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39   Ceffer   2024 Dec 1, 10:34pm  

I think the pardon is just to end the Biden Actor soap opera on all sides, like, you had your shot and you had your fun but now that theme is over.

Hunter can only be pardoned for what he has been convicted of, not precog amnesty for all possible indictments, and Biden Actor can't pardon shit once he is out of office. It's a washing of the hands of the Biden fraud generally for optics and the memory hole. The CIA would find it tedious to mask up their actors for ongoing, lengthy fake trials and fake prison sentences, and the Trump administration is probably going to be too busy with other things of major importance to demand or require chasing down the Wizard of Oz. Trump probably already knows the true targets behind the play acting and magician's tricks.

However, I suppose the extended Biden crime family could face some problems with their swarm of laundering LLCs, but that remains to be seen
40   Rin   2024 Dec 1, 10:41pm  

Ceffer says

However, I suppose the extended Biden crime family could face some problems with their swarm of laundering LLCs, but that remains to be seen

The problem is that eventually, if Hunter was the only person, physically at meetings in ex-USSR, PRC, etc with corrupt international players, it becomes a game of he says/she says and nothing will stick to good olde Joe.
41   Ceffer   2024 Dec 1, 10:42pm  

Patrick says

A few published DNA tests would clear up a lot of 'mysteries' in the political soap operas and would have surprising results. However, we will never see that because the Illuminati and Intel wars on both sides play out on the edges of the public perception frauds.

"Hey, our DNA tests of Biden show the DNA of ten different males and females." "Did you know that Nancy Pelosi and KamalaToe have male DNA?"
42   Rin   2024 Dec 1, 10:46pm  

Ceffer says

A few published DNA tests

But don't Joe and Hunter share a lot of those genomes? Pardon Hunter and the other is just a relative of his.
43   Ceffer   2024 Dec 1, 10:50pm  

I suppose the CIA would just set up a Department of DNA Sheep Dipping. However, an independent and incorruptible agency (if any could possibly exist) would cut through a lot of fraud and wasted time in the political world. That's entirely too straight forward and easy, though, and defies the Satanic imperatives of keeping the public immersed in a world of shadows and deceptions.
44   Ceffer   2024 Dec 2, 12:59am  

Guess I was wrong on points of the pardon. The date of the pardon extended from 2014. It's post absolution. Issues unkown at the time of the pardon as well?

Anyway, it disposes of the Biden dramas in the public eye.

45   WookieMan   2024 Dec 2, 1:54am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

This is my take. If he pardons there are less Democrat voters come 2026 and Trump could potentially have a super majority in Congress. So let him pardon his son and further destroy the pile of shit that is the Dem party.

I say just let this ugly chapter in America go into the sunset. Joe will be dead by 90. Hunter will probably overdose. A pardon doesn't matter to me. The POTUS shouldn't even be able to pardon people anyway in my opinion. Just don't do shit that could imply you were involve in a crime. It's not difficult to not commit crimes. Somehow I've managed to stay clean beside a potential minor charge that might result in a night in jail but nothing else, but that hasn't happened.
46   clambo   2024 Dec 2, 7:16am  

I'm amazed at anyone who could have ever voted for that asshole Joe Biden.
47   AD   2024 Dec 2, 8:06am  

clambo says

I'm amazed at anyone who could have ever voted for that asshole Joe Biden.

Biden has always disguised being a moron by acting as an ass and as arrogant.

That is how he politically survived as the media embraced this persona with such titles as lunch bucket Joe, and a very vocal fighter for the white working class and unions (well, mostly the public/government employee unions)..

Here is an article going back to Sept 2008:


48   HeadSet   2024 Dec 2, 9:03am  

AD says

He didn't pardon his brother Jim Biden.

YET. The Biden family pardons will occur right after New Years.
52   Ceffer   2024 Dec 2, 9:48am  

If the entire Biden regime is nullified due to the 2020 fraud, then the pardon also becomes void. Of course, that doesn't seem likely depending on the kinetics used by the Globalists and Deep State to keep Trump out of the White House.

The pardon does a good job of the final wake up for some about Biden et alia. Just various gangsters taking over the ship of state.
55   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 2, 10:20am  

Who's gonna pardon Bidet now that Kummalala is not a thing anymore?
56   stereotomy   2024 Dec 2, 10:36am  


Who's gonna pardon Bidet now that Kummalala is not a thing anymore?

Indeed . . .
57   Patrick   2024 Dec 2, 10:56am  


Joe Biden just gave President Trump the biggest gift any outgoing president has ever given his replacement. CNN ran one of several articles covering the story under the headline, “Analysis: Biden’s pardon of his son pours fuel on Trump’s claims of politicized justice.” Joe just gave President Trump the political equivalent of a diamond tennis bracelet for Christmas.


