Deportation Thread: You gotta go back

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2025 Jan 23, 12:26pm   3,056 views  215 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Gang Members, Drug Dealers, etc. all going back

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102   AmericanKulak   2025 Jan 28, 7:55pm  

They're deporting Everyone! They have the military on the border!
103   clambo   2025 Jan 28, 8:02pm  

"Cry me a river."
105   AmericanKulak   2025 Jan 28, 8:48pm  

clambo says

"Cry me a river."

Puede llorar un río.
106   AmericanKulak   2025 Jan 28, 11:25pm  

Daily, more evidence that there are far more illegals that we suspect in the USA.

Mexicans and others are posting this as evidence of "how vital they are" to the economy; I see it as proof of how much they drain infrastructure, drive up housing, and punch down wages.

Consider also the pricing power of retail and food processors, and how that is helped with a large surplus population with EBT.

People who know they are getting $800/month on their EBT are a lot more aggressive with spending and price-quantity tolerant than people who depend on wages/salaries and employment.
107   WookieMan   2025 Jan 29, 2:58am  

clambo says

"Cry me a river."

I don't think people understand other countries laws. I know you do. You can't just go somewhere and live. Costa Rica you get a 180 day visa. You have to fly out or do a border run and come back in. They are strict on it as well. The popular spots are north so you have to go to Nicaragua and get a new 6 month stamp. I've heard it's ghetto AF in Nicaragua.

I rather would have invested $150B for what we did in Ukraine in central America. There are beautiful spots. I know money would be wasted for sure, but we know 80% is being wasted in Ukraine. We gotta start focusing on this hemisphere. If we help those nations thrive, guess what, less illegals. More destinations you feel safe visiting.

No one wakes up and says I want to go to Ukraine and fly for 12 hours, even without war. Most can't afford that flight anyway. Flying to Belize would be way cheaper and quicker. Need to get central America in order. I know they have trust issues with the US, but I'm sure they'd take the money we gave to Ukraine.
108   stfu   2025 Jan 29, 3:51am  

AmericanKulak says

Daily, more evidence that there are far more illegals that we suspect in the USA.

I can film this every day at my local Walmart as long as I'm there before the welfare moms and meth heads start showing up. Say - anytime before 9am.

What I find more interesting is the bit about Emergency rooms in California being suddenly empty.
109   WookieMan   2025 Jan 29, 5:36am  

stfu says

I can film this every day at my local Walmart as long as I'm there before the welfare moms and meth heads start showing up. Say - anytime before 9am.

Not a knock on anyone, but the only time I might go to a walmart is to get groceries when camping and it's the only grocery store. I have one of those DC coolers though and AC adapters so I usually get meat and cold stuff locally and pack it in. Good purchase if you don't have one.

Haven't been in a Walmart since pre-covid. So 4-5 years at this point. We've gotten efficient at shopping and packing for all trips. I'm also a snob so I prefer local butchers for meat and we really don't eat trash food. So Walmart is if we forgot something. And usually it's Wisconsin. More white trash hillbillies than illegals.
110   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2025 Jan 29, 6:44am  

stfu says

AmericanKulak says

Daily, more evidence that there are far more illegals that we suspect in the USA.

I can film this every day at my local Walmart as long as I'm there before the welfare moms and meth heads start showing up. Say - anytime before 9am.

What I find more interesting is the bit about Emergency rooms in California being suddenly empty.

ER’s are the medical care for the uninsured. I had a late stage cancer diagnosis 15 years ago and had multiple ER visits during that time to treat related issues and other health emergencies that popped up. First off when I visited a deep OC ER there was never anyone there. Like me and 2 other people.

When I visited LA area ER’s it was jam packed. But I never waited more than 10 minutes because I had genuine medical emergencies.

No waiting at ER’s is a REALLY good foreboding.
111   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2025 Jan 29, 6:45am  

WookieMan says

stfu says

I can film this every day at my local Walmart as long as I'm there before the welfare moms and meth heads start showing up. Say - anytime before 9am.

Not a knock on anyone, but the only time I might go to a walmart is to get groceries when camping and it's the only grocery store. I have one of those DC coolers though and AC adapters so I usually get meat and cold stuff locally and pack it in. Good purchase if you don't have one.

Haven't been in a Walmart since pre-covid. So 4-5 years at this point. We've gotten efficient at shopping and packing for all trips. I'm also a snob so I prefer local butchers for meat and we really don't eat trash food. So Walmart is if we forgot something. And usually it's Wisconsin. More white trash hillbillies than illegals.

