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36213   PolishKnight   2013 Aug 16, 5:28am  

mell says

but you have to be fully prepared to walk away, reasoning that things simply didn't work out, without assigning blame.

For me, in marriage (10 years now), it meant focusing upon the things that mattered. My wife just did something that drove me nuts last week. She's been doing it for a while. I went to work and calmed down and over lunch thought to myself: What IS the reason I'm going nuts over this? What is it EXACTLY that I think is unfair? What can she do, simply, to make things easier for me. I gave it to her like that and worked something out. She also was relieved to find a mutually beneficial solution.

She also appreciates that I have a rational way of working things out and she's pretty reasonable by feminine standards. She simply gripes and whines. About EVERYTHING. She acknowledges that she'd drive other men insane. She also knows that I keep her steady.

I laugh at how aging women who become unwed mothers claim it's because they didn't want to "take care of a man". But a CHILD is easier?!?! Us men are cake. A little sex, some backscratches, maybe TV time and we're good. Right guys? And we bring home money and do stuff around the house (not that we get credit for it in the media. Those cars just maintain themselves...) So the "smart" "modern family" women wind up with a sperm bank baby and it doesn't always say what she wants it to. Good luck with that. Turn on Jerry Springer and listen for the phrase "I do what I want!"

36214   PolishKnight   2013 Aug 16, 5:33am  

Carolyn C says

I think that these women from Asia are not as great as they are made out to be. They see foreign men as a meal ticket and are willing to do ANYTHING for it. Once they have seen the wealth America has to offer, they are reveled for the gold diggers men so despise. That too is a generalization about some of these women. I prefer people who value people rather than things. Those type are found in all cultures.

Though it is true that Feminism has distorted women's thinking, men have dominated women to their injury. And the pendulum keeps swinging, as an instructor use to say.

As someone with contacts in the above community, I agree. Many are golddiggers and not all are perfect wives. This is no excuse for a man to slack off and live up to the stereotype of a man who is lousy and thinks he "bought" a woman. Their city women or golddiggers are easy to spot for a trained eye though just as New York City women are largely worthless.

But I firmly disagree with your latter statement. Feminism is an EXTENSION of hyper chivalry and not a rebellion against it. Most women don't say they want 1950's breadwinners because women were oppressed by such men. In the west, chivalry treated women by putting them on a pedestal. Feminism then extended it by making them victims similar to a spoiled rich girl hating daddy because he doesn't give her enough stuff. "I want an oompa loompa NOW!!!"

They want REAL equality? Well, look at the inner cities and take away welfare and see how those women and their offspring would do.

36215   PolishKnight   2013 Aug 16, 5:41am  

jessica says

As for the baby, we have a lot of social and government programs in place for poor children. I don't even see the connection that there would be MORE burden on these programs if men were no longer forced into child support. Many women poor enough to fit into this category procreate with poor men.

Which goes against your logic that letting men off the hook would further burden the programs. Either way, women are having babies one way or another simply because as long as they can exploit children for profit, it's not going to change. It's like if you tried to neuter 50% of the male stray cats in your neighborhood. It would have zero effect upon the stray cat population. (But at least stray cats are largely a net benefit to a neighborhood by ridding it of rats. So apologies to the cats.)

The ugly conundrum is this: If the state assumes responsibility for poor children in women's care, then there is no motivation for women to not breed them. The state is her baby daddy. The only solution is to either A) take the kid away or B) sterilization. In principle, many can agree with B but because of the abuses of the state (not only in Germany in the 1940's but also look at how the NSA is violating our privacy, etc.) it is incredibly risky. But we need to have that dialogue.

In the past, the solution was simple: Either a woman married and has a provider and he works his butt off or the kid dies. Nice and simple. It was cruel but it worked and society didn't get their hands into it and also didn't regulate people's choices.

36216   Wanderer   2013 Aug 16, 5:54am  

PolishKnight says

Which goes against your logic that letting men off the hook would further burden the programs. Either way, women are having babies one way or another simply because as long as they can exploit children for profit, it's not going to change.

Is that a typo? That's not my logic. I think that letting men off the hook would probably reduce the burden because it would force women to make the decision based on their own financial ability and not some perceived future which may or may not be real. And for inner city, poor women---they are usually procreating with their male counterparts who will just dodge child support anyways or make so little it doesn't matter.

So you're going down a whole other road on whether poor people should procreate.....

And I don't like kids dying so I'm willing to pay for them as a taxpayer.

36217   mell   2013 Aug 16, 6:06am  

Sooner or later the bond market will put an end to that crap, hopefully sooner ;) Watch the 10-year rise..