CLIP: Jean-Pierre: “no, no, no, it is a no. Will be pardon his son? No.”

Joe has emphatically promised that he would never pardon Hunter. “No man is above the law,” the old relic used to tell reporters every time Hunter’s name came up. More egregiously, Democrats and liberal legal commenters wrote poems blessing Biden for his saintly adherence to the “rule of law,” letting his own son experience the just consequences of his actions and keeping politics completely out of it.

Surprising only the Democrat base — plus, I suppose, captive corporate media who are pretending to be surprised — last night President Vegetable Étouffée shattered a long series of public promises by issuing a formal presidential pardon excusing his son, baby Cabbage, for all crimes, known or unknown, committed during his gloriously profitable crime spree starting on January 1, 2014. No coincidentally, 2014 was the year Hunter started “working” as Ukrainian energy company Burisma’s first outside board member, and when his company Metabiota began tinkering with viruses in that godforsaken country.

You might call it the unintended Trump Effect. One day after President-Elect Trump announced the terrifying nomination of Kash Patel to lead the F.B.I., Joe Biden shocked his Democrat allies — CNN called it a “stunning development” — who thought all the hard feelings were behind them, along with Joe’s ability to exact any more political revenge.

A single-page statement emerged from the bowels of the White House, covered in a white, powdery residue that a nearby Secret Service agent said was untraceable, so don’t bother. The statement explained the rationale for Hunter’s pardon, blaming Joe’s broken promise not to pardon Hunter on, of course, President Trump.

CNN — along with the “stunned” Democrats — instantly recognized that Joe just torpedoed their best weapon in the narrative war against President Trump. CNN admitted in the article that the carefully focus-grouped slogan “no one is above the law” is now dead, kaput, fully expired. CNN said Hunter’s pardon “raises questions about the bedrock notion that underpins the system of justice in the United States that everyone — even presidents and their families — are equal before the law.”

The Republicans promptly began invading narrative territory long held by Democrats. From the story:

And Trump's Republican allies sought to use the situation to bolster the chances of Senate
confirmation for some of his most provocative picks. "Democrats can spare us the lectures
about the rule of law when, say, President Trump nominates Pam Bondi and Kash Patel to
clean up this corruption," Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton wrote on X.

In other words, Republicans are already loading Hunter’s pardon as political ammunition into their rhetorical guns. “Already, Republicans are arguing the Hunter Biden pardon shows that the current president, and not the next one, is most to blame for politicizing the system of justice by meting out favorable treatment to his son,” CNN dolefully allowed, admitting that “Their claim may not be accurate, but it can still be politically effective.”


Biden’s official statement — I promise I am not making this up — was an ode to the weaponization of the justice system. You couldn’t ask for better evidence to support tearing the FBI and DOJ down to their mildew-ridden roots than this, a formal statement from a sitting president complaining about the politicized justice system. ...

There you have it: the leader of the federal government itself, and the party’s top Democrat, agrees with Republicans that the nation’s justice system has been politically weaponized. We may disagree whether the weaponization was partisan and if so, in which direction the partisanship twists. But now, Republicans and Democrats unanimously agree: the justice system is broken. The New York Times noticed the political danger:

In Pardoning His Son, Biden Echoes
Some of Trump's Complaints
President Biden and President-elect Trump
now agree on one thing: The Biden Justice
Department has been politicized.

In other words, Biden may have snatched Hunter off the board, but he switched the pieces. Biden’s statement put the DOJ and the FBI onto the chessboard, in Hunter’s place, already in check. In chess terms, it was like saving a pawn by giving up the queen and both rooks.

As for Hunter, well, if special prosecutor Jack Smith can soak up more millions of your tax money producing a stinker of a Trump report even though President Trump’s cases were dismissed, then incoming Attorney General Pam Bondi can spend a few bucks producing an odious Hunter Biden report, too, even though Hunter was pardoned.

Finally, President Trump’s immediate response was to turn the Hunter pardon around on Democrats, as a justification for pardoning the J6 political prisoners:

... In other words, Hunter’s pardon opens the way for pardoning the J6 prisoners (and possibly others). It was a brilliant political move. Brilliant, that is, if Joe Biden were trying to help President Trump.
58   Patrick   2024 Dec 2, 11:20am  

Ah, interesting:


Scenario: one or more of the 51 “intelligence officials” get prosecuted for election interference for their phony public letter about “the hallmarks of Russian influence”. Necessarily a key witness in their trial is Hunter Biden, who now because of the pardon cannot refuse to testify by invoking the Fifth Amendment. If he spills the beans the truth is revealed for all to see and if he lies he commits perjury which can then be prosecuted because it falls outside the timeline of the pardon. Perhaps Joe just checkmated all his sleazy family members.
59   RC2006   2024 Dec 2, 11:31am  

Patrick says

Scenario: one or more of the 51 “intelligence officials” get prosecuted for election interference for their phony public letter about “the hallmarks of Russian influence”.

