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36024   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 14, 3:49am  

Abortion should be mandatory if either parent doesn't want the kid, and legal up to age 6.

36025   Reality   2013 Aug 14, 3:53am  

Do people really think generations of any family raised on dependency on government bureaucracy would vote for less government control, less wasteful spending or less surveilence? Liberty is the choice by a people still exercising some degree of self-reliance and self-control. The more people live off imperial bread and circus, the less liberty there will be left in the society.

I'm not at all against raising children. The real issue is raising what kind of children in what kind of families. Since as a society we already decided not to become like ancient Sparta, and rip all children from all families to train them at government-run military academies, the family environment (including prenatal and postnatal nutrition and substance exposure) is fundamental to the healthy upbringing of a child even if you don't believe parental genes make a difference. Our existing policies in taxing middle class and upper-middle class families who need the resources to raise their own children in better environment and waste it on overpaid bureaucrats and incompetent drug abusers who use reproduction as a way of living on government dough is really quite reprehensible and in the long run suicidal for the society itself.

36026   David Losh   2013 Aug 14, 4:23am  

robertoaribas says

you lack the intelligence and / or education to understand 90% of what I write;

I should have stopped right there, but you are amusing.

Forty years of involvement with all things Real Estate Bob, that's what I bring to the table.

I don't clean floors Bob, I'm a business owner.

You are on summer break from your job I take it, so you have more time to waste, and brag, and insult, because that is the sum total of what you bring to the table.

You never have anything to say other than you are a genius, then demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the Real Estate business, Bob.

My house is above water Bob, and building equity a few home improvements, very reasonably priced Bob, less than what you spend, but I get a lot more.

I make money Bob, every day.

In my world Bob, guys like you are a dime, and dozen, I've made plenty of people more money.

Now what is it you do?

You don't have a point here Bob, as usual.

36027   curious2   2013 Aug 14, 5:40am  

Heraclitusstudent says

So if you think the building fell because of fire or because of debris, you do need to explain how the 3 points above are possible.

Ugh. Your first "point" (#1) is false: there was resistance, but not enough to stop a downward moving tower. The towers fell straight down because gravity pulls straight down, toward the center of the earth. When the fires weakened the structural steel, it lost strength and bent like dry spaghetti that's been steamed. The floors above the fire came down, following the path of gravity, and the downward force of their momentum exceeded the design strength of the lower floors.

36028   mell   2013 Aug 14, 5:53am  

jessica says

Not even if it was notarized? Nothing says romance like a little contracting and notarizing.

Not even then - even prenups or portions thereof get thrown out frequently.

36029   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 14, 5:53am  

he he he Californians talking about Women having babies.
They almost sound as ridiculous as Republicans talking about Women NOT having babies.

36030   Wanderer   2013 Aug 14, 5:59am  

mell says

jessica says

Not even if it was notarized? Nothing says romance like a little contracting and notarizing.

Not even then - even prenups or portions thereof get thrown out frequently.

That's surprising to me. I think every marriage contract should literally be a binding contract but include all points of interest to each party, i.e. child support, infidelity clauses and as much else as you can fit in there.

36031   Wanderer   2013 Aug 14, 6:32am  

Yea ok, I guess I agree with you since you've now qualified your statement with a marriage clause.

36032   Dan8267   2013 Aug 14, 6:33am  

Reality says

roughly half of the $200k over 18 years that it takes to raise a child

Um, the Millennials have demonstrated that it now takes 32 years to raise a child.

36033   Wanderer   2013 Aug 14, 6:38am  

lostand confused says

Then you wonder why people call modern woman whores?

I don't know anybody that calls modern women whores. You are a creep.

36034   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 14, 6:42am  

mell says

So do I. Just not married (until the system changes), still a decent dad ;)

It's really nobody's business whether you and your partner are "married". There's already plenty enough legal protections for kids.

36035   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 14, 6:45am  

jessica says

lostand confused says

Then you wonder why people call modern woman whores?

I don't know anybody that calls modern women whores. You are a creep.

