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112946   Ceffer   2020 Nov 3, 3:12pm  

clambo says
I guess I’m a human bonobo, as is almost everyone I know.

My old hippie house mate from the day contacted me after a couple of decades through the internet. Never married and no kids, still doing the same thing of walking his dog to meet women.

He would screw the shit out of them as long as he could, until they started getting possessive and wanted commitments, upon which he would rather viciously kick them to the curb and start over. Given a few a year this way until they started the squeeze play on him, he must have gone through at least 60 girl friends since I last talked with him. He's the one who invited me to sex orgies with a nurse girl friend, but I was always too chicken to go, even though I wanted to.

I think the key is to 'pretend commit' for the sex part, and then be mean and nasty like him to get rid of them when they got clingy. i could never do that, so I guess I was born to be female road kill.

One has to remember that sex 'evolved' without antibiotics, modern medical care, or birth control, and child birth was often fatal to women.

When you read some of the historical accounts, men who had lots of sex were almost serial rapists by modern standards, and just went through bouts of disease as a given role of life and nature.

Up to five partners before pair bonding seems like a somewhat natural guide rail if you are going to have a reasonable chance of reproducing disease free with a chance of getting at least some healthy surviving offspring in the 'old world' sense.
112947   clambo   2020 Nov 3, 4:12pm  

Even the prep school girls I knew decades ago had 5 partners before they finished college.

They generally got married eventually.

I see them on Facebook and now they look like Mrs. Santa Claus.
112948   SoTex   2020 Nov 3, 5:00pm  

Ceffer says
kick them to the curb and start over.

I just start turning on youtube fox news videos. Always works but sometimes requires multiple treatments.
112949   Patrick   2020 Nov 3, 5:10pm  

clambo says
As I get older, wiser, lazier I’m less willing to spend my time or effort in the search for female company.
Ironically, the female response seems to be even better with this attitude, it’s odd.

@clambo That actually makes perfect sense. If you're not putting in a lot of time or effort, that "demonstrates high value" as various pickup sites would say.

Women are attracted to high-value men, not needy clingy men.
112950   Ceffer   2020 Nov 3, 5:25pm  

clambo says
Even the prep school girls I knew decades ago had 5 partners before they finished college.

Prep school girls practice 'executive privilege slut sex' with agenda. They will have at least one professor, one athlete, one black guy, and groupie style sex with one or two rock stars or celebrities, or they are dead to their status groupie preppie female friends. Sex with a boyfriend either tends towards status/money capture, or with a boyfriend who is a low status thug to enrage their parents to the max. (Oh, and also selective lesbian liaisons to show their liberation).
112951   RWSGFY   2020 Nov 3, 7:49pm  

There has been no asbestos in brake liners for at least 3 decades now.
112952   Patrick   2020 Nov 3, 7:53pm  

Thanks, I'm getting old.
112953   NDrLoR   2020 Nov 3, 8:32pm  

Patrick says
the elderly
and ill would have difficulty getting around
The most logical customers for electric cars.
112954   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Nov 4, 8:42am  

Nomograph says
TrumpingTits says
Stop mastirbating in front of children, Nomo. It makes them cry.

Please don't make personal attacks on my threads. I'd love to hear your legitimate ideas though, if you have any.

He’s not wrong though.
112955   RWSGFY   2020 Nov 4, 8:49am  

8. Surrender to China accelerates under new admin.
112956   socal2   2020 Nov 4, 8:52am  

*IF* Trump loses, I think he will declassify everything about the Russia Hoax and Biden's manifest corruption shaking down countries for political gain.

Biden will be the lamest and most wounded President in modern history. Harris will be hated by everyone like she is hated in California.

Trump won a higher percentage of minority votes of any Republican going back to 1960. Trump successfully transformed the GOP to a working class, multi-racial, populist party and single handedly blew up the Democrat's race grievance "demography is destiny" strategy. You can be strong on the border (and crime) and still pick up a big chunk of the Hispanic and Black vote.

Democrats gained some SJW white Karen's.
112957   socal2   2020 Nov 4, 9:08am  

Nomograph says
So where is all the evidence? Surely such a grand conspiracy would be impossible to conceal and SOMEONE would come forward as a whistleblower.

