Trump Survives Second Assassination Attempt

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2024 Sep 15, 1:33pm   4,005 views  204 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Trump just released a statement. He is fine. The reports are that a gunman was carrying a rifle and was seen by Secret Service who fired shots at him. As far as I know, he has been arrested and his vehicle has been impounded.

There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start
spiraling out of control, wanted you to hear this first: I AM
Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!
will always love you for supporting me.
Unity. Peace. Make America Great Again.

Trump was golfing at the time and he made sure everyone else was okay. ...

This is a very scary time. From day to day, things just get weirder. We know nothing about the shooter so far.

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27   clambo   2024 Sep 15, 8:18pm  

It's evidently not hard to see when Trump is in town; his plane is visible from the airport parking garage, the terminal, and driving Southern Boulevard.

Maybe the perp knows someone who let him know Trump would be playing golf today?

Waterboard the guy and find out who tipped him.
31   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 8:37pm  

Sounds like he sure did own a gun.
32   TechBrosWon   2024 Sep 15, 8:38pm  

Trump has now started doing Hindu politician drama.
Must be losing big time from stupid Black Hindu lady.
34   AD   2024 Sep 15, 8:41pm  

clambo says

Maybe the perp knows someone who let him know Trump would be playing golf today?

This perp looks too creepy with those Krazy Eyes to be able to make enough acquaintance with someone who would know this advanced info about Trump's plan to golf there.

Its not as if the perp staked out the place to make friends with the grounds keeper or security manager there who may have had inside advanced knowledge of Trump golfing there.

But maybe it is visibly evident that Trump was going to golf there today based on what the perp observed such as an increase in police cars at the golf course.

And the perp kept that in mind as far as staking out that place for the last few weeks or months.

But yes, the perp realized it was a matter of time he would be able to firsthand observe Trump golfing at Trump's golf course, and he independently (?), patiently and deliberately planned this out.

37   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 15, 8:47pm  

We're in a not-so-cold Civil War where Leftists can firebomb Federal Buildings and get a fine and probation... but J6ers protesting an election with magical endless ballot appearances and broke a window in the process get years in solitary under terror charges. Meanwhile the Media proclaims "Stop hating Haitans" even though that same Media wrote articles about voodoo animal sacrifice in Haiti itself but calls a candidate "Hitler" who will "End Democracy".

And finally, weak kneed old GOPe thinks they can mmm, ummm, ah soo, let's be princulpled and calm when it's more and more clear they LIKE the borrow-and-spend so long as they get cheap labor and gov contracts.
39   AD   2024 Sep 15, 8:53pm  

how secretive are Trump's public movements such as golfing at his golf club ?

is it easy to track Trump's exact whereabouts ? and if yes, how easy is it to get a line of sight on him with a gun (given his current level of Secret Service protection) ?

can you track Trump movement using the county traffic cameras and there was at least one traffic camera by the golf course entrance ?

or the perpetrator Ryan Routh set up a hunting camera there which sent updates to his phone every 30 seconds so he knew when Trump was on the golf course ?

if I was Trump, I'd hire supplemental professional security because I do not have full faith in the Secret Service
42   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 15, 9:15pm  

Routh was involved in a standoff and possessed a fully automatic weapon in 2002.

43   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 15, 9:17pm  

@nytimes staggeringly just admitted that they interviewed the crazed former roofer/apparent intel asset who allegedly shot at Pres Trump, and reported uncritically his assertions that he was in the middle of high level conflict diplomacy: "In the interview, Mr. Routh said he was in Washington to meet with the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, known as the Helsinki Commission “for two hours” to help push for more support for Ukraine. The commission is led by members of Congress and staffed by congressional aides. It is influential on matters of democracy and security and has been vocal in supporting Ukraine." There's the paper of record for ya! https://nytimes.com/2024/09/15/us/politics/trump-shooting-suspect-routh.html?campaign_id=60&emc=edit_na_20240916&instance_id=0&nl=breaking-news%C2%AEi_id%3D147278987&segment_id=177923&user_id=3b45250e9aa1e9b0e5aa43297217cff5


47   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 10:09pm  


Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸

Here is a screen recording with all of attempted assassin @RyanRouth’s posts, in case his account gets deleted.
50   Ceffer   2024 Sep 15, 10:15pm  

Ole Dammegard says if you are interested in these things, record as much as you can from the first rushes and keep them on a chip away from the internet (apparently, they have developed the technology to invade phones and computers and alter or delete your photographs and files).
53   WookieMan   2024 Sep 16, 2:44am  

AD says

But maybe it is visibly evident that Trump was going to golf there today based on what the perp observed such as an increase in police cars at the golf course.

