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Bottom line: the "mixing" wrt to transit oil is a non-issue.
Not under CUSMA it's not. Or rarher it's not subject to tariffs.
Prove it. Especially when that oil gets mixed in with ours. <-- gotcha!
You tried to imply that transiting oil tariff-free is somehow impossible because pipelines go through the US. When pointed that existing trade agreement provides for tariff-free transit of goods from Canada you tried to imply that for oil it's impossible because of "mixing". Which is obviously wrong, because oil can be and regularly is transported in batches.
In the context of the Keystone pipeline, "oil mixing" refers to the blending of different types of crude oil within the pipeline, particularly the mixing of heavier, more viscous Canadian tar sands oil (diluted bitumen or "dilbit") with lighter conventional crude oil from other sources, like the Bakken formation in North Dakota, as it travels through the pipeline to refineries; this mixing can occur at various points along the pipeline route depending on where different oil sources are added.
My goodness, there was so much more. Yesterday the AP ran a world-shaking story headlined, “Trump signs a plan for reciprocal tariffs on US trading partners, ushering in economic uncertainty.” Just wait till you hear this.
“I’ve decided, for purposes of fairness, that I will charge a reciprocal tariff,” Trump said in the Oval Office at the proclamation signing. “Meaning, whatever rates the countries charge the United States of America, we will charge them. No more, no less. In other words, they charge us a tax or tariff, then we charge them the same tax or tariff.”
The President added, “It’s fair to all. No other country can complain. This is something that should have been done many years ago.”
It was another masterstroke. One commenter observed, “If it was a literal earthquake, it would have knocked the planet off its axis.”
It was also the pushback Trump has long promised was coming to Europe. The EU countries thought they knew how to stymie Trump’s’ tariffs. They planned to apply the co-called “Canada model,” by launching trade wars against conservatives and Trump allies, like Tesla, or just the red states.
Their dumb idea was to force maximum political pressure on President Trump, to weaken his support with Americans. He he just ran rings around them.
With reciprocal tariffs, the Canada Model become a hammer they hit themselves in the head with. There’s no point in entering an automatically escalating trade war. You’re just shooting yourself in the foot over and over.
Most likely, this brilliant maneuver will immediately result in lower prices for nearly everything, as countries drop their duties and shed their taxes, VAT surcharges, and tariffs. But if it has to play out, the corporate media headlines will be constantly crying about Trump’s tit-for-tat tariffs, and will cherry-pick examples products here and there with increased prices. See, Mexican tamales now cost $2.79!
They still think we voted for lower prices. It’s practically all they have left to hold onto.
Don’t miss this: We have long subsidized Europeans by paying their unilateral taxes, VATs, and tariffs on all our international trade with them, while we weren’t charging them anything in return. The Europeans have used all that extra money to fund their massive immigration and welfare systems, not to mention undermining the U.S. every chance they got, like during the RussiaGate Hoax.
Soon, they won’t be able to afford all their insane social re-programming. In that sense, Trump’s tariff plan didn’t just help the United States. It’s helping liberate Europe.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Canadian oil is purposely mixed in.
Because there is no tariffs, duh...
As stated above there is no technical obstacle for shipping Canadian oil via pipeline networks w/o mixing it with any other.
I'm on the edge of marking the last two comments as personal.
I think it's funny when people talk about stuff they know nothing about or haven't experienced it at some level.
Ontario suspends 25% electricity surcharge for US customers after Trump ups aluminum, steel tariff
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Canada and Mexico has a 25% inbound in 24 hours. China a 10% Tariff shortly.
"Hurr Durr, we'll starve in America if Trump tariffs CHYna. Also, give US big agra a big subsidy so we don't starve" LOL
We gotcha Free Traitors. The game is over.