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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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106104   HeadSet   2019 Oct 23, 7:59pm  

Glad they are finally showing some courage.
106105   ignoreme   2019 Oct 23, 8:46pm  

Every battery story that gives as its reason for why the technology isn’t adopted yet the excuse of “big auto manufacturers are blocking it” is automatically bullshit.

I’d love to be proven wrong one day but if this battery is as wonderful as claimed, there’s plenty of investors that would gladly give him billions of dollars to develop it and bring it to market.
106106   mostly_reader   2019 Oct 23, 8:55pm  

jazz_music says
These 30 House Republicans blatantly violated House rules and Federal law. By breaking into a closed-door hearing, they should be Censured for their actions.

Bringing recording equipment (cellphones) into a secured (SCIF) room was a direct violation of security protocols and displayed such a gross misconduct that Every. Single. One. should be expelled from Congress following their Censure."

Gaetz is a repeat offender and should DEFINITELY be expelled from Congress

List sorted by district:...
YOU JUST CAN'T MAKE THIS UP!!! Some dimwits actually protect the "Closed Door Meeting"! You know, the partisan type, in which one party decides how to impeach and "not let him tailor his testimony", and to which the other (or the public) is not invited!

Hey, Jazz. You didn't bother to specify: What House rules did House republicans violate by "breaking"? Did you just not bother (possible), or did you make it up (more likely)?
106107   Ceffer   2019 Oct 23, 9:40pm  

At this point, I would imagine that 'Ukranian Witnesses' are available en masse for the right price to deliver the right message. After all, it is just another profit center.
106108   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 23, 9:53pm  

Ukrainian? These two guys are as Jewish as they get.
106109   komputodo   2019 Oct 23, 11:15pm  

ignoreme says
Every battery story that gives as its reason for why the technology isn’t adopted yet the excuse of “big auto manufacturers are blocking it” is automatically bullshit.

I’d love to be proven wrong one day but if this battery is as wonderful as claimed, there’s plenty of investors that would gladly give him billions of dollars to develop it and bring it to market.

Seeing is believing does not apply to tech according to quigley...When a claim is made about a new invention, It should be believed without question. All the stories we have heard about magical inventions that never panned out were anomalies...this one is unquestionably true....and besides, it's not cool to question the narrative...At the very least, it's rude.
106110   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 6:02am  

TrumpingTits says
CovfefeButDeadly says
What the hell is wrong with you Jazz?

TDS. Pure and simple

Yep. But at least he has a smart phone and isn't starving.
106111   WookieMan   2019 Oct 24, 6:15am  

jazz_music says
Unapproved entry of this building is a guaranteed 10 years in federal prison for any normal citizen.

They were already in the building.... approved as a matter of fact. Next turd to throw at the wall... these keep getting more laughable.
106112   WookieMan   2019 Oct 24, 6:23am  

richwicks says
All this impeachment "hearing" is, is distraction.

I'd usually agree, but this one is pure boneheaded politics by the democrats thinking it will tarnish Trump's run for 2020. "Well, well it got so bad that we 'inquired' about impeaching the President, so don't vote for him." So sure, I guess it's distraction to some extent, based on the fact they have no viable candidate or quality platform to beat a philandering NYC real estate and casino developer. Either way, it's stupidity at the highest level.
106113   Chiromancer   2019 Oct 24, 9:06am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Congress has no judicial authority (that should be pretty obvious) without having to vote on an impeachment inquiry.

Who ever claimed Congress had judicial authority? Congress is a co-equal branch of the government and by the constitution has been given sole authority to impeach the President. How it chooses to do so is up to Congress, neither the judicial nor the executive branch have any say in this process. The house rules were changed ( by republicans) to give the committee chairs the authority to issue suppeanas. No vote by the House is required. This is just noise to distract from the facts and evidence that everyday look worse and worse for Trump.

But since Trump claims, as his lawyer did yesterday, he has absolute immunity while in office, including if committing mass murder in public the police have no authority to stop him, why bother. In otherwords he is King and infallable. You like King Donald?
106114   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 9:09am  

Chiromancer says
the facts and evidence that everyday look worse and worse for Trump.

Remind me of the high crime or misdemeanor Trump committed?
106115   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 9:10am  

Chiromancer says
You like King Donald?

No. But I do like the way our president triggers some people.
106116   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 24, 9:11am  

Lol if any of this amounted to a hill of beans, President Trump would already have been impeached.

