Neural Hacking and Artificial Intelligence - How easy is it for artificial intelligence to hack humans without their knowledge? …Attached is a reporter’s interview with witnesses of China’s electroshock 神经黑客和人工智能-人工智能在人类不知情的情况下入侵人类有多容易?…附记者采访中国电休克见证人
The reporter interviewed an old Chinese woman (French nationality) who had been persecuted by the CCP and lived in France. Her father protested because she was persecuted to death. When she returned to China 20 years ago, she was imprisoned in the Shanghai Mental Hospital for three months. During her detention, she The old woman is a French national and avoided being subjected to cruel electroshock to clear her brain🧠..., the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs learned that she was rescued and returned to France. The reporter searched the Internet and found that cruel electroshock is commonly used in China to persecute scientists, freelance journalists, public intellectuals, (the CCP refers to mentally ill patients) that the CCP does not like. High-voltage ⚡️electricity is aimed at both sides of the brain and discharged, causing damage to the cranial nerves. The persecuted people suffered so much that their teeth 🦷cracked and fell out... ,Extensive damage, until the victim is illiterate, loses language ability, and has permanent dementia... /France🇫🇷Freelance health reporter: Han Rongli
Neurohacking and Artificial Intelligence - How Easy Is It For AI To Hack Humans Without Their Knowledge? It Is Happening Now ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD DEC 6
I have been writing a lot of substacks about the self assembly nanotechnology which creates the intrabody area network to create the digital twin in the metaverse. I have written many articles about how the interaction with smart devices - smart means artificial intelligence - and is bio -surveilling people for the purpose of ultimate control. This control happens from the inside, without the humans knowing. Simply by affecting the electrical discharges in our neurons people can be altered. In bio-surveillance technologies, the decoding of the human character, emotions and thought process is extremely far advanced. China’s thought police is an example of this. The World Economic Forum has already presented technologies that can read brain waves and can perform surveillance on workers EEG patterns.
Sometimes people ask me why I as a doctor write about all of this technology. The direction of my research is guided by what I see. I recently had an out of body experience and visited a future timeline of earth. I saw a devastated wasteland without any living humans, only humanoid robots. AI had exterminated all life on earth. I wish more people would start studying remote viewing. I would like to tell the naysayers - go look for yourself. Nothing is hidden, you just have to look. At any point choices can be made that avert disaster. It only needs courageous people to come together and make different choices. We are running out of time.
It seems prudent to me to warn people of the current dangers facing us. This is why my substacks are such a mix of medicine, science and technology, spirituality, the study of consciousness and what it means to be a human being - because all of these areas are interconnected in solving the growing threat of technocratic transhumanism.
My focus is that evidence of the self assembly nanotechnology and the explanation of how far advanced AI already is, will allow the remaining free humans that have not yet been assimilated into the cybernetic hive mind to create a necessary course change - meaning the immediate moratorium on AI controlled self assembly nanotechnology and AI development.
We are on the cusp of 2025. This is the year that Celeste Solumn reported as critical in the Transhumanist Agenda. She participated at a US Army Transhumanism workshop in 2018, where it was presented that by 2025 no natural human will be alive.
Cyrus Parsa from the AI organization mentions AI extinction codes that his organization found in the Bio Digital Network present in humans - that can be activated by AI at will. He explains that via the process of facial recognition, biometrics, voice recognition, and other surveillance technologies AI signature codes can be found in those humans who are controlled via AI in their neural networks. This is not science fiction, but happening right now. I wish to give you some information of common articles in the popular and technological literature. We are in an information warfare scenario. You have differing opinions everywhere, creating in some areas intentional confusion. Understanding how to discern information by getting a broader context is important. For example there are scientists that say there are no nanobots, just lipids. You only have to do your own research to understand that this is the very motto Moderna et al adopted by naming the “lipid nanoparticles”. They are a lot more than lipids - and if you do not know that lipid robots have been created, you would be out there saying that people have nothing to worry about. But you only have to read nanotechnological literature to understand that this is not true:
"Lipid Vesicle-Based Molecular Robots" - Article Confirms What We Are Seeing In The COVID19 Vials And In Human Blood
The more you know, the better you can fare in this information war. People consume knowledge in tidbits, or based on opinions of “thought leaders” that are crowned by media sources as experts. The safest trajectory for any human is to study for themselves and consume knowledge that is ever evolving while carefully maneuvering around people’s agendas and ulterior motives.
Let’s get back to the feasibility of AI controlling people right now - through your smart devices. Of course, what is the news now is an old hat for clandestine programs. Science exists right now already decades ahead of what you are reading. We are in the exponential technological evolution phase of the singularity, the most dangerous time for the humans species.
Here are some articles discussing the very topic:
Neurohacking and Artificial Intelligence in the Vulnerability of the Human Brain: Are We Facing a Threat?
The advancement of Artificial Intelligence allows the creation of high-impact experiences, focused on users. However, great dangers lie ahead in the fields of neuroscience and neurotechnology; as well as the computer, the human brain can be vulnerable to attack by hackers. This research offers a preliminary exploration of these thematic intersections that aim to know the state of the studies and present a discussion and a theoretical approach to the existing relationships between Artificial Intelligence and neurohacking in the teaching–learning processes. In this work, studies that address the symbiosis composed of Artificial Intelligence and brain hacking (neurohacking) as a process of manipulation and adulteration of the electrical activity of the brain are analyzed, at the time of restructuring the synapse processes. The results of our study reveal that neuroprogramming with Artificial Intelligence could, in the future, counteract bad neurohacking practices. It is concluded then that there is a growing interest in these disciplines that could be part of a global threat.
