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114855   richwicks   2021 Nov 8, 4:00am  

DonewithDebate says
Give globalists a free hand and there will be only one language in the world. Easier for elites... as indigenous cultures can be pesky and throw wrench in their communist control freak thinking.

That's a good point.

You know how they would usher in a single language - by slowly introducing the new language into all the old ones.

That was the principle thinking in newspeak in 1984 - the language was designed so you could only, for example, express a false dichotomies. We have that in politics - "the left" and "the right". If they are both authoritarian points of view, and you can only think in terms of these, you are stuck with authoritarianism.
114856   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 8, 7:14am  

richwicks says
DonewithDebate says
Give globalists a free hand and there will be only one language in the world. Easier for elites... as indigenous cultures can be pesky and throw wrench in their communist control freak thinking.

That's a good point.

You know how they would usher in a single language - by slowly introducing the new language into all the old ones.

That was the principle thinking in newspeak in 1984 - the language was designed so you could only, for example, express a false dichotomies. We have that in politics - "the left" and "the right". If they are both authoritarian points of view, and you can only think in terms of these, you are stuck with authoritarianism.

The other thing they do is make language “super polite” or in other words slavish.
British colonists only taught “sir/madam” not “fuck you” colonist… Bhatia still suffer from it and have seen tough adjustment in American freedom.

Other example is Urdu , The language of slaves taught by Mughal emperors to Bhartis . They try to oppress other indigenous languages like Punjabi by calling them rustic or rude.
Urdu have no way to verbally wrestle the tyrant whereas Punjabi puts tyrant directly on ice.

In wahabbi cult controlled Pakistan , Urdu elites oppress language of Punjabi peasants.
114857   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 8, 7:28am  

Yeah well Fuck that Cock Sucker, I would bet every dollar I have in the bank that in the last 10 years. Every dime he gave went to funding Terrorist Communist Scumbags hell bent on taking down America.

We're at a point in our History where the Philanthropist are the mortal enemies of Democracy.

People please don't donate you money to establishment charities. If you want to do a good deed, give your duggie Nephew that $20 he keeps asking you for, but you never give him any money, because you know he will just go buy drugs or booze with it. But you're better off getting him high so he shuts the fuck up. Than letting George Soros get to him, to hire him to fling Shit and Piss bottles at the Good Cops, until they retire, so the commie mayors can them replace them with Communist Brown shirt thugs, that will gladly round up and shoot families not with the NWO agenda.
GIve the mother fucker a $20 and let him buy his damn crack rock. So the rest of us can get on with our lives! But don't give one fucking cent to any charity. Be your own charity and help people out that need it, if you don't have a scumbag nephew.
114858   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 8, 7:38am  

Tenpoundbass says
Yeah well Fuck that Cock Sucker, I would bet every dollar I have in the bank that in the last 10 years. Every dime he gave went to funding Terrorist Communist Scumbags hell bent on taking down America.

We're at a point in our History where the Philanthropist are the mortal enemies of Democracy.

People please don't donate you money to establishment charities. If you want to do a good deed, give your duggie Nephew that $20 he keeps asking you for, but you never give him any money, because you know he will just go buy drugs or booze with it. But you're better off getting him high so he shuts the fuck up. Than letting George Soros get to him, to hire him to fling Shit and Piss bottles at the Good Cops, until they retire, so the commie mayors can them replace them with Communist Brown shirt thugs, that will gladly round up and shoot families not with the NWO agenda.
GIve the mother fucker a $20 and let him buy his damn crack rock. So the rest of us can get on with our li...

I agree in principle . We all know some good people who are hurting and our help will make their life better.

Philanthropy to disguise divisive or anti-people political motives is cruel.
114859   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 8, 10:50am  

Hindooo cult DNA is criminal. Only its complete obliteration and freeing Bhartis from this cruel cult can achieve peace,food security and toilets.
funny how the Indians who keep asking us all year long that “84 bhul gye? 84 yaad kradange?” and then when we talk about June or Nov84 tell us to forget past cause apparently us talking about our people being massacred ‘spreads hate’ not their constant threats every week
114861   Patrick   2021 Nov 8, 12:48pm  

I would have enjoyed attending that, I think.
114862   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 8, 12:51pm  

Patrick says
I would have enjoyed attending that, I think.

yes I also couldn't go. You would love it especially if you like to sample 100s of types of Indian food.
I am not sure If the food distribution was like previous years i.e hundreds of groups voluntarily setting up their own langar stalls.
114863   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 8, 3:23pm  

Brampton mayor tweeted in favor of Farmers Protest.
Hindoo punished him by making eastern Canada Khalistan.
By the time Khalistan campaign is done, We will have few 100+ Khalsitans as Sikhs live everywhere.
Hard to argue with "Cow soda" filled brain.