This is all silly noise at this point. Yet one more in the stream of leftist hysteria’s that have been ongoing since President Trump was elected.
106117   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 9:12am  

jazz_music says
TDS commenters should see the doctor for relief

If it's a crisis you can call these guys
106118   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 24, 9:15am  

Onvacation says
jazz_music says
TDS commenters should see the doctor for relief

If it's a crisis you can call these guys

Homeboy thinks we’re trying to gaslight him, but doesn’t thing the propaganda spew by the leftist sites he reads is anything but gospel truth.
106119   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 9:17am  

CovfefeButDeadly says
Homeboy thinks

Whatever happened to that magabomber dude?
106120   mostly_reader   2019 Oct 24, 10:02am  

It seems that some "members" left since you made the board readable to registered users only. I'd expect that number of hits and board exposure went way down as well (please fact check me on this). I believe that there's a strong correlation between these two facts (the second one needs to be checked). I'd like to offer few thoughts on this, specifically on how to quickly identify the propaganda-by-repetition trolls who are in for a quick buck before they pollute the board, if you ever decide to make it open again. This would require a separate discussion, here I just wanted to check if you know and are willing to share the stats.
106121   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 24, 10:24am  

CovfefeButDeadly says

Homeboy thinks we’re trying to gaslight him, but doesn’t thing the propaganda spew by the leftist sites he reads is anything but gospel truth.

It is really sad how low these bottom feeding TDS victims scrape to keep a narrative alive.

They are not preprocessing the words that comes out of their mouths.
If they were, they would realize what are basically saying, "Burn down the house to get rid of a Rat" and
"Invite a Serial Killer over to stop a Robbery in Progress."

What they are saying about Trump, is exactly what the Left are and have been doing all along. On every single thing to the most minor detail. They are doing IT!
These fanboys are not the least bit interested or not the least bit intellectually honest about the reality. They can't be that gullible stupid.

If just one of them would say... "Yeah, I don't like Trump and I hope he goes down for what I suspect him of. BUT These Mother Fuckers in Congress are crazy, and that was some crazy shit the last administration ran. I really hope they get to the bottom of that. We can't have a country with our system being rigged and corrupt as many people are suggesting with real evidence and records."

Just once! I could respect them enough to listen to them tear into Trump flaws.

They act as if they are not the least bit curious if what CNN tells them to not look at, might be true. Don't give three shits, just fuck Trump.

Bottom feeding morons, the whole fucking lot of them. They aint got the sense God gave Goat Shit. Nor the integrity of a scaffold made out of air.
106122   richwicks   2019 Oct 24, 11:13am  

Onvacation says
Chiromancer says
the facts and evidence that everyday look worse and worse for Trump.

Remind me of the high crime or misdemeanor Trump committed?

Why, the bastard got elected to the presidency without becoming a completely compromised blackmailable piece of shit entirely under the control of the intelligence agencies that have kept this nation at war for 18 fucking years and on top of that, showed that the establishment scum of both parties is so despised, that somebody that has defined the establishment over 30 years couldn't win election despite the media pushing for her, the intelligence agencies pushing for her, and the leadership of both parties pushing for her.

Could there be a higher crime than that?!?!
106123   Chiromancer   2019 Oct 24, 11:24am  

Onvacation says
Chiromancer says
the facts and evidence that everyday look worse and worse for Trump.

Remind me of the high crime or misdemeanor Trump committed?

That is what the impeachment inquiry determines; if any of the "shenanagens" Trump and Co were involved with rises to the level of an impeachable offence. But it wouldn't matter to the cult if he murdered someone as long as it triggered the libs, no,?
106124   Chiromancer   2019 Oct 24, 11:25am  

richwicks says
Could there be a higher crime than that?!?!

How about lying about a blow job ...
106125   Y   2019 Oct 24, 11:31am  

I'm tired of listening to "impeachable", "impeach", "impeachment" over and over and over ad nauseum..
Why not "impearable offence"?
Who among us hates pears?

Chiromancer says
That is what the impeachment inquiry determines; if any of the "shenanagens" Trump and Co were involved with rises to the level of an impeachable offence.
106126   richwicks   2019 Oct 24, 11:33am  

Chiromancer says
richwicks says
Could there be a higher crime than that?!?!

How about lying about a blow job ...

Oh, Clinton was a stupid lawyer to answer that question. His lawyer at the time should have objected to the question, since it had nothing to do with the case. Clinton was impeached for lying under oath.

Meanwhile, it was just fine he blew up the al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant to distract from the Monika Lewinksy scandal - he did do that. That plant was the only plant in Sudan that produced pharmaceuticals for Sudan. He got impeached on a technicality, but he was an asshole. We've had nothing but complete assholes since Reagan.
106127   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 24, 11:40am  

Someone name the crime President Trump committed that will lead to his impeachment. Cite and link the government code please.

