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110514   Ceffer   2020 Apr 30, 12:04pm  

I thought Obama's teleprompter was polled the best Precedent in people's lifetime.
110515   Ceffer   2020 Apr 30, 12:06pm  

I think the poll was taken from mail in ballots.
110516   rocketjoe79   2020 Apr 30, 12:10pm  

Washington Post Article is surprisingly devoid of opinion and actually seemed to report facts. If the facts are true, Flynn was likely entrapped. I hope this leads to FBI personnel charges and convictions, and a thorough cleanup of the organization.


I was able to read in an incognito window.
110517   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 30, 12:27pm  

Entirely driven by Millennials. The only generation that said Obama was better. Remember that they were bombarded 24-7-365 by the Media, Schools, etc. about how great he was and how lucky we were to have a President who fought Climate Change, Toxic Masculinity, and White Supremacy and was trying to manage America's Decline by "Radically Transforming" it.

All generations older than Millennials gave Ronald Reagan the top slot.

Also, the poll was mid 2018.
110518   richwicks   2020 Apr 30, 12:29pm  

rocketjoe79 says
I hope this leads to FBI personnel charges and convictions, and a thorough cleanup of the organization.

The only way to clean up the FBI at this point is to drop a fucking nuclear bomb on it. There's NO personnel in the FIB that is worth saving. They are just thugs and goons for a criminal syndicate.
110519   socal2   2020 Apr 30, 12:29pm  

I bet if you asked those same people to mention 2 or 3 concrete policies of Obama that has improved their lives, they couldn't name one.
110520   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 30, 12:32pm  

Tim Aurora says
A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

H.W. Bush has done more to affect everyone in the world, than any President in US History.

His legacy spanned across 8 elections after him. Every Candidate in every race, that were on the ballot in November were all selected to carry his legacy regardless who won.
The NWO policy to strip America and Transform it, into this bizarre unelected NGO plutocracy was all his doing.

It's a Shame we didn't get to see what marks, Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton was supposed to leave on it. Trump interrupted a Dynasty, and they are furious.

That Bestest President ever of yours, is about to go to Jail.
110521   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 30, 12:37pm  

Are we going to see the "Old News" dodge or the "FBI dindu Nuttin Wrong" angle?
110522   richwicks   2020 Apr 30, 2:17pm  

Tenpoundbass says
That Bestest President ever of yours, is about to go to Jail.

No he won't.

Quit pretending there's going to be justice. There never will be. It's never going to happen.

It wasn't just HW Bush, his fucktard traitor son, the Clintons, and Obama that did this. The entire ruling establishment in congress was, as were the upper levels of ALL of our intelligence agencies, and our military and lets not forget our "free press" was in on this.

30 years of disaster for common decent people because of them. They've been doing this for 30 years.

I was talking to my dad yesterday who is about 80. We tend to talk politics and we did again, and at the end of it, he said "I'm sure glad I'm not younger", and I feel the same way. Something major is going to happen or is taking place now, but don't assume it's going to be good. Criminal organizations don't reform themselves.

Electing Trump put them on notice that a significant number of the country were on to them, knew what was going on - but that's all it did.
110523   richwicks   2020 Apr 30, 2:19pm  

socal2 says
I bet if you asked those same people to mention 2 or 3 concrete policies of Obama that has improved their lives, they couldn't name one.

He legalized gay marriage.
He bombed 7 nations over 8 years (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia)
He started a national discussion on transgendered bathrooms.
He made it illegal to not have health insurance regardless of whether you could afford it or not.

There, I named 4. Oh - I just realized, you had the stipulation that the policies would improve their lives...
110524   AD   2020 Apr 30, 2:33pm  


Tim Aurora says
Do not listen to their hyperbole


Read the handwritten notes by the disgraced and fired FBI agent Strzok, et al.

Its clear the pro-Democrat hacks in the FBI were maliciously trying to entrap Flynn. It was a perjury trap effort.

110525   Onvacation   2020 Apr 30, 5:30pm  

NoCoupForYou says
how lucky we were to have a President who fought Climate Change, Toxic Masculinity, and White Supremacy and was trying to manage America's Decline by "Radically Transforming" it.

AND he won the Nobel peace prize.
110526   AD   2020 Apr 30, 5:58pm  

Also, the behavior of the FBI toward General Flynn was in terms of pretext.
110527   AD   2020 Apr 30, 5:59pm  

Tim Aurora says
That is standard discussion. Let the judge rule

Sure, let the same Democrat-hack judge for Roger Stone's case, or someone similar, decide on this.

