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1   iloveCefferMemes   2025 Jan 29, 12:37am  

AmericanKulak says

Good. Wonder how long it's going to take to wash the trans agenda out of the grade schools. 3 kids in the neighborhood changed names, a couple years ago.
2   AmericanKulak   2025 Jan 29, 12:38am  

While Trump takes care of FedGov, we need to start concentrating on local and state Gov. That's the best way to get things to stick.
3   WookieMan   2025 Jan 29, 9:28am  

AmericanKulak says

While Trump takes care of FedGov, we need to start concentrating on local and state Gov. That's the best way to get things to stick.

Always has been. The infatuation with national politics is retarded if you really think about it. City politics is far more influential. Property taxes being the biggie. Feds don't run your police. 90% of roads are locally funded.

The federal government is there to protect you from invaders. Agree or not but I have no issues with SS, Medicare and the military, including stuff like border patrol. That's about the limit. Let the states do their thing and lower federal taxes to represent the jobs being done. If an individual state needs to hike taxes so be it if I'm paying less Federally. I'll move if I don't like it.
4   clambo   2025 Jan 29, 9:44am  

Trans baloney is somewhat interesting, like a two headed goat at the freak show, but changing our society to make them more comfortable was absurd.

In my life, I have known just one transsexual person. I have known lots of gays, most are deceased by now.

It's just too bad if a guy wants to compete against girls in sports; get your kicks somewhere else.

Democrats lost some voters when they focused on this issue; remember that Bud Light weirdo Dylan meeting with Biden in the White House? How in the fuck is transsexual shit so important that the president spends a minute on it?

The biggest mistake men make is they knuckle under and try to act "compassionate" and "understanding" of stuff they instinctively hate; whether it's at work or socially, being polite is fine, but don't change your stripes for anyone.

Science doesn't yet know why some people have wires crossed in their head and they believe they're the opposite sex of their actual sex; this doesn't mean we all have to cater to their form of madness.

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