He isn’t wrong. The Walmart I pass on my way to work is open at 5am. It’s an absolute ghost town at that time.
112   RC2006   2025 Jan 29, 7:30am  

I was in Walmart once working on automation in the very back of the store. When I was done it was about midnight, all the lights were on, and the skeleton crew of Walmart employees were all on break, I was the only person in the store. As I was walking out of the store opposite of the grocery side by electronics, automotive toys ect, I saw tons of roaches walking around under the bright lights. Can't imagine what it looked like on the grocery side.
Hopefully it was just that one store that had that issue, it was the dirtiest of the dozen stores I went to.
113   AmericanKulak   2025 Jan 29, 4:30pm  

This is AMAZING ‼️ US Border Patrol is positioned in Coachella Valley

This is important because the Indio and Coachella cities only have this one freeway in and out and they’re FLOODED with illegals

Trump had his rally here in Coachella and the Mayor said he was not welcome in the city. He even tried to not not let Trump home is rally here

To give you an idea of how FLOODED with illegals this area is, officially the demographic is 68.9% Mexican. This is an area where most people literally don’t even speak English
114   AmericanKulak   2025 Jan 29, 4:59pm  

Georgia tonight

It's not 10M, maybe not 20M. We didn't have a border for 30 years.
115   Ceffer   2025 Jan 29, 5:13pm  

AmericanKulak says

This is an area where most people literally don’t even speak English

There are many small hole in the wall places in the Central Valley of California that look like hamlets just out of Mexico. Spanish speaking everything, and gringo loco treated with great suspicion. LA has an entire parallel civilization(s).
116   AmericanKulak   2025 Jan 29, 5:36pm  

Interesting. The #1 and #2 countries receiving Remittances are also the top illegal alien and visa holder destinations for the USA.

20% tax on remittances. It's literally money going out of the country. Almost $200B and I'd bet at least 50% of that is coming from the USA. So $100B sucked out of the US economy.

"Hurr durr, but their families buy Coke and use Windows back home, so it comes back"

Fuck outta here: Fernando and Raj's cousin buying a coke back home is trivial, the bottlers are foreign license holders, and both have pirated Windows on a Chinese-made laptop.
117   Ceffer   2025 Jan 29, 6:05pm  

I wonder if the MSM Mockingbird is creating more panic about bailing workers as exaggerated propaganda about people losing their work forces to get them into hysteria mode.

My guy (citizen) showed up today and apologized for absence but said his guy broke a machine and had to get a new one. He still has ALL of his hispanic crews working, present and accounted for, nobody bailed out. He was getting materials ready for the next phase.

Hopefully, my projects can wrap up in a couple of weeks (fingers crossed).

My wife was black pilling over it (as is her catastrophizing wont).
118   Ceffer   2025 Jan 29, 7:30pm  

"We will make them pay for their own destruction." The gloating anthems of the Globalists, Brits and Vatican. Is they can't have us as their vampire feeding station, then they will do everything to destroy our country and society.

119   Ceffer   2025 Jan 29, 7:39pm  

LOL! I like that. 'Illegally dumped'. Sounds more like karma.

123   Patrick   2025 Jan 30, 1:29pm  


DHS Chief Kristi Noem Scraps Biden’s Amnesty for 600,000 Illegal Aliens

Newly anointed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kristi Noem has scrapped former President Joe Biden’s parting gift to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens.

In the last few days of his presidency, Biden’s administration extended the protected status of 600,000 Venezuelan migrants who had entered the United States illegally.

On January 10, Biden’s former DHS chief, Cuba-born Alejandro Mayorkas, announced he would extend the status by 18 months, starting Jan. 17.

Mayorkas first granted “Temporary Protected Status” (TPS) to two groups of 600,000 illegal aliens in 2021 and 2023.

The Venezuelan migrants had moved illegally into the United States after 2018.

The extension would have continued the Venezuelan TPS amnesty until late 2026. ...

“Ms. Noem’s decision finds fault with the move by Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary under Mr. Biden, to extend the protections for Venezuelans in the final month of Mr. Biden’s term.

“The agency generally must decide at regular intervals whether the protections should be extended before they expire.

“The notice argued that Mr. Mayorkas made his move too early and said the extension should not remain in effect ‘given the exceedingly brief period’ since it was issued on Jan. 17.”
127   Patrick   2025 Jan 30, 7:58pm  

Posted before, but especially relevant now:

128   WookieMan   2025 Jan 31, 1:46am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

We just had the foundation on the house poured today. Our builder uses all legals, but everyone showed up and they're all Mexican. 6 Trucks of cement. Obviously I'm in a sanctuary state, but the Mexicans I know aren't scared. I think most of it is on the southern border. The left media just overhypes they're coming for you in any state.