Who's the one who's "lost and confused"?

36036   Dan8267   2013 Aug 14, 7:01am  

jessica says

lostand confused says

Then you wonder why people call modern woman whores?

I don't know anybody that calls modern women whores. You are a creep.

What's wrong with whores? They make an honest living, unlike bankers, lawyers, real estate agents, politicians, and anyone in the finance industry.

36037   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 14, 7:08am  

What's wrong with whores is the underage ones who are kidnapped and/or trafficked into that occupation.

36038   mell   2013 Aug 14, 7:24am  

Dan8267 says

jessica says

lostand confused says

Then you wonder why people call modern woman whores?

I don't know anybody that calls modern women whores. You are a creep.

What's wrong with whores? They make an honest living, unlike bankers, lawyers, real estate agents, politicians, and anyone in the finance industry.

Fully agreed.

36039   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Aug 14, 7:26am  

curious2 says

Heraclitusstudent says

So if you think the building fell because of fire or because of debris, you do need to explain how the 3 points above are possible.

Ugh. Your first "point" (#1) is false: there was resistance, but not enough to stop a downward moving tower. The towers fell straight down because gravity pulls straight down, toward the center of the earth.

- I'm talking specifically of WTC7. I won't argue about the other towers.
- Look at the video of it falling: measure the acceleration frame to frame: it is basically free fall, which wouldn't be the case if there was *any* resistance. This is not a question of whether it fell or not. The acceleration of the fall indicates there was no resistance.

curious2 says

When the fires weakened the structural steel, it lost strength and bent like dry spaghetti that's been steamed.

- Fine the fire can weaken columns. How many columns? 2, 5, 10 Probably not all of them. Even if some columns broke after being weakened, they would never ALL break at the same exact instant. As a result part of the building would collapse and maybe pull more as it falls. This is not what we are seeing: the fall is symmetric, which indicates that all the columns failed at the same instant.
- And as explained above, not only they failed, but they offered no resistance at all. If they were just weakened, at least some of them would offer some resistance. Instead it's like all columns just disappeared at the same second.

These facts are basically physically impossible just with a fire in the building.

36040   mell   2013 Aug 14, 7:30am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

What's wrong with whores is the underage ones who are kidnapped and/or trafficked into that occupation.

Forcing anybody to do anything against their will is wrong and usually unlawful, as long as the person being forced is not the infringer in the first place. So there is no need to special case human trafficking or kidnapping, for whatever reason.

36041   Dan8267   2013 Aug 14, 7:31am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

What's wrong with whores is the underage ones who are kidnapped and/or trafficked into that occupation.

That's a problem with slavery cause primarily by the illegalization of prostitution. It is not a problem with prostitution itself. Legalizing prostitution would vastly help stop the despicable human trafficking you mentioned by alleviating the artificial scarcity created by the prohibition of prostitution and thus causing prices and profits to plummet. Most organized crime isn't interested in high risk / low reward.

36042   mell   2013 Aug 14, 7:32am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

mell says

So do I. Just not married (until the system changes), still a decent dad ;)

It's really nobody's business whether you and your partner are "married". There's already plenty enough legal protections for kids.

Agreed. I think it's ok to protect kids and hold both parents responsible. And this responsibility should have nothing to do with the specific relationship of the parents.

36043   mell   2013 Aug 14, 7:33am  

Dan8267 says

B.A.C.A.H. says

What's wrong with whores is the underage ones who are kidnapped and/or trafficked into that occupation.

That's a problem with slavery cause primarily by the illegalization of prostitution. It is not a problem with prostitution itself. Legalizing prostitution would vastly help stop the despicable human trafficking you mentioned by alleviating the artificial scarcity created by the prohibition of prostitution and thus causing prices and profits to plummet. Most organized crime isn't interested in high risk / low reward.

Not to mention that they could use the full protection of the law, healthcare etc. because they are not doing anything unlawful in the first place.

