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101705   Shaman   2019 Mar 27, 4:40pm  

Yah if Barr’s summary is such a lie, why doesn’t Mueller or one of the many other people who worked with him object?
Rosenstein especially is not a Trump fan, and would be unlikely to go along with such a ham-handed cover up.
This latest conspiracy theory from the Leftard gallery is especially ridiculous!
101706   Ceffer   2019 Mar 27, 4:50pm  

Elgatouno says
Mueller's investigation netted the US government $23 million I wouldn't call that nothing.

A bunch of lawyers fleeced some victims. What else is new?
101707   Bd6r   2019 Mar 27, 5:04pm  

It was clear from beginning that nothing of any substance will come out of the investigation. This is too high level, too high profile lawyers, too slick players. This is even besides the point that Russian Collusion was very unlikely from the very beginning.

Unless there are Trump Tapes, they can not prove anything. Even Nixon would have not been forced out if he had not recorded everything for prosecutors and public to see.

The question is, if they are out to get Trump, why are they not looking at his RE deals? Mutually assured destruction perhaps?
101708   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Mar 27, 5:05pm  

Left just like that went from worshiping Muller, to hating him.
101709   RC2006   2019 Mar 27, 5:29pm  

theoakman says
This is stupid. Smollet destroyed any marketbility he had. I'm not sure why they did this because Smollet is next to useless. Even all the black celebrities on TV were making fun of him.
Could be the next Jessie Jackson.
101711   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 27, 7:37pm  

8 Recent cases of False Reporting from Chicago. Which one of these does not belong?
101712   marcus   2019 Mar 27, 9:07pm  

You know, I honestly could not begin to understand why some patnet right wingers liked those Smollet/Trump memes so much. Truly, I could not understand what it was you saw or thought was so amusing.

But then, less than a week later, with a lot of news about Trump in the interim, all of the sudden Smollet has made some sort of back room deal, and suddenly he's completely exonerated of any crimes.

OOOOOoooohhhhhhh ! Now I get it. You guys were way ahead of me on this one.
101713   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 27, 10:19pm  

marcus says
But then, less than a week later, with a lot of news about Trump in the interim, all of the sudden Smollet has made some sort of back room deal, and suddenly he's completely exonerated of any crimes.

It's even better. The Chicagoland corruption not pushed to drop all charges, in an unprecedented interference, but attempted to seal/expunge ALL the records. Too bad the CPD was first.

Now the whole world knows what the police investigation found, which includes confessions by the men Smollett hired and paid along with confirmation of payments and specific instructions from Smollett to his attackers.

And even better for Trump, because not only is Chicagoland involved, but key advisers from the past administration are caught communicating with the District Attorney to suborn justice.

Here's the prosecutor's summary, now published by the Chicago Tribune, that was leaked before Obama-Chicagoland could permanently seal/expunge literally everything in a cover up attempt to derail justice.

The dumbass wrote a fuckin' check. What a fucking moron.

This case couldn't have been more of a slam dunk unless the Detective was Charles F'ing Barkley.


You ain't seen nothing yet. The FISA investigation is about to begin.
101714   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 27, 10:24pm  

By the way, the SPLC hiring Tia Tchen is no coincidence.

The defense they're going to use is the same one corrupt Broward Officials are using: "It's only because wes Black and Sheeeit".
101715   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 27, 10:44pm  

Elgatouno says
Open and shut case of what?

Of false report, naturally. False report of a hate crime to be exact. It never happened. Whatever happened IRL was not a crime, let alone hate crime, because he ordered and paid for all the things which were done to him. And he lied about the race of the "perps". And he lied about not knowing the "perps". Hence the "false" part.
101716   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 27, 10:48pm  

He not only called the police and claimed he was attacked by White Trump Supporters, he also did so on national television.

Even his motive is in the texts and messages in possession of the CPD - he did it for a sympathy pay raise, pure profit motive, to defraud his employer.

The brothers are even on tape cashing a check signed by Dumbass, probably drug-addled, Smollett.
101717   Ceffer   2019 Mar 27, 10:50pm  

Smollett has secret selfies of Michelle Obama's penis in his mouth and Obama snorting coke off of his ass. 'Nuf said.
101718   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 27, 11:04pm  

Elgatouno says
Thing is we haven't seen the Mueller report yet. So really, besides Barr everyone is talking out of their ass.

Barr already said the report is gonna be released, after it's properly redacted so the Russians don't find out the names of the entire US Counterintelligence Apparatus.

But don't stop believin', hold on to the feelin'
101719   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 27, 11:25pm  

Elgatouno says
And until that does or does not happen all we got are people talking out their ass.

