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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   178,508 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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106604   Rin   2019 Nov 11, 10:21pm  

The only person who'd called SF ... Frisco, publicly, was the Harry Chapin in his 'Taxi' song which of course was clearly written by someone from the east coast, not San Francisco.

106605   Rin   2019 Nov 11, 10:24pm  

Rin says
by someone from the east coast, not San Francisco.

It still doesn't change the fact that SF sucks!
106606   Ceffer   2019 Nov 11, 11:25pm  

I have lived in the Bay Area most of my life, and like the way it USED to be. However, I never liked SF for some reason, even before the current plagues. It always struck me as dismal and depressing in some fundamental way. Maybe with the homeless and the economic disparities, it is just finding its true self.

It's kind of like a post card movie set city in which each economic wave re-populates it for a while then moves on. The financial district isn't that, any more, a lot of them went someplace else. The next tech crash will clear it out again. You hear that gays are leaving, too, because even they can feel stifled there, and the tolerances have improved elsewhere. You certainly don't hear the chauvinism about it like you used to.

It is often commented that it is a 'fake' city without much real history or committed culture. Fog, wind and cold can keep people indoors, and the city rolls up after the 2AM closing bell, unlike other major cities.
106607   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Nov 12, 12:26am  

WookieMan says
I just really don't see how Trump loses. I'm starting to think the 7D chess game jokes are no longer jokes anymore.

I've been paying attention to Dilbert Cartoon creator Scott Adams since shortly after President Trump came down the elevator to declare he was running. Mr. Adams makes a lots of sense, including that President Trump — for whatever his faults — is a branding and persuasion genius. One of Mr. Adams' statements for many things Trump has set up is: Trump has created a situation where if he wins he wins and if he loses ... he still wins; there's no way he can lose in {fill in the blank} situation that he has carefully controlled.

Here's a great clip of Scott Adams from 2016. Well worth the watch if you want to learn about Scott Adams and have a brand new perspective on President Trump.
106608   Booger   2019 Nov 12, 5:00am  

Ever notice when white people are the perpetrators, we get their picture. When it’s black people, we get stock photos of police cars.
106609   WookieMan   2019 Nov 12, 8:55am  

I've watched that clip before. I think he's correct for sure as far as persuasion. But I also believe Trump understands the long game. Can see moves happening before others if that makes sense. I personally think he knows exactly how this impeachment proceeding is going to play out. He's shot down Biden (which literally could involve criminal proceedings, but I don't think that's the end goal) and he's now going to lock up the Senators running if the House does actually impeach (they would be stupid to do that, but that's something I think he counts on).

Think about if impeachment goes to the Senate? Harris, Sanders, Warren, Klobuchar, Booker and Bennet would either be locked up in impeachment proceedings, resign or not show up. There's not a single positive option for any of them if they're truly interested in running for President. Impeachment will almost wipe out half the current candidates still somewhat showing up in the polls. Biden is toast anyway you want to look at it even though he'll continue to poll well (supposedly).

You already need a massive amount of Republicans to flip for him to actually be removed from office (not going to happen). You have 6 democratic Senators that will need to decide between impeachment or a POTUS run. They're already at a massive deficit needing to get so many R's to flip, that losing 3-6 D Senators makes removal from office a 1,000% impossibility.

The fact remains that if Trump did something impeachable, the House would have done it already. I'm not sure why this is so hard for people to figure out. This isn't an allegiance to anyone, just the facts as they sit there.
106610   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Nov 12, 8:58am  

San Francisco tenderloin district is not middle of the country.
106611   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Nov 12, 8:59am  

Society is mixed. Hard for any crime to not be inter-something. No two people are same.
106612   WookieMan   2019 Nov 12, 9:06am  

The couple was absolutely drowning in debt, and they desperately needed a good year just to keep the farm going.

Living in farm country, in flyover country, I know farmers. Lots actually. There's ZERO reason for them to be $300k in debt. Farming never has been lucrative, never for your typical family farm. A problem arises when your land values triple or quadruple over a decade. You start trying to keep up with the Jones'. You then take out loans against the land and build an addition, get an $80k truck that is completely unnecessary when you absolutely have tractors and trailers that will outperform even the best of trucks.

Don't feel bad for farmers. Also, don't take on debt if you have 3 kids. That's retarded. Sell some land or cut back. Common sense. Somehow Trump did that though....
106613   HeadSet   2019 Nov 12, 9:10am  

Don't feel bad for farmers. Also, don't take on debt if you have 3 kids.

