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2024 Aug 23, 12:04pm   704 views  50 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

pMSNBC is talking over him, not allowing his audio to be heard.

Edit: ~7:45PM is on stage with Trump at TPUSA Arizona Rally.

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12   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 23, 4:47pm  

Notable Kennedy influencers coming to Trump.


No Brakes!
13   Patrick   2024 Aug 23, 4:50pm  


Sixteen months ago, in April of 2023, I launched my campaign for President of the United States. I began this journey as a Democrat — the party of my father and my uncle, the party to which I pledged my allegiance long before I was old enough to vote. ...

As you all know, I left that party last October because it had departed so dramatically from the core values I grew up with. It had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Ag, and Big Money. When it abandoned democracy by cancelling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting President, I left the party to run as an independent. ...

In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it. Lacking confidence that its candidate could win at the voting booth, the DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself. Each time our volunteers turned in those towering boxes of signatures needed to get on the ballot, the DNC dragged us into court state by state attempting to erase their work and to subvert the will of the voters who had signed. It deployed DNC-aligned judges to throw me — and other candidates — off the ballot and to throw President Trump in jail. It ran a sham of a primary, rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden.

Then, when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against President Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor — also without an election. They installed a candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate. ...

Instead of showing us her substance and character, the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon, well, nothing. No policies, no interviews, no debates — only smoke and mirrors and balloons in a highly produced Chicago circus. There, a string of Democratic speakers mentioned Donald Trump 147 times on just the first day. Who needs policy when you have a Trump to hate? In contrast, at the RNC convention President Biden was mentioned twice in 4 days. ...

The Democratic Party’s censorship of social media was an even more naked exercise of executive power. This week a federal judge, Terry Doughty, upheld my injunction against President Biden, calling the White House censorship project “the most egregious violation of the First Amendment in the history of the United States of America.”

Doughty’s previous 155-page decision details how 37 hours after he took the oath of office swearing to uphold the constitution, President Biden's White House opened up a portal and invited the CIA, FBI, CISA, DHS, IRS, and other agencies to censor me and other political dissidents. Even today, users who try to post my campaign videos to Facebook or YouTube get messages that “this content violates community standards.” Two days after Judge Doughty rendered his decision this week, Facebook was attaching warning labels to an online petition calling on ABC to include me in the upcoming debate. ...

Many months ago, I promised the American people that I would withdraw from the race if I became a spoiler. A “spoiler” is someone who will alter the outcome of the election but has no chance of winning. In my heart, I no longer believe I have a realistic path to electoral victory in the face of relentless, systemic censorship and media control. I cannot in good conscience ask my staff and volunteers to keep working long hours, or ask my donors to keep giving, when I cannot honestly tell them we have a path to the White House.

Furthermore, our polling consistently showed that by staying on the ballot in the battleground states, I would likely hand the election to the Democrats with whom I disagree on the existential issues of censorship, war, and chronic disease.

I want everyone to know that I am only suspending my campaign, not terminating it. My name will still be on the ballot in most states. If you live in a blue state, you can vote for me without harming or helping President Trump or Vice President Harris. In red states — the same applies. I encourage you to do so. And if enough of you vote for me and neither of the major party candidates win 270 electoral votes, I could still end up in the White House in a contingent election.

But in about ten battleground states where my presence would be a spoiler, I will remove my name and urge voters not to vote for me.

Three great causes drove me to enter this race in the first place. These are the principal causes that persuaded me to leave the Democratic Party, and then as an Independent, and now throw my support to President Trump.

The cause of free speech.

The war in Ukraine.

The war on our children. ...

President Trump says that he will reopen negotiations with Putin and end the war overnight. This alone would justify my support for his campaign.

Last summer, it looked like no candidate was willing to negotiate a quick end to the Ukraine war, to tackle the chronic disease epidemic, to protect free speech and restore our Constitutional freedoms, to clean corporate influence out of government, or to defy the Neocons and their agenda of endless military adventurism. But now, one of the two candidates has adopted these issues as his own, to the point where he has asked to enlist me in his administration to tackle those issues. I am speaking, of course, of Donald Trump.

Less than two hours after President Trump narrowly escaped assassination, Calley Means called me on my cell phone. Calley is arguably the leading advocate for food safety, soil regeneration, and ending the chronic disease epidemic that is destroying American health and ruining our economy. Calley has exposed the insidious corruption at the FDA, NIH, HHS, and USDA that has caused the epidemic. Calley had been working on and off for my campaign, advising me on those subjects, which have been my primary focus for the last twenty years. I was delighted when Calley told me, that day, that he had also been advising President Trump. He told me President Trump was anxious to talk to me about chronic disease — and other subjects — and to explore avenues of cooperation. He asked if I would take a call from the President. President Trump telephoned me a few minutes later, and I met with him the following day.