Why did Mueller not make any new indictments? And you know Mueller literally said: "did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

So that there's no Collusion is the literal words of Mueller.

In the US Justice System - it may be different in Cuba or under the Green New Deal or in Shar'ia - the takeaway is that Mueller found no evidence to charge anybody, much less convict somebody, from the Trump Campaign.

The best efforts of Polifact, Snopes, and CNN can't make the No Collusion Conclusion disappear.
101720   zzyzzx   2019 Mar 28, 7:05am  

101721   marcus   2019 Mar 28, 7:08am  

marcus says
But then, less than a week later, with a lot of news about Trump in the interim, all of the sudden Smollet has made some sort of back room deal, and suddenly he's completely exonerated of any crimes.

Does anyone else now get the Smollet Trump connection ?
101722   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Mar 28, 7:12am  

Time for FBI to investigate
101723   porkchopXpress   2019 Mar 28, 7:13am  

It’s so cute to see the Lefties try and defend Jussie’s case. It’s a 100% losing proposition, yet their TDS and utter irrationality knows no bounds.
101724   Shaman   2019 Mar 28, 7:15am  

marcus says
But then, less than a week later, with a lot of news about Trump in the interim, all of the sudden Smollet has made some sort of back room deal, and suddenly he's completely exonerated of any crimes.

Dude, have you even ever heard of logic? That statement makes no sense no matter how i look at it. You’re making the tin foil conspiracy nuts look like paychiatric professionals!
101725   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 28, 7:16am  

HeadSet says
That is what I mean with "by whom?" Judicial Watch is powerless against sealed records and JW cannot compel testimony like the FBI or other police agency.

They are geniuses at getting what is required. Through the FOIA they can get to the bottom of who ordered what and who's call it was. He can trace it all the way up to Magic Mike.
101726   anonymous   2019 Mar 28, 7:51am  

Oh Great, Trump's Wading Into the Jussie Smollett Mess

he circumstances surrounding the dropped charges against Empire actor Jussie Smollett after he was accused of lying about an alleged homophobic assault are a complete mess at this point. And now, to make matters worse, here comes President Donald Trump, eager to take a celebrity imbroglio and turn it into a federal case—literally.

Donald J. Trump

FBI & DOJ to review the outrageous Jussie Smollett case in Chicago. It is an embarrassment to our Nation!

6:34 AM - Mar 28, 2019

As with many Trump tweets, it’s not clear if the FBI is actually doing anything, or if Trump is just saying stuff. I’ve reached out to the Justice Department to see where their presidentially announced investigation currently stands, and will update this post if they respond.

In the meantime, though, this is turning into exactly the sort of scandal Trump loves.

It’s about a black person, so he can be racist.

It’s about a political opponent, so he can be conspiratorial.

And it’s about a celebrity, so he knows there’s a lot of press interest.

Is it a good use of the president of the United States’ time? Of course not.

Will his supporters cheer him on anyway for dipping his totally unbiased fingers into this situation? Probably.

Do I deeply wish I hadn’t gotten out of bed this morning? You know it.

101727   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 28, 8:18am  

Of course Mueller would release an ambiguous report.
Trump is the first Bastard to get away from his Ham Sandwich indictments.

The Cockroaches are squirming. Mueller put his pencil down and now they all know Trump is about to Raid Max roach bomb their sorry asses.

What do you expect them all to say. Schiff is in full panic mode, I have $5 riding on he blows his brains out before this is over. Rather than to face the Treason Gallows.
101729   Shaman   2019 Mar 28, 8:25am  

Tim Aurora says
A Fox News legal analyst

Not a Fox News legal analyst! Could there be a higher authority??? Have legal analysts ever been wrong before?

Timmy Timmy... time to let the old lies die. You held on to this one like a true “bitter clinger,” but it’s evaporating like nitrous at a rave. Best find something a bit more solid on which to base your naive worldview.
101732   Bd6r   2019 Mar 28, 9:15am  

Kakistocracy says
In the meantime, though, this is turning into exactly the sort of scandal Trump loves.

Should not have allowed Smollett to get off - now Trump holds moral high ground. As it looks now, raycist is not Trump, but people who allowed a black celebrity get off from a well-deserved punishment.
101733   Ceffer   2019 Mar 28, 9:28am  

Their only option now is to claim they actually believed their lies, rather than systematically cramming the known lies down the throat of America with intent.

Better to look extremely stupid and incompetent than overtly evil? It's optics dilemma. "Oh, but I REALLY, REALLY BELIEVED it!"