36218   PolishKnight   2013 Aug 16, 6:11am  

jessica says

Is that a typo? That's not my logic. I think that letting men off the hook would probably reduce the burden because it would force women to make the decision based on their own financial ability and not some perceived future which may or may not be real. And for inner city, poor women---they are usually procreating with their male counterparts who will just dodge child support anyways or make so little it doesn't matter.

So you're going down a whole other road on whether poor people should procreate.....

And I don't like kids dying so I'm willing to pay for them as a taxpayer.

It's a typo in that I screwed up. I didn't see the NOT. My bad.

OK, this gets back to the safety net problem: If you provide people with a safety net, will they stop being so careful? There's an old joke that if you wanted to reduce fatalities, put spikes in steering wheel columns and people might think twice about speeding. That was certainly the case with those classic Jetsons cars of the 50's. Didn't work. :-) But certainly the safety net not only encourages the lower classes to breed in the states but also to import them from elsewhere.

In regards to this discussion, why is the USA women situation worse than Europe? Answer: Immigration and race. Europe is full of Europeans who didn't aspire to the lowest common denominator. Most of their poor preferred to work their way up if possible. In the states, an immigrant who goes on welfare has won the lottery because they'd have to work 100 hours a week for that lifestyle in their home country.

But here's the thing: My friends say that the USA is just ahead (in the wrong way). Europe is following us off the cliff.

I say, put the kids in an orphanage and tell them they won't have daycare problems because the same folks who do such a great job at public schools will be raising them. Then... give them 2 years to get their GED or other certificate and get a decent job if they want the kids back. That's it. Done. If they still don't have their act together? They pick lettuce or grapes on a farm or help build and man the wall between the USA and Mexico.

36219   PolishKnight   2013 Aug 16, 6:16am  

I haven't gone through all the comments so I'll ask: Has anyone observed that the USA has a hard on (in a bad way) for white males in general? It's the main reason I and most other white males have flown the Democrat party but, sadly, even Republicans don't seem to care about us so much.

Aside from bashing white guys as the source of the world's evil (like the Bloody Romans, what have white males ever done for us other than the electricity, planes, computers and democracy?), Democrats have hopped into bed with oligarchs and bankers and other crony capitalists. It's the party of Detroit.

Now before everyone thinks I'm a shill for the right, as I said, the Republicans are really not doing much better. They don't seeth with hatred towards white guys but love outsourcing jobs or bringing in H1B's and B1B's with fake credentials and then cry when the white guys don't show up to vote for them in PA, OH, or Florida. But... once amnesty is complete and Republicans won't be able to win ANY elections due to race preferences, they either have to address this or shut down operations. At that point, we have to ask whether bashing white guys is really the way to make the world into Sweden circa 1970?

36220   David Losh   2013 Aug 16, 6:17am  

SubOink says

Until then - bears got it right from 2003-2008, bulls got it right from 2009-present !

The bears were right until the tax credit, then the 1% drop in interest rates. The bulls started running with those price hikes.

2014 is the year we'll see what happens.

I admit to being wrong any number of times. I'm just grateful that I listened to the bears.

My perspective comes from the Volcker years when he was Fed Chairman. That guy had power. He could make the most random statements, and screw everything up.

To me I see the same thing today. The Fed is in control, and I don't trust that.

We are just talking about this year, when the price of commodities, and assets will adjust downward into deflation.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, it won't be the first time, or last, but it is all here.

36221   David Losh   2013 Aug 16, 6:23am  

tatupu70 says

Somehow those two statements don't quite add up...

I would rather have my cash.

There are so many opportunities today that I would rather invest in than sit on the pettily little cash flow from the properties.

The house cleaning business Bob keeps making fun of is a good example. We built it from scratch, but could buy out a dozen little companies who went into this business when they found themselves unemployed.

Unemployment is a terrible thing, and people need help today getting a pay check.

To me that is a better use of my time than collecting rent on assets that may well lose value.

We'll see.

36222   Shaman   2013 Aug 16, 6:33am  

I agree David. A well run business is the most efficient use of capital. Parking it in real estate is a brainless move that will either be penalized or rewarded as capricious and arbitrary policy and market forces dictate.

36223   Dan8267   2013 Aug 16, 6:36am  

Carolyn C says

I think that these women from Asia are not as great as they are made out to be. They see foreign men as a meal ticket and are willing to do ANYTHING for it.

The problem with Asian women is that when I have sex with them, I'm horny again in half an hour.

36224   theoakman   2013 Aug 16, 6:52am  

I think we just hit the bottom. I picture the Dow and S&P going down 20% while gold starts to reestablish its gains.