I'd "maybe" be scared if I was an illegal in TX, NM, AZ or CA. If you're in prison here you're going home. Most illegals will be fine. Although Tom seems like a hard ass, so who knows what he goes after when the criminals are gone.
129   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2025 Jan 31, 3:49am  

There was a major panic article on a local news source. ICE had shown up at a home looking for an illegal alien criminal and he wasn’t there but they did arrest another resident who was also an illegal but whom ICE was not targeting.

Boo fucking hoo.
130   GNL   2025 Jan 31, 5:01am  

WookieMan says

Obviously I'm in a sanctuary state, but the Mexicans I know aren't scared. I think most of it is on the southern border. The left media just overhypes they're coming for you in any state.

I'd "maybe" be scared if I was an illegal in TX, NM, AZ or CA. If you're in prison here you're going home. Most illegals will be fine. Although Tom seems like a hard ass, so who knows what he goes after when the criminals are gone.

Did you hear yourself?

--JD Vance
131   GNL   2025 Jan 31, 5:02am  

WookieMan says

If you're in prison here you're going home.

Not looking to have a spat with you but, OMG SMH
132   clambo   2025 Jan 31, 6:50am  

In Santa Cruz the Chinese restaurant I went to had a little house in back of the parking lot; this was housing for their illegal guys from China.

I met the owner's daughter, Lilly, and spoke to her sometimes. She was cute but unfortunately got FAT, a sad waste. I digress.

The owner guy owned various apartments in Salinas, he was definitely bucks up.
133   WookieMan   2025 Jan 31, 6:54am  

GNL says

WookieMan says

If you're in prison here you're going home.

Not looking to have a spat with you but, OMG SMH

Literally no clue what you're talking about. If you're an illegal here, in prison, you're going home to your country of origin. Not sure what wasn't clear there.
134   rocketjoe79   2025 Jan 31, 11:29am  

The hard work will be lowering the total population of millions of illegals. Removing illegals will take them off the U.S. Census. Census numbers are used to apportion Federal Benefits to states, but most importantly, to apportion seats in Congress. Sanctuary states get more representation and more electoral votes. 20 Million Illegals tip the balance of fairness.

Homann's Deportation Job won't be as difficult as many think. Most have addresses where they receive federal or state benefit checks. Read on.

Don't hold onto the fantasy that illegals don't vote. They may deny it, but the Democratic machine votes for them if they do not. Here's how it works:

1. Biden's administration made sure illegals were all paid benefits upon entry processing. (These "processing centers" are not open to public or even congressional scrutiny.)
2. To get paid, the illegal had to sign paperwork agreeing to payroll tax deduction.
3. To pay these taxes, the illegal has to be issued an "taxpayer ID number" AKA SSN.
4. A valid SSN gives the illegal the right to a drivers license.
5. Viola! The illegal is automatically registered to vote in many states (All Dem controlled states, go figure.) It's called "Motor Voter Registration."

Notice that there is no check in the system for legal citizenship status. If Homann does his job right, total votes should go down by a number similar to total deportees.
135   Eric Holder   2025 Jan 31, 11:41am  

rocketjoe79 says

3. To pay these taxes, the illegal has to be issued an "taxpayer ID number" AKA SSN.
4. A valid SSN gives the illegal the right to a drivers license.

No, it's called ITIN. But you don't need valid SSN to get DL in sanctuary states.
136   WookieMan   2025 Jan 31, 12:11pm  

Eric Holder says

No, it's called ITIN. But you don't need valid SSN to get DL in sanctuary states.

This is 100% correct. Probably shouldn't put in writing but it wasn't me. My former boss would hire illegals to do construction on the buildings we had. He just asked that they had an ITIN so he could send them a 1099 and write it off. He knew they were illegal. I don't know if they paid taxes or not. Some of them it was $60k a year.

He was a fucker though and didn't care about the outcome. He just needed cheap labor for his half assed projects. I had no stake or ownership and would just walk out of meetings. We came to an agreement we can't work together. I'm a do it right guy and I had no intentions of getting dragged into his shenanigans. We parted ways mutually. Besides swearing I know I still have my integrity.
137   RC2006   2025 Jan 31, 1:05pm  

Can the DMV records of states with DL for illegals be seized and used to find and deport illegals?
138   GNL   2025 Jan 31, 1:10pm  

WookieMan says

GNL says

WookieMan says

If you're in prison here you're going home.

Not looking to have a spat with you but, OMG SMH

Literally no clue what you're talking about. If you're an illegal here, in prison, you're going home to your country of origin. Not sure what wasn't clear there.

Ok, certainly glad to hear that.
139   GNL   2025 Jan 31, 1:13pm  

RC2006 says

Can the DMV records of states with DL for illegals be seized and used to find and deport illegals?

Just need an anonymous leaker.

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