"Since Russia was first able to influence European politics, it has constantly behaved like a robber who is waiting for the moment when he can pounce on his victim and rob his property. The Russian tsars never recognized any other limits to the expansion of their empire, except those that were dictated by the force of circumstances. The position of the Bolsheviks regarding the problem of territorial expansion of their possessions is no different from this. Nor do they recognize any other rule than that in the conquest of new lands one may, and indeed should, go as far as possible with the resources at hand. The fortunate circumstance that saved civilization from destruction by the Russians was that the peoples of Europe were strong enough to successfully resist the onslaught of the hordes of Russian barbarians."
"... In relation to human society and the community of nations, their position is that of a nation that seeks to consume what has been accumulated by others. People who believe in the ideas of Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy and Lenin will never be able to create a strong social organization. They must return to a state of complete barbarism."
"If this is admitted, it becomes very clear what should become the guiding principle of the policy of civilized nations towards Russia. Let Russians be Russians. Let them do what they want in their country. But do not let them go beyond their own land to destroy European civilization. Of course, this does not mean that the import and translation of Russian works should be prohibited. Neurotics can enjoy them as much as they want; the healthy will avoid them in any case."
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