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Thanks for advertizing my other positions. I see that you saw where I started a new thread that hyperventilation is an acting method to fake a cry without getting bogged down in feelings of past hurt. Turns out that method was used by Robbie Parket and that chick who claims to have lost an older sister.
I hope the people who take your financial advice take note of the sort of 'logic' you use when discussing your conspiracy theories.
Kill, belittle, marginalize or enslave the non-believer, let the unspotted
holy own and rule, that's the knee jerk screed of any self respecting
But with the total number of religions world-wide, everybody is a non-believer/atheist to somebody else.
It's the my religion is right and your's isn't conundrum.
Of course I read it. I also read Israel Shahak's comments and other writings that show that he viewed the Yinon Plan as dangerous to the Jewish people. Shahak also believed that the cabal would come after the USA as well.
Then why do you make so many outlandish claims for what it 'plans' when it does no such thing?
Keep in mind, Bigsby, that the Yinon Plan advocated the attempts are regime change that succeeded or failed in Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Libya, etc. The neocons implemented the plan starting in 2001 when they came to power through Cheney. These neocons wanted a new Pearl Harbor in order to speed entrance into the middle east wars. So, while the Democrats facilitate some Zionist goals, the Republicans implemented the most odious of Zionist goals, Yinon Zionism.
Really? I read it. It merely predicted the likely break up of countries that were/are obviously severely fragmented on sectarian grounds. You conspiracists have simply stretched that basic idea so far that it appears you've completely forgotten what was originally written and created a whole different grand conspiracy involving world domination and (according to you) the hoaxing of the mass murder of children at an elementary school amongst all the rest of the paranoid drivel you post.
Ok ... Daffy Duck.. it can, it cant and vice versa !
Funny to watch all the R.E. Shills show up for damage control ....there's a phrase for it coined "Muddy up the waters"
I am not giving financial advice. How can you know what the cabal wants to do. If people don't buy, and don't rent, then it can always offer easy money. The cabal is evil and we are screwed no matter what.
Ah, so you are merely a self-proclaimed 'financial expert.' And apparently, a paranoid conspiracist.
All you would have to do if you wanted to change the gun laws would be to "donate" to public officials large sums of cash. That's how politics works. It's how things get done. It's what corporations do when they want laws changed to benefit them. The idea that Sandy Hook was perpetrated to change the gun laws is a bit obscene.
All you would have to do if you wanted to change the gun laws would be to
"donate" to public officials large sums of cash. That's how politics works.
That's the hilarious part that bgamall won't admit, is that the zionist/Israel-only lobby is very effective without having to resort to inefficient and insane actions to fulfill their agendas.
Want proof, look at all the money(cash), military weapons and equipment, and 'loans'( that all mostly forgiven) that the USA gives to Israel by our politicians.
Why resort to such insane and scripted BS like bg's Sandy Hook scenario when they don't have to? Well, except to get people to involuntarily defend the actions of certain people that they weren't before.
Does anyone seriously believe that the Isrealis wouldn't have just shot the little kids if they really did Sandy Hook?
Option 1: Hire/coerce hundreds of people, all of whom must keep their mouths shut? Risk tremendous public outrage if a small number of them squeal, probably equal in ferocity to the outrage which would descend if you killed the kids.
Option 2: Shoot the kids, then plant Lanza's body. At most 10 people know, with as few as 2-3 operatives on the ground.
Hmm. Which of these makes more sense?
Do you think any bum should be able to homestead on your lawn? or the patch of woods giving you privacy from your neighbor?
Simply limit people to 5 properties per household, of any kind, anywhere. Corporations may only own property they use, or better yet, can only lease. Corporations cannot be formed to hold or rent real estate; LLPs are okay but the limits apply to each and every member (ie Joe and Jack buy an office building, it counts as 1 property for both individuals).
Problem solved.
"Help, my freedom is being infringed. I only have one primary residence, a summer home, a beach house, and two rental condos! Yet, I also want to buy 100 acres of pine forest in Oregon and a shopping plaza but can't because I reached my limit. This is SOCIALISM!!!!"
Why don't we have 1 year ARM loans starting at 1%, then the payments are really affordable.
This is exactly the trap Denmark has fallen into.
"The mortgage industry says it’s proving difficult to shift borrowers back into longer-term loans, even though households can now fix into rates as low as 3 percent over 30 years. Rates on one-year bonds are well below 1 percent."
"In brief: household debt in Denmark is at 310% of GDP, a world record"
"Do you think any bum should be able to homestead on your lawn? or the patch of woods giving you privacy from your neighbor?"
Sure. Maximum freedom is what libertarianism is all about, right?
"To prove a legal title to land one must trace it back to the man who stole it."
just for the record, my retired Apple millionaire friend was priced out of Los Altos, and that was 2-3 years ago.
real millionaires live in SilverCreek... even back in the day, why buy a chicken shack in LA when you can buy a modern home in SC.... whats the point, are you looking to bank roll the retailers on University Ave so they can charge you $5 cup of coffee ?
And to think: if it weren't for the army of off-duty convenience-store clerks and unemployed busboys (fired for cause) who sifted through all the evidence for smokong guns, Americans might still be laboring under the correct impression that Sandy Hook was the work of a nut who acted alone.
Once again, Internet sleuths blowing up jpegs and blurry video in mom's basement have exposed yet another nonconspiracy for sure!
Wake up sheeple!
It is the same thing in the nice areas of SoCal. Properties are generally being bid up by 10-20% over asking price. We've been outbid by cash buyers that have no contingencies. It's very competitive out there.
you have any proof of these other bidders... or are they fake to pump up prices ?
no.. this isnt Socialism... far from it.. its actually Capitalism...
