Trump Survives Second Assassination Attempt

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2024 Sep 15, 1:33pm   2,583 views  196 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


Trump just released a statement. He is fine. The reports are that a gunman was carrying a rifle and was seen by Secret Service who fired shots at him. As far as I know, he has been arrested and his vehicle has been impounded.

There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start
spiraling out of control, wanted you to hear this first: I AM
Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!
will always love you for supporting me.
Unity. Peace. Make America Great Again.

Trump was golfing at the time and he made sure everyone else was okay. ...

This is a very scary time. From day to day, things just get weirder. We know nothing about the shooter so far.

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96   Ceffer   2024 Sep 16, 2:05pm  

"We're going to release him without charges, but with a strongly worded warning."

98   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 16, 3:38pm  

Alleged first follow of Routh on Twitter.

99   Booger   2024 Sep 16, 4:18pm  

Trump Has Survived More Assassination Attempts Than Harris Has Campaign Interviews.
101   Ceffer   2024 Sep 16, 4:25pm  

AmericanKulak says

Alleged first follow of Routh on Twitter.

Smacks of 'handler', or at least, the provisional handler. Where does a guy with a fake business store front in Hawaii get the gnosh to travel all over the place and hang out, including Ukraine?
103   AD   2024 Sep 16, 5:08pm  

Ceffer says

Alleged first follow of Routh on Twitter.

Soo Kim looks like a typical Beltway operative (aka: deep state type).

104   Ceffer   2024 Sep 16, 7:54pm  

Routh knew how to perp surrender himself without getting shot by disabling his arms upward with his shirt to eliminate all suggestion of threat. Guess that Intel training came in handy.
106   AD   2024 Sep 16, 10:21pm  

Ceffer says

Routh knew how to perp surrender himself without getting shot by disabling his arms upward with his shirt to eliminate all suggestion of threat. Guess that Intel training came in handy.

true that he was well groomed and handled

as if they shot him in the chest then the shirt would not have a bullet hole or holes in it as far as documentation by the medical examiner

107   Ceffer   2024 Sep 16, 11:11pm  

Sorcha Faal cracks me up. Calls the attempt "Trump Vows “I Will Never Surrender!” After Ukraine-MSNBC Assassination Plot Fails" Faal implies that MSNBC had knowledge aforethought of the assassination attempt and was hooked up to receive it live through Routh's GoPro link. Of course, Ukraine Intel or CIA, what the fuck's the difference except that CIA wants a fig leaf of deniability through the Ukraine smoke screen. It's obvious by now that Nazi International and CIA have been using Ukrainian agents for a while, and Ukraine in addition to child trafficking runs a robust Monarch style spy operation for producing agents (can you say 'Vindman'?).
view pdf

"Routh was joined in the Ukrainian International Legion by its member radical leftist MSNBC national security correspondent Malcolm Nance, which explains why Routh’s sniper nest included a GoPro camera along with a rifle and scope for targeting long-distance, plus backpacks filled with ceramic plates that are used to protect against bullets—and world-renowned American investigative journalist Max Blumenthal revealed: “Would-be Trump shooter Ryan Routh has published a 291 page book, “Unwinnable War,” about his time in Ukraine’s Int’l Legion...Routh says he’d like to see Putin assassinated, seems to hope for Trump’s assassination as well, and calls for the US to “instigate” a nuclear war with Russia...Stating he’s neither a Democrat or Republican, Routh’s clearly articulated mindset toward Russia mirrors that of Beltway hardliners...He offers gushing admiration for Juan Guaido, the Free Syrian Army, Myanmar rebels, and other CIA backed forces, while hinting at a friendship with MSNBC natsec hack and fellow International Brigade member Malcolm Nance”."
108   RayAmerica   2024 Sep 17, 7:20am  

You'll know something is fishy about the whole thing if the Secret Service announces that Ryan Routh must be brought up to date on all of his 'vaccines' and boosters.
109   Patrick   2024 Sep 17, 9:43am  


Failed assassin Ryan Routh was in federal court yesterday, in a hearing quite logically called the “first appearance.” Fox covered the story under the headline, “Trump assassination attempt suspect laughs, smiles during first court appearance in Florida.” Routh was apparently cracking jokes with his public defender, which sounds annoying but could just be his way of managing anxiety.