A few weeks later, I met again with President Trump and his family members and closest advisors in Florida. In a series of long, intense discussions, I was surprised to discover that we are aligned on many key issues. In those meetings, he suggested that we join forces as a unity party. We talked about Abraham Lincoln’s team of rivals. That arrangement would allow us to disagree publicly and privately on the issues over which we differ, while working together on the existential issues upon which we are in concordance. I was a fierce critic of many of the policies of his first administration, and there are still issues and approaches upon which we continue to dispute. But we are aligned with each other on key issues like ending the forever wars, ending the childhood disease epidemics, securing the border, protecting our freedom of speech, unraveling corporate capture of the regulatory agencies, and getting U.S. intelligence agencies out of the business of propagandizing, censoring, and surveilling Americans, and interfering in our elections.

Following my first discussion with President Trump, I tried unsuccessfully to open up similar discussions with the Harris campaign. Vice President Harris declined to meet or speak with me. ...

In case some of you don’t realize how dire the condition is of our children’s health and chronic disease in general, I urge you to view Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Calley Means and his sister, Dr. Casey Means, who was the top graduate of her class at Stanford Medical School. This is an issue that affects us far more directly and urgently than the culture war issues that are tearing the country apart. Therefore, it has the potential to bring us together. ...

So what’s causing all this suffering? I’ll name two culprits. First is ultra-processed foods. About 70% of American children’s diet is ultra-processed — industrially manufactured in a factory. These foods consist primarily of processed sugar, ultra-processed grains, and seed oils. Lab scientists concoct thousands of other ingredients to make these foods more palatable, more addictive. These ingredients didn’t exist 100 years ago, and humans aren’t biologically adapted to eat them. Hundreds of these chemicals are banned in Europe, but ubiquitous in America’s processed foods.

The second culprit is toxic chemicals in our food, medicine, and environment. Pesticides, food additives, pharmaceutical drugs, and toxic waste permeate every cell of our bodies. The assault on a child’s cells and hormones is unrelenting. To name just one problem, many of these chemicals increase estrogen. Because young children are ingesting hormone disruptors, the average girl in America is reaching puberty at age 10 to 13 — six years earlier than girls were in 1900. Our country has the earliest puberty rates on any continent. And no, this isn’t because of “better nutrition.” This is not normal. Breast cancer, an estrogen-driven cancer, now strikes one in eight women. ...

Eighty percent of NIH grants go to people who have conflicts of interest. These agencies, the FDA, the USDA, the CDC, all of them are controlled by huge for-profit corporations. 75% of the FDA’s funding doesn’t come from taxpayers. It comes from pharma. And pharma executives and consultants and lobbyists cycle in and out of these agencies. ...
15   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 23, 4:52pm  

16   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 23, 5:39pm  

4-D fucking chess move, right there.
17   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 23, 6:11pm  

Massive Energy Shift.

CNN already had two cousins on to badmouth RFK in the past hour or so. Panic is setting in.
19   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 23, 6:20pm  

We just witnessed the first time a Kennedy did the assassinating
21   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 Aug 23, 9:01pm  

Boisterous applause for a Kennedy at a Republican rally. Wow.
22   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 23, 9:02pm  

AmericanKulak says

We just witnessed the first time a Kennedy did the assassinating

This ^^^
23   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 23, 9:05pm  

I haven’t seen the Kennedy’s this upset since Chappaquiddick
- Roseanne Barr

24   steverbeaver   2024 Aug 23, 9:24pm  

AmericanKulak says

pMSNBC is talking over him, not allowing his audio to be heard.

Edit: ~7:45PM is on stage with Trump at TPUSA Arizona Rally.

I find it curious that the part in this video where he talks about what the Democrats used to stand for didn't make it into Patrick's provided transcript/press release. What catches my attention is that, upon comparison with reality using just a small amount of introspection, one can realize that the Democrats were never about those "nice" things he mentions. Rather, those "nice" things were just a stalking horse for foreign interests to infiltrate, subvert, control, and enslave the US general population. Republicans started doing the same later on (as usual). Anyways, I wanted to point this out in case others haven't thought about it this way.
25   SoTex   2024 Aug 24, 11:58am  

This could turn out to be some legitimate 4th Turning level shit if Trump and Kennedy are successful at tearing down and rebuilding our three letter agency and medical industrial complex institutions.

After all, that's what the 4th one is all about and we're due...
26   Patrick   2024 Aug 24, 12:11pm  

Transcript of Trump's introduction of Bobby:

For the past 16 months, Bobby has run an extraordinary campaign for president of the United States. I know, because he also went after me a couple of times. I didn't like it.