It's easy to track anyone really. As others have said having a big ass airplane doesn't help with his name plastered on the side. His reliance on SS agents as well is problematic. He needs his own protection. There's clearly a mole on his protection team. No chance in hell this should happen a second time.

What he should do is get some young women with brains to follow his SS team. Catch them at their hotel or having their lunch. There's clearly someone that is fucking with his detail. Do your own PI work.
54   RayAmerica   2024 Sep 16, 7:55am  

Picture E. Jean Carrol with a beard ...

... and without a beard ...

55   RayAmerica   2024 Sep 16, 8:29am  

Yesterday, on her podcast, Candace Owens made stated that the attempted assassination was aided by someone inside the Trump camp. Without knowledge of Trump's itinerary, how did the shooter know that Trump would be playing golf at that particular course, and when? It is certainly possible that the much needed information could have come from someone in his 'protection' team.

Trump’s Golf Outing Was a Last-Minute Decision, Sources Reveal

Former President Donald Trump’s Sunday golf outing at his Trump International Golf Club was a last-minute decision, sources told CNN.

This unscheduled appearance has ignited speculation and questions regarding a security incident that occurred at the club earlier that day.

Sources revealed that the golf outing was not on Trump’s public schedule, raising concerns about how an individual was seemingly able to time an incident during Trump’s presence at the club.

57   WookieMan   2024 Sep 16, 10:49am  

RayAmerica says

Sources revealed that the golf outing was not on Trump’s public schedule, raising concerns about how an individual was seemingly able to time an incident during Trump’s presence at the club.

Mentioned it. 1+1 is not equaling 2. He should dump SS service. It will cost a fortune for protection, but he's not getting it now. Revamp the whole fucking thing in January and can get them all government jobs with pensions and good healthcare. Tell them to just keep him alive at any cost and they'll be rewarded.

I'm more worried about something else. The shooting isn't working apparently. He's got to get his own guys at this point. Private investigate his current team. I'm worried a bomb is the next attempt. There will be another. Ceffer says


Sounds like LSD. Not like it hasn't happened before. Not gonna lie, my favorite hallucinogen. Easy to manipulate people on it if you're sober and they're not.
59   Patrick   2024 Sep 16, 11:15am  


This time, the shooter lives to do some ‘splainin’. Do you wonder if he might get around to ‘splainin’ his role with the shady non-governmental orgs (NGOs) supported by the CIA who enabled his travels to Ukraine and his efforts there recruiting global mutts to fight for the Nazi-ish Azov Battalion? Perhaps he might rat-out actual government officials who assisted him in his colorful misadventures? As Ed Snowden remarked on “X”, wannabe Trump assassin Ryan Routh has “something of an Oswald vibe” — meaning, well-groomed by the intel boys, to be used as required.

Perhaps we’ll find out — if nothing fatal happens to befall Mr. Routh while in custody — how exactly he learned Mr. Trump would be on the links that afternoon? The candidate’s round of golf that day was supposedly a snap decision known only amongst his innermost circle. Or how did Mr. Routh figure out the most advantageous fairway to lay at for a clear shot? The FBI is on the case, you may be reassured to know.
60   Ceffer   2024 Sep 16, 11:30am  

I like the term 'contingency operator'. He had some kind of handler and comms, clearly. But the idea of supporting random nutters in various locations throughout the country (with covert handlers giving them a sense of mission and affiliation) then mobilizing the individual as a remote access albeit low 'probability of success' impromptu assassin can make sense for the dark forces.

Bush Sr. MKUltra'd the child of a family friend (Chapman) to a time and place where Reagan was to appear to render the gunfire, so I suppose it can work. Of course, most of the attempts that work have the Intel cooperation of the Praetorian Guards on the inside.

There are the Monarch products with DID. A personality can assassinate then auto lock into another personality who has no idea what happened, a la Manchurian Candidate.

The pictures of Routh with half blue hair and half not suggests DID, like he's wearing it.
61   RayAmerica   2024 Sep 16, 11:35am  

Patrick says

This time, the shooter lives to do some ‘splainin’.

The shooter lives but I wouldn't want to be the one that has to pay up on his life insurance policy.
62   Onvacation   2024 Sep 16, 11:45am  

Shooter used an AK-47.
Russian collusion?
63   Ceffer   2024 Sep 16, 11:56am  

Onvacation says

Shooter used an AK-47.
Russian collusion?

It was an IRANIAN AK-47. Let's tag both while the iron is hot.

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