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Great article from John Mauldin about housing's impact on the economy:
HARM: Thanks for this thread. Simply brilliant.
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What do fake breasts and the PPT (Plunge Protection Team) have in common? Is the Fed planning to act as a gargantuan bra for f@cked borrowers by monetizing mortgage/consumer debt? Or does the PPT charter only serve to "lift and separate" for the banks, GSEs and big institutions? Do RealtWhores know that the housing ATM is about to screw the pooch, so they've decided to put their money somewhere safe --like in silicone, for instance?
Are inflated, expensive, unnaturally large breasts a perfect metaphor for the housing market?
Do McMansion homedebtors have the largest implants?
Does this thread topic count as soft porn or serious policy debate?
Discuss, enjoy...