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115758   gabbar   2022 Apr 23, 2:50pm  

AmericanKulak says
Realizing that housing is 30% of expenditure, so the fastest way to save a large percentage of income is to buy the CHEAPEST dwelling you can that is remotely convenient to multiple potential employment sources and not next door to a trap house is priority one.

Not buying the dream suburban shack your wife wants, but the smallest, lowest maintenance apartment you can tolerate in terms of distance and space and paying it off ASAP. In fact it's best not to get married or have a live in girlfriend to avoid that pressure.

Love this idea. What do you mean by "remotely convenient to multiple potential employment sources"?
115759   Booger   2022 Apr 23, 3:47pm  

Because the US imports cooking oil from Indonesia?
115760   gabbar   2022 Apr 23, 3:50pm  

FJB says
Took on 'good debt' staring in 2013.

What are examples of good debt?
115761   Zak   2022 Apr 23, 5:01pm  

richwicks says
These are AI trained systems.

I honestly don't think you have a very good idea of the structure of these systems and what the "AI" training entails. It's not just "all AI" and you train a magic thing that then drives the car.

From a high level, there exists at the "core" of the software a volumetric map. This is not AI. It's voxels, or a way of representing structured cubes of space, in an occupancy grid.

The software marks or clears these volumes of space in its memory from sensor readings. The "AI" comes into play in 2 ways: 1 by attempting to reconcile known instrument data (lidars marking space occupied, and cameras giving depth information) , and 2 by attempting to group together occupied marked cells as objects, and assign velocity vectors to those objects for moving things, or other properties to them for stationary things (light, person, parked car).

Once there are a bunch of identified "things" including road lanes, and traffic, the planner takes a pass over a set of actions possible to achieve the goal (move the car to the destination). These actions are discrete control inputs. The planner has to plan several "frames" of time ahead, or control loop iterations. In other words, it breaks time into discrete steps that each loop of the control system takes to run approximately. This might be 5 - 50 milliseconds for example.

It then projects the velocity of the "known moving objects" through those time spaces to "predict" any collisions. Here, a bit of AI might come into play to predict how those moving objects might deviate from a straight line or instantaneous velocity the system has estimated. But a big part of this is just a simple dx/dt calc looping over the objects to see if they will intersect (crash) or come close. It prunes actions that result in collisions. and near collisions (because anticipated movement is a probability).

It then further restricts the set of actions it can take based on rulesets . I.E. we saw a "no right turn sign". These rules are not AI based. The recognition of the "no right turn" sign will be AI based, but the ruleset to follow when then sign is in our immediate area is not AI based.

So I don't know if that makes sense or not. It's not just a giant AI black box. There are discrete portions of the system. If something goes wrong it is possible to replay the data back to see: for instance, did the sensors not recognize that a cell was occupied? Did the object detectors not correctly identify the objects in marked cells? Did the system correctly identify all objects and signage, but the ruleset for allowed driving actions was incorrect? Did the motion predictors fail to allow/anticipate how the motion of the tracked object might progress?

And then, that portion of the system gets worked on.

If some object is new in the system, it still occupies space grid cells. It still has a velocity associated with a group of cells even if the object isn't identified. So it can still predict, within some error bound, the trajectory of an unknown object based on its velocity and acceleration over time.

This doesn't make it magic though. If a child darts out from between two cars, the SDC might hit the child the same way a human would have. If you literally can't see something, you can't plan on it being there. But in all likelihood, the reaction times and planning capability will likely give the SDC a better chance of a lower impact accident, if not avoiding the accident entirely.

@HunterTits says > Another example of you not bothering to read.

But I think you're not understanding to how I am responding to what I did read. It's fine that you don't understand. But its strange for you to say its my problem that you didn't understand.

As far as SDC "Utopian", that's kind of a strange characterization of my overall view on SDCs. I view SDCs as kind of like the internet. There is a lower cost infrastructure being developed. As a society, it would be REALLY good to make sure this isn't walled off in corporate winner take all cells. When an electric vehicle can deliver people and goods at an order of magnitude cheaper cost, I'm expecting there will be quite disruptive effects in the labor markets (taxi and truck drivers losing jobs), but entirely new industries are going to spring forth that we can barely anticipate. But the possibility of corporate walled gardens screwing it all up, and in ways we don't anticipate is really high.