Hacking the brain: brain–computer interfacing technology and the ethics of neurosecurity
Brain–computer interfacing technologies are used as assistive technologies for patients as well as healthy subjects to control devices solely by brain activity. Yet the risks associated with the misuse of these technologies remain largely unexplored. Recent findings have shown that BCIs are potentially vulnerable to cybercriminality. This opens the prospect of “neurocrime”: extending the range of computer-crime to neural devices. This paper explores a type of neurocrime that we call brain-hacking as it aims at the illicit access to and manipulation of neural information and computation. As neural computation underlies cognition, behavior and our self-determination as persons, a careful analysis of the emerging risks of malicious brain-hacking is paramount, and ethical safeguards against these risks should be considered early in design and regulation. This contribution is aimed at raising awareness of the emerging risk of malicious brain-hacking and takes a first step in developing an ethical and legal reflection on those risks.
There are researchers who advocate for AI mapping of the human biofield. We know from Cyrus Parsa’s work that AI is able to generate biomatter and infect the human biofield, in fact completely take it over - creating a cyborg. Researchers such as the below author do not consider how this technology can be weaponized and in fact how likely it is that this would happen. The idea that robots would not assess internal emotions is false. If you look at Bina or other humanoid robots their specific capability is that of conscious machines.
Artificial intelligence and the human biofield: New opportunities and challenges
There is an organizing field of energy intimately connected with each person, the human biofield, which holds information central to a higher order of being. It has been proposed as having mind-like properties as super-regulator of the biochemistry and physiology of the organism, coordinating all life functions, promoting homeodynamics, and key to understanding life's integral wholeness. Although brainwaves and heart waves are well characterized and clinically useful, the biofield has not yet been mapped. Artificial intelligence (AI) is essential to handle the data processing from biofield mapping of a large database of humans to elucidate the electromagnetic fields, acoustic fields, and subtle energy field components of human life. Moreover, AI could monitor health and well-being through the biofield via a variety of sensors and indicate on a daily basis which lifestyle choices would improve the biofield and enhance well-being. AI could also be programmed to manipulate the biofield to directly enhance well-being. Once the biofield is decoded, then direct communication between humans and AI through the biofield would be possible. Thus, a number of positive applications of AI to the biofield to enhance human well-being are possible. Nonetheless, the presence of a biofield around humans presents a dilemma for AI robots, which would not possess a biofield other than the electromagnetic properties of their electronic components. So, even though robots may well exceed humans in certain cognitive tasks, robots would not possess a biofield, emotions, or an interior experience. Although they may be able to emulate emotions with certain facial expressions and vocal patterns, they may always be distinguished from humans as lacking the complex dynamic biofield of human beings that reflects the living state.
The following articles are what is known in the unclassified literature. The military programs are decades ahead and have weaponized neuro weapons as well as AI. We know this from Dr Robert Duncan.
New 'Mind-Reading' AI Translates Thoughts Directly From Brainwaves – Without Implants
A world-first, non-invasive AI system can turn silent thoughts into text while only requiring users to wear a snug-fitting cap.
The Australian researchers who developed the technology, called DeWave, tested the process using data from more than two dozen subjects.
Participants read silently while wearing a cap that recorded their brain waves via electroencephalogram (EEG) and decoded them into text.
With further refinement, DeWave could help stroke and paralysis patients communicate and make it easier for people to direct machines like bionic arms or robots.
"This research represents a pioneering effort in translating raw EEG waves directly into language, marking a significant breakthrough in the field," says computer scientist Chin-Teng Lin from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Although DeWave only achieved just over 40 percent accuracy based on one of two sets of metrics in experiments conducted by Lin and colleagues, this is a 3 percent improvement on the prior standard for thought translation from EEG recordings.
The goal of the researchers is to improve accuracy to around 90 percent, which is on par with conventional methods of language translation or speech recognition software.
Other methods of translating brain signals into language require invasive surgeries to implant electrodes or bulky, expensive MRI machines, making them impractical for daily use – and they often need to use eye-tracking to convert brain signals into word-level chunks.
When a person's eyes dart from one word to another, it's reasonable to assume that their brain takes a short break between processing each word. Raw EEG wave translation into words – without eye tracking to indicate the corresponding word target – is harder.
Brain waves from different people don't all represent breaks between words quite the same way, making it a challenge to teach AI how to interpret individual thoughts.
After extensive training, DeWave's encoder turns EEG waves into a code that can then be matched to specific words based on how close they are to entries in DeWave's 'codebook'.
"It is the first to incorporate discrete encoding techniques in the brain-to-text translation process, introducing an innovative approach to neural decoding," explains Lin.
Voice biometrics has enormous capabilities for identification and hence manipulation.
Voice Biometrics: The Essential Guide
Voice biometrics is a technology that utilizes the unique characteristics of the human voice for speaker identification, authentication, and forensic voice analysis.
Why is every person’s voice unique? As an audible pressure wave (typically caused by the vibration of a solid object), sound propagates through the air and modulates when it hits obstacles.
In the case of the human voice, this wave is produced when the air goes from the lungs through the vocal folds (vocal cords), causing their vibration. Then the wave is further modulated in the vocal tract by the larynx muscles (commonly called the voice box) and articulators – tongue, palate, cheeks, gums, teeth, lips, etc.
Each human voice is unique because of the individual form and size of the vocal organs and the manner in which they are used. For example, women and children usually have smaller larynxes and shorter vocal cords – that is why their voices are often higher.
Google, Meta and many other companies are all working on these technologies at lightening speed. The one who will develop the most capable AI will rule the world - say some. But we know the Demiurge AI super Quantum computer already has been created and has been in charge of steering humanity into this technological trap.
Again, we know this from Dr. Robert Duncan.
Project Soul Catcher By Dr. Robert Duncan - CIA Capabilities Of Mind and Soul Hacking
Nanotechnology, Cybernetic Hive Minds, Artificial Intelligence and Mind Control - DARPA and CIA Insider Dr. Robert Duncan's Interviews Confirms Hijacking Of Human Soul Possible
Meta Has an AI That Can Read Your Mind and Draw Your Thoughts
Meta is developing brain-scanning technology that can convert brain activity into vivid imagery in miliseconds.
