Fuck Europe! Thread

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2024 Sep 19, 3:08pm   2,934 views  127 comments

by DeportLibtards   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Some data to use when some European bitches about America.

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73   RWSGFY   2025 Feb 15, 8:58pm  

I don't really get all these gleeful proclamations about Europe being on their own from now on while we supposedly "pivot to Asia"* to concentrate on China. Let's do a thought experiment, shall we? Supposedly we withdraw our troops from Europe and even get out of NATO alltogether. Who says that left to fend for herself Europe won't align with Chyna to fill the security vacuum? They might not have the great technological achievements like Twatter of Fuckbook, but their engineering and manufacturing of such "useless" and "backwards" stuff as aircraft, missiles, artillery, semiconductor production equipment, engines of all kinds, small arms, etc. are still superb and on par or sometimes even better than ours. Do you think that China's access to all of that will make our life in Asia, where we just wisely "pivoted" easier?

What did you say? They won't do it because of "values"? C'mon, man: values are so passé. The realpolitik is in vogue now.

I think this shit needs to be toned down before it's too late.

*) I'm old enough to remember who came up with that slogan - Obama.
74   Misc   2025 Feb 15, 9:51pm  

The Europeans aren't concerned about Russia. Germany spends less on defense than it did in 2022. France and Italy spend a paltry amount. The Eastern European states aren't pressuring the major European countries to increase defense spending. No, they want America to foot the bill.

The European leaders slipped off the rails onto the Woke/Globalist/Green agenda and instead of pulling back they are doubling down on that nonsense.

We're not "pivoting". The European leaders simply want totalitarian control with no dissention. We don't want to be a part of that.

No, Americans don't want to see our tax dollars going towards re-building Ukraine once the war is over. Biden moved our Federal deficit from 3% of GDP to 6% of GDP. We need to reduce our deficit not add an extra expense. So, if Europe doesn't want a festering 3rd world country sharing its borders. It needs to pony up for that. The European governments ain't got any kind of coin to be doing jack shit to materially help the Ukraine. The kindest solution would be to break the Ukraine up, with its neighbors getting parcels.

No matter what, without American leadership, the Europeans will be back to having major wars between themselves, and then the question becomes which faction do we back...if any.
75   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 15, 9:57pm  


I don't really get all these gleeful proclamations about Europe being on their own from now on while we supposedly "pivot to Asia"* to concentrate on China. Let's do a thought experiment, shall we? Supposedly we withdraw our troops from Europe and even get out of NATO alltogether. Who says that left to fend for herself Europe won't align with Chyna to fill the security vacuum?

China can't do shit with Europe nor will want to.
76   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 15, 9:57pm  

This is why Macron is panicking:

77   Misc   2025 Feb 15, 11:46pm  

Green madness takes over the UK.

UK courts have ruled that there is no new drilling in the North Sea because...welll...climate change. It doesn't matter that the UK will simply import the oil instead of getting it itself. This will make the UK completely dependent on foreign oil.

78   goofus   2025 Feb 16, 5:42am  

“ Who says that left to fend for herself Europe won't align with Chyna to fill the security vacuum? They might not have the great technological achievements like Twatter of Fuckbook, but their engineering and manufacturing of such "useless" and "backwards" stuff as aircraft, missiles, artillery, semiconductor production equipment, engines of all kinds, small arms, etc. are still superb and on par or sometimes even better than ours. Do you think that China's access to all of that will make our life in Asia, where we just wisely "pivoted" easier?”

Europe under globalist bureaucrats would try to do any and all of the above. But recall that Xi and Putin allied over near-assassinations, and that China, while cagey, has no interest in arming globalists.

China may well use this opportunity to economically indenture Europe, though (and euro leadership is foolish/peevish enough to do it).
79   Tenpoundbass   2025 Feb 16, 5:51am  

Some think Trump is going to make Memes obsolete, when he's done saving the US. There will always be Europe.
But I say who in the fuck cares about Europe?
80   goofus   2025 Feb 16, 6:07am  

Tenpoundbass says

Some think Trump is going to make Memes obsolete, when he's done saving the US. There will always be Europe.
But I say who in the fuck cares about Europe?

I do, but JFC the people are less aware of their media’s propaganda than our Democrats. They’ve grown decadent and self-fellating over the “humanitarian superpower” delusion, while allowing wartime levels of rape against European girls. It’s sick.
81   WookieMan   2025 Feb 16, 6:28am  

Misc says

The Europeans came up with Ozempic and Wegovy.

I will credit them for trying to make people look better.

Ozempic is not healthy and not sustainable in the long run. I don't know about the other one. So yeah, fuck Europe as usual. People can just adult and not be fat. It's pretty easy. They'll just get fat again once they can't afford it anymore. Likely heavy liver damage as well.
82   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 16, 7:52am  

EU can't even do it's most basic job: Create and enforce a common European free trade zone.

83   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 16, 10:40am  

So if the Europeans are now saying they can create an Army of Europe and don't need NATO, then they can't be upset if Trump cuts all funding to NATO.
84   WookieMan   2025 Feb 16, 10:59am  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

So if the Europeans are now saying they can create an Army of Europe and don't need NATO, then they can't be upset if Trump cuts all funding to NATO.