36225   tatupu70   2013 Aug 16, 7:25am  

David Losh says

I would rather have my cash.

That's fine, but are you cash poor or do you more money than you could spend in a lifetime?

36226   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 16, 7:42am  

Recent Dow day is Friday, August 16, 2013

36227   Rin   2013 Aug 16, 7:43am  

Carolyn C says

That too is a generalization

Yeah Carolyn, insinuating that all (or even a majority of) foreign women are potential gold diggers, awaiting to divorce their fella upon receiving the green card, is almost akin to the pot calling the kettle black.

One important point which is sometimes missed in American male/Foreign woman marriages is that the divorce rate hovers near ~20% vs the 50-60% standard for American male/American female. So while there's no perfect situation, I'd at least feel better knowing that that's an 80% chance of success than less than half.

36228   Facebooksux   2013 Aug 16, 7:46am  

tatupu70 says

David Losh says

I would rather have my cash.

That's fine, but are you cash poor or do you more money than you could spend in a lifetime?

Hey Igor70,
Why don't you ask Roberta how much Bernanke bux he's got saved up for a rainy day.

36229   tatupu70   2013 Aug 16, 7:55am  

Facebooksux says

Hey Igor70,

Why don't you ask Roberta how much Bernanke bux he's got saved up for a rainy day.

If Roberto wrote that he was cash poor then followed up with a statement saying he has enough money to last a lifetime, then I will.

PS--calling me Igor instead of tatupu is pure comedy gold.

36230   rooemoore   2013 Aug 16, 8:37am  

PolishKnight says

Hahahaha! Yeah, look at the great economy that these women are producing and the rising standards of living,

Well my wife started a business with 50k in savings back in 1999. Today that business employs over 30 people and her take home profit last year was almost 500k.
What about you? As a white male I'm sure you have a similar story, only even more successful, right?

36231   Moderate Infidel   2013 Aug 16, 8:45am  

rooemoore says

Well my wife started a business with 50k in savings back in 1999. Today that business employs over 30 people and her take home profit last year was almost 500k.

What about you? As a white male I'm sure you have a similar story, only even more successful, right?

What kind of company? I have money to invest.

36232   Carolyn C   2013 Aug 16, 9:17am  

Dan8267 says

Carolyn C says

I think that these women from Asia are not as great as they are made out to be. They see foreign men as a meal ticket and are willing to do ANYTHING for it.

The problem with Asian women is that when I have sex with them, I'm horny again in half an hour.

Who cares? You look like a fat ugly slob. Gross, keep your bodily experiences to yourself.

Great! Now I can't get that image out of my head!

36233   Dan8267   2013 Aug 16, 9:45am  

Carolyn C says

Dan8267 says

Carolyn C says

I think that these women from Asia are not as great as they are made out to be. They see foreign men as a meal ticket and are willing to do ANYTHING for it.

The problem with Asian women is that when I have sex with them, I'm horny again in half an hour.

Who cares? You look like a fat ugly slob. Gross, keep your bodily experiences to yourself.

Great! Now I can't get that image out of my head!


36234   mell   2013 Aug 16, 10:05am  

Carolyn C says

Gross, keep your bodily experiences to yourself.

Reminds me of a conversation with a female coworker a couple of years ago when I was enjoying a healthy and fulfilled single sex-life. For some reason women reserve the rights to be offended when male coworkers talk about anything remotely sexual that is in no way involving said women. It has some sort of taliban-esque undertone for me as only they have the right to define what is appropriate and what's not. They are also usually the quickest to lash out personal attacks on looks and character (see your post above) and are rarely held accountable by the same standards as men are. Don't feel offended by sexual talk, instead embrace the babylonian goddess that is still somewhere in you but has been lost and forgotten throughout the dark ages of feminism - you can do it! ;)

36235   New Renter   2013 Aug 16, 10:09am  

Dan8267 says

Luckily, we men get better looking with age. I'm appreciating that fact to its fullest.

The only thing better looking about the average older man is a potentially fatter wallet.

36236   PolishKnight   2013 Aug 16, 10:13am  

rooemoore says

Well my wife started a business with 50k in savings back in 1999. Today that business employs over 30 people and her take home profit last year was almost 500k.

What about you? As a white male I'm sure you have a similar story, only even more successful, right?

Not a similar story, no. I was on my own at the age of 19 with the shirt on my back. I studied computers in my spare time and got an entry level job at the age of 22. I worked up from that to become a successful father and husband. I know I could have, and should have, done more but I'm a net contributor to my community and relationships especially considering what I started with.