114864   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 8, 3:39pm  

This is Sikh empire map.
114865   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 8, 5:32pm  

Here Sikh from Saint Soldier tradition telling the truth about Bharti culture and bullshit Hindoo cult.
Indira the Islamic bitch got too angry and ordered his killing:
114866   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 9, 10:53am  

Bhartis following Hindoo is shamed world over to wake up and smell coffee by Sikhs.. .. The DNA and character is so weakened by Hindoo cult that they still chose to live in fear.
114867   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 9, 11:24am  

First they allow cronies like Ambani, Adani, Essar, NiMo, MehulBhai etc to loot; then they allow the scamsters to scoot from India; and now they ask LIC to use our life insurance money to bail out the banks from which the scamsters looted! War on black money indeed!
114868   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 9, 12:35pm  

Ha Ha!
Pathetic Hindoo cult is trying their best to keep "Ambani" and his looted wealth in London.
Let us see which of Bharti banks collapse next.
Now richest Hindooo with $2B Fortress house is not safe in Bharat, So he has to stay London... Jokers.
Hindooo jokers here are quite quiet as the time for their cult's collapse is coming near. You will see that "disloyal" Hindoo thug DNA will start claiming soon that they have nothing to do with Hindooo.

Must be funniest terrorists in world that they need to ask the address of residence they need to bomb from random people on road in "URDU"... The language Mughals forced on Bhartis.
Mumbai: Security enhanced at Ambani residence after taxi driver alerts about suspicious persons speaking Urdu
Mumbai police on Monday tightened security outside industrialist Mukesh Ambani’s residence after receiving a tip-off from a taxi driver. The cab driver dialled the police after two men carrying a bag and conversing in Urdu asked for Ambani’s address.
114869   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 9, 12:47pm  

More Hindoo cult "BS"... Some Hindooo cultists saying Ambani not safe in Mumbai as he is not friend of current government.
Then shift to Gujarat , his thug land.. Why London?

Any guesses which bank will file bankruptcy and how much public money has been stolen by this thug?
114870   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 9, 4:02pm  

Deputy Viceroy.

This group will have collapse like Evergrande. By that time Gujrati thug would have transferred all his wealth to London.

After the conglomerate was identified as one of India’s most indebted corporates in all three editions of Credit Suisse’s “House of Debt” reports published between 2012 and 2015, aggregate debt for the group’s listed entities has grown by 63 per cent to around ₹156,115 crore ($21 billion) in the six years to March 2021.
114871   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 10, 10:29am  

Rest all is drama. Hindoo cult sees them hanging from lampposts.
Hindooo is very selfish cult, You will see them jumping from ship and rebranding themselves as Christian/Muslim or whatever suits them.
Cow piss drinkering idiots will still find Hindooo cult attractive and this time they may jump of some other idiocy like "burkah for their women" and killings in the name of "One God".

114872   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 10, 10:37am  

Wait what's wrong with a British flag, are you really that hateful against white people?
Say what you want about Empire expansion and the unjust treatment under their rule, years and fucking YEARS before you were ever born.
But you personally benefit from that today. If that never happened, one of the religions in India would have killed all of the rest, and India wouldn't have a single lightbulb on the entire Country. Britain gave India back their sovereignty and even gave everyone in their former colonies British Citizenship.
Some of the most powerful people in the world are now Indians, and have proved to be just as oppressive as any other Race or culture. Google went from Do no Evil to the most vile evil cock suckers in all of Techdom, under Indian leadership.
114873   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 10, 10:51am  

Tenpoundbass says
Wait what's wrong with a British flag, are you really that hateful against white people?
Say what you want about Empire expansion and the unjust treatment under their rule, years and fucking YEARS before you were ever born.
But you personally benefit from that today. If that never happened, one of the religions in India would have killed all of the rest, and India wouldn't have a single lightbulb on the entire Country. Britain gave India back their sovereignty and even gave everyone in their former colonies British Citizenship.
Some of the most powerful people in the world are now Indians, and have proved to be just as oppressive as any other Race or culture. Google went from Do no Evil to the most vile evil cock suckers in all of Techdom, under Indian leadership.

You have zero understanding of history.
Compare the contribution of Bharat to global GDP before and after British empire.
Compare the literacy of Sikh empire before and after the British colonialism.

Another of Your hypocrisy. You cry daily about US is remote controlled by Globalists from London and somehow it is OK for Asian people.
114874   Patrick   2021 Nov 10, 11:05am  

Tenpoundbass says
Wait what's wrong with a British flag, are you really that hateful against white people?