Details were sparsely provided, but this most interesting paragraph leaped out:

The judge also asked Routh if he was able to afford his own defense attorney or if he
needed a public defender. Routh said he does not have enough income, and when asked
by the judge, said he makes about $3,000 a month, has zero savings and owns zero real
estate. Routh also told the court he has two trucks in Hawaii worth about $1,000 each,
partially supports his 25-year-old son and does not own any jewelry.

Right away, we see some problems. For Portlanders, Routh claimed an annual income of $36,000 — far below the poverty level. Which means there is a lot of mysterious money floating around world-traveling Mr. Routh.

Here are only a few of the many possible questions: how did Routh afford international travel to and from Ukraine? Or to buy guns, body armor, and GoPro cameras? Who owns the Nissan truck he tried to escape in? Did he rent it? If so, with what money and what credit? How did Routh get to Florida? Where was he staying? How was he paying for stuff? Cash? Credit?

How did flat-broke Routh get in front of nearly every corporate media camera and reporter in 2022, from Newsweek to the New York Times?

Routh has an extensive low-level criminal record going back decades, including felony weapons violations. How did he buy the gun he brought to Trump’s golf course? According to the FBI’s criminal affidavit, it was a military SKS-style assault rifle made in former Soviet bloc countries, so it wasn’t from around here. The rifle’s serial number was "obliterated" and unreadable to the naked eye.

Why obliterate the serial number? Who is Routh trying to protect? Who gave him that gun?

We’re not the only ones asking questions. Martin County Sheriff Will Snyder, whose officers arrested Routh, gave a courageous —even reckless— press conference yesterday during which he said the quiet part out loud.

At yesterday’s Martin County press conference about the arrest, Sheriff Snyder wondered whether Routh could be part of a conspiracy:

“He was smart, he was just driving with the flow of traffic. He may have thought he got away with it. He couldn’t have known a witness took a picture.
He’s not from this area. Which raises the bigger question, how does a guy get all the way to Trump International, realize the former President is golfing, and is able to get a rifle into that vicinity?
Is this guy part of a conspiracy? Or a lone gunman? If he’s part of a conspiracy, then this whole thing takes on a really ominous tone.”
It’s a literal conspiracy theory! And Sheriff Snyder’s question was a good one. But, to expand on his theory: was Routh connected in any way to any U.S. security state agency or NGO? To any Ukrainian security or intelligence agency?

Where has that skinny hedge-hider been hanging out recently? And with whom?

So that’s what we know so far on Day Two. From the evolving media coverage, even on Fox, Routh is beginning to be painted like some kind of deranged lunatic. But that is a straw man. Do not buy that story. While there is plenty of evidence he was an amoral leftist, easily influenced, effortlessly manipulable, even criminally inclined, there is zero evidence Routh was clinically crazy.

In fact, it’s just the opposite. Routh appears to have seamlessly navigated complex and difficult life situations —like traveling to and from a war zone, and self-publishing his dumb book on Amazon— that would flummox most of us. He was also vetted by any number of media platforms that found him credible enough to feature in their pro-Ukraine propaganda stories.

In the photo above, failed assassin Routh is pictured with celebrity chef and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jose Andres. The background of the picture is unclear. But Andres is well-known for leading a team of other celebrity chefs into Gaza to deliver canapes and snail puree to war-torn Palestinians. And he is also well-known for hanging out with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Ukraine’s former comedian Zelensky.

For instance, consider this NBC headline, from April this year:

Biden calls chef José Andrés after Israeli strike kills World Central Kitchen aid workers
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the "incident is emblematic of a larger
problem and evidence of why distribution of aid in Gaza has been so challenging."

... What were Nobel-nominee Jose Andres and flat-broke Ryan Routh doing together before and after that widely circulated photo was taken in Kiev, Ukraine? Were they just fellow Proxy War proponents? Did they just attend a proxy war rally together?

Why in the photo was Andres pointing at Routh? Bonhomie? Overcome with camaraderie?

We don’t know. But we do know at least one thing: human hedgehog and media darling Routh enjoys just one thin degree of separation from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Volodymyr Zelensky. Weird.
110   AD   2024 Sep 17, 9:49am  

I saw Governor DeSantis has tasked Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody to investigate the 2nd assassination attempt

This is a very good move as the FBI is just the Democrat Party's Stasi

Lets hope that Moody gains access to enough evidence to stop any politburo-style investigation by the FBI

through the Democrat-media, the FBI is feeding how this assassin is another "disenchanted Republican" and that he was disillusioned with Trump's "right wing and hated-filled rhetoric"
113   Patrick   2024 Sep 17, 11:24am  

Huh, plays OK for me.
114   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Sep 17, 11:24am  

^^^^ @Patrick now it works. Weird.
118   Ceffer   2024 Sep 17, 12:17pm  

I think it's another demonstration that Trump likely has ferocious comms. If there were other assassination teams, they were likely taken out with extreme prejudice but the patsy allowed to stand pat as an informatic, as with the previous 'assassination attempt'. Synoptic patsys can be good for white hat side, too, and taking out the larger infrastructure of the assassination attempts in stealth and silence would be a good move. Everybody focuses on the patsy distraction as usual usual.

