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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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105410   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Oct 3, 5:35pm  

Hypothetically, supposing the president learns that one of the presidential candidate is corrupted and accepting bribes from an other country, what should he do to prosecute the candidate without apparent conflict of interest?
105411   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 3, 5:35pm  

TDS has no cure.
105412   richwicks   2019 Oct 3, 5:36pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Hypothetically, supposing the president learns that one of the presidential candidate is corrupted and accepting bribes from an other country, what should he do to prosecute the candidate without apparent conflict of interest?

Who cares if there's a conflict of interest? Idiots do, and also corrupt politicians.
105413   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 3, 5:43pm  

Tim Aurora says
No, but they are democratically elected house

The Senate is democratically elected also, no? And the President is elected based on state-by-state majority votes, no?
105414   socal2   2019 Oct 3, 5:44pm  

richwicks says
Didn't you realize that the United States government lies?

Yes it lies.

But it is also bumbling and stupid. There is no way in freaking hell they could pull something like that off and not have one single leak in nearly 20 years. Let alone leave behind a trace of reasonable evidence. There would be dozens of various US government departments involved to cover it up. How do you keep them all quiet?

There is more than enough to criticize about US foreign policy and political/corporation corruption right out in the open - I don't see why people have to go full on 9/11 truther and infowars crazy.
105415   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 3, 5:46pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Hypothetically, supposing the president learns that one of the presidential candidate is corrupted and accepting bribes from an other country, what should he do to prosecute the candidate without apparent conflict of interest?

As long as he does so openly using the Criminal Justice System.

And doesn't use leaked information based on oppo research as an excuse to spy on political opponents using the Patriot Act.
105416   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Oct 3, 5:50pm  

What if the corruption happens in an other country? The FBI should investigate it?
Clearly he shouldn't be personally involved in it. No personal lawyer or other private operation. No personal call to Ukraine's president. This was stupid in the best case.
105417   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 3, 6:01pm  

Just 5 more years of TDS.
105418   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 3, 6:02pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
What if the corruption happens in an other country? The FBI should investigate it?
Clearly he shouldn't be personally involved in it. No personal lawyer or other private operation. No personal call to Ukraine's president. This was stupid in the best case.

If it involves an American, it's literally the business of the Executive, the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the land.

Keep in mind it's illegal for Americans to hunt species that are endangered under US law, even if it's allowed with a permit in other countries. People can and have been prosecuted by the Feds for the act of hunting/fishing endangered species outside the US and species that are no indigenous to North America. It's also illegal for Americans to engage in prostitution, bribery, etc. abroad.
105419   Ceffer   2019 Oct 3, 6:02pm  

Have some sympathy for poor Hunter. Cocaine and hookers are expensive, and he might have to spend lot of time listening to senile ole Joe blather on until he croaks.
105420   richwicks   2019 Oct 3, 6:19pm  

socal2 says
richwicks says
Didn't you realize that the United States government lies?

Yes it lies.

But it is also bumbling and stupid. There is no way in freaking hell they could pull something like that off and not have one single leak in nearly 20 years.

Are you kidding? It lied us into the Iraq War. It JUST attempted a 2 1/2 year coup. Where are the leaks? We can see a lot of the culprits though.

Have you considered Mossad might have done most of the setup? They're a bunch of crazy fanatics and they have no problem performing false flags. Look at what they did to the USS Liberty.

Let alone leave behind a trace of reasonable evidence.

There WAS evidence. Molten steel for months, reports of anomalies in the air - the media simply won't report on it.

There would be dozens of various US government departments involved to cover it up. How do you keep them all quiet?

Many of them are BRUTALLY incompetent and lazy. Let me point something out to you, and you look this up. Afghanistan produced 5% of the world's supply in 2001 and now produces over 80% today - all under US military occupation. How come nobody is screaming about this? Do you think this was accidental? You just don't appreciate how slothful, and corrupt the US government is. I do. You must know about the Chinese Opium Wars, right? Why do you think the government has changed?

There's something happening right now, do you think it's a coincidence that the US has an opioid epidemic? I had family on the other side of the Iron Curtain - you simply don't have any understanding of how utterly corrupt a government can and will become before people take notice and how they can do it in secret. Everybody gets paid quite well to keep their mouth shut, and who would believe a conspiracy theorist anyhow? Just another nutcase, lost his mind..

There is more than enough to criticize about US foreign policy and political/corporation corruption right out in the open - I don't see why people have to go full on 9/11 truther and infowars crazy.

I need to be absolutely clear here. I'm not saying 9/11 was definitely an inside job. I'm saying the only finite element simulation that's been able to duplicate the collapse of WTC7 is controlled demolition. That's the ONLY thing that has duplicated it. Could engineers and scientists be missing something? Sure - of course.

