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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   174,133 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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115636   WookieMan   2022 Apr 19, 9:18am  

Finally signed the contract for two lots... God help me. The next year or so of my life is going to be fucking insane. Building a house and having to be hands on with a $2M renovation for the board I'm on with all women is going to be nuts. I've basically became a general contractor.
115637   richwicks   2022 Apr 19, 11:06am  

They wasted time at MIT for this?

I think it's quite obvious that the cream would HAVE to be stuck to one side of the wafer more strongly than another, it it doesn't always cleanly come off on one single wafer. Sometimes it's more firmly attached to one side on one portion, and more firmly attack to one side on another portion, and it splits (unevenly) but it does.

This is practically an intuitive problem.
115638   Ceffer   2022 Apr 19, 11:18am  

Researcher obviously lost skin getting unstuck from a hooker's thighs.
115639   gabbar   2022 Apr 19, 1:32pm  

115640   gabbar   2022 Apr 19, 1:32pm  

115641   gabbar   2022 Apr 19, 1:33pm  

115642   zzyzzx   2022 Apr 19, 2:04pm  

Poland, Lithuania, and Estonia already have a border with Russia. So the "logic" provided above is invalid.
115643   Patrick   2022 Apr 19, 2:06pm  

Ukraine has a far bigger border with Russia though.
115644   HeadSet   2022 Apr 19, 2:23pm  

komputodo says
All the climate change promoters have a great opportunity to change their habits and save the world without spending a penny. So what are they waiting for?

Correct. If all those AGW types would just unplug their dryer and use a clothesline, they would collectively save tons of carbon.
115645   stereotomy   2022 Apr 19, 2:29pm  

Remember - Tulsi is a WEF Young Leaders graduate. I've posted about this before. She may well be practicing what in Islam is referred to as Taqquia, or lying until you are in power.

People need to ask her hard questions about WEF and her weird cult-like religious associations. Get her on Rogan or similar.
115646   Tenpoundbass   2022 Apr 19, 2:31pm  

One side is held in place and the other side is twisted away, leaving the creme on the stationary side.

115647   richwicks   2022 Apr 19, 2:57pm  

Tenpoundbass says
One side is held in place and the other side is twisted away, leaving the creme on the stationary side.


I assume you're joking, but motion is relative.
115648   gabbar   2022 Apr 19, 3:03pm  

stereotomy says
Get her on Rogan or similar.

What cult like religious associations? All religions are cults, just depends on one's perspective. She has already been on Rogan and it was a great conversation.
115649   NDrLoR   2022 Apr 19, 3:34pm  

Tenpoundbass says
One side is held in place and the other side is twisted away,
Why do it anyway, I like the wafer as much as the cream--it's the combination that's so good.
115650   Rin   2022 Apr 19, 5:23pm  

richwicks says
They wasted time at MIT for this?

This only indicates that even one of our best universities ... MIT ... could possibly be overrated? Or worse, they're advertising their rheology group because much of its work is obsolete.

First of all, I have a degree in Applied Chemistry/Chemical Engineering; the creme in an Oreo cookie, at room temperature, has the properties of a Bingham fluid/plastic.


So if one applies the force of twisting one cookie, keeping the other stationary, until the force hits a certain threshold, the creme itself does not 'move' and thus, the cookie piece breaks off and you have the observed result.

The only way to avoid this is to heat the inside of the cookie to a threshold so that it behaves more Newtonian and then, the two halves of the cookie behave the same even if the shearing stress is only applied to one side.
115651   HeadSet   2022 Apr 19, 5:25pm  

zzyzzx says
Poland, Lithuania, and Estonia already have a border with Russia. So the "logic" provided above is invalid.

No, that is like saying "I punched you 3 times and you did not raise a fuss. Why the problem with a 4th punch?" Also, Russia sees Ukraine being stealthily inched toward NATO as a real threat. Know why Putin annexed Crimea? Be cause otherwise he was seriously looking at a NATO naval base at Sevastopol.
115652   richwicks   2022 Apr 19, 5:29pm  

HeadSet says
Know why Putin annexed Crimea? Be cause otherwise he was seriously looking at a NATO naval base at Sevastopol

Crimea has a huge Russian military base on it. Russia didn't move troops in there, they were already there. Crimea was given two referendums. The first was "stay with Ukraine or not?" - they voted to leave. The second was "be independent or join the Russian federation?" - they voted to join Russia.

