by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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You wouldn't recognize a Communist take over of a country if it bent you over and fucked you your ass with Big Mike's fetid BLM rubber fist dick.
I suspect that the real problem with Punjab is that it is clearly one of the wealthiest parts of India and could do fine in its own.
So the rest of India fears that it will leave.
Very much like Catalonia in Spain, also a rich province.
You're just smitten with the Left's policies that are killing people and creating food insecurities around the world.
There actual political agenda is to starve millions of people to death. So it could be, you're more responsible for your post title than the Hindus are.
They are over there, in no way influencing American politics, while you're over here, bad mouthing the only guy in the world capable of saving the world, while you praise the Jackals and Hyenas trying to destroy the world.
Stop killing your people!
I am not smitten by any red/blue thing. You are smitten by "red" and will follow them blindly even if they kill small farmers and mom/pop businesses.
My loyalty is to common man and small entrepreneur only.
If you think fighting for our lives and taking a stance against Communism is a "Red Vs Blue" thing, then go your ass the fuck back home.
So you have no American convictions, but you sit your ass over here taking advantage of our freedoms and everything it affords you. While you besmirch America and our way of life, with your blasé attitude while we discuss our problems. You seek to diminish our fears and concerns, while you worry and toil over what is going on India while deriding Hindus.
You have no convictions.
I'm, unlike YOU, am living in the country I'm defend and concerned about.
While YOU on the other hand, live in the country you are detached and disassociated in the day to day politics, while you finger point about the pollical upheavals in your country where your allegiance lies, where you are powerless to do dick all about it.
You're just a finger pointing shit talker that's all. Red vs Blue my ass!
Yes! This is good news.
Judging people based on their race is racist.
Judging people based on their sex is sexist.
Yes! This is good news.
Judging people based on their race is racist.
Judging people based on their sex is sexist.
Patrick saysYes! This is good news.
Judging people based on their race is racist.
Judging people based on their sex is sexist.
Judging is ok. Women are weaker is a judgement, but it’s accurate, it’s not sexist.
Treating people like shit based on those is racist.
Just felt like clarifying view.
On what basis you say woman are weaker than men?
DonewithDebate saysOn what basis you say woman are weaker than men?
Most women are weaker than most men.
All woman are weaker than the strongest 10% of men.
But by "judging" I meant judging negatively. I don't mean anything negative by the fact that women are on average weaker than men. They just are.
It is very misleading to say women are weaker.
Not at all. It's the truth on average, and it's universal across all cultures.
Majority of men are weaker than in shape athletic women.
DonewithDebate saysMajority of men are weaker than in shape athletic women.
Then why do they need me to open jars?
The variation in DNA,Diet and age are big factor.
And the stronger women got away and had fewer children.
DonewithDebate saysThe variation in DNA,Diet and age are big factor.
Given the same parents, same diet, and same age, men are almost always stronger than women.
Taller, too.
It's just basic human biology.
Men need higher hand grip to keep them from squirming away in the midst of intercourse. It's a direct Darwinian feature called 'lock them down' grip strength.
Men need higher hand grip to keep them from squirming away in the midst of intercourse.
When women want kids they will hold men even stronger to not let them escape.
DonewithDebate saysWhen women want kids they will hold men even stronger to not let them escape.
?? Since when do women rape men to get sex? All a babe has to do smile and undo a blouse button.
I would say that DNA/Diet is bigger factor than gender.
Do You disagree?
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