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105363   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 2, 3:53pm  

You guys really have no clue what's coming.

Schifty and gang had no clue there was (to paraphrase Trump) : "An Exact Transcript done by professionals"

They were even more shocked when he released it - with the permission of Ukraine.

This was supposed to be a slow, percolating "Crisis" that the Dems could milk a little from the Whistleblower every day, with more "People familiar with the story" or "High Ranking officials" "confirming" a piece of the third hand fraud every news cycle or so.

But the Transcript destroyed it.

Now the Dems are reduced to giving their base false hope via DUmmies, Salon, Slate, etc. that the transcripts are somehow fake.

Given the Administration has flat out said the Transcript is from the real call, professionally produced from recordings, and presented with the approval of Ukraine as well, that's very unlikely.

Very Sad!
105364   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 3:55pm  

WookieMan says
What are you doing? It's humorous that you think this is something new. ALL LEVELS OF POLITICS HAVE NEPOTISM!!!!!!

Yeah, it does now. We used to prosecute people like this 40 years ago.

WookieMan says
I'm currently working with the FBI on a scandal with my school board

The FIB? Good luck with that. They're one of the most corrupt organizations in the country.

And skool board. Hey, just for fun, try to get the budget and curriculum of your skool. See how far you get trying to find out how your tax money is spent.
105365   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 4:02pm  

jazz_music says
richwicks says
What are the Trump kids doing
They are raking in tens of millions EACH OF THEM in taxpayer money to basically insulate the Donald from dealing with people that are not set to inherit from him.


Did you even read the article?

Ivanka Trump made $5 million from her namesake clothing company, as well as $3.9 million from her share in the Trump International Hotel near the Capitol, more than $2 million in Trump Organization severance, and a $289,000 advance for her Women Who Work book, according to analysis of the disclosure forms by The Washington Post and Politico.

Meanwhile, Kushner earned at least $70 million from his shares in his family-owned real-estate company Kushner Cos., including $5 million from a New Jersey apartment building it acquired last year.

OK.... So how is this corruption? How is this anything like a useless cokehead fucktard who was dishonorably discharged from the navy getting onto the board of directors of an energy company in a nation he didn't even speak the language of simply because he was the dickhead son of a gropey fucktard vice president, after the asshole prezdident meat puppet twat engineered a coup in Ukraine? Here, let me spell this out for you, Barak Fuckhead Obama OVERTHREW A GODDAMNED NATION and Biden put his son on the BOD of an energy company afterward. Do you FUCKING understand what a FUCKING CRIMINAL Obama was? He was just as criminal as Bush Jr, and he was VERY CRIMINAL.

The reason I'm perfectly happy to have Trump as president, is that he's got a lot of experience dealing with the mafia and the government having had to deal with them all his life in NY and LV real estate and I doubt he's much in love with the assholes.
105366   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 4:32pm  

Can somebody give me the cliff notes here? What exactly what Guliani's "insane Ukraine claim"?
105367   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 2, 5:49pm  

richwicks says
Can somebody give me the cliff notes here? What exactly what Guliani's "insane Ukraine claim"?

Joe and Obama pulled strings to get His useless son in the Navy as a big shot. He got caught with hookers and blow, and got discharged.
With in a few months after that, he was a Senior level exec at a Ukraine company. He had zero experience in. Yet they were giving him $50K a month, or that's 600K a year.
It was a total no show job at that.
The company that Biden was associated with was scamming investors and got on the radar of a prosecutor. The prosecutor started investigating the company and because of our decades old Treaty. They also had to investigate Biden's son's ties. Biden went to the Ukraine and told the President, they better fire the prosecutor, or he wasn't going to give them a billion dollars in aide, that was promised to them. The Ukraine Pres told him he can't do that, that's for the President of the US to say. Biden said "Call him, I'll wait!" Then went on to tell him.. "My planes leaves in 6 hours, if I don't get that phone call telling me he's fired before my plane leaves, you can forget the billion dollars."
Biden then bragged on video footage out there if you just looked. "Well Son of a Bitch! A few hours later I got that call, and they fired him."

Trump Ropadoped the Deep State into thinking that the FISAgate investigation, AWOL Hubert investigation, and the Horowitz report was the real counter deep state take down investigation. The Video of Biden bragging about his Ukraine exploits surfaced a few weeks ago. Then Giuliani said that was really being investigated. Then Lowe and Behold a few days later, this bogus Leaker, I mean Whistle Blower canard that Schiff cooked up, came to light.