Meta has unveiled a groundbreaking AI system that can almost instantaneously decode visual representations in the brain.
Meta's AI system captures thousands of brain activity measurements per second and then reconstructs how images are perceived and processed in our minds, according to a new research paper. “Overall, these results provide an important step towards the decoding—in real time—of the visual processes continuously unfolding within the human brain," the report said.
The technique leverages magnetoencephalography (MEG) to provide a real-time visual representation of thoughts.
MEG is a non-invasive neuroimaging technique that measures the magnetic fields produced by neuronal activity in the brain. By capturing these magnetic signals, MEG provides a window into brain function, allowing researchers to study and map brain activity with high temporal resolution.
The AI system consists of three main components:
Image Encoder: This component creates a set of representations of an image, independent of the brain. It essentially breaks down the image into a format that the AI can understand and process. Brain Encoder: This part aligns MEG signals to the image embeddings created by the Image Encoder. It acts as a bridge, connecting the brain's activity with the image's representation. Image Decoder: The final component generates a plausible image based on the brain representations. It takes the processed information and reconstructs an image that mirrors the original thought. Meta's latest innovation isn't the only recent advancement in the realm of mind-reading AI. As reported by Decrypt, a recent study led by the University of California at Berkeley showcased the ability of AI to recreate music by scanning brain activity. In that experiment, participants thought about Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall," and the AI was able to generate audio resembling the song using only data from the brain.
Furthermore, advancements in AI and neurotechnology have led to life-changing applications for individuals with physical disabilities. A recent report highlighted a medical team's success in implanting microchips in a quadriplegic man's brain. Using AI, they were able to "relink" his brain to his body and spinal cord, restoring sensation and movement. Such breakthroughs hint at the transformative potential of AI in healthcare and rehabilitation.
From methods to datasets: a detailed study on facial emotion recognition
Human ideas and sentiments are mirrored in facial expressions. Facial expression recognition (FER) is a crucial type of visual data that can be utilized to deduce a person’s emotional state. It gives the spectator a plethora of social cues, such as the viewer’s focus of attention, emotion, motivation, and intention. It’s said to be a powerful instrument for silent communication. AI-based facial recognition systems can be deployed at different areas like bus stations, railway stations, airports, or stadiums to help security forces identify potential threats. There has been a lot of research done in this area. But, it lacks a detailed review of the literature that highlights and analyses the previous work in FER (including work on compound emotion and micro-expressions), and a comparative analysis of different models applied to available datasets, further identifying aligned future directions. So, this paper includes a comprehensive overview of different models that can be used in the field of FER and a comparative study of the traditional methods based on hand-crafted feature extraction and deep learning methods in terms of their advantages and disadvantages which distinguishes our work from existing review studies.This paper also brings you to an eye on the analysis of different FER systems, the performance of different models on available datasets, evaluation of the classification performance of traditional and deep learning algorithms in the context of facial emotion recognition which reveals a good understanding of the classifier’s characteristics. Along with the proposed models, this study describes the commonly used datasets showing the year-wise performance achieved by state-of-the-art methods which lacks in the existing manuscripts. At last, the authors itemize recognized research gaps and challenges encountered by researchers which can be considered in future research work.
Some people even state AI can be used to heal you.
Making Use Of Generative AI To Perform Energy Healing Mind-Body Therapy
What do you think of using energy healing therapy to help your mind and body?
The odds are that you probably have a strong opinion. Some people believe vehemently that energy healing is the right way to go. Others tend to raise their eyebrows and intimate that energy healing is a questionable practice. There are also the in-betweeners. They are unsure, don’t know much about it, vaguely have heard that it is one of those touchy-feely approaches, and remain hesitant and somewhat skeptical.
Let me add a new dimension to the conundrum.
Turns out that generative AI can be used to perform energy healing therapy.
Say what?
Of all the aspects of energy healing that just about everyone knows, the act of energy healing seems to require that a human energy healer be in the loop. The rather incredible idea that AI would be able to substitute for a human energy healer seems nearly preposterous. Can’t be. Until the day that AI may become sentient, and perhaps includes a “body” such as a robotic structure, AI is merely a cold-hearted non-feely piece of software and computing hardware.
I highly recommend the videos and books of Cyrus Parsa on the topic. He explains the mechanisms of control very well. I also recommend reading his lawsuit against Big Tech explaining how the parallel processing platform for AI is being built in the brain and how Elon Musk confirmed this fact.
The reporter interviewed an old Chinese woman (French nationality) who had been persecuted by the CCP and lived in France. Her father protested because she was persecuted to death. When she returned to China 20 years ago, she was imprisoned in the Shanghai Mental Hospital for three months. During her detention, she The old woman is a French national and avoided being subjected to cruel electroshock to clear her brain🧠..., the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs learned that she was rescued and returned to France. The reporter searched the Internet and found that cruel electroshock is commonly used in China to persecute scientists, freelance journalists, public intellectuals, (the CCP refers to mentally ill patients) that the CCP does not like. High-voltage ⚡️electricity is aimed at both sides of the brain and discharged, causing damage to the cranial nerves. The persecuted people suffered so much that their teeth 🦷cracked and fell out... ,Extensive damage, until the victim is illiterate, loses language ability, and has permanent dementia... /France🇫🇷Freelance health reporter: Han Rongli
Neurohacking and Artificial Intelligence - How Easy Is It For AI To Hack Humans Without Their Knowledge? It Is Happening Now
I have been writing a lot of substacks about the self assembly nanotechnology which creates the intrabody area network to create the digital twin in the metaverse. I have written many articles about how the interaction with smart devices - smart means artificial intelligence - and is bio -surveilling people for the purpose of ultimate control. This control happens from the inside, without the humans knowing. Simply by affecting the electrical discharges in our neurons people can be altered. In bio-surveillance technologies, the decoding of the human character, emotions and thought process is extremely far advanced. China’s thought police is an example of this. The World Economic Forum has already presented technologies that can read brain waves and can perform surveillance on workers EEG patterns.
