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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   251,986 views  117,730 comments

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111930   Bd6r   2020 Jun 15, 12:01pm  

And more, about Obama HAMP achievements:

HAMP, the signature program to aid poor homeowners, was announced by President Obama on February 18th, 2009. The move inspired CNBC commentator Rick Santelli to go berserk the next day – the infamous viral rant that essentially birthed the Tea Party. Reacting to the news that Obama was planning to use bailout funds to help poor and (presumably) minority homeowners facing foreclosure, Santelli fumed that the president wanted to “subsidize the losers’ mortgages” when he should “reward people that could carry the water, instead of drink the water.” The tirade against “water drinkers” led to the sort of spontaneous nationwide protests one might have expected months before, when we essentially gave a taxpayer-funded blank check to Gamblers Anonymous addicts, the millionaire and billionaire class.

In fact, the amount of money that eventually got spent on homeowner aid now stands as a kind of grotesque joke compared to the Himalayan mountain range of cash that got moved onto the balance sheets of the big banks more or less instantly in the first months of the bailouts. At the start, $50 billion of TARP funds were earmarked for HAMP. In 2010, the size of the program was cut to $30 billion. As of November of last year, a mere $4 billion total has been spent for loan modifications and other homeowner aid.

In short, the bailout program designed to help those lazy, job-averse, “water-drinking” minority homeowners – the one that gave birth to the Tea Party – turns out to have comprised about one percent of total TARP spending. “It’s amazing,” says Paul Kiel, who monitors bailout spending for ProPublica. “It’s probably one of the biggest failures of the Obama administration.”
111931   clambo   2020 Jun 15, 12:03pm  

Cities are generally more fun to visit than to live in.
111932   rocketjoe79   2020 Jun 15, 12:41pm  

The issue with these folks leaving the cities is that they bring their infection of liberalism with them. Note the change to Austin, Texas. No, I say: please stay in the big Ci-tay and rot.
If they were to disperse in 1's and 2's or families across the USA, our values might survive.
111933   Patrick   2020 Jun 15, 12:45pm  

Ceffer says
Can Facebook employees properly function without the smell of Starbucks, shit and piss in their nose all day?

Maybe you were implying that Facebook in SF (shit and piss everywhere) but they're not. They're in Menlo Park, near the base of the Dumbarton Bridge and the sewage treatment plant.

So it smells like shit and piss anyway!
111934   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 15, 1:08pm  

Patrick says
Ceffer says
Can Facebook employees properly function without the smell of Starbucks, shit and piss in their nose all day?

Maybe you were implying that Facebook in SF (shit and piss everywhere) but they're not.

Oh, they are: Facebook
181 Fremont St, San Francisco, CA 94105

Everyfuckingbody and their dog now have an office in SF: GOOG, MSFT, even fucking ORCL.
111935   Bd6r   2020 Jun 15, 1:43pm  

jazz_music says
The bailouts were passed during the Bush era, and then Obama finialized terms which were far more favorable for America than were ever discussed under Bush.


this is not fully true. Please read the Rolling Stone article.

Geithner announced on March 23, 2009 a Public-Private Investment Program (P-PIP) to buy toxic assets from banks' balance sheets. This qualifies as fellating banksters, and was done with Obama in power.

It would have been enough if the BANKSTERS! would have been allowed to go broke, followed by their mass jumping out of windows. But they were bailed out - and this caused the last bailout, which will cause another one, and so on.
111936   Bd6r   2020 Jun 15, 2:29pm  

jazz_music says
So get used to it, this will continue until the people either rise up and force regulations once again onto our system or alternately the holders of the debt will declare our government insolvent and put America into receivership, which means corporate rule. I personally believe that is the direction that our oligarchy has set us on.

Imagine the bankers in direct control of our military and all of the enforcement and the Supreme Court set up to enact all the things that make their profits optimal alone.