Cut it. All the major wars have start there since our civil war. I have a 14 year old that I have no interest in him fighting over European and Asian problems in the coming years.

We can still be allies with Europeans, but if they get in a fight, we shouldn't be on the hook to protect them. This isn't the 1800's anymore where we needed some help during wars. If you need help, pay us. A lot.
85   mell   2025 Feb 16, 11:06am  

If the US finally stays out of Ukraine and other shit that's none of their business and European citizens continue firing their US vasall lackeys at the helm then Europe won't need to invest in warfare and can resume peaceful business relations with Russia.
87   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 17, 7:47am  

"We cannot be a modern Rome guarding the far frontiers with our legions if for no other reason than that these are not, politically, our frontiers. What we must do is to assist these people [to] regain their confidence and get on their own military feet" - Eisenhower
88   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 17, 8:52am  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

"We cannot be a modern Rome guarding the far frontiers with our legions if for no other reason than that these are not, politically, our frontiers. What we must do is to assist these people [to] regain their confidence and get on their own military feet" - Eisenhower

89   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 17, 9:06am  

There were also people who tried to find a ray of light in the darkness. “So far, the US has not questioned the most important core of the [NATO] alliance – the nuclear shield over Europe,” a senior NATO official in Munich said. “As long as that remains the case, we can cope with what is happening in Washington.” An EU colleague added: “I’d rather have Vance talking about this culture-war censorship stuff than about the withdrawal of US troops from Europe.”

Vance linked transatlantic security to the right-wing populist values of the new US administration. According to the Vice President, the suppression of freedom of expression, disguised as the fight against disinformation, is more dangerous than the threats posed by Russia and China. Then he continued. “What is the positive vision that animates this shared security compact that we all believe is so important? I believe deeply that there is no security if you are afraid of the voices, the opinions and the conscience that guide your very own people.” This was new. If America were to tie future transatlantic security cooperation to Europe’s right-wing populists and extremists, to lies and agitation being given free rein, it would have dramatic consequences for the allies on this side of the Atlantic.

94   RWSGFY   2025 Feb 18, 3:42pm  

Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi:

"China has always seen in Europe an important pole in the multipolar world. The two sides are partners, not rivals. China is willing to work with the European side to deepen strategic communication and mutually beneficial cooperation and steer the world to a bright future of peace, security, prosperity, and progress."
95   RWSGFY   2025 Feb 18, 3:46pm  

Chinese military expert Zhou Bo, during an interview with DW, said that China might have three roles to end the war in Ukraine:

◾️ To join other major forces in providing a collective security guarantee to Ukraine;

◾️ China is one of the best options when talking about sending peacemaking troops to Ukraine. Zhou Bo thinks the variant with European troops in Ukraine is unrealistic because Russia would see it as "another way of a NATO presence" in the country;

◾️ Participation in the post-war reconstruction.


Soo, out of three players, two saying "fuck you, no troops" and one saying "we'll send troops and help rebuild" who has the better chance to get these mineral rights in the end?
96   Patrick   2025 Feb 19, 9:37pm  


I suspect that the next few years will see very rapid political change across the West. Just as the fall of communism was not limited to the USR but spread like wildfire throughout the Warsaw Pact, the fall of gay race communism will not be an isolated event within the USSA, but will bring down governments all over the world. In most cases this will probably be fairly peaceful, achieved at the ballot box. In other cases things may become more turbulent. Brussels has signalled that it is prepared to nullify elections whose results it does not appreciate. They already did this in Romania, using some obscure judge to zero out the electoral victory of a nationalist candidate for the country’s presidency. They’ve said that they’re considering doing the same thing on a wider scale. If they do, I do not think it will end well for them. The American Regime – which, you must remember, no longer refers to our enemies – is in possession of a 5GW platform specifically designed for bringing down governments by inciting colour revolutions. The governments of Europe are weak and unpopular; should they cling to power, they will be removed the hard way. And the same will prove true, I think, of the governments of Britain and Canada.
97   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 23, 7:59am  

Home Depot is worth more than all the European start ups created in the past 50 years combined. Home Depot.

98   WookieMan   2025 Feb 23, 8:21am  

Is that a surprise? Europe is auto, finance and entertainment. They have no resources. Europe is and has been toast for some time. That’s why they’re scared if NATO goes away. They’re helpless without the US
106   WookieMan   2025 Mar 3, 8:19pm  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

It's their damn battle anyway. There's no motivation for Russia to attack us and the only way would result in both countries melting each other. Not gonna happen.

If you really think about how stable the US has been for 2 centuries outside of the Civil War, we look pretty good. Europe had 2 world wars that we had to help out with. There will be a 3rd. All of Eurasia will be liquid diarrhea in 10 years. And my kids are not going there to fight anything. I'll make sure of that.
111   Patrick   2025 Mar 4, 9:03pm  

That map corresponds well with the ongoing invasion from the Middle East.

The countries that don't want to fight are being invaded the most.

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