And get some inside-the-Beltway jury to decide on this, where all of them likely are Democrats.
110528   richwicks   2020 Apr 30, 6:18pm  

Tim Aurora says
No we went through 3 years of Russian subjugation. lost lives, rule of the mob , narcissist .and fascist rule.

richwicks says
We just went through a 3 year fucking coup attempt against a president because the nation elected somebody the criminal syndicate didn't like and couldn't 100% control. You think a fucking federal judge is going to rule against those people? You don't get to be a fucking federal judge without being subservient to the criminal syndicate that made you a fucking federal judge.

I wonder if you actually believe this. OK, if you do you can answer these questions:

* How has the United States lived under "Russian subjugation" - exactly how were people "subjugated"?
* Whose lives were lost?
* Rule of mob is the exact opposite of fascist rule - how can these both be true?

What you wrote is what I'd expect a shill to write.
110529   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 30, 8:18pm  

Tim Aurora says
I think he won the "Noble" prize

Onvacation says
AND he won the Nobel peace prize.

Onvacation had it right https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Peace_Prize
110530   WookieMan   2020 Apr 30, 10:11pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Tim Aurora says
I think he won the "Noble" prize

Onvacation says
AND he won the Nobel peace prize.

Onvacation had it right https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Peace_Prize

This one is a patnet classic.
110531   Tenpoundbass   2020 May 1, 6:05am  

richwicks says
It wasn't just HW Bush, his fucktard traitor son, the Clintons, and Obama that did this.

They were hand selected to join the club, to continue on with his policies put in place.

Clinton, G.W. or Obama would have or could have done what H.W. did. Get Cocaine from the Sandinista, give it to the inner city blacks, arm them with illegal fully automatic weapons, set up turfs for them. Create a Crack Cocaine distribution network. Use the funds to fund Osama Bin Laden.

Both Clinton and Bush used Osama Bin Laden to further the agenda. Obama even used him to assassinate someone in Pakistan and dumped the faceless corpse in the ocean.
110532   WookieMan   2020 May 1, 7:11am  

Tim Aurora says
A new Pew Research Center poll s

Cute research.... Lot's of better things to research like climate change........
110533   Onvacation   2020 May 1, 7:34am  

Tim Aurora says
I think he won the "Noble" prize

No. Obama was in no ways noble.

no•ble nō′bəl►
adj. Possessing hereditary rank in a political system or social class derived from a feudalistic stage of a country's development.
adj. Having or showing qualities of high moral character, such as courage, generosity, or honor.
110534   RC2006   2020 May 1, 7:41am  

Obama, king of all tokens. He was mediocre at best, better than Bush but that's not saying much. He is like a black that get a high GPA and gets treated like Albert Einstein.

He would have been better if he stayed out of fanning blm, and stayed far away from Clintons.
110535   richwicks   2020 May 1, 7:49am  

WookieMan says
Tim Aurora says
A new Pew Research Center poll s

Cute research.... Lot's of better things to research like climate change........

I have a very simple experiment for you to perform.

How much better of an insulator is pure CO2 than pure Nitrogen? You can fill up a tube with both, at 1 atmosphere, and then shine an infra-red laser through it. If one retains heat better than the other, you'll be able to measure the decrease of intensity of the infra-red laser on the other end.

The right wing religious whackos ARE right, Climate Change is a freaking hoax. CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas. If it was, high school students everywhere would be performing experiments in their little labs to verify that it's true with that very simple experiment. When I was a kid, the Ozone Layer Was Being Depleted - because CFLs wee supposedly acting as a catalyst. I wonder why we never did any experiments to simulation conditions that showed it? Nobody did in any skool that I know of.

A lot of stuff we accept as fact because "scientists agree!" aren't facts.
110536   theoakman   2020 May 1, 7:59am  

He also weaponized the IRS, fbi, and spied on everyone illegally
110537   richwicks   2020 May 1, 8:04am  

After George W. Bush exploded the U.S. economy I actually thought that working class Republicans would have had enough of tax cuts for the rich.

You realize there is no difference between Obama and Bush, right? Obama bailed out the banking system - that's what QE is. Are they not "rich"? They are, and they are entirely unproductive. The banking class doesn't produce ANYTHING - they are the priorities for being bailed out by both parties.