Yeah, it's great that your wife did well (no affirmative action handouts or quotas or daddy helping her through school, right?) but for every one of her, we hear excuses that the Trayvon's of the world who go gang banging are excused by their backgrounds or the welfare mothers need free daycare before showing up for work.

So what do I mean by that? A neighborhood made up by people like me allowed entrepreneurs to exist. Try to set up your wife's business in, say, Detroit. Or in any other inner-city matriarchy. This European-American funded equality fantasy is fun, while it lasts.

36237   mell   2013 Aug 16, 10:19am  

New Renter says

Dan8267 says

Luckily, we men get better looking with age. I'm appreciating that fact to its fullest.

The only thing better looking about the average older man is a potentially fatter wallet.

I don't think that's the only thing. Up to a certain age you do get sexier if you keep in shape, e.g. salt and pepper hair ;)

36238   Carolyn C   2013 Aug 16, 10:40am  


I did not intend offend good hearted honest foreign women. It's just my observation that some of these foreign women are susceptible to materialism the same as American women. I believe there is no distinction between a women in the US that marries for millions and a person in Asia that marries for a home and a meal. They both are in it for material possessions.

36239   rooemoore   2013 Aug 16, 10:42am  

PolishKnight says

So what do I mean by that? A neighborhood made up by people like me allowed entrepreneurs to exist. Try to set up your wife's business in, say, Detroit. Or in any other inner-city matriarchy. This European-American funded equality fantasy is fun, while it lasts.

I agree that the middle class - what's left of it - is important to the overall strength of our economy.

As for my wife, she came from a lower middle class, broken home. Paid her way through college, as did I. No quotas, government loans or grants, or anything other advantage that a man wouldn't have gotten. She's just really smart, creative and talented. And she works really hard too. (harder than me as I waste WAY too much time here)

36240   everything   2013 Aug 16, 11:15am  

So what, she either runs a bean counter business, (justifying outsourcing man), or made up some consumerism crap that mostly other women buy.

PolishKnight says

Hahahaha! Yeah, look at the great economy that these women are producing and the rising standards of living,

Well my wife started a business with 50k in savings back in 1999. Today that business employs over 30 people and her take home profit last year was almost 500k.
What about you? As a white male I'm sure you have a similar story, only even more successful, right?

36241   rooemoore   2013 Aug 16, 1:23pm  

everything says

So what, she either runs a bean counter business, (justifying outsourcing man), or made up some consumerism crap that mostly other women buy.

Like I wrote - she employs more than 30 people and takes home about 500k a year. No big deal, right? You do a lot better than that, right?

BTW, learn how to use the "quote" link. Otherwise, your posts will be confusing. Then again, no matter what you do, your posts will probably be confusing.

36242   Moderate Infidel   2013 Aug 16, 3:33pm  

rooemoore says

Like I wrote - she employs more than 30 people and takes home about 500k a year. No big deal, right? You do a lot better than that, right?

Escort services make a lot of money!

36243   grywlfbg   2013 Aug 16, 3:46pm  

hanera says

grywlfbg says

For me I don't think the recovery is sustainable and we will slide back into recession and see the dow ~8,000. The Fed and their cronies have managed to roll the boulder back up the hill for much longer than I thought possible.

Please elaborate if possible. Why do you think they can't do it forever? So are you expecting hyperinflation, depression or stagflation going forward, say, 1 year from now?

Because the cracks are starting to appear. Bernanke knows he's painted himself into a corner. Interest rates are rising and he's all out of ammo. He has no choice but to start tapering even though the economy is not ready to walk on its own.

The financial markets (including housing) are moving in opposition to what the (main street) data is telling us. Based on labor participation rates we haven't recovered since 2008. People have just been dropping off the rolls and/or being moved onto disability. The only reason it doesn't look like 1934 out there today is programs like Food stamps. We have all-time record numbers of people on government assistance. Who's going to buy all the houses? Oh right, I forgot, the Chinese. Yeah, because their economy is doing so great.

As I stated in my first post they have managed to keep the party rocking way longer than I thought possible. But that boulder will roll back down the hill. Why? Because is ALWAYS does. In every empire in the history of humanity.

36244   justme   2013 Aug 16, 4:18pm  

PolishKnight says

It's the main reason I and most other white males have flown the Democrat party but, sadly, even Republicans don't seem to care about us so much.

It is good you have realized that the Republican establishment really does not give a damn about working class white males. They just like to get that demographic sufficiently riled up about some cultural distraction that said demographic will vote against their own best interest. One such distraction is the whole "welfare queen" propaganda.

But, yeah, the Democrats are not doing men any favors, either.

Here is what non-wealthy white people voting Republican should think about: Was the ability to delay gay marriage by 8-12 years worth the death, destruction and cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? That is is essentially the choice you made when voting for George W. Bush.