I remember that stuff happening in the 80's. Farmers had land that had been in the family for generations, yet somehow managed to squander it.
106614   WookieMan   2019 Nov 12, 9:17am  

HeadSet says
I remember that stuff happening in the 80's. Farmers had land that had been in the family for generations, yet somehow managed to squander it.

The last decade or so has been rough on farmers out here in the Western burbs of Chicago, but it's 90% their own fault. No different than the housing crisis. Sure the banks are fucks, but you still signed up to take on debt that wasn't beneficial to your operations. It was so you could have a pretty truck and other nonsense. That's not what farming was about 50 years ago or longer.
106615   Eric Holder   2019 Nov 12, 10:34am  

What any of this has with "Silicon Valley drug culture"? It's obviously a "rich bored guy drug culture" issue. Now, if lowly ICs started to overdose on heroin every month in any significant numbers....
106616   RC2006   2019 Nov 12, 10:57am  

Dude could have at least went out with some class like David Carradine.
106617   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 12, 11:24am  

One guy die, and that's a "culture".
106618   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Nov 12, 11:43am  

Because climate change is not real.

Climate Change is one of the nicely made up religions of the left, fake sky daddy... or what do they say again when they talk about Christians?
106619   Ceffer   2019 Nov 12, 11:50am  

The homeless ARE a wellspring of professional clients for the litigation machinery. Best professional client is the aggrieved one with nothing to lose and everything to gain with legal extortion and blackmail.
106620   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Nov 12, 12:02pm  

What else does one do with millions in fake currency?
106621   WookieMan   2019 Nov 12, 12:09pm  

Wall Street is awash in federal money to float investors while employment participation is lowest ever.

The graph ends at what is presumably the end of 2016.... also with a very large fluctuation during that last year. Not sure what the point is of posting this graph.

Give people a decade of flat line growth and they'll adapt accordingly. My family sure did and we're now making about 10-15% more on one income versus two. And it isn't because of Trump either if you think that's what I'm hinting at.
106622   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 12, 12:16pm  

... while employment participation is lowest ever.

No it isn't. Why does your curve stops years ago?
Plus boomers retirement causing lower participation is not unexpected.

106623   Bd6r   2019 Nov 12, 12:40pm  

"For Millions Of Americans In The Middle Of The Country, It Feels Like An Economic Depression Right Now"

That's why we need to import a few more millions of illegals, so that wages of less-qualified workers can be depressed even more...
106624   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 12, 12:57pm  

Again Liberals playing Barry Goldwater Politics in 2019.
I do hope the Idiot Left realizes that if you took every Evangelical in the United States there would only be enough to fill a 20 seat Church in every town in the US.
That's barely a detectable sampling of the voters out there.

Look Jesus and Fox have divorced, the Liberals are going to have to get a new thing to bitch about.
Fox news is more about Juan Williams and Donna Brasil and the Evangelicals are about as off the mark as this Commie Pope is.
Neither even rate in the top 25,000 things actual Trump voters think about. They don't turn to the Evangelicals when they witness the Pure Evil in the Democrat party.
They turn to the ballot box.
106625   Bd6r   2019 Nov 12, 12:59pm  

Trump is better than Jesus, as he is ORANGE! and promises Heaven on Earth!
106626   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Nov 12, 2:17pm  

They say religion started when the first scoundrel met up with the first fool.

No, that's global warming.
106627   socal2   2019 Nov 12, 2:30pm  

Not a cult at all!

Hirono: “Believe in climate change as though it is a religion and it’s not a Science”

106628   rigidmember   2019 Nov 12, 3:19pm  

Hirono is a complete moron, and a disgrace to the Aloha State. She does nothing but grandstand and tow the national democratic party line while homelessness and drug use is exploding back home. Hawaii may be a democratic state but locals are very conservative and vote democrat to support unions. Only Haoles bring their stupid "progressive" democratic thoughts to the islands. This lady needs to go, Hawaii needs real leaders.
106629   WookieMan   2019 Nov 12, 3:58pm  

OccasionalCortex says
WookieMan says
Harris, Sanders, Warren, Klobuchar, Booker and Bennet would either be locked up in impeachment proceedings, resign

Why would they have to resign? They can simply recuse themselves (not show up) or ask Roberts to recuse them if he doesn't ask them first.