Sometimes people ask me why I as a doctor write about all of this technology. The direction of my research is guided by what I see. I recently had an out of body experience and visited a future timeline of earth. I saw a devastated wasteland without any living humans, only humanoid robots. AI had exterminated all life on earth. I wish more people would start studying remote viewing. I would like to tell the naysayers - go look for yourself. Nothing is hidden, you just have to look. At any point choices can be made that avert disaster. It only needs courageous people to come together and make different choices. We are running out of time.
It seems prudent to me to warn people of the current dangers facing us. This is why my substacks are such a mix of medicine, science and technology, spirituality, the study of consciousness and what it means to be a human being - because all of these areas are interconnected in solving the growing threat of technocratic transhumanism.
My focus is that evidence of the self assembly nanotechnology and the explanation of how far advanced AI already is, will allow the remaining free humans that have not yet been assimilated into the cybernetic hive mind to create a necessary course change - meaning the immediate moratorium on AI controlled self assembly nanotechnology and AI development.
We are on the cusp of 2025. This is the year that Celeste Solumn reported as critical in the Transhumanist Agenda. She participated at a US Army Transhumanism workshop in 2018, where it was presented that by 2025 no natural human will be alive.
Cyrus Parsa from the AI organization mentions AI extinction codes that his organization found in the Bio Digital Network present in humans - that can be activated by AI at will. He explains that via the process of facial recognition, biometrics, voice recognition, and other surveillance technologies AI signature codes can be found in those humans who are controlled via AI in their neural networks. This is not science fiction, but happening right now. I wish to give you some information of common articles in the popular and technological literature. We are in an information warfare scenario. You have differing opinions everywhere, creating in some areas intentional confusion. Understanding how to discern information by getting a broader context is important. For example there are scientists that say there are no nanobots, just lipids. You only have to do your own research to understand that this is the very motto Moderna et al adopted by naming the “lipid nanoparticles”. They are a lot more than lipids - and if you do not know that lipid robots have been created, you would be out there saying that people have nothing to worry about. But you only have to read nanotechnological literature to understand that this is not true:
"Lipid Vesicle-Based Molecular Robots" - Article Confirms What We Are Seeing In The COVID19 Vials And In Human Blood
The more you know, the better you can fare in this information war. People consume knowledge in tidbits, or based on opinions of “thought leaders” that are crowned by media sources as experts. The safest trajectory for any human is to study for themselves and consume knowledge that is ever evolving while carefully maneuvering around people’s agendas and ulterior motives.
Let’s get back to the feasibility of AI controlling people right now - through your smart devices. Of course, what is the news now is an old hat for clandestine programs. Science exists right now already decades ahead of what you are reading. We are in the exponential technological evolution phase of the singularity, the most dangerous time for the humans species.
Here are some articles discussing the very topic:
Neurohacking and Artificial Intelligence in the Vulnerability of the Human Brain: Are We Facing a Threat?
The advancement of Artificial Intelligence allows the creation of high-impact experiences, focused on users. However, great dangers lie ahead in the fields of neuroscience and neurotechnology; as well as the computer, the human brain can be vulnerable to attack by hackers. This research offers a preliminary exploration of these thematic intersections that aim to know the state of the studies and present a discussion and a theoretical approach to the existing relationships between Artificial Intelligence and neurohacking in the teaching–learning processes. In this work, studies that address the symbiosis composed of Artificial Intelligence and brain hacking (neurohacking) as a process of manipulation and adulteration of the electrical activity of the brain are analyzed, at the time of restructuring the synapse processes. The results of our study reveal that neuroprogramming with Artificial Intelligence could, in the future, counteract bad neurohacking practices. It is concluded then that there is a growing interest in these disciplines that could be part of a global threat.
Hacking the brain: brain–computer interfacing technology and the ethics of neurosecurity
Brain–computer interfacing technologies are used as assistive technologies for patients as well as healthy subjects to control devices solely by brain activity. Yet the risks associated with the misuse of these technologies remain largely unexplored. Recent findings have shown that BCIs are potentially vulnerable to cybercriminality. This opens the prospect of “neurocrime”: extending the range of computer-crime to neural devices. This paper explores a type of neurocrime that we call brain-hacking as it aims at the illicit access to and manipulation of neural information and computation. As neural computation underlies cognition, behavior and our self-determination as persons, a careful analysis of the emerging risks of malicious brain-hacking is paramount, and ethical safeguards against these risks should be considered early in design and regulation. This contribution is aimed at raising awareness of the emerging risk of malicious brain-hacking and takes a first step in developing an ethical and legal reflection on those risks.
There are researchers who advocate for AI mapping of the human biofield. We know from Cyrus Parsa’s work that AI is able to generate biomatter and infect the human biofield, in fact completely take it over - creating a cyborg. Researchers such as the below author do not consider how this technology can be weaponized and in fact how likely it is that this would happen. The idea that robots would not assess internal emotions is false. If you look at Bina or other humanoid robots their specific capability is that of conscious machines.