Plus there is this.

105368   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 2, 6:11pm  

Here's Admiral Ambassador Pyatt, Obama-Nuland's agent in Ukraine.

Fox News obtained a copy of Giuliani’s notes from his January 2019 interview with fired Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin in which he claimed that his “investigations stopped out of fear of the United States.”

“Mr. Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,” the notes from the interview stated. The notes also claimed Shokin was told Biden had held up U.S. aid to Ukraine over the investigation.

105369   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 6:38pm  

Tim Aurora says
richwicks says
same media that told you 15 years ago that Saddam Hussein had a weapons of mass destruction program

It was the Bush administration not the MSM. And Fox news and Trump were endorsing it . Only Obama opposed it.

Obama wasn't even in the Federal government during the run up to the Iraq War. He's a CIA cutout goon. Obama was a 1st term JUNIOR senator in 2004, and catapulted to the presidency because absolute garbage were running, and he was an unknown, who turned out to be absolute garbage. He "ended" the Iraq war in 2011 just before his re-election because he promised to stop that ILLEGAL war that Bush Jr. lied us into, then he staffed it with mercenaries.
105370   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 6:52pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Yeah, I already know all that, what is insane about any of Giuliani's claims?

It's blatantly obvious that Hunter Biden only got on the BOD of Burisma because of who his father was. I'm simply curious what "jazz_music" thinks is "insane". Biden I expect to get his ass kicked in this.

I remember when Hunter Biden was put on the BOD of Burisma BTW, when the media didn't report anything on it, that's when I gave up on the corporate media entirely.
105371   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 2, 6:58pm  

richwicks says
I'm simply curious what "jazz_music" thinks is "insane".

That's the headline on Youtube, I saw another video on YT on Sunday, with the same title, just minutes after he made those statements after the ABC segment aired.
105372   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 7:35pm  

Tenpoundbass says
richwicks says
I'm simply curious what "jazz_music" thinks is "insane".

That's the headline on Youtube, I saw another video on YT on Sunday, with the same title, just minutes after he made those statements after the ABC segment aired.

Oh, it's just a troll account. Ignore it.

You an post any lie on youtube, it's the truth that gets you censored.
105373   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 2, 7:38pm  

Over at PredictIt.com, Biden winning Democrat nomination cost 26¢ to buy a contract a month ago. That means you put down 26¢ and if he becomes the nominee then you get $1; if he doesn't than you get $0 (lose the 26¢). Now, after all of this, his contract is at ... 25¢. That's amazing to me.

Also amazing is Bernie Sanders... he was 15¢ a month ago. Now, after emergency surgery to unblock a major artery with a stent and putting his campaign on hold, he's trading at 9¢. Really? I mean, there was never much chance he'll win the nomination. But, now it looks like there's a decent chance he won't even be running. There's even a small chance he won't even live to see the nomination (which would be sad, because he seems like a nice guy).
105374   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 7:48pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
There's even a small chance he won't even live to see the nomination (which would be sad, because he[Sanders] seems like a nice guy).

He seems like a nice guy, but I think he's just controlled opposition. He certainly doesn't know anything about economics. Still, he was a far better choice than Hillary Clinton who voted for Bush Jr's illegal Iraq War, and became the Butcher of Libya. She was probably the worst possible person in all of the establishment to run for president.

I hope Biden gets the nomination. It would be hilarious to see him in a debate with Trump. Trump, love him or hate him, he's enormously entertaining, and he's done a lot in exposing just how much corruption there is.
105375   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 2, 8:21pm  

richwicks says
He "ended" the Iraq war in 2011 just before his re-election because he promised to stop that ILLEGAL war that Bush Jr. lied us into, then he staffed it with mercenaries.

... and in doing so gave birth to ISIS.

Call the World District Attorney, Mohammed Al-Bakr Falijahjihad, and ask him to send the Global Makbarat to arrest Bush for an illegal war. ha!

There are no cops in the international order, but if there were, they would all be Corporate Mercenaries working for some UN Bureaucracy headed by a Dictator's Wife, or some Winnie Mandela.
105376   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 8:24pm  

NoCoupForYou says
There are no cops in the international order, but if there were, they would all be Corporate Mercenaries working for some UN Bureaucracy headed by a Dictator's Wife, or some Winnie Mandela.

