Psychology Of American Fascism

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2009 Sep 1, 6:12am   22,581 views  77 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

The American far right wing fits the 14 Points Of Fascism well enough that we should call a spade a spade.

What brought them so far to the right, when their Democratic grandfathers knew exactly who was really on their side? It's really important to understand it well so that they don't continue to be so easily manipulated into harming themselves. I think there are a few critical points which are rarely mentioned in the media:

  • Americans are the descendants of people who came here for profit, not to take care of their fellow citizens. There is less "group feeling" than in old countries where most people are the same ethnicity. In particular, there is no sympathy for blacks or hispanics among working-class (blue collar) whites. And probably vice versa.
  • Working-class whites are subtly dismissed by the left. Most social programs are aimed at helping only the poorest - IGNORING the next-to-poorest, working-class whites.
  • Working-class whites suffer The Hidden Injuries Of Class every day. They are embarassed by their poor educations and by their position reporting to a boss who probably spells better than they do, and who maybe knows how to speak French...
  • Blue collar jobs have been exported in vast numbers to China, because the Chinese will work for much less, and this increases shareholder profits. Unemployed people get desperate and angry when they can't support their families, and look for simple explanations and solutions.

These hidden injuries are embarassing to talk about directly, so they manifest themselves as a newfound concern about "socialism" and the constitution rather than saying what they are: anger at being ignored by policies that help their poorer neighbors, anger at their social position, and anger at the loss of jobs.

It gets recursive: as the right-wing gets more shrill and frankly loony, they get dismissed even more, making them angrier.

This anger is very skillfully used by large corporate interests to protect profits. It's gross to watch people buying into the lies of Fox News, as if ALL taxes were always bad, and as if there is some evil socialist enemy ready to pounce on them, rather than the truth that those very corporate interests that support Fox News are the ones exploiting the viewers.

So we see the bizarre and (to lefties) inexplicable scenes of poor whites turning red in the face screaming "NO! We do not want the financial security of universal health care that all other countries enjoy. We WANT to live one illness away from bankruptcy, all the time, forever! And furthermore, we demand lower taxes on the extra profits corporations make from outsourcing our jobs to China!"


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63   wcalleallegre   2009 Sep 7, 1:39pm  

Just got back today.

nosf41 makes the most sense in these postings. Patrick is out in left field. I prefer to have my inalienable rights protected by God (the God of the bible) fearing men (and women) who would honor the Constitution. Healthcare is not an inalienable right. Don't forget that this country was founded by men escaping from religious tyranny to be governed by their God (of the bible).

64   nope   2009 Sep 7, 6:49pm  

PolishKnight says

Sure they were. By Uncle Joe Stalin.

Holy Shit, I didn't know Stalin was making rules in the USA. Learn something new every day!

PolishKnight says

The very notion of group race guilt _is_ racism. Racism is judging someone by their race rather than their character (someone famous once said that…) Here’s the URL (again) about a black on white race crime that you perhaps don’t even classify as racism since, after all, she was white and therefore shares race guilt for all crimes against blacks:

I don't classify these crimes as racism -- I classify them as crimes. Black people are disproportionately poorer than white people and poor people commit disproportionately more crime than everyone else, so it's inevitable that most "interracial" crime will be black-on-white. This isn't a matter of race at all -- it's a matter of poverty.

PolishKnight says

Hahahaha! Indeed, Kevin, here you go: http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/pages/results/states/US/P/00/epolls.0.html
In the 2004 election, Democrats dominated income ranges below $30K. That’s your “middle class!”

Maybe you should look at all elections [not just presidential, either], not one presidential election where the democrats tossed out the crappiest candidate they could shit out. Democrats definitely dominate the non-white lower class, I will give you that -- it's the whites that were the topic of discussion though.

PolishKnight says

Yeah, and pushing all the power to Washington via big government is really about giving power “to the people…”

No, you don't "push all the power" to anyone. You completely miss the point. You don't want to "push all the power" in any organization because that organization will just dominate everyone. This is why our government has checks and balances.

And, yes, I trust the government way more than corporations. At least I have some say over who runs the government.

PolishKnight says

Your whole position is bankrupt not only economically, but also logically and morally as well. You pontificate about the evils of racism while bashing whites.

My "whole position" that ignorant poor people make irrational decisions is bankrupt economically and logically and morally? How on earth does that even make sense?