36044   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 14, 7:43am  

Recent Dow day is Wednesday, August 14, 2013

36045   anotheraccount   2013 Aug 14, 7:50am  

I should clarify the Fed balance sheet growth comment. I believe that gold is insurance again unpredictable results of what will happened to the Fed balance sheet. Is it going to be unwound, will something get out of Fed's control, etc.

36046   Moderate Infidel   2013 Aug 14, 9:41am  

I bet if some of you guys actually had sex once with a female you would lighten up a bit. Unless you're gay then never mind.

36047   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 14, 9:51am  

bgamall4 says

Go to youtube and show me one skyscraper that ever collapsed by fire.

You cannot find one.

Go to Youtube and look at all of the buildings that collapsed after a two Jets full of fuel slammed into them. Oh that's right, it's only ever happened once! Yet there are experts out there, that know more than reality.

36048   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 14, 10:01am  

All the good paying jobs generated by the "Job Creators" have allowed buyers to purchase with cash. They don't need no stinkin' mortgages.
This will allow home prices to rise forever.

36049   Reality   2013 Aug 14, 10:29am  

Guys, play nice to the couple posters providing some female perspective on this forum.

If women in history had been as left-brained logical as us guys, few of us (if any) would be here. It's bat-shit crazy to carry a 10-lb alien in the belly to term over 9months , with all the attendant danger to the carrier. Frankly I think the fetus has evolved mind control on the woman to make all the self-sacrifices, just like some cordycep fungus taking over ant hosts.

"Whore" is an emotionally loaded word for most women. While the typical woman is capable of instinctively taking advantage of help from men whenever offered or necessary in order to ensure reproductive success, if they had been coldly calculating using left brain logic, us men probably would not have a chance, simply due to the informational asymmetry regarding what got into their soft places when us manfolk are not around. It is a good thing most women think with right brain intuition, instincts and emotions.

36050   Facebooksux   2013 Aug 14, 10:38am  


I'm sure all these people are chomping at the bit to overbid on Bay Area real estate.

36051   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 14, 10:43am  

How many buildings pancaked & how many were hit by planes? How many fell sideways? Sometimes I can't figure stuff out.

36052   mell   2013 Aug 14, 11:06am  

Facebooksux says


I'm sure all these people are chomping at the bit to overbid on Bay Area real estate.

Those poor souls need to switch working for facebook while it's still hot to keep the bidding going ;)

36053   Automan Empire   2013 Aug 14, 11:20am  

This thread needs a link to a great Best Of Craigslist post.

Vasectomy: $400. Speechless look on her face: priceless.
I'll try to sum up a funny story that happened a few years ago:

I got a vasectomy.

I met a girl soon afterwards. She was nice and attractive but with a selfish streak that raised a big red flag. She was 32 at the time and I could practically HEAR her biological clock ticking. Regardless, she was a good lay, easy on the eyes, and reasonably good company.

I did NOT tell her about my vasectomy and I always used a condom with her to protect against STDs. She assumed, obviously, that the condom was only used for birth control. Silly girl.

We date for a few months. I never made any move towards commitment but she brought it up ocassionally. For me, this was a casual but pleasant relationship. For her - as I was to find out - it was part of life-changing series of events that she was planning very carefully.

Four months into dating, I get the "I'm pregnant" talk. She's going on and on about how the condom must have broke and now we really need to think about getting married "for the baby". She's positively giddy. She has a baby in her and she thinks she's gonna have a good meal ticket (me) to go along with her new 7lb annuity.

At this point, I'm just as giddy. I get to pull the reverse "oops" on her. I figured that she slept with some bad boy and got knocked up. Good thing I was using condoms! Better still that I have a serious mistrust of women who can't think beyond their own uteri.


My own personal experience with women from my younger years is: Before the fact, women are VERY casual about birth control and VERY unconcerned with the risk of pregnancy, and VERY glib about "just" getting an abortion if there's an accident. AFTER the fact, it is like flipping a switch. The man's concerns and the woman's lack of concern is gone from memory; now it is "equal" responsibility, and by equal, I mean the woman can do and say whatever she feels like, and the man is just supposed to meekly agree- and PAY.

