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This asshole is likely to be the Liberal Party's next PM candidate.
He's a total Globalist fuck with a hedge fund background and everything.
The Canadian Armed Forces has become so demoralized, weak, and enfaggoted by decades of systematic underfunding and leftist social engineering that what was once, man for man, one of the toughest armed forces on the planet is now a shambolic collection of obese CAFamites under the command of schoolmarms with pronoun hair. If the US wanted to conquer Canada by armed force, it could do so in a day – send a tank battalion to cut off the highway connections between Toronto and Montreal, drop some Green Berets into Ottawa to take parliament into custody, and that would be that. The problem is that Canada’s weak military also means that it cannot defend the arctic against Russian or Chinese incursions, thereby dropping the defence of North America’s northern frontier into the overstretched arms of the US military. ...
Canadian nationalists should ask themselves how our nations might continue to thrive within this wider political structure, without dissolving into the American melting pot. Indeed, if anyone can do that, Canadians can. From the very beginning Canada’s founding peoples have shared a state, letting each have their territory, while cooperating – or attempting to cooperate – on matters of federal importance. Neither the Quebecois nor the Anglo-Canadian have ever existed within an exclusive nation-state; both have always been part of one multi-national imperial project or another. Annexation could indeed be an opportunity for Anglo-Canadians in particular to reassert their own sense of national distinctiveness, which has for so long been bound up within the broader Canadian project that it has by now almost entirely disappeared within the murk of official multiculturalism.
New word: enfaggoted
The Canadian Armed Forces has become so demoralized, weak, and enfaggoted by decades of systematic underfunding and leftist social engineering that what was once, man for man, one of the toughest armed forces on the planet is now a shambolic collection of obese CAFamites under the command of schoolmarms with pronoun hair.
I don't remember when brawls were allowed to the degree that want on in that match.
Canadians have this mass inferiority complex vis a vis the US. The Quebeckers less so as they have at least a real distinct culture of their own.
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