Congratulations Loyal California Coastal Elite Useful Idiots. Enjoy The Tender Enlightened Mercies Of KommieKunt Kalifornia Government.

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2025 Jan 31, 5:12pm   114 views  4 comments

by Ceffer   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

Gee, what did the sanctimonious, guarded, gated elites of Pali and Malibu do to deserve the wrath of Moloch? The Ark of the Covenant couldn't have waged war against them better? Will their dazed and confused reveries turn into awakened, forced recognition of what they have harbored? I wouldn't hold my breath, but if I wanted to kick a Karma Wasp's Nest, what they did to Pacific Palisades and Malibu with DEW burnouts and Area 51 weather technology would be the way to do it.
"We have lovely rafts of Section 8 fecal implants and low income stacked rabbit hutches for your formerly exclusive garden by the sea. We will re-name it New Watts with all the criminal amenities."


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2   Tenpoundbass   2025 Feb 2, 5:13am  

It seemed to me the celebrities that either lost their house or were in danger of losing it, were mostly Conservatives, that supported Trump.
I only heard about a few celebs that were hardcore Liberals. I got the impression that Palisades was a Conservative enclave. I could see all of the Democrats being so butt hurt that Mel Gibson moved in, so they all moved out.
3   HeadSet   2025 Feb 2, 8:39am  

Booger says

I cannot believe these people would not be lynched for that, even lynched by liberals. There must be some details left out, such as the law applies to a 19-year-old with a 17-year-old. I do not believe anyone who helped pass a law that would allow an adult to abuse a preteen would even make it home.
4   Ceffer   2025 Feb 2, 10:54am  

Tenpoundbass says

were mostly Conservatives, that supported Trump.

California Coastal Elites are programmed. They read the NYT as if it is fact and then spew it back as if it is intellectual thought. They tend to be agitprop repeating stations amped up with religious certainty of imbued propagandas. The bullshit is anthem for them and barometers of their conformity, material wealth and 'success', a dream state of adrenochromed bliss out that they maintain with hive fervor, fabulous homes in the sunshine with jaunts at all the high end world watering holes.

The financial liquidity ultimately comes from New York, and supports the media industry. In addition to the A listers and B listers in Pali, there are a lot of support staffers, professionals and C and D listers. One cannot discount the Satanic infusion into the areas as everybody seeks empowerments by any force available, banish the thought of personal or ethical compromise. It's an elite whorehouse by design. If you step out of line, you get the banshee screes and the phone stops ringing.

I wouldn't even call them liberals. They are a parasite hive mind who never thought their tenure would end.

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