And in the name of equality, I'll pose the same question to gay marriage activists: Was making a fuss about gay marriage in 1999 worth loosing 1% the vote and therefore ensuring the aforementioned same wars? I think not.

36245   Bellingham Bill   2013 Aug 16, 5:11pm  

grywlfbg says

Interest rates are rising


and he's all out of ammo.


Based on labor participation rates we haven't recovered since 2008.

That's counting old people. Don't count old people, they're retiring now.


is the picture of the recovery. Weak sauce, but just like the first half of the 1990s, really.

But note the age 25-54 population peaked already:


so things aren't quite as bad as that.

The only reason it doesn't look like 1934 out there today is programs like Food stamps.

And also http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/FDEFX

Who's going to buy all the houses?


baby boom echo is turning 30 soon . . .

36246   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 16, 6:12pm  

I'm tired of hearing the bitching & moaning.Everything would be sunshine & lollipops if the BUMS would get off their LAZY ASSES & get a third part time job.

36247   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 16, 6:18pm  

A third part time job will eliminate third party collections. Just a bunch of LFs.

36248   Rin   2013 Aug 17, 12:00am  

Carolyn C says

I did not intend offend good hearted honest foreign women. It's just my observation that some of these foreign women are susceptible to materialism the same as American women.

Yes, what you're referring to is something akin to a Wendy Deng, Rupert Murdoch's social climbing Ivy-educated wife. But here's the thing, I think that this personality type, at least coming out of either Asia or South America, is developed during one's teens or early 20s. Pretty much, everyone knew that Wendy was a b*tch from the get-go. Usually, if it's not established at the core personality, by ages 22-25, then it's not as common as you think.

Now, in the USA, this sort of behavior is encouraged throughout a girl's upbringing, esp during those years, ages 16-19, where they get sneaked into bars/clubs without id cards with their gal power friends while at the same time, going for the thrill seeking gangster/bad boy persona. BTW, my own flesh-n-blood sister is one of these types. When a critical mass of this sort of behavior ensues, then what you have is a culture of American women, who don't make for good spouses and the net result is a divorce rate, hovering over 50%.

In contrast, it's 20% with a foreign woman. Thus, the Rupert / Wendy breakup is a minority event and not a flip of a coin. I know of plenty of marriages between American guys and Asian or South American women and those marriages have held up pretty strong now, for a good number of years. At least 1/2 to 2/3 of the American-to-American marriages I know of, are broken homes today, for will be, just a few years down the road.

36249   lostand confused   2013 Aug 17, 1:01am  

Yeah this whole notion that you can marry somebody and after a few years expect him to maintain you in the lifestyle you are used to -while not giving anything in return -is absurd.

You have people like Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina who have risen in so called male dominated field. That is what equality means-you have choices. Now if you fail-it is your responsibility-not the man's. Why does the woman not be forced by law to keep the man in the lifestyle he was used to??
Time to restore the balance. But the problem is the dems have become the women's party and republicans are stuck in the stone ages and are concered about things such as abortion, birth control and gay marraige. If the republicans become a bit sane and start appealing to the troubles of the modern man-they would be a lot more supporters.

Now I have choosen to be with someone who is as capable as me in pulling in an income and has family money. But someone in their 20s may not be that wise and may end up paying a price for life. The govt in America is in everybody's business and has gotten to be too big.

36250   mell   2013 Aug 17, 1:30am  

justme says

Here is what non-wealthy white people voting Republican should think about: Was the ability to delay gay marriage by 8-12 years worth the death, destruction and cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? That is is essentially the choice you made when voting for George W. Bush.

And in the name of equality, I'll pose the same question to gay marriage activists: Was making a fuss about gay marriage in 1999 worth loosing 1% the vote and therefore ensuring the aforementioned same wars? I think not.

It's called divide and conquer. Voting in the US is an illusion. Now when do we get that 2nd party?

36251   David Losh   2013 Aug 17, 1:37am  

tatupu70 says

That's fine, but are you cash poor or do you more money than you could spend in a lifetime?


Cash on hand is different than money. Money is any type of equity.

That equity can also turn to losses.

If I do nothing money can continue to come in from Real Estate holdings, but my cash can buy me greater opportunities, in my opinion.

36252   David Losh   2013 Aug 17, 1:46am  

Bellingham Bill says

baby boom echo is turning 30 soon . . .

Great rebuttal, and I agree that things aren't as bad as some people make out.

I think that the economy is shifting, and the 30 somethings will be living a more mobile lifestyle.

I just don't see the future of having a house, two kids, and a dog.

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