I'm not a fan of the British flag either.

Flying it in the Republic of Ireland would definitely cause problems.
114875   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 10, 11:09am  

Patrick says
Tenpoundbass says
Wait what's wrong with a British flag, are you really that hateful against white people?

I'm not a fan of the British flag either.

Flying it in the Republic of Ireland would definitely cause problems.

Imagine all the "US" top businessmen controlling main infrastructure industries using monopolies shift to London and fly British flags.
Imagine all the families who fought on side of British colonists during war of American independence now control politics on nation and establish bases in London and fly British flags.

What will be your viewpoint?... Would you not see yourself preparing for second war of independence?
Colonialism has no religion or skin color.. It has only two sides.. oppressed and oppressor.
114876   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 10, 12:19pm  

Islamic bitch Indira was send to "filthy hell" by Sikh bravehearts.
These dirty blood of Abdalis need to be cleaned from Bharat if they want any sovereignity.
Hindooo cult will change allegiance from Muslims.. to British... to Chinese ... whoseover to keep Bhartis enslaved.
In their deep heart these "Abdalis" kids hate Sikhs for cleaning them up from Punjab and stopping attacks from west.

He revealed truthfully that Indira was last hopes of Muslims in India.
She was the only PM to pay her obeisance at the grave of Babar in Afghanistan and embraced Islam with new name Ma I'm u na Begum.
114877   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 10, 12:21pm  

On 31 October 1984, Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, was killed by her Sikh bodyguards (Satwant Singh and Beant Singh).The assassination sparked four days of riots that left more than 8,000 Indian Sikhs dead in revenge attacks. Parnaam shaheeda nu

Today the wicked witch Indira Ghandi was shot & killed by two Lions! Shaheed Beant Singh & Shaheed Satwant Singh! Folded hands

114878   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 10, 12:35pm  

Again Sikh is quintessential Bharti religion with influence from Islam.
It is not against Islam but unlike Hindooo cult not slave of it.

Some Sikhs can't differentiate between Bharti culture and Hindooo cult... and start hating our heritage.
Hindooo cult is islamic and the one which appropriates Bharti culture and distorts it to force its hegemony on it.

Durga, God Ram... all of them are our ancestors.
Guru Gobind Singh wrote "Chadi dee vaar".
It is hard to know if Durga/Hanuman really existed.. But they are someone who our ancestors worshiped.. Whether we agree or not it is Sikh's heritage.

Battle-flag of Maharaja #Ranjit Singh of Punjab (1780 - 1839) had images of Devi दुर्गा Durgā with हनुमान् Hanumān and #लक्ष्मण Lakṣmaṇa.

114880   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 10, 1:16pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Wait what's wrong with a British flag, are you really that hateful against white people?
Say what you want about Empire expansion and the unjust treatment under their rule, years and fucking YEARS before you were ever born.
But you personally benefit from that today. If that never happened, one of the religions in India would have killed all of the rest, and India wouldn't have a single lightbulb on the entire Country. Britain gave India back their sovereignty and even gave everyone in their former colonies British Citizenship.
Some of the most powerful people in the world are now Indians, and have proved to be just as oppressive as any other Race or culture. Google went from Do no Evil to the most vile evil cock suckers in all of Techdom, under Indian leadership.

Now defend this one too and kiss colonial ass.
Prince Harry says he warned Twitter boss a day before Capitol riot
114881   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 10, 1:22pm  

I don't follow Oprah show cast and crew members.
114882   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 10, 2:02pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I don't follow Oprah show cast and crew members.

Good for you.I also like reality which change lives of many:
114883   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 11, 9:00am  

In Bharat Hindooo cult thugs pay $2 a day to commoners + Caste based discrimination.
So $450 is quite a bit of improvement from $60. It remains to be seen is How much caste discrimination they do here.
Every "discrimination" should be awarded $10k to bankrupt this shit.

These dirty temples should be converted to lavatories for lower caste to piss and take a dump there daily to show the real value of these shit houses.
I heard in California these fuckers have set up canteen to buy food... They couldn't provide food to people coming to visit.
Lower caste oppressed Bhartis should also be allowed to sue the thugs who invested in this business to get tax benefits.

I have written to IRS that Gujarati thugs who have invested in these temples for tax breaks should be thoroughly investigated.
This is nothing more than money laundering scheme and cheat west out of tax money.