Funny the way women even well into their 40s can be woefully ignorant about how the menstrual cycle works! It behooves a man to keep track of his partner's cycle discreetly and avoid sex then; the phases of the moon are a great tool to help keep track. More than one woman in my past gave me an angry, "I know my body!!!!" when it was suggested that it was a risky time to have sex. Yeah, you know your body juuuust well enough to succumb to the urges to be most horny around ovulation time, because that is what worked best for all of her female ancestors all the way back to Mitochondrial Eve.

36054   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 14, 11:38am  

That wasn't white smoke it was dust.

36055   FortWayne   2013 Aug 14, 1:00pm  

It's the politics in this country, beating down the working class. Somehow it's acceptable to call men stupid, but it's not all right to generalize women that way...

I think it's because we overdid on PC that certain stupidity just became ok.

36056   StillLooking   2013 Aug 14, 1:01pm  

I predict that the precious metals prices will do much better than housing prices over the next year, two years and five years.

36057   Carolyn C   2013 Aug 14, 1:26pm  

Call it Crazy, what school did you attend? .........

I'll be sure NOT to send my kids there.

36058   deepcgi   2013 Aug 14, 2:37pm  

This is what the separation of physical from paper looks like. The paper gold is leveraged 100-to-1. Great time to buy actual physical (in your possession) and horrible to buy the paper. The decoupling is inevitable. I never knew what it would look like. I suspect...just like this.

36059   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 14, 2:51pm  

Ottoman, that was funny. Thank you for sharing.

Not all women are selfishly opportunistic exploitive Princesses. A lot of them are, a lot of them aren't.

36060   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 14, 3:02pm  

I dunno about "better" odds. I've known several of those women who were loyal partners right up till the time they got their green cards. Some of them locked it in with a child for the cash flow, some not.

36061   deepcgi   2013 Aug 14, 3:17pm  

As prices of homes as a percentage of income has steadily grown over the past 20 years, we've seen the percentage of dual wage earning in families triple. Adjusted for inflation, however, over the past 18 years, we aren't doing so well. The following chart shows that the dual wages are now about equal with where we were in 1995 (at best):

Where is the money going to come from to pay for this rent, these mortgages? The family could buy a huge flat screen TV every month with the difference in payments by comparison. (In fact, the difference in pending health insurance payouts will buy a second flat screen every month)

Wage inflation. The pressure is overwhelming. Little 14 year old Timmy is just not going to bring enough home to pay the difference, sorry.

You housing bulls are betting on the average Joe doubling up with another family to fund this continued run. There's not a chance.

You can see it beginning as one single full-time job with benefits splinters into two or three part-time positions. Underemployment. The problem is any continuance in this direction creates exponential pressure on Federal subsidies, welfare programs, unemployment and food stamps.

The spreading lower class is a stone from which precious little blood can be squeezed.

It's clear that Europe is broke. You bulls must be putting ALL (and I mean ALL) of your bets on China.

Stock crash or drastic federal action dead ahead...before the Spring selling season. There is just nowhere for the money to come from. What else can China produce cheaply and export to us that it isn't already? All of it's rich people? As soon as they have their wealth/land in dollars, they aren't Chinese anymore.

36062   deepcgi   2013 Aug 14, 3:35pm  

The money comes from QE. The Treasury/FED has covered all of the bad derivative bets thus far. You think the housing correction five years ago was bad? The Fed bought up all of the bad debt obligations so that those big investments could continue gambling. If it hadn't, the prices would have been down 8o percent in California.

Can the QE continue forever at even a geometric rate of increase?

If the Fed and the wizards of Derivatives Gambling are so omniscient, why did they need the TARP bailout the first time? Can't happen again? QE goes on forever? Nope. Crash.

36063   deepcgi   2013 Aug 14, 3:40pm  

You just stated back to me my point, exactly. Keep the financial institutions liquid instead of what? Losing liquidity to where?

You are clueless..Bad day.

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