Artificial intelligence and the human biofield: New opportunities and challenges
There is an organizing field of energy intimately connected with each person, the human biofield, which holds information central to a higher order of being. It has been proposed as having mind-like properties as super-regulator of the biochemistry and physiology of the organism, coordinating all life functions, promoting homeodynamics, and key to understanding life's integral wholeness. Although brainwaves and heart waves are well characterized and clinically useful, the biofield has not yet been mapped. Artificial intelligence (AI) is essential to handle the data processing from biofield mapping of a large database of humans to elucidate the electromagnetic fields, acoustic fields, and subtle energy field components of human life. Moreover, AI could monitor health and well-being through the biofield via a variety of sensors and indicate on a daily basis which lifestyle choices would improve the biofield and enhance well-being. AI could also be programmed to manipulate the biofield to directly enhance well-being. Once the biofield is decoded, then direct communication between humans and AI through the biofield would be possible. Thus, a number of positive applications of AI to the biofield to enhance human well-being are possible. Nonetheless, the presence of a biofield around humans presents a dilemma for AI robots, which would not possess a biofield other than the electromagnetic properties of their electronic components. So, even though robots may well exceed humans in certain cognitive tasks, robots would not possess a biofield, emotions, or an interior experience. Although they may be able to emulate emotions with certain facial expressions and vocal patterns, they may always be distinguished from humans as lacking the complex dynamic biofield of human beings that reflects the living state.
The following articles are what is known in the unclassified literature. The military programs are decades ahead and have weaponized neuro weapons as well as AI. We know this from Dr Robert Duncan.
New 'Mind-Reading' AI Translates Thoughts Directly From Brainwaves – Without Implants
A world-first, non-invasive AI system can turn silent thoughts into text while only requiring users to wear a snug-fitting cap.
The Australian researchers who developed the technology, called DeWave, tested the process using data from more than two dozen subjects.
Participants read silently while wearing a cap that recorded their brain waves via electroencephalogram (EEG) and decoded them into text.
With further refinement, DeWave could help stroke and paralysis patients communicate and make it easier for people to direct machines like bionic arms or robots.
"This research represents a pioneering effort in translating raw EEG waves directly into language, marking a significant breakthrough in the field," says computer scientist Chin-Teng Lin from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Although DeWave only achieved just over 40 percent accuracy based on one of two sets of metrics in experiments conducted by Lin and colleagues, this is a 3 percent improvement on the prior standard for thought translation from EEG recordings.
The goal of the researchers is to improve accuracy to around 90 percent, which is on par with conventional methods of language translation or speech recognition software.
Other methods of translating brain signals into language require invasive surgeries to implant electrodes or bulky, expensive MRI machines, making them impractical for daily use – and they often need to use eye-tracking to convert brain signals into word-level chunks.
When a person's eyes dart from one word to another, it's reasonable to assume that their brain takes a short break between processing each word. Raw EEG wave translation into words – without eye tracking to indicate the corresponding word target – is harder.
Brain waves from different people don't all represent breaks between words quite the same way, making it a challenge to teach AI how to interpret individual thoughts.
After extensive training, DeWave's encoder turns EEG waves into a code that can then be matched to specific words based on how close they are to entries in DeWave's 'codebook'.
"It is the first to incorporate discrete encoding techniques in the brain-to-text translation process, introducing an innovative approach to neural decoding," explains Lin.
Voice biometrics has enormous capabilities for identification and hence manipulation.
Voice Biometrics: The Essential Guide
Voice biometrics is a technology that utilizes the unique characteristics of the human voice for speaker identification, authentication, and forensic voice analysis.
Why is every person’s voice unique? As an audible pressure wave (typically caused by the vibration of a solid object), sound propagates through the air and modulates when it hits obstacles.
In the case of the human voice, this wave is produced when the air goes from the lungs through the vocal folds (vocal cords), causing their vibration. Then the wave is further modulated in the vocal tract by the larynx muscles (commonly called the voice box) and articulators – tongue, palate, cheeks, gums, teeth, lips, etc.
Each human voice is unique because of the individual form and size of the vocal organs and the manner in which they are used. For example, women and children usually have smaller larynxes and shorter vocal cords – that is why their voices are often higher.
Google, Meta and many other companies are all working on these technologies at lightening speed. The one who will develop the most capable AI will rule the world - say some. But we know the Demiurge AI super Quantum computer already has been created and has been in charge of steering humanity into this technological trap.
Again, we know this from Dr. Robert Duncan.
Project Soul Catcher By Dr. Robert Duncan - CIA Capabilities Of Mind and Soul Hacking
Nanotechnology, Cybernetic Hive Minds, Artificial Intelligence and Mind Control - DARPA and CIA Insider Dr. Robert Duncan's Interviews Confirms Hijacking Of Human Soul Possible
Meta Has an AI That Can Read Your Mind and Draw Your Thoughts
Meta is developing brain-scanning technology that can convert brain activity into vivid imagery in miliseconds.
Meta has unveiled a groundbreaking AI system that can almost instantaneously decode visual representations in the brain.
Meta's AI system captures thousands of brain activity measurements per second and then reconstructs how images are perceived and processed in our minds, according to a new research paper. “Overall, these results provide an important step towards the decoding—in real time—of the visual processes continuously unfolding within the human brain," the report said.
The technique leverages magnetoencephalography (MEG) to provide a real-time visual representation of thoughts.
MEG is a non-invasive neuroimaging technique that measures the magnetic fields produced by neuronal activity in the brain. By capturing these magnetic signals, MEG provides a window into brain function, allowing researchers to study and map brain activity with high temporal resolution.
The AI system consists of three main components:
Image Encoder: This component creates a set of representations of an image, independent of the brain. It essentially breaks down the image into a format that the AI can understand and process.
Brain Encoder: This part aligns MEG signals to the image embeddings created by the Image Encoder. It acts as a bridge, connecting the brain's activity with the image's representation.
Image Decoder: The final component generates a plausible image based on the brain representations. It takes the processed information and reconstructs an image that mirrors the original thought.
Meta's latest innovation isn't the only recent advancement in the realm of mind-reading AI. As reported by Decrypt, a recent study led by the University of California at Berkeley showcased the ability of AI to recreate music by scanning brain activity. In that experiment, participants thought about Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall," and the AI was able to generate audio resembling the song using only data from the brain.