For instance, RV hotels that take you to a destination while you sleep might screw with airlines in a big way. No security, no bag check, load all your stuff up at your own house, no waiting for bags on arrival, transferring them to taxi, then hotel. For $1600 for a family of four 4x400 airline tickets, you might get an entirely different class of travel. Then, when you are done, you don't have to spend $300 per month to park the RV when you're not using it, and all the associated maintenance.

But on the flip side, what if the majority of cars are no longer produced with steering wheels, and some weird situation arises where you need to drive the car through the brush.. You lose the control utility of operator controls.Or what if a tree falls down across your yard, and you wanted to grab the car and bring it over to pull with a rope. Might be hard with an SDC in your driveway without operator controls. Worse case scenario, what if you or your family is trying to flee some form of persecution, and the corporate overlords simply disable your SDC or instruct it to drive you to the nearest detention center once you are inside?
115762   Tenpoundbass   2022 Apr 23, 5:53pm  

I managed number 5, I think 3 and 4 are out of order. I don't think anyone has any financial freedom as long as they have a huge chunk on a credit card.
Four really should be a nonstarter. As the whole point of 3 is making enough money to have a nest egg, and emergency funds. If you're making money and have the cash in the bank, you really shouldn't buy consumer hard goods on credit cards, unless you're only doing so to rack up the points, and you zero out the balance when you get the bill.

I've known people with $25K in credit card outstanding debt, they are one paycheck away from ruination.
115763   Blue   2022 Apr 23, 7:10pm  

Ever since commie dictator Indira Khan came up with land ceiling of 25 ha and stole everything above and gave it to commie who made it idle. India is stuck with small land parcels and not profitable many crops including Palm oil. Government has to remove land ceiling to make it profitable again or continue remain suffer with commie policy stuff.
115764   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Apr 23, 7:31pm  

Self Sufficiency should be the final tier, and I'll bet my left nut this guy hasn't reached it, nor has anyone here. Meaning you can feed, clothe, and shelter yourself without needing assistance from anyone else, including an employer who could lay you off at a moments notice. Meaning your ability to do everything I mentioned is completely independent of a central banking system designed to fuck you.

I know we're all aware of the blatant lies they've told recently, but the first one they always tell is you need us to survive. Their fiat currency, their investment scams, their food, their fuel. If you've ever heard someone discuss real wealth, that's what they're talking about. When you no longer need THEIR system, that's when you're financially free.
115765   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Apr 23, 7:41pm  

A shortage of palm oil is like a shortage of can sugar. All you fat, sick pieces of shit can thank Indonesia later. We use many oils for cooking in our home, none of them are palm. It is NOT in anything else we use either. No we don't make our own, we just use organic products, local products, and avoid vegetable oils like the plague they are.

115766   clambo   2022 Apr 23, 7:54pm  

Nuttboxer would appreciate the guy I met in Baja California Sur Mexico recently; he said he had lived in his truck for years just spearfishing and camping.

He now lives in the house he inherited from his mother, so his lifestyle is more typical.

I also met young people who came down from Canada the USA and Europe who didn’t want to join the rat race; they worked remotely and rented places for much less than up in Vancouver or California.

A bunch were living in Mercedes Sprinter vans, I don’t know if they worked or not.
115767   Ceffer   2022 Apr 23, 8:06pm  

I am up there in the ranking, but I don't agree with the 4 percent figure. It depends on when you no longer require work to live without entirely frittering away your pile prematurely. I think that that figure reflects the 'advisors', in that they want people to maintain larger reserves because that is the way they make THEIR money. If you haven't noticed, the mavens always give you advice that tells you how to direct your money in ways that benefit THEM, not necessarily you. They also feed on fear and paranoia.

I would say pick a percentage that allows you to live on decent income until about 95 or so (being very optimistic since most people die before) with the pile being whittled down to nothing at that point (unless you are obsessed with leaving shit to your kids). At 95, you can sell whatever house and live on the dole for whatever years remain if you survive that long, having enjoyed the benefit of your previous wealth at that time. I would say figures closer to 5 or 6 percent depending on your age, investments and circumstances.

