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I hope this leads to FBI personnel charges and convictions, and a thorough cleanup of the organization.
A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.
That Bestest President ever of yours, is about to go to Jail.
I bet if you asked those same people to mention 2 or 3 concrete policies of Obama that has improved their lives, they couldn't name one.
Do not listen to their hyperbole
how lucky we were to have a President who fought Climate Change, Toxic Masculinity, and White Supremacy and was trying to manage America's Decline by "Radically Transforming" it.
That is standard discussion. Let the judge rule
No we went through 3 years of Russian subjugation. lost lives, rule of the mob , narcissist .and fascist rule.
richwicks saysWe just went through a 3 year fucking coup attempt against a president because the nation elected somebody the criminal syndicate didn't like and couldn't 100% control. You think a fucking federal judge is going to rule against those people? You don't get to be a fucking federal judge without being subservient to the criminal syndicate that made you a fucking federal judge.
I think he won the "Noble" prize
Onvacation saysAND he won the Nobel peace prize.
Tim Aurora saysI think he won the "Noble" prize
Onvacation saysAND he won the Nobel peace prize.
Onvacation had it right
It wasn't just HW Bush, his fucktard traitor son, the Clintons, and Obama that did this.
A new Pew Research Center poll s
I think he won the "Noble" prize
no•ble nō′bəl►
adj. Possessing hereditary rank in a political system or social class derived from a feudalistic stage of a country's development.
adj. Having or showing qualities of high moral character, such as courage, generosity, or honor.
Tim Aurora saysA new Pew Research Center poll s
Cute research.... Lot's of better things to research like climate change........
After George W. Bush exploded the U.S. economy I actually thought that working class Republicans would have had enough of tax cuts for the rich.
The inconvenient truth is that without America's wage slaves in Mexico, China, and here at home, the American empire would collapse overnight. Which is what we are witnessing in real-time.
4. I know you will not agree but our worldwide standing was very good during Obama years
1. The Thread is not about Climate Control. Stay on the topic
2. Obama did Obama-care ( Affordable Healthcare act)
3. Reversed the Great recession to start a very vibrant economy
4. I know you will not agree but our worldwide standing was very good during Obama years
4. I know you will not agree but our worldwide standing was very good during Obama years
- Russia was gobbling up Ukraine and shooting down airliners
1. The Thread is not about Climate Control. Stay on the topic
2. Obama did Obama-care ( Affordable Healthcare act)
3. Reversed the Great recession to start a very vibrant economy
4. I know you will not agree but our worldwide standing was very good during Obama years
richwicks saysHow much better of an insulator is pure CO2 than pure Nitrogen? You can fill up a tube with both, at 1 atmosphere, and then shine an infra-red laser through it. If one retains heat better than the other, you'll be able to measure the decrease of intensity of the infra-red laser on the other end.
Of course there is . Their economic model are different. Bush cut taxes ( like Trump) and Obama raised taxes and yet had one of the best economy
richwicks saysYou realize there is no difference between Obama and Bush, right? Obama bailed out the banking system - that's what QE is. Are they not "rich"? They are, and they are entirely unproductive. The banking class doesn't produce ANYTHING - they are the priorities for being bailed out by both parties.
Bringing back Manufacturing is great idea, except the new manufacturing is robotic and will just employ, one tenth of the earlier levels and you will still be complaining about "lost manufacturing jobs"
richwicks saysWe have to bring manufacturing home, because the dollar is going to collapse. We won't be able to afford to buy anything from China.
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