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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   252,009 views  117,730 comments

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114718   PerfectlyFlawed   2021 Oct 26, 9:06am  

If NAGGING to death counts, then sure!
114719   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 26, 9:09am  

Tenpoundbass says
You wouldn't recognize a Communist take over of a country if it bent you over and fucked you your ass with Big Mike's fetid BLM rubber fist dick.

oh man! .. again on directionless horse. How about sticking to topic?
114720   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 26, 9:12am  

The claim is that Army veteran defence minister didn't take sexual misconduct seriously and that is the reason he is fired from top job and given minor position.
he is replaced by female to show Trudeu seriousness to fight misogynistic military culture... Whatever that means.

Harjit Sajjan, heavily criticized for his handling of sexual misconduct allegations in Canada’s military, is leaving the defense portfolio to take up a new post in international development.
114721   Patrick   2021 Oct 26, 7:55pm  

I suspect that the real problem with Punjab is that it is clearly one of the wealthiest parts of India and could do fine in its own.

So the rest of India fears that it will leave.

Very much like Catalonia in Spain, also a rich province.
114722   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 8:09am  

Patrick says
I suspect that the real problem with Punjab is that it is clearly one of the wealthiest parts of India and could do fine in its own.

So the rest of India fears that it will leave.

Very much like Catalonia in Spain, also a rich province.

I think creating small countries etc. are not needed and by nature Sikhs are not separatists.
If you look at our religion, It is by default accepting of all and unifying the humanity.

At the same time Sikhs want to live like equal citizens everywhere while contributing to society positively and are patriotic to land they live in.
Hindooo cult by nature is divisive and treasonous and deliberately trample the rights of Sikhs to make them ask for separation.

What Bharat needs is defeat of Hindooo cult and rise of unifying forces to provide better life to people.
I think what "Bharat" needs is federal system of US, or some kind of European union.
(Note that Europe is all Christian and white but boundaries are based on language.. same can happen in Bharat).

Also Punjab won't survive by itself as it has no sea link.
114723   Tenpoundbass   2021 Oct 27, 9:37am  

You're just smitten with the Left's policies that are killing people and creating food insecurities around the world.
There actual political agenda is to starve millions of people to death. So it could be, you're more responsible for your post title than the Hindus are.
They are over there, in no way influencing American politics, while you're over here, bad mouthing the only guy in the world capable of saving the world, while you praise the Jackals and Hyenas trying to destroy the world.
Stop killing your people!
114724   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 9:48am  

Tenpoundbass says
You're just smitten with the Left's policies that are killing people and creating food insecurities around the world.
There actual political agenda is to starve millions of people to death. So it could be, you're more responsible for your post title than the Hindus are.
They are over there, in no way influencing American politics, while you're over here, bad mouthing the only guy in the world capable of saving the world, while you praise the Jackals and Hyenas trying to destroy the world.
Stop killing your people!

I am not smitten by any red/blue thing. You are smitten by "red" and will follow them blindly even if they kill small farmers and mom/pop businesses.
My loyalty is to common man and small entrepreneur only.

Now tell me who did this to US farmers. They are trying to do same to Bharti farmers who are already struggling massively.
'They're Trying to Wipe Us Off the Map.' Small American Farmers Are Nearing Extinction
114725   Tenpoundbass   2021 Oct 27, 11:21am  

DonewithDebate says
I am not smitten by any red/blue thing. You are smitten by "red" and will follow them blindly even if they kill small farmers and mom/pop businesses.
My loyalty is to common man and small entrepreneur only.

If you think fighting for our lives and taking a stance against Communism is a "Red Vs Blue" thing, then go your ass the fuck back home.

I voted for the Democrat Sherriff in Broward this last election, because the interim Sheriff that was put there by DeSantis(A Red guy!) instilled more law and order in Broward county, than I have ever seen since I came here in 1985. The only problem I have with Sheriff Tony now, is he hasn't locked that cocksucker Scott Israel up for being the evil mother fucker he was. But for the last 2 MLK day in South Florida, for the first time in over 20 years. Our highways haven't been hijacked by marauding thugs on Motorcycles and ATV's terrorizing motorists and communities all over South Florida. The BSO put a stop to that shit. We don't see thugs and gangs out in the open like we have for decades.

Name one Democrat worth backing and I'll gladly do it, I have been a lifelong Independent, I voted for Ross Perot, and Ralph Nader every time he ran. I have planned to vote for Donald Trump as an independent voter, ever since he was doing talk shows espousing his politics since the late 80's. When he was threatening to run as an independent.

So I registered to become a Republican so I could vote for him in the 2016, primary.

There now I gave you reasoning and conviction on my views.

Now defend your "Red Vs Blue" lazy cop out rhetoric or shut the fuck up already!
114726   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 11:40am  

Tenpoundbass says
If you think fighting for our lives and taking a stance against Communism is a "Red Vs Blue" thing, then go your ass the fuck back home.