The inconvenient truth is that without America's wage slaves in Mexico, China, and here at home, the American empire would collapse overnight. Which is what we are witnessing in real-time.

Let it collapse. Bring manufacturing back home. The last person to talk about that before Trump was Ross Perot.

We have to bring manufacturing home, because the dollar is going to collapse. We won't be able to afford to buy anything from China.
110538   Onvacation   2020 May 1, 8:20am  

Tim Aurora says
. Obama did Obama-care ( Affordable Healthcare act)

Orwell would be proud!
110539   komputodo   2020 May 1, 8:30am  

Tim Aurora says
4. I know you will not agree but our worldwide standing was very good during Obama years

That sounds like a moronic tourist that goes to a 3rd world country...spreads a few dollars around...the natives smile and take the money...then the tourist come back home and tells all his friends how the natives love americans..lol
110540   Dholliday126   2020 May 1, 8:52am  

I trust polls as much as I trust science. Both politicised, both are manipulated to fit a narrative.
110541   richwicks   2020 May 1, 9:03am  

Tim Aurora says
1. The Thread is not about Climate Control. Stay on the topic

I don't have to stay on topic. I'm telling you, Climate Change is bullshit and gave you a simple experiment to verify it. In any case, I don't see why you're complaining that I'm not staying on topic, when it was Wookieman that brought up Climate Change and I wasn't even talking to you.

Tim Aurora says
2. Obama did Obama-care ( Affordable Healthcare act)

All Obama did was make it illegal to not have health insurance whether you could afford it or not. How does that make it "affordable"? It's affordable healthcare in the same way the Patriot Act was patriotic. It's all newspeak. Aren't you tired of it? How can you think the ACA was a good thing? Do you know anybody who is really in the working poor class? I do. They weren't helped by the ACA.

Tim Aurora says
3. Reversed the Great recession to start a very vibrant economy

We never exited the recession. We've been in one since 2000 really. Having the Fed push up the stock market doesn't fix the economy. The last time we had a good economy was in the late 1990s.

Tim Aurora says
4. I know you will not agree but our worldwide standing was very good during Obama years

If it's true, it's a testament to ignorance of people across the world. All Obama was, was President Bush in blackface, after a diction class. We're still in Iraq you know, his big change there was to staff it with mercenaries. I'm very skeptical of polls. I know plenty of Europeans and they tend to like Trump, but of course, they are my friends. They are NOT conservatives.
110542   Onvacation   2020 May 1, 9:07am  

From your articles hockey stick graph:

"Figure 2: weekly deaths by year, all influenza deaths removed, 2020 corrected for delays in reporting."

What does it look like without the flu deaths removed?
110543   socal2   2020 May 1, 9:10am  

Tim Aurora says
4. I know you will not agree but our worldwide standing was very good during Obama years

Yet the world was on fire during the Obama years and our enemies and allies were walking all over us:

- Russia was gobbling up Ukraine and shooting down airliners
- ISIS was running rampant in Iraq and the Middle East ethnically cleansing ancient Christian and Yazidi communities
- Syria was imploding
- Iran was capturing US Navy sailors and humiliating them on TV
- ISIS terrorists were attacking Europe and North America
- Libya destroyed
- Saudi Arabia/Yemen at war

What good does the "good standing" for Obama do for America and the rest of the world?
110544   richwicks   2020 May 1, 9:23am  

socal2 says
- Russia was gobbling up Ukraine and shooting down airliners


You are on the goddamned Internet Will one of you please, for the LOVE OF FUCKING GOD, talk to somebody in Ukraine and ask them what actually went on instead of just repeating the COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT of our Propaganda "news" Media? FUCKING PLEASE?

Russia did not attack Ukraine. Ukraine had a coup engineered by the United States to prevent the Nordstream II pipeline going online because this competes against US interests. The lunatic they installed was some fascist nutcase that HATED Russians and he openly threatened to murder them.

Well Crimea is something like 97% ethnic Russian and the new dear leader was some fucking crazy lunatic saying that ethnic Russians ought to be killed. Now Crimea is mostly ethnic Russian with people who speak Russian, because it's been part of Russia for longer than the United States has existed. The only reason it became part of Ukraine is that Khrushchev gave it to Crimea as an act of good faith, which was meaningless because Ukraine was basically part of the USSR anyhow. Who knew in 1954 that the USSR would fall apart at the end of 1991?

Even if Crimea wasn't filled with Russians with a lunatic moron running Ukraine threatening to kill them, Russia wasn't going to give up Crimea - it is their only warm water port.