We are supposed to be the cops. We have corrupt leaders because Americans themselves are corrupt.

I remember back in the early 2000's thinking either something would be done to the Bush cabal, or the country would end up in a coup at some point. Now I can see it's going to be more like a Soviet style collapse.
105377   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 8:27pm  

Glad somebody else realizes it.
105378   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 2, 8:45pm  

Reporter who initially started story about Girl having her dreadlocks cut...

... promoted the family's haircare products in the months before.

105379   Bd6r   2019 Oct 2, 9:56pm  

NuttBoxer says
OccasionalCortex says
No. That's not 'being fair'. That's left wing BS deflection. Typical.

Except that I think you're all fucked. But be honest, show me how Trump has been any different than Obama, fundamentally different. Defense spending? Troops in Middle East? Accountability for evil banks? Illegals?

He is ORANGE!!!
105380   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 10:58pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
I nominate her for this month's Jussie Award !

Smollett claims everything he claimed is true, and that everything he claimed happened, happened. That guy just doesn't give a shit about the credibility of actual victims of crimes.
105381   richwicks   2019 Oct 2, 11:14pm  

NuttBoxer says
But be honest, show me how Trump has been any different than Obama, fundamentally different.

He's not started a new war. By this time into the Bush Jr. and Obama administrations, both had. Bush you of course know about Afghanistan and Iraq, and with Obama it was Libya.

All those wars, including Afghanistan, were begun by complete lies. Trump hasn't done that, despite the 3 false flags blamed on Iran, those being the silly limpet mine BS (that was done twice), and the supposed bombing of a oil refinery in Saudi Arabia. We're also not at war with Venezuela, or North Korea. Think the same would be true if we had the Butcher of Libya as president? She voted for Bush's, illegal, Iraq War by the way...

That alone makes Trump the best president we've had in at least 16 years. Perhaps 28. Imagine that, he actually does appear to be the peace president.

Also, he's done a heck of a job exposing corruption. The Department of Justice is corrupt, the intelligence agencies are corrupt, the leadership of both parties are entirely corrupt (although the Republican party is improving quite a bit, what with John McCain dead - good riddance), and the corporate media is corrupt. Think that would have happened with Clinton? Certainly you must be able to see it now. You should have been able to see it with the "Office of Special Plans" that lied us into the Iraq War, but it's far far worse. The entire government is entirely corrupt, and it's there for you to finally see.

I don't think Trump is perfect, far from it, but when the last two presidents were Obama and Bush Jr., he sure seems like he is in comparison. That's how absolutely awful the last two presidents were.

Now if we start a war with Iran, I throw up my hands, but if he doesn't, I have to ask, what are your principles? My main principle is not murdering people to steal their shit which is what the last two presidents did, full time. Our last two presidents were the type of people we executed after WWII, and justifiably. Goons run our government, and it's now easy to see that, simply because an outsider is president. If you want to have any hope of fixing a problem, first you have to know the problem exists, can you see it exists now?

Well if you can see it, and I suspect you can, that's because of who we have as president. This truly makes him fundamentally different. For 2 1/2 years corporate media was talking about Russian Collusion, can you recognize what propaganda you have as "news" now? Do you see how corrupt it is, now? He exposed the corruption so that everybody can see. That's a tremendous accomplishment.
105382   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 9:32am  

Tim Aurora says
The opposition can be discredited as deep state, corrupt media or even evil

All of the above.

There is a war going on behind the scenes. History will tell the truth if the good guys win. Otherwise the truth will be erased and Trump will be written down as the tyrant who unsuccessfully tried to stop the socialist paradise.
105383   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 9:34am  

Onvacation says
Trump will be written down as the tyrant who unsuccessfully tried to stop the socialist paradise.

And those who disagree will no longer be allowed to exhale co2.
105384   WookieMan   2019 Oct 3, 11:22am  

Not sure anyone is saying stop the ability to impeach? Go ahead with it and see if this round of shit thrown at the wall sticks. It won't. I don't like Trump, but there's yet to be any evidence he's done anything wrong. Lot's of my cousins brothers uncles girlfriend type accusations.