Right off the bat Trump should revoke the security clearance of all of them.
60   Ceffer   2024 Dec 2, 12:36pm  

AD says

clambo says

I'm amazed at anyone who could have ever voted for that asshole Joe Biden.

Biden has always disguised being a moron by acting as an ass and as arrogant.

Behind every stick figure puppet is a dynastic or bloodline. With Biden, it is the Dupont Satanic Hub of Delaware. With Newsom, it is the Getty-Pelosi group. Original Biden was also a Jesuit trained gangster, the role carried on by his family members. That is why they go to so much trouble to keep the Biden figure going with the cartoons even after death. He was too valuable a brand name to let go, and he is a ritual humiliation and mockery of the public to boot.

Plus, very few did vote for him. Remember, he barely campaigned and his rallies sometime had fewer than a dozen people. Same with KamalaToe, though she paid for larger hired crowds when blowing through her billion.
62   HeadSet   2024 Dec 2, 2:46pm  

stereotomy says


Who's gonna pardon Bidet now that Kummalala is not a thing anymore?

Indeed . . .

Biden can pardon himself and the rest of the Biden family. I predict a Biden family pardon after New Years.
63   HeadSet   2024 Dec 2, 2:55pm  

Another trick Biden can pull is to pardon some J6 along with pardoning himself and family. That way Biden can say "putting the issue to bed." That J6 pardon could also include the undercover scum, pipe bomber, and inciters.
64   TechBrosWon   2024 Dec 2, 3:38pm  

Marginalised MAGAs should just be happy for this little stuff, While the globalists steal the thunder and make MAGA as “hate the neighborhood liberal or minority” .

So sad!!
65   Ceffer   2024 Dec 2, 4:33pm  

"Everybody shocked, shocked I say, that Biden lied again."
66   stereotomy   2024 Dec 2, 5:22pm  

Paron the innocent J6ers and prosecute the glowies and infiltrators. Also, bring Ashly Babbit's murderer to justice.
67   Karloff   2024 Dec 2, 5:46pm  

HeadSet says

stereotomy says


Who's gonna pardon Bidet now that Kummalala is not a thing anymore?

Indeed . . .

Biden can pardon himself and the rest of the Biden family. I predict a Biden family pardon after New Years.

Or he officially hands the reigns over to Kamala, making her president, then she pardons him.
68   Patrick   2024 Dec 3, 10:12am  


Just when depressed Democrats, still licking their post-election wounds, thought things couldn’t get any worse, Joe broke wind at the DC dinner party. If anything, the Biden Crime Family Pardon was an absurd faux pas, which continued heaving up hilarity and political entertainment all day yesterday, in heaping handfuls, as corporate media flailed wildly in desperate search of a mutually agreed narrative. It’s almost like their handlers won’t tell them what to do. Behold, Google’s Fractured Fairy Tales, I mean Top Stories, this morning:

For most of yesterday morning, the media tried coalescing around a typical “Republicans Pounce” narrative, sketching Biden as, perhaps, a good father, even if a bad president. In this failed morality play, Republicans were the unfeeling interlopers butting into a private family drama, like a nosy neighbor who saw cop cars at the house last night, and came over to deliver the unsolicited advice that “if you want to know what I think, you should just let him go to jail, to learn his lesson.”

But that narrative quickly collapsed, since Republicans weren’t so much pouncing as they were rolling around on the floor laughing and pointing at duped Democrat talking heads who, having bought Joe’s regularly regurgitated lie about never ever pardoning Hunter, swanked around for a year bragging about their party’s undying love and irrevocable respect for the majesty of the law, compared to knuckle-dragging Republicans. But now, these ‘elites’ look like idiots, and it smarts.

When the “Republicans Pounce” narrative collapsed yesterday, the narrative devolved into a chaotic free-for-all. Even beyond how bad the pardon looked yesterday, this scandal is further damaging the already well-dinged Democrat ‘brand.’ Democrats who crossed the aisle and voted for Trump are probably thanking their lucky stars. To witness the astonishing same-day rhetorical evolution, consider just two headlines, both from far-left Axios. Here’s Sunday’s headline, right after the pardon news broke. ...

Here’s the bigger point: the reason for the Democrats’ deepening identity crisis is that, at least on the Hunter pardon issue, corporate media is obviously adrift, for the first time in years having no one to tell them what the approved narrative is. The Democrat party is both leaderless, thanks to an irascible, grudge-holding, hell-hath-no-fury like a scorned commander in chief who’s turned against the party, and also rudderless, having been abandoned by its deep state handlers. (At least, on this issue.)

Believe me, it’s tempting to speculate on where media coordination and Democrat party discipline has run off to. Let’s watch and see if they can stitch a coherent narrative back together today.

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