When doctors go on strike, fewer people die

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2024 Dec 11, 5:03pm   292 views  17 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


A recent systematic review reported mortality data from five doctor strikes, all of which saw patient mortality remain the same or fall during industrial action (table). Two further studies have been published since that review. In 1976, between 25% and 50% of physicians in Los AngelesCounty, California withheld care for all but emergency cases over five weeks. Three studies used a range of approaches to examine the consequences of this strike, and all found that mortality fell during the strike period.

The conclusion has to be that doctors themselves are a leading cause of death.

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1   Patrick   2024 Dec 11, 5:16pm  

I post this because of my intense loathing of the medical establishment after they repeatedly tried to force me and my relatives to inject the dangerous and worse-than-ineffective mRNA toxin.

I will spend the rest of my life alerting the public to their horrifying subservience to Pfizer and the DoD, unless and until they all loudly and publicly:

1. apologize for their murderous Nazi-like obedience to obviously criminal orders from above
2. call for the trial and hanging of everyone who helped to create the virus or mandated the "vaccine", Pfauci pfirst

There is never under any circumstance whatsoever any justification for forced a medical procedure. It is always a crime against humanity and must always swiftly result in hanging. We need a Constitutional amendment to protect our bloodstreams from Pfizer and the DoD.
2   WookieMan   2024 Dec 11, 6:28pm  

Patrick says

There is ever under any circumstance whatsoever any justification for forced a medical procedure. It is always a crime against humanity and must always swiftly result in hanging. We need a Constitutional amendment to protect our bloodstreams from Pfizer and the DoD.

When was it forced? This has always been my contention on this topic. The vaccine is dumb and ineffective. Never forced though legally. You couldn't lose your job because of it. Laws are a thing. Mandates from the executive are not laws. You don't have to follow them.

At no point was there ever a LAW that was made you had to get vaccinated. Could you be fired and they label it insubordination? Maybe. Then you sue. 100's of attorneys would have taken that case. You'd have won millions. People are pussies and don't put up a fight. That's what covid showed me. We've become a country of pussies and cowards. This is week one stuff in law school.
3   ElYorsh   2024 Dec 11, 6:28pm  

My grandpa was a recognized MD (Medical Doctor) where I grew up and I was his only male grandchild. We had a lot of educational and deep conversations for 12 years. What he explained to me that an MD was supposed to do (patient first, do no harm) is a total contrast with today's mad scientists portraying themselves Medical Doctors.
4   ElYorsh   2024 Dec 11, 6:31pm  

WookieMan says

When was it forced? This has always been my contention on this topic. The vaccine is dumb and ineffective. Never forced though legally. You couldn't lose your job because of it. Laws are a thing. Mandates from the executive are not laws. You don't have to follow them.

At no point was there ever a LAW that was made you had to get vaccinated. Could you be fired and they label it insubordination? Maybe. Then you sue. 100's of attorneys would have taken that case. You'd have won millions. People are pussies and don't put up a fight. That's what covid showed me. We've become a country of pussies and cowards. This is week one stuff in law school.

This is Monday quarterbacking. When the plandemic was full blown, NO lawyers would have taken up that case. Almost everyone fell for the scam at the time.
5   Patrick   2024 Dec 11, 6:47pm  

Right, the insanity was screamed from all corporate media 24/7.

There was almost no dissent, aside from people on street corners waving signs to object. I was out there every weekend for months.
6   WookieMan   2024 Dec 11, 6:52pm  

ElYorsh says

This is Monday quarterbacking. When the plandemic was full blown, NO lawyers would have taken up that case. Almost everyone fell for the scam at the time.

I didn't. None of it made sense from the word go. I didn't get into law, was close, but would have taken up cases pro bono overnight if I had.

I'm not some person that can predict stuff, but covid was obvious bull shit. Yes it would kill fat old fucks. It didn't touch kids or younger adults that weren't fat. This was blatantly obvious by September '19. There's obscene evidence of this along with anecdotal. This was never a harm. It was 2 day of feeling like shit and if you weren't a pussy you could still get stuff done.

I got some of the best travel deals ever, so I ain't bitching. But covid as a virus was EXTREMELY mundane and not worth what happened.
7   ElYorsh   2024 Dec 11, 7:12pm  

I didn't fall for it, although I almost did because of my wife. She took the first dose and booster and has been paying for it since then with painful periods occasionally. The silver line for me is the "I told you so". Not much of a silver lining since I actually like my wife, but it sometimes helps with arguments.
8   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 11, 7:20pm  

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

“If the doctor cures, the sun sees it; if he kills, the earth hides it.”
9   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 11, 7:27pm  

One thing I've learned is that the vast majority of health is good diet, exercise, diagnosing the disease, knowing the etiology of the disease, relieving symptoms until the body fights back itself. All shit people can do for themselves with little training because it's the same things over and over again. Something that nurses or even EMTs with experience can quickly diagnosis,again with just a bit of experience.