And I mean this sincerely: had he been allowed to enter the Democrat primary, he would've easily beaten Joe Biden, but they wouldn't let him in. They put up rules. I've never seen rules like that. He had to have 65% of the vote in order to run -- you know, little things like that.

His candidacy has inspired millions and millions of Americans, raised critical issues that have been too long ignored in this country, and brought together people from across the political spectrum in a positive campaign grounded in the American values of his father, Robert Kennedy, a great man; and his uncle, President John F. Kennedy.

And I know that they are looking down right now, and they are very, very proud of Bobby. I'm proud of Bobby, you want to know the truth.

And I don't think I've ever introduced anyone that got applause like he just got. I must tell you. I don't think -- it's true! I don't think I've ever introduced anybody that got applause like that. Amazing. Amazing.

Soon after I was -- I can't even believe I have to say this -- nearly assassinated in Pennsylvania last month, Bobby called me to express his best wishes.

He knows firsthand the risks incurred by leaders who stand up to the corrupt political establishment. And when you stand up, you bring on some trouble for yourself. But you have to do what's right. You have to do what's right for the country.

I will tell you, we are both in this to do what's right for the country. That's one thing I can tell you.
30   Onvacation   2024 Aug 24, 3:11pm  

SoTex says

This could turn out to be some legitimate 4th Turning level shit if Trump and Kennedy are successful at tearing down and rebuilding our three letter agency and medical industrial complex institutions.

Who thinks they will go down without a fight?

Those bastards have a lot to lose and a lot of power. They have been in power my entire life.

We are cursed to live in interesting times.
32   Patrick   2024 Aug 24, 5:46pm  

Onvacation says

We are cursed to live in interesting times.

Very similar to the end of the Soviet Union in a lot of ways.
33   Patrick   2024 Aug 24, 5:49pm  


TV personality Phil McGraw, known as Dr. Phil, announced that next week he will air interviews with President Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The announcement comes on the heels of Kennedy’s official endorsement of Donald Trump in a powerful speech Friday afternoon.

RFK Jr. joined Trump at a rally in Glendale, Arizona, where he was given an epic welcome.

The interviews will air next week on his television network and streaming service Merit Street.
35   SoTex   2024 Aug 24, 9:47pm  

Onvacation says

Who thinks they will go down without a fight?

Not I said the fly.
39   Patrick   2024 Aug 25, 3:53pm  

Well, they endorsed him anyway, and I suppose that's a good thing because it makes the horrifying prospect of a Kamabla presidency less likey

Still, Trump should admit he was lied to and that the death jab is both very dangerous and worse than ineffective.
44   mell   2024 Aug 25, 8:18pm  

Foo fighters is mediocre music. I'd rather go with Juke Box Hero by Foreigner who could produce and play. Mick Jones is a completely underrated guitarist, keyboarder, vocalist and song writer. Mick Jones from the Clash isn't so bad either ;)
45   Patrick   2024 Aug 26, 11:43am  


The alliance between Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Donald Trump is many things. But first it’s an all-clear signal to a large class of less-than-fully brain-damaged Americans that it’s okay to quit being insane. As you know, this election is no longer a battle between the political Left and Right. It’s an epic struggle-session between the sane and the insane.

You just witnessed the Democratic Convention nominating an empty pantsuit whose only record as a high government official is failure to protect and defend the nation and to support its constitution. All arranged without any real votes cast. Pretty neat trick, pulled off under the banner of Saving Our Democracy. Please understand that it was the result of hypnotizing so many vulnerable personalities into a mass formation psychosis. They were vulnerable because they are scared stiff by propaganda specifically targeting their deepest archetypal fears — in this case, fear of Daddy, meaning fear of behavioral boundaries, in short, of being civilized.

Thus, the advocacy for Hamas terrorists (Israel = Old Testament = moral boundaries), abortion (no more babies = die-off of cultural line), drag-queens (“mother” = demonic imposter), open border (border = nation’s boundary), the Ukraine War (“Let’s You and Him Fight”), censorship (hatred of fairness), mandates and lockdowns (destroy purposeful, meaningful, productive life), and so on. The propaganda engineered to produce this madness surely comes from our intel blob. They have devoted all the years since the founding of the CIA in 1947 to developing and refining their methods of mindfuckery. They have unleashed it lately at full force because they fear that Mr. Trump will deconstruct their intel blob and possibly prosecute some of its current and former officials for serious crimes such as treason, misprision of felonies, and murder.

The final ingredient in all that is submission of the populace to these programmatic suggestions. Simply put, they yield to the fears induced in them. Try to enter the mind of a committed Democratic voter. You’ll discover that you are locked out. Sharing of thoughts is impossible because there is no thought in there, only disordered emotion.