I don't think they are intelligent enough for any calculation beyond looting/bailouts. If they were, their businesses would not fail and need bailouts. More likely outcome is some type of stagflation and continued looting with the current system in place, which anyhow allows the top 0.001% do whatever the hell they want.
111937   richwicks   2020 Jun 15, 2:46pm  

jazz_music says
Nearly 500 Accomplishments by President Obama, With Citations

He bombed 7 nations over 8 years, he legalized gay marriage, and he made it illegal not to buy health insurance whether you could afford it or not and he created a national discussion on transgendered bathrooms.

That's his actual legacy.

As the first black president in the United States, he spent a lot of time on trivialities and continued all the wars that George W. Bush lied us into. He was an absolute disaster for the nation, and much more of an embarrassment than Trump could ever be. That people fawn over him is absolutely disgusting. He was George W. Bush in blackface wrapped in a gay pride flag.

Hope and Change - wars didn't change. That's what he was specifically hired to stop, and he didn't. He was a complete failure, and the reason the establishment fucks didn't retain power is because he was so precisely awful.
111938   richwicks   2020 Jun 15, 6:59pm  

jazz_music says
That's his actual legacy.
Negative assessment.

No comment about the 500 accomplishments list with citations either.

You really think something like:

"President Obama expanded trade agreements like NAFTA to include stricter labor and environmental agreements. http://bit.ly/etznpY"

Is some remarkable accomplishment that I'm supposed to care about? The reason YOU are pointing to articles written for a "news" paper, is because YOU don't know what Obama did. They are all weak, pathetic examples. How, exactly did Obama change NAFTA to include stricter labor and environmental agreements?

Trump destroyed the credibility of the media and demonstrated they are complete propaganda. He's also discredited the leadership of the intelligence agencies, and has exposed that the DOJ is completely corrupt. He's also demonstrated that both party leadership is pro war, and won't end any of them. He hasn't started a new war either.

That's an actual accomplishment.

I don't have to find some propagandists' puff piece to rattler off what Trump has done, and what Obama did. He was just as awful as George W. Bush, and Bush was awful.
111939   Ceffer   2020 Jun 15, 7:57pm  

Would the forced pussy sniffing leg lock to the neck have killed George Floyd?
111940   Patrick   2020 Jun 15, 9:10pm  

Huh, didn't used to be.
111941   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 15, 9:19pm  

Patrick says
Huh, didn't used to be.

It's probably gonna end now.
111942   Ceffer   2020 Jun 15, 10:22pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Oh, they are: Facebook
181 Fremont St, San Francisco, CA 94105

Everyfuckingbody and their dog now have an office in SF: GOOG, MSFT, even fucking ORCL.

Patrick got confused because in SF they are called 'FecesBook'.
111943   richwicks   2020 Jun 16, 3:53am  

To read the American Mainstream Media, mean and conformist as any pack of hyenas, you would never dream that Biden is actually doing rather well.

They haven't had any credibility in decades. You're wasting your time even paying any attention to them.
111944   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 16, 6:28am  

Hillary was also way ahead of Trump for almost the entire campaign. In fact, the only time he was ever ahead was right during the Republican Convention I believe, for a day or two. He still won.

"Why aren't I 50 points ahead?"
111945   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 16, 7:10am  

My approximation figure was always that keeping the death toll below 50,000 would ensure Trump’s reelection. U.S. national deaths between 50,000 and 100,000 in number would put his re-election in the Twilight Zone. Figures soaring above 100,000 would lead inexorably to defeat in November.

Why did author pick this particular pair of numbers? Why not 100,000 and 200,000?
111946   Onvacation   2020 Jun 16, 7:15am  

FuckCCP89 says

Why did author pick this particular pair of numbers? Why not 100,000 and 200,000?

Because millions didn't die like the democrats were hoping for. Why? Orange Man bad!
111947   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 16, 7:17am  

The murder indictments haven't started yet, you're going to be shocked by the numbers of people that actually died from pneumonia vs those that were murdered by Liberal edict to pad the numbers. More than half of the US numbers were professional murders.
111948   WookieMan   2020 Jun 16, 10:08am  

Why do you keep coming back under new account/user names? It's not a big deal, but I don't understand the reasoning. I know I've posted dumb shit here, but I don't care. Is there a reason for changing names and setting up new accounts?
111949   Patrick   2020 Jun 16, 12:20pm  

richwicks says
I don't have to find some propagandists' puff piece to rattler off what Trump has done, and what Obama did. He was just as awful as George W. Bush, and Bush was awful.