Other than ignorant poor whites, which ones am I bashing? I know lots of ignorant, poor whites (I'm related to plenty of them, and I used to be one), and I'll stand by my argument that ignorant, poor whites are overwhelmingly racist and are easily manipulated (obama is a muslim, obama is not a citizen, obama is a socialist)

PolishKnight says

You argue for socialist “solutions” that are currently socialist problems (medicaid).

What socialist "solution" am I arguing for again? Please enlighten me. Why do you think I'm "arguing for" medicaid? Do you even know what you're typing?

PolishKnight says

Yet, you IDOLIZE the wealthy and well connected: Obama, Kennedy’s, Soros (who made money turning in his fellow Jews, at least when he hated his own kind he turned a profit unlike pathetic self-hating white male leftists here).

The only person on that list that I even remotely like is Obama, so I don't know why you think I'm "idolizing" these people (Soros in particular infuriates me, as he has done some truly vile shit with currency exchange that rightfully earned him a price on his head in Thailand). Why are you talking out of your ass?

PolishKnight says

You regard the working class as schlubs and at the same time deny that you have to appeal to the lowest of them (in the welfare state) just to keep your whole ideology from dying.

When did I deny that you have to appeal to the welfare state? I really don't understand what you're trying to say here. Do you live in some bizarro alternate universe where I post on forums with a completely different brain?

PolishKnight says

The coup de gras: “The USSR was a perfect examples of right wing socialism.”

Hahahaha! I really pushed your buttons. Cut back on the cool aid.

Once again, you know absolutely nothing on the subject of right vs left because you're stuck in a narrow world view that thinks "left = socialism, right = capitalism", which is an ignorant stance that ignores the myriad combinations of economic systems and governance that have proven track records of failure and success. For hundreds and hundreds of years, left has referred to democratic systems where people make the decisions and right has referred to autocratic systems where dictators make the decisions.

65   PolishKnight   2009 Sep 8, 12:24am  

"I don’t classify these crimes as racism — I classify them as crimes. Black people are disproportionately poorer than white people and poor people commit disproportionately more crime than everyone else, so it’s inevitable that most “interracial” crime will be black-on-white. This isn’t a matter of race at all — it’s a matter of poverty."

That's my whole point. You won't see any racism against whites even when it's clear, as it was in this case, that there was no financial motivation whatsoever for the crime. It's funny how you whitewash, pardon the pun, of black on white crime as being mere poverty based is a perfect response to acusations of police profiling and greater rates of black incarceration. Good going! This leads us to:

"Holy Shit, I didn’t know Stalin was making rules in the USA. Learn something new every day!"

Indeed, and this is not happening today either as you wrote earlier:
"Oh, I forgot that white people were attacked by dogs, sprayed with fire hoses, forced to sit in the back of buses, beaten by police for gathering in public, prevented from working, eating, or going to the bathroom in the same places as everyone else, or lynched in their front yards for the audacity to try to vote."

These crimes occurred in the past and probably also committed by a lot of poor whites. So using your own logic, whites should be absolved. You're using a clear double standard.

The rest of your thinking is full of holes that are easy to poke fun at (such as Uncle Joe supposedly being a right winger even as you love big government) but I don't want to bore the reader or give you an opportunity to weasle out of your clear illogic. You know your positions are untenable which is why you hate whites and project that hate onto them. Whatever you might say about the people you grew up with, they're better, and more honest, than you'll ever be. Live with it.

66   jcmusic   2009 Sep 17, 6:09am  

"Racism" is the new McCarthyism.

67   reniam   2009 Sep 18, 1:57am  

There are some great comments in this thread. Unfortunately, I believe many are wasting their breath; as I probably am now.

When a post starts using an obviously slanted reference as their source to justify fascism, than that person is not going to be swayed with rational argument. Psychology studies have shown that once people buy into a set of facts, they're unlikely to change their minds, even if presented with evidence to the contrary. So this gentleman is trying to tell you what he believes is fact and is not looking for debate. If you don't believe it; then you are a right-winger, nut, simpleton, or some other pejorative term. If another commenter presents a coherent argument - he will either ignore you, or pull out one of your sentences and take it out of context.

Funny thing is, it would be trivial to dig up an article of bullet points to fit President Obama as a communist, a fascist, or a racist. Of course, it's equally ridiculous but, the person writing it believes it absolutely.