Ask a Democrat what they think Donald Trump actually did as president for four years. I guarantee you they will say only one thing: he cancelled abortion. Which is actually not true. He nominated several Supreme Court Justices who ruled that abortion properly belonged under the jurisdiction of the fifty states. (It was the act of ruling that drove them nuts because rules = boundaries.) Of course, all the single batshit crazy cat-ladies of Boston, New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Denver, and Los Angeles now raging over the issue are free to abort themselves to their hearts’ content.

So, Kamala Harris emerges from this Cluster-B personality disorder exercise in hypnosis (the convention) as the avatar of . . . “joy” . . . in the absence of any ideas about actually running the government of a country which, for the moment, is run by nobody because the current president (“Joe Biden”) is both mentally unfit and on permanent vacation. None of this is very promising. The raptures of “joy” tend to obscure the idea that there is a future to be concerned about. Enter Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

He explained his view of the situation and his role in it with unsurpassed clarity last Friday in a powerful and moving speech outlining a decision that must have been very painful for him. As I averred he would do last Friday morning, he denounced the party of his ancestors in unequivocal terms for coming to militate against its own traditional principles — opposing war, fighting for free speech, helping poor working people, and against weaponizing government agencies. He threw his support to Mr. Trump because it’s become obvious that Mr. Trump’s aims and ideas are more in-tune with those forsaken principles of Mr. Kennedy’s father and his uncle, JFK.

And now he’ll campaign on behalf of Mr. Trump, with the expectation that he will play an important, well-defined role in the next Trump administration — in charge of a range of public health issues that he is deeply familiar with from decades of litigation and researching the books about pharmaceutical racketeering actually written by himself.

It’s Monday after the convention. What’s on the candidates’ campaign schedule today. CNNs “Campaign Latest” page says that Mr. Trump will give a speech in Detroit today to the National Guard Association where he is expected to greet the endorsement of former Rep. (and Lt. Col. In the National Guard, Tulsi Gabbard). Kamala Harris has no public appearances scheduled, but CNN reports that she has raised a fabulous $540-million since her launch a few weeks ago. Isn’t that nice? Boolah boolah, lotsa moolah. On Wednesday, Ms. Harris and her veep sidekick, Tim Walz, embark on a bus tour around Georgia. Bus tours will be the signature of their campaign.

Let me tell you what that means: instead of flying expeditiously between campaign stops where they might have to state some positions on public issues, Harris & Walz will eat up many hours on long bus rides from Point-A to Point-B, hiding from the public and the press.

Bobby Kennedy, meanwhile, is cramming as many media appearances as possible into his schedule, submitting to questions about everything, including the latest barrage of accusations about his fully-disclosed personal history. Fox has had him on several programs, though the other cable news stations are ignoring him, as are The New York Times and the WashPo, except to publish scurrilous stories from his mindfucked siblings and cousins — the latest being that he cut the head off a dead whale on the beach at Cape Cod with a chainsaw. Readers are supposed to construe that to mean he murdered a whale with a chainsaw.
46   Patrick   2024 Aug 26, 5:19pm  


(0:42) RFK Jr. Endorsing Donald Trump
(11:26) Censorship and Pavel Durov’s Arrest
(34:56) America’s Health Crisis
(42:20) RFK Meeting with Trump
(46:48) Kamala Harris Refusing to Meet with RFK
(53:36) Why Did They Withdraw Secret Service?
(1:01:48) Would RFK Accept a Position as CIA Director?
(1:05:39) Why Is the Democratic Party Suing RFK?
(1:16:00) Real Environmentalism
(1:26:10) RFK's Plan to Get Trump Elected

Great video.
50   Patrick   2024 Sep 9, 9:02am  


Powerful New RFK Jr Ad Says He Will “Finish The Story” The Kennedys Started

A new ad released by Robert F. Kennedy’s running mate Nicole Shanahan declares that he will “finish the story” that his uncle JFK, and his father RFK were embarking on before they were assassinated.

The impactful ad proffers quotes on the bravery and unity of Americans following the brutal murders of Kennedy’s uncle and father, and culminates with RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump and his call to “Make America Healthy Again.”

Over historical footage of JFK, the quote “He felt in his heart cruelty and cowardice, the things that made him brave and kind,” from the book The Once and Future King is displayed.

While over footage of RFK, the quote “The Destiny of Man is to unite, not divide,” from the same book is offered.

The ad is a stark reminder that the Kennedys fought against the military industrial complex and to end forever wars.

“If you’re going to do anything important with your life, there is going to be a hero’s journey where you go through the valley of death, where you feel completely alone,” RFK Jr. says in the ad.

“The trick to life is to not have expectations but just to know what your duty is and just do it,” he continues, adding “You become relentless. Nobody can defeat you.”

The end of the ad shows Kennedy teaming up with Trump and vowing to work with him to stop the depopulation agenda.

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