Democrats are sooooooooooooooo focused on Trump. Focus on your own god damn party and get a candidate that can even remotely compete. It's actually not that hard. Democrats have failed miserably and I'm not sure why anyone with a brain would donate one penny to them. It's a joke at this point and they're being played by an NYC real estate developer. Jesus, just typing it is hilarious.
105385   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 3, 11:37am  

Without impeachment, the legislative branch has no control over a rogue president. That's true.

But what is also true is that without a high bar to successful impeachment and removal, the president becomes a mere figurehead and we effectively become a parliamentary system such as in Great Britain.

The founding fathers debated the two positions above and decided that in order to give the 3 branches of government "equal but separate" status, the legislative branch would be required to meet a high bar to remove a sitting president from office.
105386   truthhurts   2019 Oct 3, 12:25pm  

WookieMan says
Focus on your own god damn party and get a candidate that can even remotely compete.

This is exactly why they lost in 2016 too. Rather then focus on issues they focused on "ORANGE MAN BAD!!!" (just like now). And then they lost.

The problem is, democrats have painted themselves into a corner. Because Hillary was a stooge with no actual positions of her own other then wanting to be president because it was her turn; the only way she could win was by painting Trump an evil racist. Because Trump's strongest issues were trade and immigration, his positions on those issues were inherently evil. Now no democrats can support anything close to these positions and you get stupid stuff like:

- "No human is illegal, no matter how many gang tattoos" open borders policy,
- Tarriffs are bad, we love it when China screws us!
- We need more H1Bs to do the jobs Zuckerberg can't offshore

These are all chamber of commerce, bread and butter, evil republican positions even 4 years ago! And now the Democrats embrace them!

So then you have 2 options to win:
1. Admit Trump isn't racist, support some of his positions that make sense, and pick some new positions like healthcare, free college, or ubi to differentiate yourself and win a general election.
2. Try to do a better smear campaign then Hillary and peel / suppress enough votes to win.

They can't do 1 because the democrat based is so worked up with "ORANGE MAN BAD!!" rage that they'd never win a primary.

2 isn't going to work either. What Trump voter after hearing all the smears in the 2016 campaign and still voting for Trump is going to change their mind after enjoying 4 years of a great economy over a phone call to the Ukraine?

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing twice and expect different results.
105387   truthhurts   2019 Oct 3, 12:31pm  

I know you don't care because ORANGE MAN BAD, but aren't you just a little curious what that gas company was buying with all that money they paid Biden's son? I'd sure like to know...
105388   WookieMan   2019 Oct 3, 12:34pm  

truthhurts says
These are all chamber of commerce, bread and butter, evil republican positions even 4 years ago! And now the Democrats embrace them!

While I take no issue with the rest of your comment, this was all that needed to be said. The good 'ole boy/girl club got broken up. They don't have a fucking clue what to do. They will literally do a 180 on an issue just because.

I dislike a lot of people to be honest. But I'll never toss aside my own personal morals (I'm not religious) to make another man/woman happy. Politics is a plague.
105389   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 3, 1:18pm  

So, why all the cries about "rising gun violence" and demands for stricter gun control? The violence is falling, hence the libby fucks should LEAVE THE FUCKING GUNS THE FUCK ALONE!!!
105390   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 1:39pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

If he wants to drive around cities with M134 and machine gun Girl Scout Troops and steal their cookies and eat their corpses, we are all obligated to pay for the bullets.

Now we know what it will take for AF to support our president.
105391   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 3, 1:49pm  

Perhaps the Dems should have been happy with Trump being President and shut the fuck up three years ago.
105392   richwicks   2019 Oct 3, 2:11pm  

truthhurts says
I know you don't care because ORANGE MAN BAD, but aren't you just a little curious what that gas company was buying with all that money they paid Biden's son? I'd sure like to know...

What disappoints me is that people are so goddamned stupid.

When George W. Bush was busy lying the nation into a war over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program, I though the Republicans were a bunch of dirtbag scumbags, especially when it became blatantly obvious that he lied. But the Democrats are just as much a group of scumbags.

