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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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101786   marcus   2019 Mar 28, 10:59pm  

Just observing an ironic coincidence. In a period of less than a few days they are both exonerated.

We could probably find others similarities.. Trump says Obama wiretapped him. His own highest level security experts say that's bullshit.

A President lying about another President wiretapping him without ever disclosing why he thinks its true (reminiscent of what he said about Obama's birth certificate for a couple years). Trump is notorious for his lies. Some of them quite huge.

But yeah, it's not as bad as some small time actor I've never heard of hiring some guys to do a fake attack (assuming that's true).
101787   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 28, 11:05pm  

marcus says
A President lying about another President wiretapping him without ever disclosing why he thinks its true (reminiscent of what he said about Obama's birth certificate for a couple years). Trump is notorious for his lies. Some of them quite huge.

Hang loose. Unlike the FISA abuses, which are going to be declassified and haven't so far because of fears the Dems would call it obstruction of the now unsupportable Russian Collusion Claims.

marcus says
But yeah, it's not as bad as some small time actor I've never heard of hiring some guys to do a fake attack (assuming that's true).

Marcus, you fail to note the abundant physical, eyewitness, and even Confession evidence in the Smollett case is of a kind that can only be described as a slam dunk. The Assailants have confessed, and their own electronic communications and bank transactions confirm their narrative. On top of Smollett's iCloud records uncovered by warrant, also confirmational.

I'm almost getting tired of repeating myself about the overwhelming evidence of Smollett's guilt and the strange and highly unusual legal limbo tactics employed by Foxx The Chicago Chief of Police, the Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, and the entire Prosecutor's Association of Illinois have all condemned the handling of the Smollett case against a member of their own party.

The comparison isn't remotely similar in terms of evidence or circumstance.
101788   marcus   2019 Mar 28, 11:16pm  

MisterLearnToCode says
Marcus, you fail to note

Wtf, you're in an argument with a straw man. I never said they were nearly identical or that Trump is just as guilty of crimes (that are a million times worse) as Smollett is of his. I've never really been interested in the Smollett case. What, he's some small time actor that the OBama's were friendly to. So fucking what ?

For the 10th time, I was just putting two things together.

1) Memes about Trump and Smollett that I didn't understand.

2) Them both being exonerated witin a few days of eachother.

Nothing else dude.

Although as you make me think about it, and I ask myself, who do I think has less integrity ? Trump or Smollett ?

It's an interesting question. And I really don't know. We know about Trumps massive tax avoidance, probably illegal, stiffing people that did work for him, huge lies. The whoremongering while married, and on and on. And then we have this one story about Smollett, a guy whose actions don't really affect any of us at all, other than in the right wing media, but certainly reflect very poorly on him. Probably smokes way too much weed.

You people are mighty selective about the people whose behavior you choose to judge (not that I disagree with you ) about Smollett, as small time as it was, versus a guy you gave a psss to and voted for, for President, and now defend endlessly just becasue he appealed to you know what.
101789   cmdrda2leak   2019 Mar 29, 3:06am  

Now, in terms of proportionality, the total lack of sentence does not fit the crime. However, the other points are true; specifically, this isn't a violent offense, he poses no immediate risk to physical safety, he has no violent priors.

That said, a more appropriate sentence would be to make him pay the costs for his own apology tour: a series of televised appearances where he will apologize to Chicago and the State of Illinois, and in particular past victims of real violent crimes whose dignity he besmirched by trivializing their suffering with a self-serving hoax. A tour where he can express his contrition for stoking animosity between groups and remind everyone that though hateful violence is in fact at an all-time low, we should remember that acts like his could cause a reversal to that trend.
101790   marcus   2019 Mar 29, 6:12am  

Nothing to see here Trump Cucks. GO back to your bubble before you learn how utterly fucking stupid you are and the degree to which you have fucked yourself.

Kakistocracy says
“Fixing our debt will now require reversing the harm that has already been done with unpaid-for tax cuts and spending increases, in addition to confronting the rising costs of Social Security and Medicare with spending changes and/or additional revenue,” CRFB says.
101791   cmdrda2leak   2019 Mar 29, 7:30am  

Oh yeah, forgot to add to this: he should also pay for the cost to the state of the investigation, as those resources could have been committed to actual crime instead of his hoax.
101792   Onvacation   2019 Mar 29, 7:44am  

marcus says
marcus says

Although as you make me think about it, and I ask myself, who do I think has less integrity ? Trump or Smollett ?

It's an interesting question. And I really don't know.

TDS deranged
101793   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Mar 29, 8:09am  

Failed culture.
101794   Shaman   2019 Mar 29, 8:12am  

marcus says
We could probably find others similarities.. Trump says Obama wiretapped him. His own highest level security experts say that's bullshit.