We have hard-drives, emails and direct testimony from Biden's business partners fully proving out that Biden made millions selling political access to Communist China and other dirt-bag countries, yet the "Media" and Tech Oligarchs have told us the last 2 weeks that there is no evidence at all!

Democrats barely even have to hide their cheating knowing that they have the Garbage Media covering for them.
112959   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 9:29am  

Nomograph says
Trump-generated YouTube videos,

Trump generated this? How about Biden admits to voter fraud? Or is Joe having another dementia moment? Which is it?

Freudian slip?
112960   RWSGFY   2020 Nov 4, 9:29am  

Sooo, sudden jumps in 100s of thousands of votes for one candidate only with numbers for the other 3 standing still look normal to you? How is it fucking possible to have an uninterrupted batch of ballots cast for one candidate sized in hundreds, let alone thousands? If you have a natural, non-fraud explanation, I'm all ears.
112961   socal2   2020 Nov 4, 9:30am  

Nomograph says
Interesting, but off-topic. Let's focus on the widespread voter fraud that may or may not be occurring. Where is the direct evidence for voter fraud?

A single thumb drive in Michigan added 128,000 votes to Biden at 4:30AM without a single Republican vote.

That is the kind of shit we see in Baghdad with Saddam Hussein winning re-election with 100% of the vote. How is that statistically possible?
112962   mell   2020 Nov 4, 9:42am  

The stock market is up because it likes divided power so nothing gets done to interfere with Wall Street. I can live with that. The problem with this is that they should have set the rules before the election started, even postponing it if necessary. Fraud is difficult to prove but that run up from last night after counting simultaneously stopped in every state that matter where Trump had a big lead is statistically close to impossible. But again, they should have agreed on hard rules first, not complain later, both sides.
112963   krc   2020 Nov 4, 9:43am  

It depends on who does the counting.
There are numerous articles on the PA legislature changing the balloting rules to make it easier to simply dump ballots. These have all gone to court. Trump has mostly lost.
The issue is what constitutes a legally admissible ballot.

More importantly were the MI rule changes that prevented counting of mail in ballots prior to election day. Why? Because you need to know how much you want to make up.
Most of the DEM legislatures made changes in the last few months to prevent a quick and clear outcome. Not saying that is "illegal" but don't pretend that Dems care about a liberal democracy. This is simply about winning no matter what.

Once again, the "pollsters" and "media" were basically DEM operatives. Once again, the Trafalgar group had it right.

Whatever - REP party needs to learn how to play the game as well. I still don't understand why Trump did not immediately get an injunction in MI. Makes no sense.
112964   mell   2020 Nov 4, 9:44am  

Nomograph says
Orchestrated voter fraud is a myth. It would be essentially impossible to conduct voter fraud on the scale required to influence a US election.

Accept the reality, people.


Not true, it depends on the margin, if 10s of thousands or less than 10000 votes matter, it's actually rather easy, on both sides. Generally though elections have been won by wider margins before 2016 (with the exception of boosh v. gore) so it didn't matter.
112965   socal2   2020 Nov 4, 9:45am  

Nomograph says
Where is the evidence for this?

Dude - it has barely been a few hours since the vote.

It took nearly 30 days to settle Bush V Gore in 2000.
112966   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 9:46am  

Nomograph says
I see Biden making a statement about putting measures in place to PREVENT voter and election fraud. These measures are verifiable:


So a statement is somehow proof but a video admitting to fraud isn't?
112967   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Nov 4, 9:48am  

Who is this turd?^^^^^

I recognize the screen name but no posts in nearly a decade on this account and now a flood of troll posts.
112968   krc   2020 Nov 4, 9:48am  

mell says
Not true, it depends on the margin, if 10s of thousands or lss than 10s of thousands of votes matter, it's actually rather easy, on both sides. Generally though elections have been won by wider margins before 2016 (with the exception of boosh v. gore) so it didn't matter.

Exactly. Fraud of a few thousand votes can easily change the course of a nation. What is fraud? It also includes counting ballots that should be ineligible to be counted as well as direct fraud. Fraud is actually easy and DEM state legislatures made it easier: no signature verification, no post mark needed to determine ballot submission, etc...

This is another reason why it is important to have party control of the state legislatures as well.

But this could be good news long term. Just as democrats lead the way in subverting the electoral process, republicans can and should do the same.
112969   RWSGFY   2020 Nov 4, 9:50am  

Nomograph says
Orchestrated voter fraud is a myth.