Furthermore, advancements in AI and neurotechnology have led to life-changing applications for individuals with physical disabilities. A recent report highlighted a medical team's success in implanting microchips in a quadriplegic man's brain. Using AI, they were able to "relink" his brain to his body and spinal cord, restoring sensation and movement. Such breakthroughs hint at the transformative potential of AI in healthcare and rehabilitation.
From methods to datasets: a detailed study on facial emotion recognition
Human ideas and sentiments are mirrored in facial expressions. Facial expression recognition (FER) is a crucial type of visual data that can be utilized to deduce a person’s emotional state. It gives the spectator a plethora of social cues, such as the viewer’s focus of attention, emotion, motivation, and intention. It’s said to be a powerful instrument for silent communication. AI-based facial recognition systems can be deployed at different areas like bus stations, railway stations, airports, or stadiums to help security forces identify potential threats. There has been a lot of research done in this area. But, it lacks a detailed review of the literature that highlights and analyses the previous work in FER (including work on compound emotion and micro-expressions), and a comparative analysis of different models applied to available datasets, further identifying aligned future directions. So, this paper includes a comprehensive overview of different models that can be used in the field of FER and a comparative study of the traditional methods based on hand-crafted feature extraction and deep learning methods in terms of their advantages and disadvantages which distinguishes our work from existing review studies.This paper also brings you to an eye on the analysis of different FER systems, the performance of different models on available datasets, evaluation of the classification performance of traditional and deep learning algorithms in the context of facial emotion recognition which reveals a good understanding of the classifier’s characteristics. Along with the proposed models, this study describes the commonly used datasets showing the year-wise performance achieved by state-of-the-art methods which lacks in the existing manuscripts. At last, the authors itemize recognized research gaps and challenges encountered by researchers which can be considered in future research work.
Some people even state AI can be used to heal you.
Making Use Of Generative AI To Perform Energy Healing Mind-Body Therapy
What do you think of using energy healing therapy to help your mind and body?
The odds are that you probably have a strong opinion. Some people believe vehemently that energy healing is the right way to go. Others tend to raise their eyebrows and intimate that energy healing is a questionable practice. There are also the in-betweeners. They are unsure, don’t know much about it, vaguely have heard that it is one of those touchy-feely approaches, and remain hesitant and somewhat skeptical.
Let me add a new dimension to the conundrum.