I think most people should retire as early as they can, and throw the results to fate. I also believe that the longevity statistics are heavily weighted towards artificially long lives. So many people croak before the ages that the authorities claim. 14 percent of men never live long enough to collect social security, which can start at 62. They give you a nice bonus in social security if you wait until 70, and that isn't because they think they are losing money on the deal, they know the actuarials favor your dying before you can realize the benefit of the delay.
115768   NDrLoR   2022 Apr 23, 8:07pm  

Blue says
Ever since commie dictator Indira Khan came up with land ceiling of 25 ha and stole everything above and gave it to commie who made it idle
Same tactic used by Communists in 1917, took the private land of the Kulak farmers and nationalized it--the peasants didn't know how to raise crops and by 1921 while we were fat and happy in the US, the Soviets endured famine. Lenin didn't want to, but he finally relented and accepted food from the Capitalist dogs.
115769   Onvacation   2022 Apr 23, 8:41pm  

It is obvious (at least to me) that the vax does not work and is probably dangerous. By consenting to the vax we give up our bodily autonomy.

At what point is the government asking too much? It is already clear that if you give them a millimeter they will take a kilometer.

I am willing to give up my job if I am forced to choose between the experimental biologic agent or staying employed.

My body, my choice.
115770   Onvacation   2022 Apr 23, 8:42pm  

Rin says

And it was beaten up to a pulp

How do you know that there are not long term effects?
115771   clambo   2022 Apr 23, 9:37pm  

I noticed the IRS expects me to live just another 18.8 years.

I wonder if Transamerica uses the same number.

I too doubt the 4% rule but on the other hand I don’t know how much more I would like to spend.

The 4% rule assumes increases for inflation.

Wait, so I should take out 4% plus 7.8% this year?!? That’s a lot of dough.

The subject is both interesting and depressing; since my last parent died, I began to think about my own demise. What is worse is I’m actually planning for it by naming various beneficiaries to my accounts.

The problem is that as I have more money to have fun I also 1. Am becoming lazy 2. Am losing my ability to have fun. Shit like driving at night becomes difficult and I tend to avoid it, I get sore doing fun stuff, etc.
115772   gabbar   2022 Apr 23, 9:40pm  

Ceffer says
I think most people should retire as early as they can, and throw the results to fate. I also believe that the longevity statistics are heavily weighted towards artificially long lives. So many people croak before the ages that the authorities claim. 14 percent of men never live long enough to collect social security, which can start at 62. They give you a nice bonus in social security if you wait until 70, and that isn't because they think they are losing money on the deal, they know the actuarials favor your dying before you can realize the benefit of the delay.

Great points, something to always keep in mind.
115773   Hircus   2022 Apr 23, 10:20pm  

clambo says
I too doubt the 4% rule but on the other hand I don’t know how much more I would like to spend.

The 4% rule assumes increases for inflation.

Wait, so I should take out 4% plus 7.8% this year?!? That’s a lot of dough.

Most of the times I heard the 4% rule it was for those who want their capital to have a good chance of never depleting, so if you live much longer than expected, or expect a very long retirement period, or wish to leave money to heirs, the big ball of money will still be there. The various fire calcs show that historically, it works most of the time. Those who are ok with the chance of running out of money before death and/or depleting the capital, should take out significantly more. Emphasis on this being based on historical data - if the future is more than a little different on one or more variables, then the expectations the results will hold are likely void.

btw inflation adjustment works like this:

if 4% means you got 40k last year, then the 7.8% inflation adjustment makes this year = 40 x 1.078 = $43.12k, so not much of an increase.
115774   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 24, 12:33am  

DooDahMan says

Which, being a publication for mostly Public School Educators, has a conclusion I can probably predict. Their lead article is "Teacher Trauma" written by an Educator of Educators, deep in the EduLobby.
115775   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 24, 12:34am  

DooDahMan says
co-hosted with the World Bank and the edtech investment firm Owl Ventures.

Case in point.
115776   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 24, 12:36am  

Oh noes, no vegetable and soy oils to saturate high caloric snack foods. We're in danger of losing obesity.

Most Olive Oil is tainted AF, too.

A modest pat of butter goes a long ass way. Goat Milk makes great soap. Goat shit makes great fertilizer because goats digest almost everything.

Be like (great-) grandma and save your bacon grease. Saute some asparagus in that and feel those little brushes sweep your intestines clean and balance out your insulin sensitivity.
115777   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 24, 4:32am  

What a bunch of shit.
115778   clambo   2022 Apr 24, 5:02am  

Now I get it, of course.