Communism is against "personal freedom" and also against land owning and small businesses.
When did I say "farmers" land should be given to Govt or big business in cahoots with govt... I always favored small business and personal freedom.

Now like Hindooo morons here who just call unifying Sikh religion separatists WITHOUT ANY PROOF to project their own discriminatory/treasonous cult.. You can carry on.. I have no interest if deep down you love communism.
114727   Tenpoundbass   2021 Oct 27, 11:49am  

So you have no American convictions, but you sit your ass over here taking advantage of our freedoms and everything it affords you. While you besmirch America and our way of life, with your blasé attitude while we discuss our problems. You seek to diminish our fears and concerns, while you worry and toil over what is going on India while deriding Hindus.

You have no convictions.

I'm, unlike YOU, am living in the country I'm defend and concerned about.
While YOU on the other hand, live in the country you are detached and disassociated in the day to day politics, while you finger point about the pollical upheavals in your country where your allegiance lies, where you are powerless to do dick all about it.

You're just a finger pointing shit talker that's all. Red vs Blue my ass!
114728   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 12:45pm  

Tenpoundbass says
So you have no American convictions, but you sit your ass over here taking advantage of our freedoms and everything it affords you. While you besmirch America and our way of life, with your blasé attitude while we discuss our problems. You seek to diminish our fears and concerns, while you worry and toil over what is going on India while deriding Hindus.

You have no convictions.

I'm, unlike YOU, am living in the country I'm defend and concerned about.
While YOU on the other hand, live in the country you are detached and disassociated in the day to day politics, while you finger point about the pollical upheavals in your country where your allegiance lies, where you are powerless to do dick all about it.

You're just a finger pointing shit talker that's all. Red vs Blue my ass!

I have very strong convictions without boundaries. It doesn't matter where I sit, I won't be like you or Hindooo always figuring out ways to divide humanity.

Sikhs are never powerless, They are the only minority which have always fought against tyranny irrespective of consequences.
114729   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 2:01pm  

Imagine if the next time a Hindu opens a restaurant or hotel or convenience store or tech startup in the US and mobs of evangelicals show up shouting "If you want to stay in America, you have to say Jesus Christ is Our Lord & Savior".
Anand (Gujarat). #Hindu extremists opposing the opening of a restaurant owned a Muslim.They are sloughing slogans "If you want to stay in India, you will have to say Jai Sri Ram". #Hindutva.#RSS
114730   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 4:17pm  

Hindooo cult is truly insecure.
May be All Hindooo cultists in US needs to be deported if Found with Hindooo land flags to give them tastes of their medicine.

Any time somebody seen with "Hindoo Land" flag should be declared terrorist to match their inhumanity and intolerance.
Kashmir students who celebrated Pakistan’s victory over India in the #T20WorldCup booked under terror law http://aje.io/edn8qn
114731   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 5:16pm  

Millions have given up the Indian citizenship for countries like England, Australia etc.
Most of them still support & celebrate the Indian cricket team when it plays against their new home country.
Should they be lynched?
STOP this nonsense that an Indian can’t cheer for Pak.
114732   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 5:17pm  

Where is "Farmers Lives Matter" protest Hindooo cult?
114733   Patrick   2021 Oct 27, 8:33pm  

Yes! This is good news.

Judging people based on their race is racist.

Judging people based on their sex is sexist.
114734   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 10:22pm  

Patrick says
Yes! This is good news.

Judging people based on their race is racist.

Judging people based on their sex is sexist.

Very True.
114735   Ceffer   2021 Oct 27, 10:35pm  

So far, my wife and I have taken about three doses apiece of horse ivermectin. I took my first two doses only to see if there were any ill effects i.e. upset stomach, diarrhea, etc. and there were none that I could tell. My wife also felt nothing. She got a cold, felt bad, so took two doses on two days and she said she went from feeling bad to feeling fine and cold free, her energy came back.

I started getting a cold yesterday. Woke up, sniffles, eyes were puffing up and itchy, I was sneezing like crazy, felt congested and coughy, so I took a dose of ivermectin. After a few hours, head cleared up a bit and all symptoms reduced to mild sniffles.

I am not recommending taking ivermectin, these are again low number testimonials without controls, but my wife and I are sold that it helps with viral illness. Hay tastes a lot better, too.

Amazon banned selling it for a while, but they are selling it again through various feed and animal stores.
114736   Ceffer   2021 Oct 27, 10:37pm  

Now the women who originally took his job are giving him blow jobs because he is rich.
114738   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Oct 27, 10:44pm  

Patrick says
Yes! This is good news.

Judging people based on their race is racist.

Judging people based on their sex is sexist.

Judging is ok. Women are weaker is a judgement, but it’s accurate, it’s not sexist.
Treating people like shit based on those is racist.

Just felt like clarifying view.
114739   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 10:49pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
Patrick says
Yes! This is good news.

Judging people based on their race is racist.

Judging people based on their sex is sexist.

Judging is ok. Women are weaker is a judgement, but it’s accurate, it’s not sexist.
Treating people like shit based on those is racist.