In any case, the people of Crimea were given a rushed referendum, become independent or part of Russia. They rejoined Russia.

If you go to Ukraine, you will find Crimea to be doing very well, and Ukraine, not so well.

Russia didn't steal it, they didn't even invade Ukraine. If Russia wanted to take over Ukraine, believe me, they could do it in a matter of days. No reason to bother though. Russia has 11 time zones, the last thing they need is more land to deal with.
110545   theoakman   2020 May 1, 9:26am  

Tim Aurora says
1. The Thread is not about Climate Control. Stay on the topic
2. Obama did Obama-care ( Affordable Healthcare act)
3. Reversed the Great recession to start a very vibrant economy
4. I know you will not agree but our worldwide standing was very good during Obama years

richwicks says
How much better of an insulator is pure CO2 than pure Nitrogen? You can fill up a tube with both, at 1 atmosphere, and then shine an infra-red laser through it. If one retains heat better than the other, you'll be able to measure the decrease of intensity of the infra-red laser on the other end.

My health insurance went from 25000 to 30000 a year under the "affordable care act"
110546   richwicks   2020 May 1, 9:43am  

WTF do you break one post up into two?

Tim Aurora says
Of course there is . Their economic model are different. Bush cut taxes ( like Trump) and Obama raised taxes and yet had one of the best economy

richwicks says
You realize there is no difference between Obama and Bush, right? Obama bailed out the banking system - that's what QE is. Are they not "rich"? They are, and they are entirely unproductive. The banking class doesn't produce ANYTHING - they are the priorities for being bailed out by both parties.

Obama's economy was as shitty as Bush's economy. They just lied about the employment numbers. Trump does the same thing.

Tim Aurora says
Bringing back Manufacturing is great idea, except the new manufacturing is robotic and will just employ, one tenth of the earlier levels and you will still be complaining about "lost manufacturing jobs"

richwicks says
We have to bring manufacturing home, because the dollar is going to collapse. We won't be able to afford to buy anything from China.

Whatever, we still need to bring it back.

Also, robots aren't the panacea you think they are. If manufacturing is just robots - why have them in China anyhow? If you're using a machine to manufacture - why would it be cheaper to operate it in China than in the United States? It's because the belief that manufacturing is mostly robots today, is wrong.
110547   zzyzzx   2020 May 1, 9:45am  

Poll must has consisted of CNN employees or welfare recipients.
110548   RWSGFY   2020 May 1, 10:03am  

Thanks, Obama!
110549   AD   2020 May 1, 10:25am  

This is all by design by the mainstream media working with the American Left to take down America during this election year.

If Biden wins, all of this goes away by late spring or summer of 2021. Then the mainstream media will declare that Biden and his Vice President (and President upcoming) have resolved the coronavirus pandemic.
110550   Bd6r   2020 May 1, 10:27am  

Obama is the only Nobel Prize winner that has bombed another Nobel prize winner. I would guess that our more liberal Patnetters have forgotten this:


On 3 October 2015, a United States Air Force AC-130U gunship attacked the Kunduz Trauma Centre operated by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders in the city of Kunduz, in the province of the same name in northern Afghanistan. It has been reported that at least 42 people were killed and over 30 were injured.[2][3][4][5][6][7]

Médecins Sans Frontières condemned the incident, saying all warring parties had been notified of the hospital's location ahead of time, and that the airstrike was deliberate, a breach of international humanitarian law and MSF is working on the presumption of a war crime.

110551   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 May 1, 10:34am  

Obama prioritized transgender bathrooms and fag marriage as a main issue to work on while country was struggling with unemployment and poverty. Clown world winner.

Left is bunch of moronic trashy retards.

You are saying all manufacturing is robotic, yet in China all those workers aren’t robots. So hello? Logic please.
110552   Patrick   2020 May 1, 10:47am  

Maybe some of the excess deaths are being caused by the shutdown
110553   Ceffer   2020 May 1, 11:03am  

LibbyFuck way of counting the Covid deaths: Everybody who died and multiply by two.

Undertakers in New York are stating that virtually everybody, whether tested or not, who can be listed as Covid death are. One woman had to demand an autopsy to prove that her mother DIDN'T die of Covid.

We don't have the vaguest idea of who has actually died of Covid due to rampant purposeful fraud. The numbers are pretty small for true Covid deaths is all that can be said.

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