Trump has accomplished an impressive amount.

Obama was a Democratic clone of G W Bush, who started a major war against Iraq on a flimsy pretext that the media went along with, while everyone knew that it was Saudi Arabia who attacked us. Almost all of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. We should expropriate all Saudi assets.
111950   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 16, 12:23pm  

Commies stirring Commie shit.

PS. How's your progress on BLM list of demands, Jazz?
111951   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 16, 12:34pm  

jazz_music says
Progress is progress

Tell us more! At what step are you now? Did you make it to #7 at least?
111952   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 16, 12:56pm  

He was named after his hero Sadam Hussein.
111953   Misc   2020 Jun 16, 12:57pm  

Obama was not a G W clone. Obama expanded medicaid and increased taxes on the wealthy to pay for it. That's something G W would never do.
111954   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 16, 1:03pm  

Misc says
Obama was not a G W clone. Obama expanded medicaid and increased taxes on the wealthy to pay for it. That's something G W would never do.

Obama was hand selected to be his successor, by Bush. Obama is his 5th cousin.
111955   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 16, 1:04pm  

Bush is a bigger piece of Shit than Obama, that Cock Sucker gave us 9-11, he wasn't just the president when it happened.
111956   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 16, 1:07pm  

The Liberals dominate the Good School Districts, they fight like hell to get 90% of every county budget they belong in for their school districts, and they dominated every adult sized job in the Obama economy. Education, Healthcare, and Government henchmen and Aides.

How is income equality Cooter and Ray's fault again?
111957   Misc   2020 Jun 16, 1:55pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Misc says
Obama was not a G W clone. Obama expanded medicaid and increased taxes on the wealthy to pay for it. That's something G W would never do.

Obama was hand selected to be his successor, by Bush. Obama is his 5th cousin.

Wasn't handpicked by G W. McCain's economic advisor stated publicly that the economic downturn was all psychological. With an economic advisor like that, and coming from the same political party that had just run the economy off a cliff, McCain didn't stand a chance.
111958   Bd6r   2020 Jun 16, 2:06pm  

Another achievement of President Obama:

continued policies of Bush to increase inequality in American society to stratospheric levels:

111959   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 16, 2:50pm  

jazz_music says
FuckCCP89 says
Tell us more
nothing to tell

I suspected as much.
111960   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 16, 3:36pm  

111962   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 16, 6:16pm  

111963   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 16, 6:34pm  

jazz_music says
FuckCCP89 says
Put up or shut up:
I put up too much.

Report in the proper thread then.
111964   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 16, 6:56pm  

jazz_music says
FuckCCP89 says
Tell us more!
Who are all of you?

What are your interests?

What kind of a report do y’all need?

Follow the link above.
111965   Patrick   2020 Jun 16, 9:18pm  

I think he's right.

Not going to complain about anti-white racism anymore.

But we should talk about black crime, because nothing will get better until black crime is acknowledged to be the biggest problem holding black people back.
111966   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Jun 16, 9:30pm  

Left can enforce speech control now. Because google and sjw groups wield enormous power.
111967   Patrick   2020 Jun 16, 9:45pm  

Social media created the feedback loop that drove everyone mad with social justice. Just like in the Chinese camp, the subtle but constant pressure to make cheap moralistic statements resulted in mass conversions. I believe this is the true cause of the "great awokening"

Most people want to appear compassionate. A political slogan, a bleeding heart story, these things that you spread virally, they change your self-image. And they leave you with evidence, public evidence, that you are the kind of person who speaks out about "systemic oppression"
111968   Patrick   2020 Jun 16, 9:50pm  

Huh, always fails in Firefox, but works in an old version of Safari.
111969   Patrick   2020 Jun 16, 9:51pm  

It's not my firewall or ad blockers, same result in Firefox when those are turned off.

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