My strange obsession

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2024 Dec 12, 9:47am   139 views  3 comments

by clambo   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

This is a nonsensical, Prince Harry shitpost.
My fun lately is watching youtube videos, and somehow I got sucked into some where drunks or just agressive or whacked out people get arrested.
I particulary like to see the young black females get their arms twisted by the cops as the put on the handcuffs.
Some of those girls really fight like cats.
I'm not that much of a racist; however there seems to be a large supply of such videos.
Funny how often they seem to be West Palm Beach PD or Palm Beach Gardens PD; I sometimes recognize the location.
Men also get in on the action; I have noticed that men get tasered but women don't usually.
Other videos of car chases are sometimes fun.
It could be worse: I (almost) never look at porn.

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1   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Dec 12, 10:17am  

I watch Youtube videos of economic and financial bloggers. Clearly doomsterism is the trend. When I go back and look how accurate these folks have been, it is clear that they are just giving an audience what they want to hear. But even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Also hiking videos. It helps pass the time on the elliptical, and shows me places I may want to go in the future.
2   WookieMan   2024 Dec 12, 2:25pm  

clambo says

Some of those girls really fight like cats.

I fought my SIL. It wasn't sanctioned... lol, it was anger. We duke it out for 20 seconds. No punches. Just throwing each other into shit. She was tougher than I thought. Though she's always been with black guys that beat her, so you kind of have to toughen up.

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Also hiking videos. It helps pass the time on the elliptical, and shows me places I may want to go in the future.

Cooking, airplanes, travel, comedy and politics are my go to's. Cooking being the top. And no I'm not fat. Touch overweight by 10lbs for a 6'3" guy.
3   Ceffer   2024 Dec 12, 3:03pm  

I like videos of parrots. It's stupid, but they crack me up.

I did see three huge black women in an emergency room in New Orleans live duking it out over a man who had been shot or something, all three closing in on six foot apiece. They all were enormous with missing and rotten teeth just going at it with each other. Their physiognomy and skulls seems to be evolved for taking incredible blows without much harm.

White fillies generally go down hard crash with a finger flick from the likes of those, which is why they don't tend to last long in black culture unless they are with an unusually passive black guy who doesn't whomp them (which I think might be rare).

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