Otherwise I’m polluting any further impeachment threads. And you won’t like it.
106128   richwicks   2019 Oct 24, 11:48am  

Chiromancer says
That is what the impeachment inquiry determines; if any of the "shenanagens" Trump and Co were involved with rises to the level of an impeachable offence. But it wouldn't matter to the cult if he murdered someone as long as it triggered the libs, no,?

Obama murdered a US citizen. Anwar al-Awlaki was murdered by a drone strike on September 30, 2011. The US government claimed he was a terrorist, but never attempted to apprehend him nor did they have a trial for him, even in absentee.

Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was murdered on October 14, 2011 - this was Anwar's son. He was 16 years old.

They were both American citizens.

You were saying something about cults? I sure am tired of the selective outrage, especially since Trump hasn't murdered anybody in cold blood, when Obama did.
106129   mostly_reader   2019 Oct 24, 12:40pm  

OccasionalCortex says
mostly_reader says
Bringing recording equipment (cellphones) into a secured (SCIF) room was a direct violation of security protocols and displayed such a gross misconduct that Every. Single. One. should be expelled from Congress following their Censure."

They exempted themselves. Like they do for most laws.
You're the one making shit up.
You are responding to a wrong person. You probably meant jazz_music
106130   richwicks   2019 Oct 24, 12:49pm  

mostly_reader says
It seems that some "members" left since you made the board readable to registered users only. I'd expect that number of hits and board exposure went way down as well (please fact check me on this). I believe that there's a strong correlation between these two facts (the second one needs to be checked). I'd like to offer few thoughts on this, specifically on how to quickly identify the propaganda-by-repetition trolls who are in for a quick buck before they pollute the board, if you ever decide to make it open again. This would require a separate discussion, here I just wanted to check if you know and are willing to share the stats.

Patrick, I can solve the problem of PR spam trolls and I'll split the patent with you. And I really mean it, I have a method that will entirely eliminate spam, public relations assholes, and paid shills.
106131   Chiromancer   2019 Oct 24, 12:56pm  

richwicks says
Trump hasn't murdered anybody in cold blood, when Obama did.

And you know this how? The drone attacks have continued under Trump. Granted he is probably too stupid and inept to realize those deaths are his responsibility as a supposed commander and chief. But who knows maybe the special ed daily briefing in comic book format has penetrated, so to speak.
106132   richwicks   2019 Oct 24, 1:12pm  

Chiromancer says
richwicks says
Trump hasn't murdered anybody in cold blood, when Obama did.

And you know this how? The drone attacks have continued under Trump. Granted he is probably too stupid and inept to realize those deaths are his responsibility as a supposed commander and chief. But who knows maybe the special ed daily briefing in comic book format has penetrated, so to speak.

Ok, FINE, I don't know this for certain. In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see some asshole's bodies encased in the foundation of a few buildings that crossed Trump, but I doubt they were innocents.

Chiromancer says
The drone attacks have continued under Trump.

Who knows? According to our media, this is an attack against Kurds by the Turks:


When in reality it was video footage from an annual shooting event at Knob Hill, KY. We literally have no fucking idea what is going on from US "news". It's like trying to read Pravda and Izvestia back in 1985 to see what was going on in the United States.

Chiromancer says
Granted he is probably too stupid and inept to realize those deaths are his responsibility as a supposed commander and chief.

He's not started a new war yet - I can't say the same for either Obama or Bush Jr by this time into their first term - and I don't care if it's because of genius or stupidity. I only care about results. Name ONE war, or bombing, since 2000 you think was a good idea or turned out to be a good idea.

People keep screaming about how awful Trump is - he's not awful at all compared to the last two assholes we had for president. They should be executed, and I'm not exaggerating. They should go through a trial, and be executed for crimes against humanity. The very fact that Trump refuses to being a new war shows you he's better than the last two pieces of dogshit we had. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about the two fucking turds that were our last presidents, or the fucking turds that ran against them in each election.

Chiromancer says
But who knows maybe the special ed daily briefing in comic book format has penetrated, so to speak.

He may very well be a moron, but compared to every other joke nitwit fucktard that's run since... oh, at least Reagan, he's a comparative genius.

Wait - I take that back, I forgot that Ross Perot ran in the 1990s.
106133   Ceffer   2019 Oct 24, 4:05pm  

The next recession and Tech downturn will make California even more 'interesting' than it already is. Brace yourselves, you might prefer the earthquakes and fires.

It's good the pension carpetbaggers can't flee the state with lump sums. Otherwise, California would wind up looking like a third world treasury after a bloody regime change with the ex-tyrants fleeing with everything that wasn't nailed down.
106134   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 4:25pm  

Tenpoundbass says
It is really sad how low these bottom feeding TDS victims scrape to keep a narrative alive.