120   AD   2024 Sep 17, 1:35pm  


my Governor <3 <3 <3


122   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 17, 2:32pm  

Every Assassinated President was a Republican except one. And he was the one who cut taxes and began to revisit US Foreign & Intel Agency Policy.
123   Ceffer   2024 Sep 17, 4:45pm  

Maybe I missed it but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of vids of Trump actually on the fairways at the times of the assassination attempt. There was one vid which looked more like a file vid rather than current.

Until such surfaces, I'm nearly inclined to regard this as a decoy operation for flushing patsy and congeners. Maybe such is out there, but haven't seen it yet.
124   Patrick   2024 Sep 17, 5:20pm  

Not sure whether it's true, but it wouldn't surprise me.
125   Patrick   2024 Sep 18, 11:27am  


Yesterday, Governor DeSantis signed an executive order opening Florida’s independent investigation into Ryan Routh’s attempted assassination. The Governor then held a well-attended press conference announcing the investigation, without a single federal official, and it knocked corporate media right off its rocking chair. Some platforms played the story straight, like the AP, which described it as a humdrum ‘parallel’ investigation, under the headline “Florida will launch criminal probe into apparent assassination attempt of Trump, governor says.”

In the brainless New York Times story, Florida’s independent investigation is painted as a conspiracy to embarrass Joe Biden between Governor DeSantis and Republicans in Congress. The Times’ story is headlined, “Why the Story of the Golf Course Shooting Will Be Told Twice.”

The Times’s headline was right, but for the wrong reason. The only reason we’ll get the feds’ side of the story is because they don’t want to be embarrassed by Florida. It’s already started, with the FBI admitting yesterday it once investigated and abandoned Routh in 2019.

A few of the Governor’s comments triggered the Times. The Governor, himself a lawyer, argued the feds have a conflict of interest in investigating Ryan Routh for attempting to kill Trump, since the feds are also simultaneously trying to drag Trump to jail, and are being directed by an Administration seeking to politically castrate the former President.

DeSantis also said the investigation should be open, transparent, and not smothered in inky bureaucratic blackness, like the Las Vegas shooting case has been. DeSantis observed, “I don’t think anyone can honestly claim that the federal government has been forthright and transparent about its past investigations. That’s just the reality. That’s just how these guys operate.”

But those comments, however politically incorrect to the Times, were not the reason why DeSantis said he opened an investigation. The undebatable reason for Florida’s involvement is the feds only charged Routh with two low-level firearms violations: possessing a weapon with a felony conviction and with an obliterated serial number. Together, the two charges amount only to a maximum of 15 years.

“To say you’re going to do a couple gun charges, that is not sufficient,” DeSantis icily declared.

Instead, Florida intends to charge Routh with attempted murder, a state-law crime carrying up to life in prison. Florida need only prove four things: Routh’s intent, preparation, a single act taken in furtherance of the plot, and that it would have succeeded if not interrupted. Those four required elements seem self-evident in the facts already known about Routh’s case.

The DOJ cannot charge Routh with attempted murder, since it’s a state crime. They can’t even charge him with attempted assassination, since candidate Trump doesn’t fit the statutory definition of a political target under federal law, because he hasn’t yet been elected and past officials don’t count. Florida has access to even more crimes, including grand theft auto,* a stolen license plate, and analogous state-level weapons violations.

(* DeSantis’ executive order described Routh’s car, the black Nissan, as ‘stolen,’ which is another state-level crime.)
126   Patrick   2024 Sep 18, 11:30am  

I suspect that as facts continue tumbling out, we will discover that Routh’s attempted murder operation was very skilled and very well organized. Among other talents, we already know the failed, broke, tiny-home contractor could: effortlessly raise money, get hold of foreign weapons with serial numbers filed off, buy fake passports in Pakistan, travel hither and thither, in and out of war zones, steal black Nissans, finagle stolen license plates for his stolen cars, build sniper’s nests, evade detection by Secret Service sweeps for over twelve hours, and so on, and so forth, and you get the idea.

