Canada Thread

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2024 Dec 3, 12:43pm   2,787 views  136 comments

by DeportLibtards   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

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58   Ceffer   2025 Jan 24, 10:55pm  

Canada will collapse like a cheap suit when they realize hopping in the Trump train with all the prosperity incentives beats the KommieKunt Globalist tyranny shit that is designed to maximize the suffering, poverty, kingdom of lies and denigration of the populace for the dragons.


59   Ceffer   2025 Jan 24, 10:58pm  

Would we expect anything less? We have Trump now and they have their useless cardboard cutout perverts.

61   DeportLibtards   2025 Jan 28, 8:30am  

Percentage of population that is white, by province.

63   HeadSet   2025 Jan 28, 6:09pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Just imagine how inflationary that would be, especially since the Canadian government would have to use debt without the tax revenue from the lost commerce. It would be far easier to just police their border like Trump asks.
69   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 2, 10:56am  

Oh looky everyone! A Canadian with a brain!

73   AmericanKulak   2025 Feb 3, 3:09pm  

Well, that was fast.
74   Eric Holder   2025 Feb 3, 3:11pm  

AmericanKulak says

Well, that was fast.

Anybody bought the dip?
75   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 3, 10:39pm  

From Canadian TV a couple of months ago.

They called it!

77   Eric Holder   2025 Feb 6, 3:34pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Getting ready to become a 51st state?
81   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 11, 7:39pm  

This asshole is likely to be the Liberal Party's next PM candidate.

He's a total Globalist fuck with a hedge fund background and everything.

82   WookieMan   2025 Feb 11, 8:35pm  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

This asshole is likely to be the Liberal Party's next PM candidate.

He's a total Globalist fuck with a hedge fund background and everything.

Shit happens when you have wealthy Canadians that leave for 1-3 months every winter. They don't even like their own country. Met so many Canadians over the last 5 days in Mexico. If you don't live there 1/4 of the year it's hard to have pride in the place you call home. You just don't care. Eh.
89   Patrick   2025 Feb 15, 8:05pm  


The Canadian Armed Forces has become so demoralized, weak, and enfaggoted by decades of systematic underfunding and leftist social engineering that what was once, man for man, one of the toughest armed forces on the planet is now a shambolic collection of obese CAFamites under the command of schoolmarms with pronoun hair. If the US wanted to conquer Canada by armed force, it could do so in a day – send a tank battalion to cut off the highway connections between Toronto and Montreal, drop some Green Berets into Ottawa to take parliament into custody, and that would be that. The problem is that Canada’s weak military also means that it cannot defend the arctic against Russian or Chinese incursions, thereby dropping the defence of North America’s northern frontier into the overstretched arms of the US military. ...

Canadian nationalists should ask themselves how our nations might continue to thrive within this wider political structure, without dissolving into the American melting pot. Indeed, if anyone can do that, Canadians can. From the very beginning Canada’s founding peoples have shared a state, letting each have their territory, while cooperating – or attempting to cooperate – on matters of federal importance. Neither the Quebecois nor the Anglo-Canadian have ever existed within an exclusive nation-state; both have always been part of one multi-national imperial project or another. Annexation could indeed be an opportunity for Anglo-Canadians in particular to reassert their own sense of national distinctiveness, which has for so long been bound up within the broader Canadian project that it has by now almost entirely disappeared within the murk of official multiculturalism.

"John Carter" is quite a Canadian nationalist, but seems to be arguing for merger with the US in this essay.
90   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 15, 10:10pm  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

New word: enfaggoted


The Canadian Armed Forces has become so demoralized, weak, and enfaggoted by decades of systematic underfunding and leftist social engineering that what was once, man for man, one of the toughest armed forces on the planet is now a shambolic collection of obese CAFamites under the command of schoolmarms with pronoun hair.

93   Tenpoundbass   2025 Feb 16, 7:55am  

I don't remember when brawls were allowed to the degree that want on in that match.
It used to be when you would hear about fights breaking out in Hockey games, the fighters were always in full gear. The tussles would last for a fist throws, and perhaps an elbow or two but every ref on the ice would rush over immediately and send everyone to the penalty box.
What we see now, is chest beating, gloves being removed, helmets coming off, and the whole time no refs are no where to be seen. Then the fighting starts, and it is allowed to fizzle itself out.

I'm glad the US team beat the shit out of them, perhaps they can bring civility back to the sport now, that the Worldwide Commies realize trying to put on a show of force with males that actually have testosterone will never end well for them.
94   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 16, 9:12am  

Tenpoundbass says

I don't remember when brawls were allowed to the degree that want on in that match.

Canadians have this mass inferiority complex vis a vis the US. The Quebeckers less so as they have at least a real distinct culture of their own.

Once you accept this and learn how inferiority complexes manifests in whole societies, it all starts to make sense.

Same thing for most of Africa. Another - and quite extreme sub-example - of that is the whole bullshit industry grifting off of Afro-Americans in the US promoting that blacks invented everything and the pharoahs were black, yada-yada.

About 25 years ago, I went to a science museum in Vancouver. They had this whole dedicated exhibit for the Canadarm. This was the robotic arm on our space shuttles used to deploy and retrieve shit in space. The Canadians built it for us. A bunch of school kids were there in a field trip and an actually paid curator dediicated to rhe exhibit was doing her speech about the thing. You know...Canada's important contribution to space exploration and all that.

Up until then I never knew that glorified cargo handler was Canadian. Nor that shit was called the 'Canadarm' ..and don't call it the Canada Arm because they get pissed about that, too. Not making it up. (Of course, a whole generation of Canadians since don't know about it as they don't know about space shuttles)

If you think I am a rat-bastard asshole now, trust me when I say I was way worse then.

I got caught holding barely back my laughter. I was openly snickering or smirking or something and got caught. Ppl started looking at me.

Finally one of the teachers or volunteer parents asked me what my problem was.

Here we go!

Me: "Are you serious? If Canada got the contract for the space toilet on the shuttle, you would have a science museum exhibit like this too, I bet."

In otherwords, I said the fucking quiet part out loud...exposing their mass inferiority complex and how they attempt to ameliorate that right to their face.

One shit disturber material of a kid then laughed. Maybe he just did because he thought I made a 'potty joke'. Either way, that drove the spike far deeper than I ever could. The adults were visibly horrified. The whole purpose of taking the brats to that propaganda show just went to fucking he'll and they didn't have a plan b.

Just like that hockey game.

I decided to leave that exhibit before I got kicked out. I had the rest of the museum to see and paid the entrance fee, so...

I actually feel sorry for Canadians. It's not their fault but a shitty outcome for them from history and geography.

97   WookieMan   2025 Feb 16, 11:29am  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

Canadians have this mass inferiority complex vis a vis the US. The Quebeckers less so as they have at least a real distinct culture of their own.

Canadians play nice with people in public. Behind closed doors they're trash talkers. Hockey is one thing. When the rubber needs to meet the road in the real world they're pussies. I have a Canadian BIL.

SIL was going ape shit on everyone on a family vacation. I let it go for a while and then physically stepped in. My BIL just watched. I didn't say anything to him, but it's like dude, maybe give me a hand with this bitch? Even if it's family, if someone is putting hands on another family members it needs to stop. He just Canadian watched.

He made no attempt to deescalate the situation. So now that's my opinion of Canadians. I'd also say it's more of a jealousy thing though I guess that's kind of synonymous with inferiority complex.

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