In a lawsuit filed in New Jersey federal court and amended last month, lawyers representing the workers accused the sect, known as BAPS, of luring laborers from India to work on temples near Atlanta, Chicago, Houston and Los Angeles, as well as in Robbinsville, N.J., paying them just $450 a month.
114885   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 11, 9:19am  

The Naujawan Support Network (NSN) held their Lutt Band Karo Rally in Brampton today, demonstrating against wage theft and International student exploitation.

had wrote for Baaz about NSN and their fight for workers, read the piece here
114886   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 11, 9:31am  

If you look at any regular "motherfucker Hindoo" in USA , They will support filthy tax thief temple investors not workers.
Mark my words, Hindooo cult is bunch of greedy people from core.

I have shown in other thread How some Sikhs( Basically Hindooo cultist with Sikh name) exploited vulnerable students and whole Sikh faith is "shaming them" like no tomorrow.
They are insulted in front of their neighbors and relatives.. We may see some suicides from these exploiters as they will be treated like shit by Sikh community.
The only option they have to start living with Hindooo cult as they share their values.
114887   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 11, 9:39am  

isa Corruption: See the comment on Nytimes Hindooo worker exploitation.

WisconsinNov. 10

So, I was a consular officer in Embassy New Delhi some years back, when BAPS was ramping up construction of temples in the U.S. They would petition for HUNDREDS of workers from the bottom rung of India's socio-economic ladder, using the R1 visa (religious workers).

We knew that there was little chance these workers weren't being exploited, and that many or most would end up staying illegally in the U.S. But we had to, as the saying goes, "hold our noses and issue the visas", because once USCIS approves a petition, it's nearly impossible for a consular officer to not issue the visa. And we've been proven right, time and time again as these BAPS cases multiply.
114888   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 11, 10:04am  

$450 or die in a sewage plant. Bhartis have no life in Hindooo cult colonists kingdom.
Only solution will be hanging Hindooo cult members by Lamp Posts... I think Khalsa forces are getting ready to do the job with sacrifices.
114889   indc   2021 Nov 11, 11:15am  

So Diwali celebration is burning your ass now. HAHAHA. After superbowl there is mess all over the place, after soccer games there is mess, after july 4th celebration there is mess all over.

I am sure those are all Indian stores on that street and they will take care of it, or ask some "Dalit Chef" to clean it up. Your stupid narrative what is this Brahmanical culture you see in this celebration where every hindu and sikh celebrate together. I know Khalisthani sikhs hate it. They support only stubble burning.
114890   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 11, 11:45am  

indc says
I know Khalisthani sikhs hate it. They support only stubble burning.

You have to ask Khalistani and their Hindooo cult funders what they think. I have nothing to do with either Hindoo or Khalistani hate cults.. They are one and the same along with Wahabbis.
As far as farmers are concerned, they have to burn stubble out of compulsion not choice.

Regarding spreading garbage, It was "Hindooo land level"... I seriously thought initially it was some nicer area of Hindooo land.
I know Hindoo cult hates Sikhs for bringing "Khalsa Raj" and enabling Dalits as equals. We will have Dalits piss on your oppression based cult houses soon .
114891   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 11, 12:02pm  

Compare this to Sikh Gurudwara's in west are typical buildings with local norms and serve the community.
Hindooo cult serves no food, does no charity and no help to poor Bhartis. They are just elaborate schemes of building useless "Taj Mahals" like their forefathers the colonial Mughals and cheat on taxes.

"temple-building’s industry value chain reveals that it is structured to reproduce the age-old Brahmanical authority of supposed custodians to God. It is underpinned by labour relations that are just as ancient in their degree of exploitation"
114892   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 11, 12:22pm  

Major changes:
Punjabis will merge and create "United states of Punjab" instead of Khalistan.
Bengalis will merge to create "United states of Bengal".
Similarly Sindh and Gujarat will merge to create another united country.

Koreans will merge to create United states of Korea.
114893   indc   2021 Nov 11, 1:15pm  

DonewithDebate says
know Hindoo cult hates Sikhs for bringing "Khalsa Raj" and enabling Dalits as equals. We will have Dalits piss on your oppression based cult houses soon .

Is that the reason Khalsa killed a dalit in farmer protests. HAHAHA. your stupid narratives.
114894   TechBrosWon   2021 Nov 11, 1:16pm  

Balcoh celebrating colonial Wahabis defeat.
Punjab/Kashmir and others celebrating Hindooo land's defeat.

I am hopeful that this colonial structure will fall like soviet union and the walls fall like in Germany.
Colonials plan is to strengthen this hate and iron clad boundaries by causing three way war between loser states of Pak/Ind & China.

People of Ocpied Bal0chistan celebrating #Australia win over #Pakistan

Kashmiris are celebrating India's defeat in cricket world cup semi final


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