Just accept it, people who align themselves with a political party are stupid, morally bankrupt, and more or less assholes.
105393   ForcedTQ   2019 Oct 3, 2:18pm  

Exactly what government are you suggesting is a Democracy? Hope not the USA or any of the states, they are all Constitutional Republics!
105394   Bd6r   2019 Oct 3, 2:19pm  

Tim Aurora says
What, no comments on something positive we have achieved over the years

Nice. Part of the reason probably is that population ages, and there are less males in the most violent age group (late teens to twenties). And, while this might be unpopular on Patnet, there are rather convincing studies linking decrease in violent crime to access to abortions.
105395   ForcedTQ   2019 Oct 3, 2:20pm  

No Democracies about them. The unfortunate assholes who have been elected to be the people’s voice in the matter have all but forgot that fact though.
105396   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 3, 2:20pm  

OccasionalCortex says
"So how does merely impeaching a president prevent him/her/pronoun-whatever-the-fuck from 'running beserk and becoming a dictator'?"

I think Tim was using the colloquial meaning of impeach (i.e.: the whole nine yards including removal by vote of the senate). He really shouldn't when writing, though, as it leads to all sorts of confusion.
105397   Bd6r   2019 Oct 3, 2:21pm  

I do not know if Hunter paid for doing nothing is more existential threat the Orange Man bloviating on Twitter? Or Ms Cankles selling uranium to Russians for generous donations to xer foundation? Or both parties letting banksters run wild?
105398   socal2   2019 Oct 3, 2:28pm  

richwicks says
What disappoints me is that people are so goddamned stupid.

Let me guess.

You believe 9/11 was an inside job - right?
105399   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 2:37pm  

socal2 says

You believe 9/11 was an inside job - right?

And Kennedy was shot from the grassy knoll. And the Vietnamese attacked us in Tonkin Bay. And Iraq had WMD. And 3 skyscrapers collapsed after being hit by two jet planes. And Trump colluded with Putin to DENY Hillary.
105400   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 3, 2:46pm  

Tim Aurora says
his cult can continue to rule America with Electoral College and Senate even while the other party is majority

Uh, yeah, that's why we're not fucked up.

The Dems ONLY have the House, not the Democratically Elected (state-by-state) Senate, nor SCOTUS, nor the Presidency.

The Electoral College is part of the compromise necessary to create the USA and ensure less populous states don't get swamped by more populous states.

If there was no Electoral College, there would be no USA to begin with.

Seems like you're saying that the Dems control of one half of one branch of government, and not the other "two and a half" means they should control everything.
105401   richwicks   2019 Oct 3, 4:11pm  

socal2 says
richwicks says
What disappoints me is that people are so goddamned stupid.

Let me guess.

You believe 9/11 was an inside job - right?

I believe the only finite element simulation analysis that is able to duplicate the collapse of WTC7 is near simultaneous failure of all support columns, which is what would be done in a controlled demolition. You know why I think this is true? It's because it is is true:


The data for the finite element simulation is being released, so I'll be setting up my own model and run through my own simulations when I get the time to do it. I'm an engineer too although structural and civil isn't my specialty. The simulation released by NIST only showed the first few seconds of the predicted collapse, and is nothing like what was observed, and the collapse of WTC7 was recorded from all 4 angles. You will not be able to get the data on that simulation, not that you have to, it's ridiculous.

If you have an alternative hypothesis that would explain the observed collapse, please feel free to contact Dr. Leroy Hulsey - he was the one the headed up the 4 year research study. Currently, the results are under peer review.

Didn't you realize that the United States government lies? Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet? How's this one - stop that "humanitarian crisis that Qaddafi was about to cause" in Libya yet? Libya is in civil war, with operating slavery markets today. It's rather frustrating that the most gullible and easily manipulated of of our society determines what is "correct", and not the most educated and knowledgeable. Conspiracies happen, Operation Ajax and PBSuccess are examples.

However the outlook is improving, the oligarchs have had to move to the "child hero", which is what the fascists of Italy and Germany did, as well as the USSR and China did to persuade people. This is a good sign, not a bad one, that they now have to move to a 16 year old mentally ill kid, who literally believes the world is going to end in a decade, to convince people in our society to cede more power to this obviously corrupt government. Children are used because people are naturally reluctant to criticize a child and children are more likely to relate to a child, it's a well known method of indoctrination.
105402   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 3, 4:39pm  

6rdB says
Tim Aurora says
What, no comments on something positive we have achieved over the years

Nice. Part of the reason probably is that population ages, and there are less males in the most violent age group (late teens to twenties). And, while this might be unpopular on Patnet, there are rather convincing studies linking decrease in violent crime to access to abortions.

Also this:

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