I wonder which % is used to calculate Required Minimum Distributions (RMD).

They just raised the RMD age (excluding Roth) a bit.
115779   Tenpoundbass   2022 Apr 24, 6:55am  

Spent the summer of 78 in Salem SC, I lived in Jacksonville FL, friends of the family took me to SC to spend the Summer in their trailer way way way up in the woods on top of a foothill next to the mountains. I bailed hay, split wood, picked apples, peeled apples, spread them out on clean bed sheets in the sun to dry, tilled soil, worked the garden. Smoked my first Joint(the oldest son, 17 yrs old) Had a Bronco, would go palling around on trails with him and his friends. Lost my virginity to the daughter(13 yrs old) well she kind of raped me by today's standards. I left Jacksonville a little boy, came back a full blown Mountain man.
115780   Tenpoundbass   2022 Apr 24, 7:00am  

It's only as valuable as your aptitude and talent for the knowledge you gained.
115781   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 24, 7:02am  

ForcedTQ says
2 yrs worth of expenses in cash? Insane. Especially now.

Exactly, if you’re living correctly, 3-6 months emergency fund for expenses MAX. By that I mean you’ve paid off your debts, and are paying off your house or it is paid off.

With mortgage at 2.25% and inflation north of 8% why the fuck would I want to pay off my house now?
115782   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 24, 7:05am  

Tenpoundbass says
I managed number 5, I think 3 and 4 are out of order. I don't think anyone has any financial freedom as long as they have a huge chunk on a credit card.
Four really should be a nonstarter. As the whole point of 3 is making enough money to have a nest egg, and emergency funds. If you're making money and have the cash in the bank, you really shouldn't buy consumer hard goods on credit cards, unless you're only doing so to rack up the points, and you zero out the balance when you get the bill.

I've known people with $25K in credit card outstanding debt, they are one paycheck away from ruination.

Ruination from CC debt? How? It's literally the easiest type of debt to walk away from.
115783   GNL   2022 Apr 24, 7:06am  

Tenpoundbass says
Spent the summer of 78 in Salem SC, I lived in Jacksonville FL, friends of the family took me to SC to spend the Summer in their trailer way way way up in the woods on top of a foothill next to the mountains. I bailed hay, split wood, picked apples, peeled apples, spread them out on clean bed sheets in the sun to dry, tilled soil, worked the garden. Smoked my first Joint(the oldest son, 17 yrs old) Had a Bronco, would go palling around on trails with him and his friends. Lost my virginity to the daughter(13 yrs old) well she kind of raped me by today's standards. I left Jacksonville a little boy, came back a full blown Mountain man.

I did something similar when I was 18. I went to live with my HS girlfriend and her family in Pennsylvania. I worked in a slate stone quarry. Damn hard work. Her father (he owned a logging business) kept me busy also. I washed cars, mowed lawns, changed oil, ran tons of errands etc. The girlfriend and I did find plenty of time for hanky party though. I'm still shocked my parents let me live there for the summer. It was the summer between my junior and senior year in HS. My parents started me late in school so I didn't graduate until I was 19. Don't judge.
115784   theoakman   2022 Apr 24, 7:09am  

Ruination from CC debt? How? It's literally the easiest type of debt to walk away from.

Or pay off. Seriously, $25k worth of debt can be easily eliminated with hard work and a little sacrifice. My brother declared bankruptcy on $18k worth of debt. All he had to do was stop eating out, buying new phones/electronics, and maybe get a weekend/night part time job and he would have erased it in a year.
115785   Tenpoundbass   2022 Apr 24, 7:32am  

4 isn't normal, your shit shouldn't be greasy, mushy and sticky, which those turds usually are. I mean it's normal that they happen, but if they persist, you've got bigger problems.
115786   Tenpoundbass   2022 Apr 24, 7:34am  

Oh I rode myself the fuck out of riding in the back of a pick up truck while we rode through the blue ridge mountains. Even waved at the Highway Patrol when ever I saw them.
115787   stfu   2022 Apr 24, 10:07am  

Another way to look at the "4% rule" is "25 x expenses". They mean the same thing. It's easier for me to visualize the later. Others may prefer the percentage.

If your annual spend is $100k you will need $2.5 million in order to follow the 25x/ 4% rule. At that point you are probably safe to retire and let your money take care of you for once. There are outliers but the 4%/25x rules have been studied to death and they will work over 90% of the time through any 30 year period.

