions and the initial excitement has waned rather quickly. Marriage/LTR is such a fucking raw deal lol.
Real dolls FTW!
37   Ceffer   2024 Sep 2, 10:25am  

LOL! Rin spent so much time convincing us that Rin Wah Law was a rational life choice while responders mocked him.

Now, we are trying to convince Rin, dissolving in the narcotic fluids of a Venus Fly Trap, to return to his original vision.

C'est La Guerre!
38   Rin   2024 Sep 2, 10:08pm  

mell says

after you supplied her with the 1st millions and the initial excitement has waned rather quickly.

Ceffer says

LOL! Rin spent so much time convincing us that Rin Wah Law was a rational life choice while responders mocked him.

Now, we are trying to convince Rin, dissolving in the narcotic fluids of a Venus Fly Trap, to return to his original vision.

First realize ... this is Rin's 1st love interest in a dozen years. In effect, it's so rare that it's practically a NULL set of some Schrödinger/Dirac function.

With it being Rin's perhaps ... last dance, I want to give it a full go w/o basically chickening out. In fact, the only 'societal benefit' I get today is that everyone knows for a fact that I'm not gay because there was speculation (a.k.a Gaydar Alert) during the prior decade. Even my former business partner in London was asking about whether or not Claire & I were going to tie the knot at Cardiff. Jeez! Talk about putting the cart before the horse!

So there are a few steps along the way:

The 1st is to make Claire into a $1M/yr+ prop trader and given that she's using a Channel Islands company to avoid a bulk of the UK personal tax, she'll have a lot of money left to screw around w/ it effecting her savings goals.

Next, the intermediate post-prop trading goal is to get her a BDSM female sex slave, who'll live w/ her & provide endless day-to-day entertainment. This will cost the equivalent of $250K/yr US dollars. And thus, we'll need to diversify her earnings stream so that this mistress is at her beck & call w/o any worry about future revenues.

If now, Claire w/ tons of money & a sex slave at her beck/call, still wants to be w/ me and sees us as a LTR thing, well, I think I'm game for that. I suspect that if Claire is like most women (a.k.a the basic Schrödinger/Dirac solution set), when she's got what she needs, she'll go her own way in time.

Otherwise, I would have won some soulmate lottery which would bemuddle even Schrödinger's cat.
39   Ceffer   2024 Sep 2, 11:45pm  

Sounds too much like work for her. She likely wants a lot of money in a short period of time with as little interpersonal acting out as possible to get the job done. She probably has a mean, ugly pimp/boyfriend(dykepimp?) in the wings ready to kill and impersonate you after taking off your fingers for identity prints and scooping out your retinas.

Do you really think she is looking for a 'financial advisor'?

Haven't you ever heard of the ancient pirate art of name stealing, of which charming prostitutes are the typical ambassadors? Of course, they will have to tie you to a chair and torture you (likely disguising it first as a sex game) to get all the info and passwords to steal your identity and drain your accounts. Police will probably ignore the murder after the fact as a sex game gone wrong with fled hooker, if she even goes by her real name.
40   Rin   2024 Sep 3, 3:03am  

Well ... here's the scoop, I'd hired a PI to check things out and for the most part, her motley crew (not to be confused for the American hair metal band) are the independent female lesbos, led by A.O.C, for their BDSM cabaret shows. There are no Jason Stathams nor Vinnie Jones (ala bad boys of British cinema) in her wings.

In addition, I've also assessed the live-in BDSM "sex slave" maid company (not related to A.O.C & company) & they also run a legal and legitimate business without hiring goons. This is also to protect Claire in the future, as Vinnie Jones goes after women as well as men, if their 'birds' aren't booking enough income.

And as far as finance work goes, she already puts in 10 hr days in algo trading so I gather that she's got a reasonable work ethic, developed from that time as a boring accountant. Just this week, she got her $8K Sterling ($10K-$11K USD) payout commission for the past 4 weeks so the path is forming. I'm encouraging her to spend some more $$ because nothing assists someone in getting more lazy than feeling 'flush with cash'. I believe that this is a work in motion. Every time Claire's earnings go up, she'll be more and more able to live it up. And that's key because that's how you can measure the value of a woman.

Understand this, during TurtleDove's final year, she was explaining to everyone in PatNet that she was cutting back on work & resting some more ala work/life balance. Well ... who was footing the bills aside from her browbeaten MD husband who probably had no options, other than to work? I want to fess out this quality in Claire, way ahead of time. And Claire's commission-based prop trading income, even now, is probably ahead of TD's paralegal earnings & Claire isn't stopping.

And there you have it, Claire's on the path to becoming a low level millionaire & once she is, if she's a regular woman & not Rin's personality-mate (as that's less New Agey/Rom-Com than a soulmate), she'll move onto other things.

I believe with an exit strategy in place, this could workout one way or another.

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