I'm sure the voting was, well, perhaps a bit rigged (every election is) but both had international observers.
115653   richwicks   2022 Apr 19, 5:34pm  

Rin says
This only indicates that even one of our best universities ... MIT ... could possibly be overrated? Or worse, they're advertising their rheology group because much of its work is obsolete.

My business partner is from MIT. He hates the school. He says the only thing about it is that they work students to death, they don't actually learn anything more, they just have more work.

I am not going to argue about the properties of the filling of an Oreo cookie or its reaction to being twisted as I'm an EE and hate chemistry and CE. From a physics point of view, if the twisting motion is FAST enough, I think it would make a difference as to which wafer was stationary and which wasn't, but given I've not had one of these filthy confections in at least 20 years, I'm not certain if I kept one side stationary and the other not. I don't think I did, and really, I don't care about the results and don't think the research was very useful. If they wanted to test carbon nanotube plastics, test carbon nanotube plastics.

Analogues in science are interesting, but it's an ANALOGUE. They just verified a simulation. Who cares about the result of that? Nobody.

The filling of an Oreo is nothing more than Crisco (some hydrogenated oil anyhow) and sugar. Mmmm-mmmm! It's like bacon grease plus sugar. Yum yum.. If you don't believe me, pull out some fat that is solid at room temperature and mix it with granulated sugar. They are absolutely the same, although bacon would impart a flavor. Maybe you'll like it? I've tried this experiment, in college.
115654   stereotomy   2022 Apr 19, 5:52pm  

gabbar says
stereotomy says
Get her on Rogan or similar.

What cult like religious associations? All religions are cults, just depends on one's perspective. She has already been on Rogan and it was a great conversation.


From the link:

Gabbard took her oath of office as a member of Congress on the Hindu religious text, the Bhagavad Gita[10], and she generally follows the Vaishnava-Hindu sect and its sub-school, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the latter affiliated with the Science of Identity Foundation. In many ways, Gabbard follows in the tradition of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro, who joined the Indonesian-based Subud movement founded by Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo. Subud and the Society of Identity Foundation found an important base of operations in Hawaii. More importantly, these religious sects acted as fronts for intelligence agencies. For the Society of Identity Foundation, it is the Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). For Subud, it was the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the Indonesian Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order (KOPKAMTIB). Intelligence agencies have long relied on cults for field testing of psychological mass control techniques and political infiltration. Two examples of CIA-directed cults are the Peoples Temple of Jim Jones and the Chinese Falun Gong. The Unification Church of the late Reverend Sun Myung Moon also had significant links to the CIA and the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA).

Just as Israel’s Mossad influences the operations of Jewish cults abroad, including the Chabad Movement, India’s RAW, particularly under the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party of Modi, maintains close links with various Hindu extremist groups and overseas sects. These include the Hindu organization, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). RSS opponents accuse it of being the armed paramilitary wing of the BJP, much like the Irish Republican Army (IRA)is the armed component of the Sinn Fein nationalist party of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Just as the IRA has carried out assassinations of British politicians, the RSS has chalked up a number of assassinations, including that of Mahatma Gandhi in New Delhi in 1948.