You really need to update your current events knowledge. This info is now known. Trump proven right once again. That “fact check” was proven to be a lie. But I doubt you will even accept the truth, deep as you are in the narrative you wish to believe.

People will believe a lie for two reasons:
1)They want it to be true.
2)They are afraid that it’s true.

101795   Shaman   2019 Mar 29, 8:16am  

willywonka says
Failed culture

Are you talking black culture or American culture? The first one seems self evident, the second is definitely teetering towards the abyss.
101796   Bd6r   2019 Mar 29, 8:43am  

The man self-identified as a dog, so either he has to be let free or euthanized.
101797   zzyzzx   2019 Mar 29, 9:06am  

101798   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 29, 9:06am  

National Advancement of Cock Chugging Pattieboys he deserves that award.
101799   zzyzzx   2019 Mar 29, 9:07am  

101800   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Mar 29, 9:15am  

Clearly he needs to be adopted to a “forever home”. Should be on those scammy celebrity infomercials... “for just 5$ a month you can provide food and love to a pet that never had love”. Don’t you feel bad for the sad looking puppy?
101801   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 29, 9:31am  

101802   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Mar 29, 10:51am  

Didn't they create bacteria that feed on that stuff?
101804   Ceffer   2019 Mar 29, 11:29am  

His defense attorney said he is a Pomeranian now who after the spay and neuter clinic is no longer a threat to society and should be adopted by a good home.
101805   Ceffer   2019 Mar 29, 11:33am  

Do the winners still get to be DA's in Chicago?
101806   Ceffer   2019 Mar 29, 11:36am  

Mariana's Trench? Isn't it wise to use a condom?
101807   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 29, 11:46am  

Wait you think we think Trump dropped the ball more than we recognize Resist movement, Obama Judges, Lying sack of Shit RINOs, the whole Cable Network's leadership and 95% of the anchors that work for them, role in any perceived short comings of failings of his administration at this juncture?

You guys are really grasping straws. The more he lets the scumbags dangle out there, the more certain he will have to be reelected.

I don't think any Democrat has reckoned with the fact that more Trump exposes and rips the scab off the Evil Lord Syth Marxist face and exposes the pure Evil shit pile underneath. The more voters are going to expect Trump to clean it up. The first election he appealed to his base to drain the swamp. The Next time around those that thought he was nuts the first time around. Are going to be panicking begging Trump to clean this shit up. "Wait! You can't leave it like THIS!"

The people that either sat out the last election or the ones that voted for Hillary will be begging the loudest for Trump to clean it up.

Just like you're really secretly deep down in side are doing right now, for even bringing a thread like this one up.

Don't worry Trump will save us all, you too! You'll See Jazzy!
101808   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Mar 29, 11:49am  

We will leave a layer of plastic goo in the geological record.
In 15 millions yrs, racoon scientists will wonder what did us in for a long time.
101809   Eman   2019 Mar 29, 12:06pm  

Did you vote for Hillary? You’re a loser. Well, let me rephrase it. You’re a sore loser.

I didn’t vote for either of them. Does that make me a genius? ???
101810   Tenpoundbass   2019 Mar 29, 12:07pm  

Only on Rightwing watch.

Wanna see the Idiot report? I wonder how many innocent kids were shot in Chicago yesterday, what the weekend casualty count will be by Monday.

So I'm showing a Gay guy here at work that thinks Mueller is just dreamy so Trump must still be Guilty. I was showing him Gateway Pundit.
I Had him Google it, to show him how The Gateway Pundit, the only 100% no nonsenses no bullshit reporting site on the Internet. Is unfairly treated on the Internet controlled by Liberals.
I was trying to show him how they are not the first Choice, but all of the Liberal's Smear weaponed anti free speech hate group websites get first crack and mansplaining to you News they don't like. He points over the right hand side and goes... "Oh LOOK! Their own float right Biography calls themselves an extremist Right wing website, with extreme racist and bigoted views. I had to point out to him the super tiny by line at the bottom said Powered by Wikipedia.

I then took off my Gloves and told him, you really are a bottom feeding idiot aren't you? You want to believe what ever Google tells you blindly no questions asked.
you need them to provide you a safespace. He's then telling me about how extreme rightwingers should be abolished from the Internet.

I asked him what is his opinion of what a far rightwing extremist is?

I said is it just anyone that has conservative views, nuclear family, religion, but respects everyone and gets along with everyone just has an opposite view than the "Far" left?

I mean there was a time when Far right wingers were the Jonesborough Church(Which I now believe was just Liberal opposition putting on the Yetti suit like they do with Nazi and KKK shit during Trump. What happened to the Jonesborough Church? They seemed to have went away once Obama got elected no more "God hates fags" and showing up at funerals mocking the Dead. Which is the sick sadistic shit Liberals like to do anyway. Certainly nothing we see any self respecting Conservative doing. Unless it's dickhead McCain that was part of a Treasonous Coup and overthrow of Trump.