That's exactly my point. If they recuse themselves, by default they give up on the impeachment process. If they believed in it they'd stick around. Resign, recuse, whatever. The terms don't matter. The house impeaches, they bury some of what currently are their most viable candidates (not my opinion, just reality). They're literally going to kill any potential consensus candidate if the house impeaches.
106630   WookieMan   2019 Nov 12, 4:26pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Oh yeah it does. Recuse means they are still Senators. Resign is WAY different. That means they quite the Senate, which they not only do not have to do but is a BIG DIFFERENCE to themselves and their Kool-Aid drinkers.

I think they're one in the same. If the house impeaches and these Senators recuse themselves, it's the equivalent of quitting to the people that voted them into office. They're toast when they go up for reelection. They will be vilified as letting the bad orange man get off free of charge if they recuse themselves.

106631   Malcolm   2019 Nov 12, 6:05pm  

Another interesting thread on Patrick.net. Thanks.
106632   GreaterNYCDude   2019 Nov 12, 6:29pm  

If the impeachment fails (since Senate will not remove him even if the House brings charges against him) and Trump wins a second term, does that mean we have to endure four more years of this attempt to remove him from office? Can you impeach a president more than once a so long it's not for the same "crime". Is this a case of at first you dont succeed they try again? I don't care for Tump personally but I feel the case to remove him from office is a weak one. After 3 plus years they'd be better of focusing on policy rather than procedure.
106633   Y   2019 Nov 12, 6:43pm  

The house. What a joke.
The house is akin to the ISIS JV team...
106634   Shaman   2019 Nov 12, 6:57pm  

GreaterNYCDude says
does that mean we have to endure four more years of this attempt to remove him from office?

Not if we flip enough districts, and the House goes Red. Pelosi loses her chair job and the impeachment train gets derailed. It’s the only path towards sanity.
106635   WookieMan   2019 Nov 12, 7:31pm  

GreaterNYCDude says
If the impeachment fails (since Senate will not remove him even if the House brings charges against him) and Trump wins a second term, does that mean we have to endure four more years of this attempt to remove him from office? Can you impeach a president more than once a so long it's not for the same "crime". Is this a case of at first you dont succeed they try again? I don't care for Tump personally but I feel the case to remove him from office is a weak one. After 3 plus years they'd be better of focusing on policy rather than procedure.

Calm down. Don't let common sense get the better of you. Remember, this is a pro Trump site ;) lol.
106636   Patrick   2019 Nov 12, 9:29pm  

Onvacation says
Does anyone dispute the facts?

I'd say that no one disputes facts. Instead, they dispute the perceived idea that they are somehow lesser or unworthy. Or that they are safe when they do not feel safe.

It's much harder to be kind than to be right. No one really cares if anyone else is right.

The real debate takes place on a different level.
106637   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 13, 12:11am  

Wow, that's quite a pivot.

I guess it's no longer illegal for a President to ask for criminal investigations with a country that we have a treat with... to share info pertaining to ciminial investigations.

Vote Republican no matter what in 2020.
106638   Ceffer   2019 Nov 13, 1:29am  

jazz_music says

Maybe Schiff should try basing it on reality instead.
106639   WookieMan   2019 Nov 13, 4:37am  

Joefour20 says
Uhhhh? You do realize that there can be more than 1 article of impeachment?

Name one worthy article of impeachment in Trump's case? Like a legitimate reason. Let's start there before we even worry about Clinton's multiple charges.
106640   Onvacation   2019 Nov 13, 5:40am  

Joefour20 says

I find, often, what some think are facts are merely opinions.
Onvacation says
Biden and his son are corrupt. Your article never disputes the FACT that Hunter received a lot of money from a corrupt Ukrainian company and Joe got the investigator of the company fired in an actual quid pro quo for US aid. Joe Biden bragged about it and Trump asked Ukraine to investigate.

Do you dispute the opinion that Hunter made a corrupt deal with Ukraine?
106641   Onvacation   2019 Nov 13, 5:50am  

Joefour20 says
The Ukrainian president was going to get the dough in exchange for announcing investigations into the Biden.
Joe Biden the corrupt ex vice president? Or Hunter Biden his corrupt son? Or do you think Trump wanted them both investigated?
106642   WookieMan   2019 Nov 13, 5:58am  

Joefour20 says
Hmm, I don't think they have drawn them up yet

Alllllllllll righty then!
106643   marcus   2019 Nov 13, 6:11am  

TrumpingTits says
Can't wait to see the GOP rip these 'witnesses' apart

Yeah, we know....

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