One Woo guy named Stewart Swerdlow extends the weather weapons paradigm: in addition to chemtrails that contain stuff that enhances the DEW attacks and the HAARP enhanced winds, he says that Area 51 has advanced technology that can attract the magma pools under California and selectively bring them closer to surface to pre heat the target areas. It's why they go 'boom' so fast.
LOL! "he" Apparently, they just scissored for a while and made up. Bad optics to fire the lesbo/tranny or whatever it is. Of course, Crowley has better blackmail on Bass than Bass has on Crowley.
The Visigoths unleashed. Of course, the MSM apparatus will gaslight this into oblivion and they will minimize the death counts to a small fraction of reality.
Our buddy Benjamin Fulford says the DEW's and weather weapons in LA came from Area 51. There was one other source with atmospheric satellite scans that also said this and it is in one of the previous posts.
When your all taxpayer expense paid Africa vanity jaunt turns into the useful idiot realization that you have just been elected the patsy in the DEW travesty. Couldna happened to a better Soros Fecal Impaction Kommie Race Hustler.
What was Lahaina 2.0?