Just felt like clarifying view.

Not every woman is weaker than man.
Any one on this page will knock down most of the men.

On what basis you say woman are weaker than men?
114740   Patrick   2021 Oct 27, 10:58pm  

DonewithDebate says
On what basis you say woman are weaker than men?

Most women are weaker than most men.

All woman are weaker than the strongest 10% of men.

But by "judging" I meant judging negatively. I don't mean anything negative by the fact that women are on average weaker than men. They just are.
114741   Patrick   2021 Oct 27, 11:03pm  

I also tried it myself and found no ill effects.

I figure about 1/7 of the horse dose is appropriate for a man weighing about 1/7th of a horse.
114742   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 27, 11:20pm  

Patrick says
DonewithDebate says
On what basis you say woman are weaker than men?

Most women are weaker than most men.

All woman are weaker than the strongest 10% of men.

But by "judging" I meant judging negatively. I don't mean anything negative by the fact that women are on average weaker than men. They just are.

Majority of men are weaker than in shape athletic women.
With age based on what I see , Most women last men are more functional 50+ .

It is very misleading to say women are weaker. If a random meat eating white/black American woman is pitched against random vegetarian Hindooo guy, I will bet woman to come on top.
114743   Patrick   2021 Oct 27, 11:51pm  

DonewithDebate says
It is very misleading to say women are weaker.

Not at all. It's the truth on average, and it's universal across all cultures.

114744   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 28, 8:51am  

Patrick says
Not at all. It's the truth on average, and it's universal across all cultures.

I think your assumption here is all things equal, Which are never in reality.
The variation in DNA,Diet and age are big factor.
As an example I provided that a "random meat eating black/white woman" will come on top of "random Hindooo vegetarian men".
I am saying based on both DNA and diet.

I think men peak too early in strength compared to women. Based on what I have observed woman fare better in later years.
114745   Onvacation   2021 Oct 28, 9:45am  

DonewithDebate says
Majority of men are weaker than in shape athletic women.

Then why do they need me to open jars?
114746   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 28, 9:49am  

Onvacation says
DonewithDebate says
Majority of men are weaker than in shape athletic women.

Then why do they need me to open jars?

If they can push child out they can open jars too.
I guess some women have this disease to give "petty work" to men to feel superior.
114747   Ceffer   2021 Oct 28, 12:00pm  

Men need higher hand grip to keep them from squirming away in the midst of intercourse. It's a direct Darwinian feature called 'lock them down' grip strength.
114748   Patrick   2021 Oct 28, 12:03pm  

And the stronger women got away and had fewer children.
114749   Patrick   2021 Oct 28, 12:05pm  

DonewithDebate says
The variation in DNA,Diet and age are big factor.

Given the same parents, same diet, and same age, men are almost always stronger than women.

Taller, too.

It's just basic human biology.
114750   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 28, 12:09pm  

Patrick says
And the stronger women got away and had fewer children.

May be that's against Darwinism to escape... Women tend to seek physically stronger men in general.
114751   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 28, 12:10pm  

Patrick says
DonewithDebate says
The variation in DNA,Diet and age are big factor.

Given the same parents, same diet, and same age, men are almost always stronger than women.

Taller, too.

It's just basic human biology.

I would say that DNA/Diet is bigger factor than gender.
Do You disagree?
114752   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 28, 12:12pm  

Ceffer says
Men need higher hand grip to keep them from squirming away in the midst of intercourse. It's a direct Darwinian feature called 'lock them down' grip strength.

I disagree, When women want kids they will hold men even stronger to not let them escape.
Rape is separate matter. Hindooo men typically do "gang rape" as they will have their "toto" chopped if alone.
114753   HeadSet   2021 Oct 28, 7:26pm  

Ceffer says
Men need higher hand grip to keep them from squirming away in the midst of intercourse.

Yes, and just how did you acquire that higher hand grip?
114754   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Oct 28, 7:31pm  

DonewithDebate says
On what basis you say woman are weaker than men?

On biological basis of facts
114755   HeadSet   2021 Oct 28, 7:31pm  

DonewithDebate says
When women want kids they will hold men even stronger to not let them escape.

?? Since when do women rape men to get sex? All a babe has to do smile and undo a blouse button.
114756   TechBrosWon   2021 Oct 29, 9:05am  

HeadSet says
DonewithDebate says
When women want kids they will hold men even stronger to not let them escape.

?? Since when do women rape men to get sex? All a babe has to do smile and undo a blouse button.

Not rape, But holding tight the men running away from having kids.
Need strong arms to keep them there as "woke men" are very scared of kids.
114757   Patrick   2021 Oct 29, 3:19pm  

DonewithDebate says
I would say that DNA/Diet is bigger factor than gender.
Do You disagree?

Well, men and women have significantly different DNA and that accounts for the enormous and unmistakable difference in strength between the sexes.

I think I actually understated the case. From the grip strength graph below, it looks like the very strongest women are not even at the median strength for a man:

Patrick says

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