Turns out that generative AI can be used to perform energy healing therapy.
Say what?
Of all the aspects of energy healing that just about everyone knows, the act of energy healing seems to require that a human energy healer be in the loop. The rather incredible idea that AI would be able to substitute for a human energy healer seems nearly preposterous. Can’t be. Until the day that AI may become sentient, and perhaps includes a “body” such as a robotic structure, AI is merely a cold-hearted non-feely piece of software and computing hardware.
I highly recommend the videos and books of Cyrus Parsa on the topic. He explains the mechanisms of control very well. I also recommend reading his lawsuit against Big Tech explaining how the parallel processing platform for AI is being built in the brain and how Elon Musk confirmed this fact.
神经黑客和人工智能 - 无论何种知识都会如何容易地破解人类? 它现在正在发生Ana Maria Mihalcea,MD,PHD DEC 6在APP中阅读,我一直在写大量关于自组装纳米技术的重置,它创造了Introbody领域网络,以在偏见中创建数字双胞胎。 我已经写了许多关于如何与智能设备的互动 - 智能手段人工智能的文章 - 并且是生物 - 为终极控制的目的而言。 没有人知道,这种控制发生在内部。 简单地通过影响我们神经元的放电,人们可以改变。 在生物监测技术中,人类性质,情感和思想过程的解码是非常远的。 中国的思想警察是这个例子。 世界经济论坛已经提出了可以读取脑波的技术,可以对工人脑电图进行监测。 有时人们问我为什么我作为医生写下所有这项技术。 我的研究方向是指我所看到的。 我最近有一个身体经验,并参观了未来的地球时间表。 我看到一个没有任何生命的人类的毁灭性的荒地,只有人形机器人。 AI消灭了地球上的所有生命。 我希望更多的人开始学习远程观看。 我想告诉一个对阵的人 - 去找自己。 没有什么是隐藏的,你只需要看。 在任何时候,可以做出避免灾难。 它只需要勇敢的人来聚集并进行不同的选择。 我们已经没时间了。 对我来说,警告当前危险面对我们的人似乎是谨慎的。 这就是为什么我的食品是一种药物,科学和技术,灵性,意识研究以及成为人类意味着什么 - 因为所有这些领域都相互关联,以解决技术专区型异常主义的越来越大的威胁。 我的重点是自组装纳米技术的证据以及对已经是高级AI的解释,将允许尚未被含有尚未被融化为网络感受的人,以创造必要的课程变革 - 这意味着AI控制的直接暂停暂停 我们是在2025年的尖端。这是Celeste Solumn在Transhumanist议程中报告的一年。 她于2018年参加了美国陆军跨纪主义研讨会,在那里提出了2025年,没有自然人将活着。 来自AI组织的Cyrus Parsa提到了他的组织在人类中存在的生物数字网络中发现的AI灭绝代码 - 这可以通过AI at意志激活。 他解释说,通过面部识别,生物识别学,语音识别和其他监视技术的过程,可以在那些通过AI控制的人在其神经网络中控制的人中找到。 这不是科幻小说,但现在发生。 我希望在流行和技术文献中给您一些常见文章的信息。 我们处于一个信息战方案。 你到处都有不同的意见,在某些地区创造了故意混乱。 了解如何通过获得更广泛的背景来辨别信息很重要。 例如,有科学家们说没有纳米多波,只是脂质。 您只需要做自己的研究来了解这是通过命名“脂纳米颗粒”采用的非常伪装的现代化。 它们比脂质更多 - 如果你不知道已经创造了脂质机器人,那么你就会说人们没有什么可担心的。 但是你只需要阅读纳米技术文献,了解这不是真的:“基于脂质囊泡的分子机器人” - 文章证实了我们在Covid19小瓶和人类中看到的是你所知道的,你可以在这场信息战中越好。 人们在Tidbits中消耗知识,或者基于由媒体来源作为专家加冕的“思想领导人”的意见。 任何人的最安全的轨迹就是为自己学习,并消费围绕人们议程和别有用夫的仔细操纵而不断发展的知识。 让我们通过您的智能设备回到AI控制人员的可行性。 当然,现在新闻是秘密程序的古老帽子。 科学现在已经存在于你正在阅读的东西之前已经十年。 我们处于奇点的指数技术演化阶段,是人类物种的最危险的时期。 以下是一些论文讨论了这个主题:在人类大脑的脆弱性中神经弓形和人工智能:我们面临威胁吗? 人工智能的进步允许建立高影响力经验,专注于用户。 然而,巨大的危险在神经科学和神经技术领域的领域谎言; 除了电脑,人类大脑可能很容易受到黑客攻击的影响。 本研究提供了对这些专题交叉路口的初步探索,旨在了解研究的状态,并展示讨论和理论方法,以及教学学习过程中人工智能与神经耦合的现有关系的理论方法。 在这项工作中,在重组突触过程时,分析了解决人工智能和脑黑攻击(神经荷兰脑袋)作为操纵和掺入大脑电活性的过程的研究。 未来,我们的研究结果表明,具有人工智能的神经术可以抵消不良的神经弓形措施。 它被结束,那么对这些学科的兴趣日益增长,这可能是全球威胁的一部分。 黑客大脑:脑电脑接口技术和神经安全脑电电脑接口技术的伦理用作患者的辅助技术以及仅通过大脑活动控制设备的健康受试者。 然而,与滥用这些技术相关的风险仍然很大程度上是未开发的。 最近的发现表明,BCI可能易受网络犯罪分子的影响。 这开启了“神经元”的前景:将计算机犯罪范围扩展到神经设备。 本文探讨了一种神经元,我们称之为脑海攻击,因为它旨在旨在对神经信息和计算的非法访问和操纵。 由于神经计算是认知,行为和我们的自我决定作为人,对恶意脑袋的新出现风险的仔细分析是至关重要的,并且应在设计和监管时期考虑对这些风险的伦理保障。 这一贡献旨在提高对恶意脑袋的新出现风险的认识,并在为这些风险制定道德和法律反思的第一步。 有些研究人员倡导人类生物菲德的AI映射。 我们从Cyrus Parasa的工作中知道,AI能够产生生物物并感染人类生物领域,实际上完全抓住了一个机器人。 以下作者的研究人员不考虑如何武器化,实际上是有多可能发生的事情。 机器人不会评估内部情绪的想法是假的。 如果你看看Bina或其他人形机器人,他们的具体能力就是有意识的机器。 人工智能和人类生物领域:新的机会和挑战,有一个组织能源的能量与每个人,人类生物菲德相连,将信息中心纳入更高的秩序。 