Having said that, I know NIST didn't do their job. The page I gave you will take you to THEIR simulation, the small portion they released. Nobody has been able to duplicate the collapse of WTC7 as it was observed except through severing all support columns nearly simultaneously, and if you look at the simulation and compare it against the observed collapse, they are damn damn close.

Incredulity isn't a defense. Dave Column said something I think is very true, he said:

I am a "conspiracy theorist". I believe men and women of wealth and power conspire. If you don't think so, then you are what is called "an idiot". If you believe stuff but fear the label, you are what is called "a coward".

Well, I'm not a coward, and I'm not an idiot - but I also don't jump to conclusions. You can't know precisely what goes on or has happened, however, you can know what almost certainly didn't happen with very high confidence. I have very high confidence there was a LOT of assistance within our own government to do 9/11. Remember when one of the hijacker's passports was found a few blocks from the towers in pristine condition? How unbelievable is that?

Our rulers think everybody is a moron, they mock you with this bullshit. I'm simply encouraging others to be less trusting of this criminal gang and that's what it is.

Why do you think there has been a 2 1/2 year effort to remove Trump? Why do you think people are trying to prevent Trump from investigating Biden's corruption? Why do you think Hillary Clinton wasn't prosecuted, even though she's clearly guilty of Title 18 violations by simply having classified material on a personal server? Why do you think there were ZERO consequences for lying us into the Iraq War? Why do you think there is censorship on Google, Facebook and Twitter?

I can talk at length, to tell you what I think is going on if you like. I know why the Syrian war likely happened, for example, I have plenty of evidence to back it up, I'm certain I can convince you. There's plenty of whistle blowers too, but they end up like Julian Assange and Bradley (or Chelsea - who cares?) Manning. They are denounced as "nuts" as well.

You know what you do to hide evil? You ACT stupid. Our government is filled with incompetents, and it's also filled with complete sociopaths. Sociopaths don't have to be stupid and some of them are pretty smart. Jeff Zuckerberg is a sociopath, but by no means a brilliant one, and if you think he's just selling information to advertisers, and not the government, you're gullible.
105421   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 3, 6:34pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Bitch of it is: It is slamming everyone, not just UBI recipients.

Wait a sec: I thought "U" in "UBI" was for "Universal". As in "everybody gets it, no matter what". Without it, it's just BI. As in "welfare by another name".
105422   Hircus   2019 Oct 3, 6:48pm  

Wow, that's some serious rent increase % for 1 yr.

Bubut they told me UBI would free people up so that they could instead pursue creative endeavors instead of needing to focus on lame wastes of time, such as work. Is stockton out-innovating everyone yet?
105423   Bd6r   2019 Oct 3, 7:47pm  

Iranian_Oil_Burse says
Also this:

Vermont- pioneer in unrestricted carry? How the fuck they vote for Sanders?
105424   komputodo   2019 Oct 3, 8:04pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Or, as I said previously: Is it just me?

No, it's not just you...There are an unlimited amount of TOTAL idiots.....the funny thing is, imagine if their wetdream came true and trump and pence were eliminated and pelosi was president...What changes do they expect would happen with pelosi at the helm? How would their life improve? would a couple of more wars in foreign countries improve their lives. Would more welfare improve the lives of the working stiff or the medium wealthy? Would opening the border improve their lives?
105425   HeadSet   2019 Oct 3, 8:15pm  

FortWayneIndiana says
Just 5 more years of TDS.

And then will comes years of PMS (Pence Moaning Syndrome).
105426   HeadSet   2019 Oct 3, 8:29pm  

Now that is cool..
105427   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 3, 8:31pm  

that is a pretty cool photo
105428   BayArea   2019 Oct 4, 4:28am  

Is this fake news?

The white on black AND black on white plots are essentially overlaid. That’s a complete lie. Black on white violence is many multiples higher as has been posted many times on this forum.
105429   Onvacation   2019 Oct 4, 5:53am  

Tim Aurora says
Trump could not even make it to ticket. In 2016 , he only got elected due to Russia.

One of the symptoms of TDS is delusion and refusal to accept reality.
105430   Shaman   2019 Oct 4, 5:55am  

Tim Aurora says
6rdB says
And, while this might be unpopular on Patnet, there are rather convincing studies linking decrease in violent crime to access to abortions.

Yep. Read the Freakonomics

I’m pretty convinced that this is why liberals push so hard for abortion access. They really don’t want black babies.
Same reason they push so hard for illegal immigration: poor Latina compete for space with poor blacks and push them out of the urban areas. Latins also come with built-in racism against blacks, which leads to hostility and further pushing of black populations to the margins, and best of all, the Latinos mostly vote Democrat. At least for the first generation or so.
Democrats use them as a cat’s paw to get rid of pesky high crime blacks.
If the blacks knew, would they still support Democrats? Idk, maybe as long as they still thought that Republicans would take away their food stamps...
105431   marcus   2019 Oct 4, 5:55am  


BayArea says
Is this fake news?