Don't forgot that, for most of us, we have more control over what we spend rather than what we earn. Get that annual spend down to $60k from $100k and you can shave a decade off the 'eating someone else's shit' phase of your life.
115788   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 24, 10:09am  

gabbar says
Love this idea. What do you mean by "remotely convenient to multiple potential employment sources"?

Try to live in a place where you can access 2-3 different cities with industries you're qualified in. In other words, pick a town within 30-45minutes of several other cities with some employment in your field. That way if an employer closes in one, you have at least one other employer nearby.

Try not to live in a place where the city you live next to is the only place of employment within any kind of reasonable commute distance.
115789   SoTex   2022 Apr 24, 10:10am  

gabbar says
What are examples of good debt?

Asset debt not liability debt. Debt that pays me instead of me paying it.
115790   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 24, 10:12am  

I drove my Grandpa's Oldsmobile on the Southern State Parkway, went on a two week hiking thing on the Appalachian trail, and with my $10 largess from mowing the lawn, pockets were overflowing with candy and Slurpees as I biked all over the neighborhood.

Then I got a tingle from watching Electric Blue with the descrambler and busted my first nut just before I turned 12. So good I fainted and hit my head on the john on my way down because my ding dong didn't know to switch from orgasm to pee mode or something.
115791   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Apr 24, 10:18am  

Bitcoin says
great article by Logan M like always. without extremely higher inventory, dont expect house prices to fall. But a cool down, sure and see that already.

a lot of escrows falling apart due to rising rates, this i was told by realtor who wants is to sell asap.
115792   porkchopXpress   2022 Apr 24, 10:21am  

“Soft landing” like in 2008 😁

Same shit, different decade
115793   Bitcoin   2022 Apr 24, 10:33am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says
Bitcoin says
great article by Logan M like always. without extremely higher inventory, dont expect house prices to fall. But a cool down, sure and see that already.

a lot of escrows falling apart due to rising rates, this i was told by realtor who wants is to sell asap.

dont doubt it. heard the same. no surprise. but will it increase inventory significantly? If you dont have to sell, why would you give up your locked in rate at 2-3% and lock in a new rate at 5.5%?
115794   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 24, 10:34am  

#1 year for boomers turning 65 is this year.

Many are counting on selling that property for their retirement.
115795   Bitcoin   2022 Apr 24, 10:41am  

AmericanKulak says
#1 year for boomers turning 65 is this year.

Many are counting on selling that property for their retirement.

I have heard boomers are retiring and selling in droves for years now. Most boomers will stay put. Fixed income, inflation, higher rates....they will remain in their house until their last breath. They might take equity out to travel or pay for health care. Reverse mortgage is also an option.
115796   Ceffer   2022 Apr 24, 10:48am  

Ukrainian cannon fodder fools should be raiding Kiev and hanging the murder puppets rather than fighting Russia. Even Boris Johnson, as great a bounding fool as Biden in his own way, publicly admitted Russia could be 'winning' in spite of all of the MSM fake propaganda to the contrary. Russia is going to cut off access to the Black Sea, at which point Kiev will have to bow even if not conquered. Most of the legitimate enterprise as well as much of the criminal enterprise of the corrupt state flow through the ports.

American armaments winding up in the hands of the opposition seem to be a thing these days with the toothless Biden administration. Maybe when those NATO and American advisors finally crawl out of the catacombs under the Mariupol steel plant, they can tutor the Russians on how to use them.
115797   WookieMan   2022 Apr 24, 10:53am  

Bitcoin says
If you dont have to sell, why would you give up your locked in rate at 2-3% and lock in a new rate at 5.5%?

Income and payments, not about rates. Sure the rates change but if I make $50k more, interest rates don't much matter. If you can afford 10% interest on the home you're purchasing, rates will eventually drop and you can refi. Job security, income and monthly payments are the biggest factors, not rates. People get way too caught up with rates.

I agree home prices are stable. Loans are the most solid they've been since the crash. I'd track income and jobs at this point if one is concerned with housing prices. Even then a "crash" would maybe be 10% on the downside. As much as I don't like Biden, the economy is not as bad as it seems in some echo chambers. We'll hit the ceiling with inflation and people that need to will cut back. We'll see if that results in job losses given we're a service based country.

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