Hell, with things that are mostly internal EKG, X-Ray, etc Techs can diagnose 90% of the problems.

We need to completely smash the medical monopoly, it's kept as some high falutin' ivory tower mysticism when in MOST cases it's the same few things.

I'd rather be treated by an NP than a doctor these days.
10   Patrick   2024 Dec 11, 8:31pm  

Surgery itself is quite dangerous, and being put under general anesthesia docks a few IQ points each time.
11   Patrick   2024 Dec 11, 8:36pm  

ElYorsh says

The silver line for me is the "I told you so".

I pray for the day when at least one honest country proves it's not under the control of Pfizer and bans that mRNA shit.

Japan seems the likeliest because they still have great unity and love of their country.
12   Patrick   2024 Dec 11, 8:39pm  

WookieMan says

Yes it would kill fat old fucks. It didn't touch kids or younger adults that weren't fat. This was blatantly obvious by September '19.

True @WookieMan

I remember your saying that only the old should be locked down for their health, not all of us. That would have been the correct choice, but it would not have resulted in $100 billion in revenue for Pfizer, so it didn't happen.
13   stereotomy   2024 Dec 11, 9:36pm  

Patrick says

I post this because of my intense loathing of the medical establishment after they repeatedly tried to force me and my relatives to inject the dangerous and worse-than-ineffective mRNA toxin.

I will spend the rest of my life alerting the public to their horrifying subservience to Pfizer and the DoD, unless and until they all loudly and publicly:

1. apologize for their murderous Nazi-like obedience to obviously criminal orders from above
2. call for the trial and hanging of everyone who helped to create the virus or mandated the "vaccine", Pfauci pfirst

There is never under any circumstance whatsoever any justification for forced a medical procedure. It is always a crime against humanity and must always swiftly result in hanging. We need a Constitutional amendment to protect our bloodstreams from Pfizer and the DoD.

Doctors have fucked with me and my family not only with trying to push the clot shot, but also tried back in in the day to pressure my wife into putting our newborn on formula instead of waiting for her milk production to ramp up, and again recently for contaminating the blood supply with spike protein so that my severely ill wife couldn't risk a "hot shot" transfusion.

Lately I've noticed a pediatrician discounting the fact that my son has periodic low-grade fevers. I think they're caused by him being in high school surrounded by "vaxxed" NPC's shedding spike proteins and causing flu-like reactions (he never took the clot shot). I think I need to start putting him on low-level spike protein purge anaphylaxis.

My last check up, the doctor had such a hard-on for giving me a colonoscopy that when I refused, he almost went apeshit. I'll smear shit on a sample pad, but my ass is my own - fuck you and your 10-foot ass snake.
14   Patrick   2024 Dec 11, 9:50pm  

stereotomy says

I think they're caused by him being in high school surrounded by "vaxxed" NPC's shedding spike proteins and causing flu-like reactions (he never took the clot shot).

@stereotomy I used to doubt that shedding was possible, but now I'm sure it is a real thing:

15   WookieMan   2024 Dec 12, 6:01am  

ElYorsh says

I didn't fall for it, although I almost did because of my wife. She took the first dose and booster and has been paying for it since then with painful periods occasionally. The silver line for me is the "I told you so". Not much of a silver lining since I actually like my wife, but it sometimes helps with arguments.

Fact. Dealt with the same. Unbeknownst to me skin cancer as well. Benign but either way alarming.

No boosters for the wife. I'd probably go to a 6 month check up if your insurance covers it for her. I've noticed females being effected more with those willing to talk about it. Guys not so much so far. Most guys I know didn't take the vaccine though.
16   stereotomy   2024 Dec 12, 7:29am  

WookieMan says

ElYorsh says

I didn't fall for it, although I almost did because of my wife. She took the first dose and booster and has been paying for it since then with painful periods occasionally. The silver line for me is the "I told you so". Not much of a silver lining since I actually like my wife, but it sometimes helps with arguments.

Fact. Dealt with the same. Unbeknownst to me skin cancer as well. Benign but either way alarming.

No boosters for the wife. I'd probably go to a 6 month check up if your insurance covers it for her. I've noticed females being effected more with those willing to talk about it. Guys not so much so far. Most guys I know didn't take the vaccine though.

I'd get her on Peter McCollough's spike protein detox regimen - I think it takes several months.

17   Robert Sproul   2024 Dec 12, 7:39am  

WookieMan says

When was it forced?

Well, nobody was held down and jabbed but they were fired from their jobs for "refusing".
A quick search shows thousands of people nationwide were fired for not getting the vaccine.
"Across the country employers are firing workers for refusing to comply with vaccine mandates."

The firing of thousands guaranteed the compliance of millions who could not dare risk getting fired.
Thousands are suing now and getting reinstated with back pay:
"More than 1,750 city workers were fired for refusing to get vaccinated"

Healthcare workers, of course, were among the most impacted by Biden’s mandates
“Hundreds of health care workers across the country are being fired or suspended in droves for not complying with COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”

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