With all that's going on in the propaganda, fear and disinformation world, maybe they will thank Helene for the vacation down time. "Who ever thought a devastating hurricane would improve my mental health that much? It also took down the 5G towers."
The Weather Weapons arbiters studied past hurricanes in order to find one that met their goals, then exacerbated and steered Helene into the designated path of destruction.
Arrogance of the weather warriors? They even gave the two hurricanes the same name? They are showing off their weather weapons with braggadocio? There are no coincidences.
Joe is retired. Kamala is campaigning and losing. I've said it before, we have no executive branch right now. No leadership. That's why Israel is going off. It's going to get worse in the next 35 days. Joe got everyone their checks and he's done. Kamala is out finding glory holes probably.
When Trump wins I think he will start leading the next day. He'll be POTUS. Why do the bull shit in January. He's already done the job. Let's just get going. Joe's career will be done and so will Kamala's.
The only weird thing I could see them pulling is Joe just quits and Kamala is the first female POTUS for 2 months to extend her "career." We'll see.
The Satanic Warning mattress tag, delivered by Biden Actor in senile mumble speak, telling the truth of their intentions to avoid negative karma. Speech given in Maui at the scene of the Freemason Lahaina DEW Massacre. Lahaina was bragging exemplar that they can do anything they want whenever they want. https://t.me/BenjaminFulfordFans/141464
Must have been a simulcast with an exceedingly strange looking Biden Actor in fake White House and another in Delaware?
Americans fund your own disaster cleanup. Since Lahaina was not a wake up call except for the blighted locals, will Appalachia be a wake up call for the broader American people? They aren't just destroying us through immigration, they are physically destroying the country with weather bombs and DEW. Only a fool would think that this is not the Globalist plan.
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