The above site is suggesting that she is a "limited hangout":

Tulsi Gabbard's profile page featured in the collection of “Young Global Leaders” at the World Economic Forum site has been removed in March 2022. Gabbard was also removed from the ‘People’ section of the World Economic Forum’s website, after her March 2022 controversial stand publicly revealing Ukraine's 35 U.S. funded biolabs, and calling for a ceasefire to secure them before Russia takes possession of dangerous pathogens stored at the sites or destroys them. [56] On March 13, 2022, US Republican Senator Mitt Romney accused Tulsi Gabbard of treasonous lies, for revealing the existence of the Ukraine's biolabs, calling for her arrest,[57] while Gabbard countered and called for Senator Romney to resign.[58]. What's important however, and the key to understanding Tulsi Gabbard, is to separate out the attacks on Tulsi Gabbard as well as her responses in defending herself, as political theater, and focus solely on her words. Is she revealing the correct narrative on the biolabs, or a part of the narrative designed to create a limited hangout, defined as revealing a part of the truth that's less damaging, while hiding and obscuring the most damaging aspects, by distraction, through her fight with Sen Romney? As an example, it appears Ukraine's biolabs may be connected to Pfizer and Tulsi Gabbard has extensively promoted the Pfizer COVID vaccines and mRNA pills. If Pfizer stands to lose $billions with the loss of the labs, it makes sense for Tulsi to call for a ceasefire and their defense to secure them, to save her benefactor, as a possible explanation and motive for her involvement. However, the allegation of Tulsi's financial connection to Pfizer for campaign financing is yet to be proven. Are there other narratives which explain the true purpose of the labs, that Tulsi hasn't revealed or has left obscured? Tulsi Gabbard argued that Ukraine's 35 biolabs contain dangerous pathogens like Ebola, Smallpox, and Anthrax, but assures the public that the work of these labs is beneficial for humanity, however they must be protected so that these pathogens don't fall into Russian hands, as an angle for calling for a mutual ceasefire[59][60]. Meanwhile, Zelenskyy countered that the biolabs are working on bioweapons after all, and not merely searching for cures for disease, by suggesting the lab's bioweapons be used on Russians.

If you have a link to her interview on Rogan, I'd be interested to see it; specifically about what was asked but not answered, and what was not asked. Thanks in advance.
115656   HeadSet   2022 Apr 19, 5:55pm  

stereotomy says
Gabbard took her oath of office as a member of Congress on the Hindu religious text

Ceffer would remark: "She should have taken her Oath of Office on the Kama Sutra."
115657   Rin   2022 Apr 19, 5:58pm  

richwicks says
From a physics point of view, if the twisting motion is FAST enough, I think it would make a difference as to which wafer was stationary and which wasn't

Sorry to burst your burst your analysis but the temperature of the fluid, does matter, in terms of the area of Rheology.

In fact, margarine is the most commonly known 'Bingham' fluid, where w/o continuous shearing stress, the margarine stays as a solid. And then add temperature to the marg and suddenly, it acts like any other liquid out there.

And then, even if you applied a huge twisting motion, that margarine would be a sludge with tons of it on the top cookie as well as a the bottom one.

My real point is that a lot of this stuff is common sense for folks who'd studied Applied Chemistry, not some revelation into the unknown properties of some junk food.
115658   richwicks   2022 Apr 19, 6:07pm  

Rin says
My real point is that a lot of this stuff is common sense for folks who'd studied Applied Chemistry, not some revelation into the unknown properties of some junk food.

Well my point about this given that I know exactly what I want to know about Rheology and fluids - which is absolutely nothing - my point is, this "discovery" from MIT was a waste of student and/or US grant money.
115659   FarmersWon   2022 Apr 19, 7:19pm  

It will take you your whole life to see the crimes of Hindooo cult. They are open Nazis.
115660   gabbar   2022 Apr 19, 8:21pm  

Now, I regret starting this thread. Is there a delete it completely?
115661   Rin   2022 Apr 19, 8:35pm  

richwicks says
Well my point about this given that I know exactly what I want to know about Rheology and fluids - which is absolutely nothing - my point is, this "discovery" from MIT was a waste of student and/or US grant money.

This is the truth!
115662   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 20, 3:22am  

Can realtors selling to other realtors prop up home prices in Boyzee once work-from-home ceases to be a thing, and SF refugees, now sufficiently armed, return home? The median annual income in the area is in the $60k range.
115663   Goran_K   2022 Apr 20, 4:37am  

HeadSet says
Goran_K says
The entire point of the state legislature is finding out ways to strip you of every single dime not hidden in a rubber condom shoved up your anus.