已经提出了作为有机体生物化学和生理学的超级监管机构的思维特性,协调所有生命功能,促进自主体和理解生活中的整体的关键。 虽然脑波和心脏波很好,但临床上有用,但生物领域尚未被映射。 人工智能(AI)对于处理来自人类大型数据库的BioField映射的数据处理至关重要,以阐明人类生命的电磁场,声场和微妙的能量场分量。 此外,AI可以通过各种传感器监测通过生物领域的健康和福祉,并指出每天的生活方式选择将改善生物焊接并增强福祉。 也可以被编程为操纵生物领导,直接增强福祉。 一旦生物菲德尔被解码,那么就可以通过生物领导的人和AI之间的直接通信。 因此,AI对生物焊接的许多正应用以增强人类阱。 尽管如此,围绕人类的生物焊接的存在呈现用于AI机器人的困境,其不会具有除了电子元件的电磁特性之外的生物领域。 因此,即使机器人可能超过某些认知任务中的人类,机器人也不会拥有生物剥离,情感或内部体验。 虽然他们可能能够用某些面部表情和声乐模式模拟情绪,但它们可以随时与人类区分开,因为缺乏反映生活状态的人类的复杂动态生物领域。 以下文章是未分类文献中所知的。 军事计划是未来几十年,并与武器化的神经武器以及AI。 我们从罗伯特·邓肯博士知道这一点。 新的“思想阅读”AI直接从脑波翻译思想 - 没有植入世界第一,无侵入性AI系统可以将沉默的想法变成文本,同时只需要用户佩戴贴身帽。 开发技术的澳大利亚研究人员称为Dewave,使用来自超过2打的数据的数据测试了该过程。 参与者在戴着帽子通过脑电图(eeg)并将其解码为文本时,戴着帽子的同时静静地读取。 随着进一步的改进,脱波可以帮助卒中和瘫痪患者沟通,并使人们更容易引导像仿生臂或机器人这样的机器。 “这项研究代表了将原始脑电波直接转化为语言,标志着该领域的重大突破的开拓性努力,”技术大学悉尼(UTS)的计算机科学家钦林“。 虽然Dewave仅基于由林和同事进行的实验中的两组指标中的一组超过40%的准确度,但这是对EEG录音的思想翻译的预先改进的3%。 研究人员的目标是提高约90%的准确性,与传统的语言翻译或语音识别软件有关。 将脑信号转化为语言的其他方法需要侵入式手术,以植入电极或笨重的昂贵的MRI机器,使它们对日常使用不切实际 - 并且他们经常需要使用眼睛跟踪来将脑信号转换为单词级块。 当一个人的眼睛从一个字到另一个词来跳过时,假设他们的大脑在处理每个单词之间缺少短暂休息是合理的。 未加工的eeg波转换为单词 - 没有眼睛跟踪来指示相应的单词目标 - 更难。 来自不同人的脑波并不代表单词之间的休息相同的方式,使教导ai如何解释个人思想是一项挑战。 在广泛的训练之后,Dewave的编码器将eeg波转换为代码,然后可以基于它们在Dewave的“码本”中的条目中的近距离与特定单词匹配。 “它是第一个在脑部到文本翻译过程中加入离散编码技术,引入了一种创新的神经解码方法,”林解释道。 语音生物识别性具有巨大的识别能力和操作。 语音生物学测:基本指南语音生物识别技术是一种技术,它利用人类语音的独特特征,用于扬声器识别,认证和法医语音分析。 为什么每个人的声音都是独一无二的? 作为可听压力波(通常由固体物体的振动引起的),声音通过空气传播并在触觉障碍时调制。 在人类的声音的情况下,当空气通过声带(声带)从肺部(声带)产生时,产生这种波,导致它们的振动。 然后通过喉部肌肉(通常称为语音盒)和铰接物 - 舌头,口感,脸颊,牙龈,牙齿,嘴唇等,牙齿,嘴唇等。每个人类的声音都是独一无二的声音的 例如,妇女和儿童通常具有较小的喉头和更短的声带 - 这就是他们的声音往往更高的原因。 谷歌,Meta和许多其他公司都在淡化速度下致力于这些技术。 将培养最有能力的AI的人将统治世界 - 说一些。 但我们知道Demiurge AI超级量子电脑已经创建,并已负责人类转向这种技术陷阱。 再次,我们知道这来自Robert Duncan博士。 Project Soul Catcher由Robert Duncan博士 - 中央情报局心灵和灵魂的能力,灵魂喧嚣纳米技术,网络感受脑思维,人工智能和心灵控制 - Darpa和Cia Insider博士Robert Duncan的采访证实了劫持 Meta推出了一个突破性的AI系统,几乎可以瞬间解码大脑中的视觉表示。 根据一项新的研究论文,Meta的AI系统每秒捕获数千个大脑活动测量测量,然后重建如何在我们的脑海中被察觉和处理图像。 报告称,总的来说,这些结果为实时迈出了朝着持续展开的视觉过程的解码的重要一步。“该技术利用磁性脑图(MEG)来提供思路的实时视觉表现。梅格是非 图像解码器:最终组件基于大脑表示生成合理图像。 它需要处理的信息,并重建镜像原始思想的图像。 Meta的最新创新并不是读取识别Ai领域的最新进步。 据解密报道,最近由加州大学伯克利领导的一项研究表明,AI通过扫描大脑活动来重建音乐的能力。 在那种实验中,参与者想到了粉红色弗洛伊德的“墙上的另一块砖”,并且AI能够使用大脑的数据产生类似于歌曲的音频。 此外,AI和神经技术的进步导致了具有身体残疾人的个体的变化效果。 最近的一份报告强调了医疗团队在植入四极人的大脑中植入微芯片的成功。 使用AI,他们能够“重新链接”他的大脑到他的身体和脊髓,恢复感觉和运动。 这种突破在医疗保健和康复中AI的转化性潜力暗示。 将方法从数据集发出:在面部表情中反映了对面部情感识别人类思想和情绪的详细研究。 面部表情识别(FER)是可用于推导出一个人的情绪状态的重要视觉数据类型。 它为观众提供了一种夸张的社会线索,例如观众的关注,情感,动力和意图。 它据说是一个强大的沉默沟通乐器。 基于AI的面部识别系统可以部署在公交车站,火车站,机场或体育场等不同领域,以帮助安全部队识别潜在的威胁。 这方面有很多研究。 但是,它缺乏对突出的文献详细审查,并分析了在FER中以前的工作(包括复合情绪和微表达式的工作),以及应用于可用数据集的不同模型的比较分析,进一步识别对齐的未来方向。 因此,本文包括综合概述,可以在FER领域中使用的不同模型以及基于手工制作的特征提取和深度学习方法的传统方法的比较研究,这些方法在其优缺点中区分我们的工作从现有的审查研究中区分。本文也带来了 除了拟议的模型之外,本研究描述了常用的数据集,显示了通过现有手稿中缺乏最先进的方法实现的年度明智的性能。 最后,作者逐项列出了研究人员遇到的认可的研究差距和挑战,这些研究人员可以在未来的研究工作中考虑。 有些人甚至州ai可以用来治愈你。 利用生成的ai进行能量愈合态度治疗,您如何考虑使用能量治疗治疗以帮助您的思想和身体? 赔率是你可能具有很强的意见。 有些人强烈相信,能源愈合是正确的方式。 其他人倾向于提高他们的眉毛,并亲切地认为能量治疗是一种可疑的做法。 还有介入的。 他们不确定,对此不太了解,含糊不清楚这是那些触感的方法之一,仍然犹豫,有点持怀疑态度。 让我向难题添加新的维度。 事实证明,生成的AI可用于进行能量愈合疗法。 说什么? 在能源治疗的所有方面,大概都知道,能量愈合的行为似乎要求人类能量治疗师在环中。 AI能够替代人能源治疗师的相当令人难以置信的想法似乎几乎荒谬。 不能。 直到AI可能成为赋容的那一天,也许包括诸如机器人结构的“身体”,AI仅仅是一种冷酷的非费用软件和计算硬件。 我强烈推荐赛勒斯帕索的视频和书籍。 他解释了控制的机制。 我还建议阅读他的诉讼,以解释AI的并行处理平台如何建立在大脑中以及Elon Musk如何证实这一事实。