Yep. We even have a thread denouncing that very myth: https://patrick.net/post/1335847/2020-10-30-voter-fraud-is-myth
112970   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 9:55am  

Seriously does this even seem possible all new votes and all of them for Biden only:

112971   socal2   2020 Nov 4, 10:00am  

Nomograph says
That would be interesting indeed. Unfortunately, these grand conspiracy theories turn out to be false almost 100% of the time.

Conspiracy theories tend to collapse under the weight of their own complexity.

Yet the majority of Democrats still think Trump is a Russian agent despite 3 years of investigations and impeachment totally absolving him.

Perception is hard to shake.

Everyone will know that Biden and his crack-head son are corrupt beyond all measure.
112972   clambo   2020 Nov 4, 10:07am  

My friend voted by mail.
His signature will be determined by a person in the County building to be his, or it’s thrown out.
WHO works in our County building?
Democrats exclusively, and Mexicans generally.
What could possibly go wrong?
112973   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 4, 10:13am  

Nomograph says
The evidence for widespread election or voter fraud in this election is summarized below:

Here it is:

Not even San Francisco is 100% Biden.
112974   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 4, 10:17am  

krc says
More importantly were the MI rule changes that prevented counting of mail in ballots prior to election day. Why? Because you need to know how much you want to make up.

Exactly, it's not coincidence that the states the Dems knew might be close didn't do what every other state did, which was to count the ballots when they came in and recount them all on election day and put them in the moment the polls closed, officially.

Shit, Florida had a running tally.

Nomograph says
Interesting. What is the source of that graphic? Is if from the Wisconsin election officials? I'm not able to independently verify that.

538, it says right on the bottom. 538 takes the results direct from the state.
112975   mell   2020 Nov 4, 10:23am  

It will be a lame duck presidency either way with the powers so divided.
112976   Onvacation   2020 Nov 4, 10:26am  

Nomograph says
Conspiracy theories tend to collapse under the weight of their own complexity.

Kind of like WTC7.
112977   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 4, 10:26am  

Looks like Biden will win with at least 270.
112978   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 4, 10:28am  

Isn't it amazing that TWO restarted early in the morning and suddenly, this statistical impossibility not only happened in Wisconsin, but in Michigan too!

It's a miracle! Two statistical impossibilities in the same night, both in Democratic States where the vote was going for the Republican Candidate bigly!
112979   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 4, 10:28am  

QAnon is a group that fights pedophilia, that's all it is. Rest is just Democrats trying to make shit up about it to make it look stupid. Reality is that there are pedophiles, and they need to be shot.
112980   Onvacation   2020 Nov 4, 10:30am  

You probably believe in global warming too.
112981   Onvacation   2020 Nov 4, 10:32am  

And Biden never asked the Ukrainians to fire the investigator of his corrupt son.
112982   krc   2020 Nov 4, 10:32am  

Nomograph says
7. Trump era goes down in US history as one of the most unpredictable, bizarre, and most failed presidencies in modern history.

Doubtful. I think history will show that Trump was most representative of the middle class and quite successful in his accomplishments.
1) No wars.
2) Reform of NAFTA. New trade agreements. Not reflexively "free trade" as both parties had been for decades now (since Clinton on DEM party).
3) Removed US from the climate accords that were punishing to the US but conciliatory to China
4) First to push back against China for dumping and other trade issues (IP, etc..).
5) Saw the importance of pushing through judicial nominees at all levels.
6) Efficiency of pro-tump vote/$ spent.
7)Border security and attempt at immigration reform.

Where he failed was coming up with a good Obama care replacement.

Can't wait for the DEMs to destroy the supreme court,. DEMS now saying the supreme court is "too political" but it has always been so. Changing the court depending on who controls the senate and executive (one party) will further erode the myth that the SC is unbiased and a-poilitical.

No one wants to admit it, but many of Trump's policies were old school "left" aka FK, etc..

As to Russian interface - back to old school fear tactics "the russian's are coming!" Haha...
112983   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 10:35am  

Looks like Iwog is back. Your not fooling anyone.
112984   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 10:36am  

112985   Onvacation   2020 Nov 4, 10:38am  

We needed some liberals posting here.

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