During the raging period of the CCP virus, officials at the bottom of the CCP were ordered to take the lead in applying the CCP’s new crown vaccine, however! The senior officials of the Communist Party of China's Red Gene know the inside story and refuse to give any vaccine! …The 52-year-old female ambassador to Congo suddenly died and was announced 13 days after his death https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/25/3/13/n14457070.htm 中共病毒🦠肆虐期间,中共底层官员被勒令带头施打中共新冠疫苗💉,然而!中共红色基因高官知道内幕,拒绝施打任何疫苗!…中共驻刚果52岁女大使突亡 死后13天才公布 https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/25/3/13/n14457070.htm
中共病毒🦠肆虐期间,中共底层官员被勒令带头施打中共新冠疫苗💉,然而!中共红色基因高官知道内幕,拒绝施打任何疫苗!…中共驻刚果52岁女大使突亡 死后13天才公布