What happens did the SPLC get demoted? They are the ones that lead on these smear campaign. Like to have been a fly on the wall in that Liberal Scumbag meeting.
Chicken Shit Lowlifes.
101811   anonymous   2019 Mar 29, 12:18pm  

There is no such thing as a "white supremacist terrorist" organization.

Those are figments of librul minds and the biased MSM against all patriotic flag waving, bible toting, gun slinging, beer drinking, white males who are being disenfranchised by everyone and everything around them. - (mostly by other white men who run things but don't let the secret out)

Jazz - I for one am shocked and appalled that you are put such things on the forum.

Shocked and appalled I tell you in my best Lindsey Graham imitation.

Surely you have read the threads and postings that show up here daily to know such things simply do not exist in Murica !

And if they do per chance - there sure as hell aren't any white varmits - no sireee. Just some fun loving pranksters who may have gone a wee bit overboard but heck - boys will be boys ya know.

There are only roving gangs of illegals (brown illegals) out to get the women and the jobs held by the patriots. That and lazee drug addicted booze drinking welfare recipients who are busting the nations budget with their lagresse.

Get on the Trump Train now and stop bashing those good ole boys - shucks - they probably just playing one of those school pranks again like in Charlottesville.
101812   Ceffer   2019 Mar 29, 12:45pm  

I prefer 'Melanin Impaired Terrorist Group'. It is insensitive to call it anything else.
101813   RC2006   2019 Mar 29, 1:06pm  

Every day is a terrorist event at black schools especially for non blacks.
101814   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 29, 1:12pm  

If they were to close Chicago Public Schools every time somebody got shot, they'd hardly ever be open.
101815   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Mar 29, 2:12pm  

There’s an idea to save taxpayer money.

MisterLearnToCode says
If they were to close Chicago Public Schools every time somebody got shot, they'd hardly ever be open.
101817   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Mar 29, 2:52pm  

This is the same as Trump's tax returns: the Trump-haters want all the ways possible to find information that they can weaponize against him. As we have seen, just about any information about Trump can be cast in a bad light somehow.
101818   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Mar 29, 3:03pm  

There are plenty of lists on the internet of the great things Trump has achieved! :-)
How about this one: http://www.magapill.com/
101819   mell   2019 Mar 29, 3:05pm  

It self-identified as a dog, so where's the problem. Leftoids should cheer it and demand nobody tramples on its rights of self-identification. Everyone is welcome here! Safe space! Drop the charges!
101820   clambo   2019 Mar 29, 3:13pm  

Colbert is a nut and a hypocrite. If he "loves his neighbor" why is he so full of hate for D. Trump?

I do not believe I am "my brother's keeper" if the person 1. isn't my brother or even an acquaintance 2. I'm forced to do it by the government 3. I'm not in the mood 4. the person needs my money because of his bad choices not his bad luck
101821   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Mar 29, 4:12pm  

1. Speech Codes at Academic Institutions controlled by Social Fascists.
2. People fired for socio-political views that would have been considered centrist within the lives of 70% of the population.
3. Boycotting anything that puts the family in front of the community, like protesting the World Congress of Families.
4. Aggressive, Obnoxious Uniforms worn and Aposematism to intimidate people, especially the youngest.
5. Indoctrination of the Youth in to only one set of socio-political philosophy and training them to "call out/shame" those who dissent.
6. Ignoring violence among their own supporters while highlighting infrequent transgressions of the Authorities (ie Everyday Chicago Gang Murders vs. Rare Police Shootings)
7. "Minorities should rule the majority" - a cornerstone of Post Modern Fascism
8. Violence and intimidation against non Social Fascists, called "De-platforming". Intimidation of Authorities unwilling to enforce Social Speech Codes until compliance.
9. Intimidation and Boycotts and Bans against popular restaurants and businesses that don't conform.
10. Mob attacks on supporters of the elected President for non-conforming to Social Fascist philosophy.

Aposematism - Danger-signal - to intimidate those who put family ahead of the "Social Community". Warning the World Congress of Families of "Danger" if their intimidation is not heeded.
101823   Booger   2019 Mar 29, 4:18pm  

101824   Booger   2019 Mar 29, 4:24pm  

From the most basic analysis, open border + welfare state to illegal immigrants is a recipe for bankruptcy.

It also undermines the wages of Americans in the lowest rungs of society by importing huge amounts of unskilled laborers that are willing to work for nothing.

Border security, if viewed objectively, is integral to this nation.

And that's not even diving into the issues like national sovereignty or voter fraud.
101825   Booger   2019 Mar 29, 4:24pm  

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