Oh —haha!— I almost forgot. Silly me. In an exclusive Wall Street Journal story headlined “U.S. Authorities Were Warned About Suspected Trump Gunman”, the Journal casually mentioned that Routh worked with at least one ‘former’ CIA officer:

Routh was well known among volunteer aid groups in Ukraine as a "fraudster"
and "kind of a whack job," said Sarah Adams, a former CIA officer who helped
run a network that linked 50 aid groups to share information and coordinate
humanitarian and volunteer efforts. He claimed to be working with the
Ukrainian government to recruit foreign fighters but wasn't, she said.

Lest we forget, in another limited-hangout story (never followed up on), the New York Times already told us how Ukraine was swarming with CIA agents, a dozen secret underground CIA bases, and a private army of Ukrainian saboteurs trained by CIA. Ukraine was (or is) practically the CIA’s world headquarters.

In fact, the CIA is so deep up Ukraine’s backside that one could robustly argue that the Russians aren’t fighting the Zelensky regime in Ukraine so much as they are fighting the CIA in Ukraine. As Joe Biden would say, not a joke.

Anyway, I won’t describe the Journal’s Routh story in detail since this topic is already running long. But believe me that it has all the hallmarks of a deep-state dump and a limited hangout. For just one example, the Journal somehow got hold of half a dozen people who worked with Routh in Ukraine, including the aforementioned former CIA officer, who all described the skinny ex-construction worker as sketchy, dangerous, and kind of crazy.

Now they tell us.

But … how did the Wall Street Journal so quickly round up all these Routh-connected sources to interview? It didn’t say. I guess there must be a hotline or something. 1-800-ROUTH-TIPS, maybe. Or they just called Langley, Virginia. But that is a side issue.

In addition to his many chameleon-like spy powers, like stealing cars and license plates and setting up sniper nests, Routh also somehow successfully made himself a ubiquitous propaganda mouthpiece for the Proxy War effort, and somehow managed to score interviews with all the major media platforms. It’s almost like Routh had a handler of some kind. And it was all very un-failure-like.

Definitely sketchy. Obviously dangerous. But more importantly, Routh clearly has skillz. With a ‘z’. Routh looks more like John Wick than a failed “fraudster” or a psychotic “whack job.”

I’m not saying it’s obvious somebody must have trained the walking scarecrow, just because he failed at everything evident in his public-facing life. The Journal even called it, “his tumultuous life full of failures and brushes with the law.” So okay, maybe, late in life, he finally stumbled across the one thing he’s good at: international assassin. He could have learned all that spooky spy stuff on YouTube. You never know.

That seems possible but highly unlikely. Isn’t the more parsimonious explanation that somebody trained Routh in spook skills? Somebody, perhaps, who works in an agency in love with three-letter acronyms?

Regardless, setting all that aside, the bottom line, and the thing to remember, is DeSantis’s central point: the DOJ should hand the case over to Florida since Routh’s crimes were committed in Florida, and since Florida can get a life sentence under state law, as opposed to just a maximum of 15 years on low-level federal gun charges.

Even setting aside the issue of transparency and trust, the feds should get out of the way until and unless they can charge Routh with something better than two commonplace weapons violations. And that is a fact.

One final quick update. We’ve wondered how Routh knew Trump would be on the golf course, since the trip arose right after a last-minute schedule change. But Routh’s timing is even more astonishing than that. Since Trump often plays golf on this course, it is true Routh could’ve just made a lucky guess.

But yesterday, I learned that Trump International has not yet opened for the season. In other words, the course was closed. So Routh would’ve had to know Trump was playing there even though nobody else was, and even though if Routh checked the course’s website, it would’ve said no golfing was going on.

In other words, not only was it even more remarkable Routh guessed Trump would be there, it was also the perfect time to get Trump, since the course was closed and pesky public players wouldn’t be around to interfere.

Curiouser and curiouser, cried Alice (so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).
133   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 18, 4:33pm  

Here's the situation with the car bomb at the Long Island Trump Rally earlier:

134   stereotomy   2024 Sep 18, 5:15pm  

AmericanKulak says

Here's the situation with the car bomb at the Long Island Trump Rally earlier:

So much for the "Public Information Office" - it conveys absolutely no information other than "We don't know."

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