Knowing San Francisco, that is likely the first place they will look.

Underrated comment.
115664   RC2006   2022 Apr 20, 6:05am  

One thing to think about in idaho/boise area is that most of the people have massive equity. They sold in CA and put a ton down or paid all cash. People are fleeing 3rd world CA.

1980 had to lock bike up at school or anywhere in LA or it would be stolen, 2022 Boise not one kid locks bike. Contractor from CA told me it's amazing here you can leave stuff out here and the next day its still there.
115665   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 20, 7:33am  

You vil own nothing, und you vil be happy.
115666   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Apr 20, 9:03am  

I was hoping to see discussion of the fundamentals, but looks like this kid is just as lost as everyone else. If the discussion doesn't start with central banking and lies it necessitates, then it will only serve to obfuscate and continue those lies, and people's slavery.
115667   clambo   2022 Apr 20, 9:35am  

The problem is that even if you clearly understand what you should do with your money, it’s difficult to obey your logic until you are age 26 or so.

I got my examples from my parents and grandparents, and I finally followed them after about age 27.

That’s when I decided that regardless of my possible business schemes or lack thereof, I would aggressively save, then invest. For a while I saved about 40% of my meager pay; for about a year I didn’t own a car to save money. I rode around with my girlfriend and later bought a cheap car to commute to a new job.

The biggest problem is resisting the temptation to 1. Please girls 2. Impress others 3. Have fun
$500/month is worth $1 million in about 30 years.
115668   HeadSet   2022 Apr 20, 10:22am  

clambo says
$500/month is worth $1 million in about 30 years.

Unfortunately, in 30 years, that nominal $1million could only be worth the equivalent of $500 in today's money.
115669   clambo   2022 Apr 20, 2:33pm  

I've heard that from guys who didn't bother to save and invest.

Still, the million dollar balance impresses the chicks and pays for lunch out.
115670   ForcedTQ   2022 Apr 20, 3:22pm  

clambo says
I've heard that from guys who didn't bother to save and invest.

Still, the million dollar balance impresses the chicks and pays for lunch out.

Exactly, that’s why diversity in finances is important. Set percentages for Spend, Save/Invest, Give. Then you’re not just investing all of your leftovers after living a life on beans and rice, or you’re not winding up on the street when you’ve been living like the money runs out before the end of the month and why the hell can’t I retire.
115671   Ceffer   2022 Apr 20, 3:58pm  

Nothing worse than juvenile rentiers.
115672   FarmersWon   2022 Apr 20, 5:41pm  

Is it more than politics here?... Doe the grooming really happens.. as we have seen with Punter Xiden.
Kinds shouldn't be football between politicians.. Disney and grooming are very serious charges and we must protect our precious children.
One of these two must go to jail. US needs to put lot more anti-children politicians in jail.


Republicans have attempted to position themselves as the party of parental rights, with state legislatures across the country introducing a series of bills targeting the LGBTQ community, with those opposing the legislation being labeled as “groomers.” They’ve also targeted books that discuss race and gender while attempting to make it illegal for parents to seek gender-affirming care for transgender children. Prominent right-wing media figures have focused on anti-LGBTQ attacks in recent weeks.
115673   Goran_K   2022 Apr 20, 6:03pm  

FarmersWon says
Republicans have attempted to position themselves as the party of parental rights

Well let’s be honest, they didn’t have to try very hard, the democrats have made it clear they want to bombard the children with LGBTQ indoctrination and it literally flipped a state from blue to red. Democrats created the “parental rights voting bloc”, not Republicans.
115674   Tenpoundbass   2022 Apr 20, 6:07pm  

If they are for sexualizing young preschoolers and schoolers period for that matter, then they are.

Sometimes it's more than a label, it's their fucking brand.
115675   HeadSet   2022 Apr 20, 6:08pm  

clambo says
I've heard that from guys who didn't bother to save and invest.

Oh, I have saved quite well. And quite a bit is in cash. My comment was a remark on the current inflation and the likelihood inflation will continue to rise.

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