68   doughskept   2009 Dec 9, 4:35am  

jackrusse1l says

Laurence Britt ... is a liberal activist from New York who was on the Executive board of a Local ACLU chapter. ... He has no professional credentials, only a biased aspect to try to make fascism fit.

Thanks, Jack, for the info about Britt. I've criticized his "14 points" elsewhere:
but briefly, the problem with his list is that he fails to define fascism, and then fails to give any examples. It's just a laundry list of things Britt does not like.

69   Done!   2009 Dec 9, 4:43am  

I was listening to some windbag on NPR from Canada the other day lecturing Diane Rheem, he was going on about how America criminalizes the youth in this country.
Then I thought, wait a minute, aren't these the clowns that let Motor Cycle gangs actually be more than Movie legend, myth and justification for a middle aged balding man to go into to 20K debt for a Harley.

We've had Motor Cycle gangs for decades and have never tolerated them being anything more than symbolic. Canada has them running around shooting up the gentle folks, kids and police.

I love it when other countries knows what's better for America than we do, complete with opinion and all.

70   Done!   2009 Dec 9, 4:50am  

PolishKnight says

Tenpoundbass says: “I’ve always considered my self a Democrat, by default, because I knew I wasn’t with trampling over far off villages under Uncle Sams toe because their village was in the way of some agenda that American republicans had.”

Welcome to the club, Tenpoundbass! I personally, when I was younger, was a liberal libertarian until I actually learned what the Democrat/leftist/socialist agenda was. It was an interesting point in my life when I had to come to grips with the fact that I was fighting on the wrong side for stuff that didn’t make any sense upon the most basic examination. It was embarassing and humbling and it’s no wonder that some people choose to put massive amounts of energy into denial rather than admit they’re wrong (it’s kind of like alcoholism or drug abuse.)

Tenpoundbass was thrown out of the tank, for not eating the Bluefish.

Sarah Palin will punish you all!

71   Â¥   2009 Dec 9, 5:16am  

wcalleallegre says

Don’t forget that this country was founded by men escaping from religious tyranny to be governed by their God (of the bible).

Poe's Law in play.

72   simchaland   2009 Dec 9, 10:26am  

Troy says

wcalleallegre says

Don’t forget that this country was founded by men escaping from religious tyranny to be governed by their God (of the bible).

Poe’s Law in play.


Yeah, this country was founded by wealthy white land owners who were tired of paying taxes to England and who were tired of not having any representation in British Government so they were without say over being taxed. Don't get it twisted.

The Pilgrims who fled religious persecution really didn't found our country. Thomas Jefferson who wrote the constitution was a very wealthy land owner and owner of many slaves. George Washington, our first president and General of the Revolutionary Army, was a very wealthy land owner and owned many slaves. These white wealthy men and other white wealthy men founded our country mainly to keep their money here in the USA and have a say over the governance of their own land.

Religious freedom was an end product of the construction of government.

Oh, and the majority of the Founding Fathers weren't Christians. They were mainly Free Masons, Quakers, and Deists. They instituted a SEPARATION of church and state because THEY DIDN'T TRUST RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS in governance. Our Constitution doesn't create a Theocracy where we are "ruled by God." Our Constitution creates the polar opposite form of governance. It's supposed to be a government "for the people and by the people." God wasn't supposed to be a part of any of it. The US Consititution is a completely SECULAR document and our government is meant to be SECULAR.

Some people really need a civics class or ten.

74   Newman1979   2012 Sep 23, 4:39am  

A recent study of longevity found that educated men now lived 14 years longer than men without high school diplomas. Women in the same groups were 10 years longer. The study found that the 5 year drop in life expectancy of the uneducated whites brought them below the life expectancy for African Americans.
All you have to do is see where you are in the pecking order.
Of course in Sweden with its egalitarian income system, the longevity differences are much much closer. So what's the problem with the less educated seeing the light?

75   coriacci1   2012 Sep 23, 4:41am  

simchaland says

Some people really need a civics class or ten.

add to that: world history, economics, other languages, philosophy, etc, etc,
at free, quality, public schools.

76   Politicofact   2012 Sep 23, 5:06am  

and on top of that education (which I have) some people should follow the news before commenting on it!

77   mell   2012 Sep 23, 5:14am  

nosf41 says

Any regulation preventing insurance companies from offering their service across state boundaries should be removed.

That is certainly a good point - even countries that have mixed systems with basic universal health care and either additional private insurance or opt-out for private insurance if desired do not place any limitations on where the insurance companies can or cannot operate.

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