You're probably just not taking into account what "rate per 1000 means."
105432   BayArea   2019 Oct 4, 6:07am  

marcus says

BayArea says
Is this fake news?

You're probably just not taking into account what "rate per 1000 means."

I’m very much taking it into account.

Data shows that black on white violent crime is 5x higher than white on black violent crime. White population is also 5x higher than black. That doesn’t support the overlaid plot above.
105433   Shaman   2019 Oct 4, 6:17am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
And, somehow, Manaford refused compensation and suddenly volunteered to run the Trump campaign after 10 years in the Ukraine because Trump was such an inspiration and icon of the values he holds dear? Everyone is supposed to believe that?

If the conspiracy theories like this are somehow true, which they are not, and Russians are now running our country. Well they are doing a better job than the Democrats! Go Putin! LOL!
105434   truthhurts   2019 Oct 4, 7:24am  

Those devious Russian bastards! Secretly taking power then using it to create a strong US economy by lowering taxes, develop US energy independence, strengthen US manufacturing by standing up to China, not starting any new wars.. It's diabolical!
105436   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Oct 4, 8:39am  

Wait, so printing more money DOESN'T solve all our problems!?!?
105437   truthhurts   2019 Oct 4, 9:05am  

Quigley says
I’m pretty convinced that this is why liberals push so hard for abortion access

Pretty sure? It was the stated purpose of the founder of planned parenthood.
105438   Ceffer   2019 Oct 4, 10:40am  

I thought UBI was an extortion bribe to the criminal element to keep them from enhanced mayhem.

I'm glad everybody in Stockton has cigarette money now.
105439   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 4, 11:15am  

They're doing it all wrong... $500/month just isn't high enough! /sarc

Actually, they are doing it all wrong. It should be $1000/month and no other welfare. Once all the section-8 housing support is cancelled, each section-8 dweller will have to double-up with another section-8 dweller to stretch the UBI budget. Viola! There is plenty of open housing.

Out of curiosity, what the heck do people actually do in Stockton?
105440   NDrLoR   2019 Oct 4, 11:23am  

SunnyvaleCA says
It should be $1000/month and no other welfare
Always more, never enough
105441   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 4, 11:37am  

SunnyvaleCA says
Out of curiosity, what the heck do people actually do in Stockton?

For example:

"The Port of Stockton is a major inland deepwater port in Stockton, California located on the Stockton Channel and San Joaquin River before it joins the Sacramento River to empty into Suisun Bay, eighty miles inland. The port sits on about 4,200 acres (17 km2), and occupies an island in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, and a portion of a neighborhood known as Boggs Tract. It is governed by a commission appointed by the City of Stockton and San Joaquin County. In 2012 it supported 4,500 jobs and made about $4.9 million in local tax funds"
105442   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 12:43pm  

Fact Check: Media Matters is Pants on Fire.


I'm sure while they were golfing, Joe and Hunter and Devon Archer of Burisma never discussed business.
105443   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 4, 12:51pm  

I’ve known many.
They think Democrats will shower them with equality and gold from pockets of white people. That’s what they want, and Dems will give them this.

komputodo says
OccasionalCortex says
Or, as I said previously: Is it just me?

No, it's not just you...There are an unlimited amount of TOTAL idiots.....the funny thing is, imagine if their wetdream came true and trump and pence were eliminated and pelosi was president...What changes do they expect would happen with pelosi at the helm? How would their life improve? would a couple of more wars in foreign countries improve their lives. Would more welfare improve the lives of the working stiff or the medium wealthy? Would opening the border improve their lives?
105444   Dholliday126   2019 Oct 4, 1:23pm  

Media matters, lol
105445   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 4, 1:24pm  

Iranian_Oil_Burse says
SunnyvaleCA says
Out of curiosity, what the heck do people actually do in Stockton?

For example:

"The Port of Stockton is a major inland deepwater port in Stockton, California located on the Stockton Channel and San Joaquin River before it joins the Sacramento River to empty into Suisun Bay, eighty miles inland. The port sits on about 4,200 acres (17 km2), and occupies an island in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, and a portion of a neighborhood known as Boggs Tract. It is governed by a commission appointed by the City of Stockton and San Joaquin County. In 2012 it supported 4,500 jobs and made about $4.9 million in local tax funds"

Ah. Now I see... they are a port city. I somehow thought they were out in the middle of the desert.
105446   Onvacation   2019 Oct 4, 1:27pm  

jazz_music says

Trump is systematically lying to America overwriting reality with his lies from the very beginning.

What was Trump's biggest lie? Not hyperbole or exaggeration but out right bold faced lie?
105447   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 1:30pm  

jazz_music says

105448   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 4, 1:34pm  

Onvacation says
What was Trump's biggest lie? Not hyperbole or exaggeration but out right bold faced lie?

Trump said "Biden is a nice guy." Does that count as a lie?
105449   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 1:35pm  

* Impotent Screeching *

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