Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable By

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2024 Oct 22, 2:02pm   30 views  0 comments

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Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable
James Thorp MD & Celia Farber
PUBLIUS SPECIAL GUEST: James Thorp, MD and Celia Farber, authors of Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable.
TO BOOK INTERVIEWS EMAIL: aj.publius@gmail.com or drew.publius@gmail.com
Sacrifice documents the true story of a very respected doctor of maternal fetal medicine, who in 2020, finds his entire profession has lost its mind, as well as its soul. He finds himself in the predicament of “The Obsolete Man” in Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone. As his colleagues all around him take the bribe money, drink the Kool-Aid, and push the shots, James Thorp is one of the few ObGyns to bear witness and broadcast the multitude of pregnancy complications including miscarriage, stillbirths, and many others resulting from the shots.
Dr. Thorp is one of a rare few doctors from the maternal-fetal medicine realm who publicly protested the Covid shots as directly deadly to unborn babies—his patients. He witnessed the carnage on a daily basis firsthand. He documented it, published papers, and spoke up on countless media platforms, and in Senate hearings in Washington, DC. He was terminated, without any cause, and went on to campaign around the country, to get the truth out. This is his story. 
PLUG BOOK: Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable
BIO: Dr. James Thorp, author of Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable, is a board-certified obstetrician gynecologist (Ob/Gyn) and maternal fetal medicine physician with over forty-four years of obstetrical experience. He saw over 27,500 high-risk pregnancies in four and a half years while serving one of the largest Catholic Health Care systems, SSM Health, of St. Louis, MO. Dr. Thorp is currently the chief of Maternal and Prenatal Health at The Wellness Company. He served as a reviewer for major medical journals, on the board of directors for the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, and as an examiner for the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology. He served in the US Air Force as an obstetrician gynecologist. Dr. Thorp testified in the US Senate under the Bush administration in 2003 and with Senator Ron Johnson and others in 2022. Dr. Thorp is active in clinical research with approximately 275 publications of which seventy are COVID-19 related. He is a coauthor of The COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond.
BIO: Celia Farber, author of Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable, is a pioneering journalist whose early works about fraud and murder in the HIV empire were prescient by decades. Best known for her writings against pandemic propaganda, from AIDS to Covid, she was also an early critic of woke culture and mind control. Farber is the author of Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History Of AIDS. She has written for Harper’s, Esquire, Rolling Stone, and The New York Post, among others, and is a contributing writer at The Epoch Times. She was the 2008 recipient of the Semmelweis Clean Hands Award for Investigative Journalism by the Semmelweis Society International.
James Thorp, MD and Celia Farber, authors of Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable.
TO BOOK INTERVIEWS EMAIL: aj.publius@gmail.com or drew.publius@gmail.com 牺牲:历史上最致命的疫苗如何针对最脆弱的人群
PUBLIUS 特邀嘉宾:医学博士詹姆斯·索普 (James Thorp) 和西莉亚·法伯 (Celia Farber),《牺牲:历史上最致命的疫苗如何针对最弱势群体》一书的作者。
《牺牲》记录了一位备受尊敬的母胎医学医生的真实故事,他在 2020 年发现他的整个职业已经失去了理智和灵魂。 他发现自己陷入了罗德·瑟林《暮光之城》中“过时的人”的困境。 当他周围的同事收受贿赂、喝酷爱饮料并推动注射时,詹姆斯·索普是为数不多的见证并传播了多种妊娠并发症的妇产科医生之一,这些并发症包括流产、死产和其他因妊娠引起的并发症。 镜头。
索普医生是母胎医学领域为数不多的公开抗议新冠注射对未出生的婴儿(他的病人)直接致命的医生之一。 他每天都亲眼目睹这场大屠杀。 他记录了这一点,发表了论文,并在无数媒体平台和华盛顿特区的参议院听证会上发表了讲话。 他被无故解雇,并继续在全国各地开展活动,以查明真相。 这是他的故事。 
简介:詹姆斯·索普博士是《牺牲:历史上最致命的疫苗如何针对最弱势群体》一书的作者,是一位经过委员会认证的妇产科医生 (Ob/Gyn) 和母胎医学医师,拥有超过 44 年的产科经验。 在为最大的天主教医疗保健系统之一、位于密苏里州圣路易斯的 SSM Health 服务期间,他在四年半的时间里见证了超过 27,500 例高风险怀孕。 索普博士目前是 The Wellness Company 孕产妇和产前健康部门的主管。 他曾担任主要医学期刊的审稿人、母胎医学协会的董事会成员以及美国妇产科委员会的审查员。 他曾在美国空军担任妇产科医生。 索普博士于 2003 年在布什政府领导下的美国参议院作证,并于 2022 年与参议员罗恩·约翰逊等人一起在美国参议院作证。索普博士积极从事临床研究,发表了约 275 篇出版物,其中 70 篇与 COVID-19 相关。 他是《COVID-19 疫苗及其他》一书的合著者。
简介:西莉亚·法伯(Celia Farber)是《牺牲:历史上最致命的疫苗如何针对最弱势群体》一书的作者,她是一位先锋记者,她早期关于艾滋病毒帝国欺诈和谋杀的作品具有数十年的先见之明。 她以反对从艾滋病到新冠病毒等流行病宣传的著作而闻名,她也是觉醒文化和精神控制的早期批评者。  法伯是《严重不良事件:未经审查的艾滋病史》一书的作者。 她曾为《哈泼斯》、《时尚先生》、《滚石》和《纽约邮报》等杂志撰稿,也是《大纪元时报》的特约撰稿人。 2008 年,她荣获国际塞梅尔维斯协会颁发的塞梅尔维斯调查新闻干净之手奖。
在此查找 X 上的詹姆斯·索普 (JAMES THORP):
在 X 上找到西莉亚·法伯 (CELIA FARBER):
詹姆斯·索普(James Thorp)医学博士和西莉亚·法伯(Celia Farber)是《牺牲:历史上最致命的疫苗如何针对最弱势群体》一书的作者。

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