At least the TDS sufferers on this site are struggling with the cognitive dissonance. I think we may have lost some of our greatest leftist antagonists that used to post here; something in them finally clicked and they realized their arguments mostly fell flat when compared to the facts.
106135   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 24, 7:58pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
Someone name the crime President Trump committed that will lead to his impeachment. Cite and link the government code please.

Otherwise I’m polluting any further impeachment threads. And you won’t like it.

And crickets. Thanks for the silent admission that the “impeachment” is a steaming heap of bullshit.
106136   richwicks   2019 Oct 24, 10:06pm  

Oh just let them happen.

If Trump is impeached, it's going to cause riots. I didn't vote for Trump, but I certainly didn't vote for the Butcher of Libya, and I'll be on the side of the rioters.

They've been trying to impeach Trump on trumped up charges since before he was sworn in simply because he's not part of this criminal gang everybody is sick of - both republican and democrat. Bush Jr. destroyed the Republican party by being a dirtbag, then Obama did the same to the Democratic party. I'm looking forward to an, actual, outsider on the Democratic side running. Tulsi might be it, maybe.. I liked Dennis Kucinich. Then again, I respected Sanders for a period of time. I admit, I can be fooled just as easily as anybody else can be, maybe even better!
106137   Y   2019 Oct 24, 10:32pm  

I say vote for John Kasich. With his folksy countryside approach, all the old porky pig episodes would be in vogue...

richwicks says
I'm looking forward to an, actual, outsider on the Democratic side running. Tulsi might be it, maybe.. I liked Dennis Kucinich. Then again, I respected Sanders for a period of time. I
106138   richwicks   2019 Oct 24, 10:33pm  

jazz_music says
Onvacation says
something in them finally clicked and they realized their arguments mostly fell flat when compared to the facts.
That thought must comfort you greatly

I will start a thread at some point about identifying cognitive dissonance, and how I, at least believe, eliminated it within myself.

I am satisfied with Trump, but I despised Bush Jr. I have very high confidence he lied us into the Iraq War. I consider him a war criminal. I was disgusted with the Democratic majority refused to hold impeachment hearings, only to find out later that Pelosi was in on it, knowing that torture was being used as early as 2002.

In the 2008 election, I had looked up Obama's record as a junior senator. He was supposedly against the Iraq War but voted to fund it at every opportunity except on the campaign trail. I had no faith in him, but I thought he might hold banking criminals accountable from the 2007 crash. Eric Holder destroyed that hope. He bombed 7 nations over 8 years, he caused the refugee crisis in Europe. He was horrible. Was he worse than Bush? I don't know, flip a coin, they were both absolutely horrible.

Trump hasn't started a new war yet, despite 3 false flags blamed on Iran. Venezuela fizzled out. North Korea is back on the back burner. He's not demonizing a nuclear super power - Russia. 30 years ago, I'd have said he was a terrible president having done nothing, but today, he's awesome because compared to his two predecessors, he is.

Where is my cognitive dissonance?
106139   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 11:09pm  

What offence did Trump commit? I can't think of anything that rises to high crime or misdemeanor.

Now the way Joe and Hunter shook down Ukraine, that's criminal.

richwicks is right we are ruled by a murderous criminal organization.
106140   richwicks   2019 Oct 24, 11:29pm  

Onvacation says
richwicks is right we are ruled by a murderous criminal organization.

Haha, I'm really serious. If you think of the government as a mafia, EVERYTHING it does makes sense. If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck..

I know it's not pleasant to think about, but abandon your hopes, and just observe it entirely dispassionately, like any good sociopath would. I'm not thrilled with it. My big fault is I can think like a sociopath, but I'm not one - and I'm eternally grateful.


If that doesn't work properly start at 1:56 - what maniac would want to rule this world?
106141   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 11:34pm  

Chiromancer says
Onvacation says
Chiromancer says
the facts and evidence that everyday look worse and worse for Trump.

Remind me of the high crime or misdemeanor Trump committed?

That is what the impeachment inquiry determines;

It sounds like the plan is to investigate Trump until something is found or his 8 year term is up.
106142   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 11:37pm  

Chiromancer says
he is probably too stupid and inept

You really can't have a debate with someone that thinks Trump is stupid and inept.

Good night all.
106143   Ceffer   2019 Oct 24, 11:49pm  

Onvacation says
You really can't have a debate with someone that thinks Trump is stupid and inept.

Yeah, the 'Trump is stupid, insane, senile, foolish, incompetent etc. etc.' train left a long time ago and simply deems one an agitprop repeater station.

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