Sorry, but Schiff et. alia wind up looking extremely stupid, incompetent, corrupt AND evil. The CIA director had the common sense to fall back and apologize before the long knives came after him rather than maintaining the pretense.
101734   Goran_K   2019 Mar 28, 9:43am  

This is getting pathetic.
101735   zzyzzx   2019 Mar 28, 9:59am  

101736   anonymous   2019 Mar 28, 10:41am  

This is going to be fun.

Trump will continue to publicly go on record saying he does not mind if the full Mueller Report if released knowing full well Baar, McConnell and others will never let it happen.

Then he can say honestly (for once) see I stated publicly many times I was for the full release however other members of the Administration and the Senate have seen otherwise so there is nothing I can do about that.

His base will swallow that hook, line and sinker and then some.
101737   anonymous   2019 Mar 28, 10:58am  

60% of This Year’s Deficit Is the Result of Tax Cuts and Other Recent Legislation: CRFB

The federal deficit for fiscal 2019 is projected to climb to around $900 billion, or $118 billion more than last year, according to estimates from the Congressional Budget Office. Most of that total — $540 billion — is the result of legislation passed since 2015, according to a new report by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

The budget watchdog group calculates that the tax cuts passed by Republicans in 2017 will cost $230 billion this year, or 25 percent of the projected deficit. A bipartisan 2018 deal to increase spending over two years will cost another $190 billion in 2019, representing 21 percent of the expected deficit.

Without those two major pieces of legislation and other laws passed since 2015, this year’s deficit would be $360 billion (or 1.7 percent of gross domestic product), the lowest since 2007.

“Fixing our debt will now require reversing the harm that has already been done with unpaid-for tax cuts and spending increases, in addition to confronting the rising costs of Social Security and Medicare with spending changes and/or additional revenue,” CRFB says.

101738   Shaman   2019 Mar 28, 11:00am  

Kakistocracy says
Trump will continue to publicly go on record saying he does not mind if the full Mueller Report if released knowing full well Baar, McConnell and others will never let it happen.

Then he can say honestly (for once) see I stated publicly many times I was for the full release however other members of the Administration and the Senate have seen otherwise so there is nothing I can do about that.

If they are serious about it, Congress will have to restore the law they made post-Watergate scandal, which expired in 1999. Without the guidance of that special law,
the AG must refer to Department of Justice practices and mandates.
Specifically: “While the rules allow him to release it, they specifically cite Department of Justice policy that generally says prosecutors should not talk about people who are investigated but not charged to protect them from having their reputations smeared. During Barr’s confirmation hearing, Democrats in Congress pushed him to commit to release the full report, but he repeatedly declined to do so.”

Basically, it’s a judgement call and Barr went this way on it. Opening this can of worms further will only put Democrats further into the soup.
101739   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 28, 11:04am  

Kakistocracy says
This is going to be fun.

I agree.

While some of the more experienced Dems smell a trap, the Maddows and the Schiffs are walking right into it, because Trump is laughing as they develop a whole new set of conspiracy theories and then when the report is released, it will show all the ranting and raving to be just as Over the Top.
101740   anonymous   2019 Mar 28, 11:05am  

Quigley says

Basically, it’s a judgement call and Barr went this way on it

A convenient call by a convenient AG appointment. Baar was informed three weeks ago by Mueller he would not be reaching any deicsions so Baar had ample time to write those four god awful long pages.

The scenario will play out exactly as I described - Trump continues to appear stating over and over he does not care, mind whatever that the full report gets released - why ?

He knows it will never ever happen. He can safely tell that story over and over all the way to November 2020 and not be lying (for once) since he knows full well whatever reason(s) Baar and McConnell do not want the American people to see will not be seen.
101741   Bd6r   2019 Mar 28, 11:05am  

lets all must stop working and borrow money. Someone surely will lend it to us!
101742   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 28, 11:08am  

Fact: Every Trump AG let Mueller do whatever he wanted.

Also, it's funny that Hillary's Medical Records, which probably run 100s of pages, "were summarized" into a one sided piece of paper and a few paragraphs with minimal facts.
101743   anonymous   2019 Mar 28, 11:08am  

MisterLearnToCode says
it will show all the ranting and raving to be just as Over the Top.

Is something going to come out to show the same about the hysterical ranting and raving about Ocasio Cortez or is she this year's Hillary and Pocahontas ?

Hard to believe one woman is the object of so much obsession - and fear too.
101744   anonymous   2019 Mar 28, 11:10am  

MisterLearnToCode says
Fact: Every Trump AG let Mueller do whatever he wanted.

Perhaps - but he won't let that report come out - rather his appointees won't and McConnel won't - for some reason.

But let us now dwell on Potus, lets bring back Hillary and Barrack to deflect and detract attention away.

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