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d6rB saysEvery other candidate told them that this is their fault and they need to "learn to code", which is preposterous. Trump tapped into their anger and got elected. I do not think Trump will make their life better, but he at least pretended to care.
Note the difference in tone when the shoe was on the other foot.
When it was blue collar, it was dumbass, go learn to code. When it was college educated, often expensive lib arts college grad, losing their BuzzFeed jobs, it was how dare you say learn to code?! Shoe empathy!! And Twitter even got accounts baked just for telling laid off journos to learn to code.
Reads like a story about whining american pussies that think they are owed something.
Aryan Brotherhood is 15K, still 5x KKK...
Some of you sound the same
I'm listening to their radio show right now.
I'm listening to their radio show right now.
Yep, entrenched, soliciting members, and WILDLY encouraged by Trump.
I am posting after being told that they don't really exist anymore.
Does that offend you?
jazz_music saysNeighborhoods are getting canvassed with KKK fliers such as pictured in plastic baggies along with candy.
This is false dichotomy (with Democrats or with KKK) based on totally irrelevant anecdotal evidence.
Who made the assertion?
In some cases, like Ferguson, the protestors are actually guilty of committing violence, not counting the cold blooded gunning down of someone in the street.
In some cases, like Ferguson, the protestors are actually guilty of committing violence
jazz_music saysI'm listening to their radio show right now.
The left: making white supremacy relevant again. I'm sure they thank you for your patrionage.
RC2006 saysbetter chance finding unicorn than a few kkk thereThat's why I'm making these posts on White Nationalism and KKK to show you just how wrong you are.
And then I see the same assholes that claim KKK is not a thing commenting the EXACT same talking points I just heard on aryan radio broadcast.
Wake the fuck up people
Yes, KKK is actively recruiting new members like crazy because THEY SEE AN OPPORTUNITY NOW, THE TIME HAS COME.
WookieMan saysI guess up is down and left is right now.So it sucks being fucking wrong about so much when you feel like you are the only one who has a brain.
How about life experience then?
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