Where are the headlines screaming that SAINT FLOYD WAS NOT DEAD WHEN HE ARRIVED AT THE HOSPITAL?
I got $100 on this. It better be right. I said Chauvin would get off how ever many years ago.
Until you've encountered someone OD'ing you, not anyone posting, have no clue. So I bet my buddies dad $100. We both agreed to wait till the appeal process did its thing. I'll probably just have him take me for a round of golf. I think I'll be getting that by the sounds of this.
This isn't on topic, but I think Barrack Obama was the worst thing that ever happened to this country. He made all this shit happen. Trump isn't divisive. He insults/jokes. Obama wanted divide. Floyd was the final outcome of that in a big way. He's a Chicago scumbag. I'm not from Chicago, just have lived and have worked there.
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