If there were multiple offers as man REA have keep saying, we would never have seen prices fall by 30-40% as we have seen... its a tool used on fools...
Ontario moves to protect consumer in real estate deals
Proposed legislation would outlaw 'phantom bids' and let consumers negotiate real estate fees.
All offers on a property would have to be presented in writing, rather than just verbally, so that bidders and their agents would have hard proof of the real competition they face for a property. The listing agent would be required to keep a record of each offer in case there are complaints later from losing bidders.
Some realtors have called for greater transparency in the bidding process, one citing a case last year where her clients bid $90,000 over the asking pricebid $90,000 over the asking price on a nearly million dollar home, under the impression there were other bids. When their agent found out later they were alone, the sellers agreed to accept $45,000 instead.
There is no such "well established relationship" between the two across different countries. North Korea has much lower nominal wealth disparity than the US; few would argue their economy is heathier than ours, outside of North Korea. LOL.
Not withstanding that one outlier doesn't negate an obvious trend, I'm not sure you are correct about North Korea.
That's the point that I was making. The amount of money/asset a person owns does not represent the total amount of power he/she wields; there is little correlation between the two when analysing across different societal context.
You're kidding, right? Little correlation between wealth and power?? Really?? Please stop it.
You need to prove how North Korea's Kim's $1000/yr or so salary conveys more signal than noise.
Obviously Kim has other "benefits" that need to be accounted for--we're talking about wealth, remember? In any event--income includes non-monetary benefits as well.
Why? Busts are leveling events. When you allow government bureaucrats to interfere, who do you think the government bureaucrats tend to help more? Their friends in the establishment of course!
Great point. Meteor strikes are leveling events too. So are massive volcanic eruptions.
In reality, busts are marginally leveling only for a short time--when economic recovery takes hold, the disparity continues according to its previous path.
Wake up sheeple!
Who the hell are you? Know anything about the theater shooting and any connection of the characters to Sandy Hook? I am still working on that. You are from Denver, right? The governor above just admitted that people spoke to him and told him to BE PREPARED FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENING.
What are you Hydro, completely and utterly retarded?
I know the mother of someone who was wounded in Aurora.
Someone with $1,000,000 in the bank (or available credit) can command 50 man-years of labor at $10/hr.
That's power.
Our mass media is all pay-for-play. No money, no message.
Politics, same thing, and this is related to the corrupt mass-media thing.
Our economy is still a land-based economy, too. Try living without food, clean water, material goods, or a place to sit in peace.
While ag and mine employment is small, this sector's surplus provides all of us the wealth we need to make our own production. And those who own the primary sector are doing pretty well now.
busts are marginally leveling only for a short time
What busts really do is increase concentration, from weaker to stronger hands.
Uncle Warren got through the recession fine. More than fine.
Millions of Casey Serin-type individual operators got shaken out of the real estate biz, to be replaced by the pros.
What busts really do is increase concentration, from weaker to stronger hands.
Agreed. It's worse than I said--there is a short leveling until the economy recovers and then it's worse than before.
Ten Pound Bass, Dan, zzyzzx, errc, thomaswong, Call it Crazy, and all the others here who complain about the individual mandate should be happy now, but somehow they aren't. ???
Ten Pound Bass, zzyzzx, errc, thomaswong, Call it Crazy, and all the others here who complain about the individual mandate should be happy now, but somehow they aren't. ???
someone has to fix it, time and effort that should have gone to create more jobs!
Wait, Mr. Cheerleader, if O'care is SO wonderful like you claim, why did the the main band leader have to pull his signature achievement???
At what point, do YOU admit it's a disaster??? Your fearless leader is starting to wave the white flag....
Wow, so funny. I can't even tell you how many arguments I've had on this forum where you guys said there shouldn't be an individual mandate. I argued that it was necessary, and basically got called an idiot for doing so.
Well now you guys are saying the individual mandate has been dropped. That should make you HAPPY, because it's the exact thing that you have been griping about for the last 2 years. But no, it just makes you MORE angry. Whatever....
According to the prevailing wisdom here on PatNet, we don't NEED an individual mandate. So let's see how well THAT works out...
IN A FREE MARKET, lenders who are bad judges of credit risk lose money, but when conservatives control the government, the banks just run to the government for help.
Free market s/he says... oh thats rich...
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
Published: September 30, 1999
In a move that could help increase home ownership rates among minorities and low-income consumers, the Fannie Mae Corporation is easing the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders.
The action, which will begin as a pilot program involving 24 banks in 15 markets -- including the New York metropolitan region -- will encourage those banks to extend home mortgages to individuals whose credit is generally not good enough to qualify for conventional loans. Fannie Mae officials say they hope to make it a nationwide program by next spring.
Fannie Mae, the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits.
In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980's.
''From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,'' said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ''If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.''
------ does the last para. ring a bell of what happened down the road....
According to the prevailing wisdom here on PatNet, we don't NEED an individual mandate. So let's see how well THAT works out...
worked out for who... did the last 2- 3 years better be spent growing industries and
creating jobs in the USA.. or distractions running after the Liberal agenda regarding health care.
is that really what has been the most important topic on the national agenda ?
No, we argued that there shouldn't be any Obamacare.... Period...
Here is a thread where I argued that dropping the individual mandate alone would be a bad idea, and where curious2 argues that dropping the individual mandate alone would save money:
Funny - NONE of the people I mentioned agreed with me at the time. But now, you all seem to believe that dropping the individual mandate is a bad idea. I guess it wasn't a bad idea when I said it was, but it automatically became a bad idea when Obama DID it, huh?
is that really what has been the most important topic on the national agenda ?
Yes, I think the fact that we had the worst healthcare system of any industrialized country, millions of uninsured Americans, and double-digit annual price hikes made it the most important topic on the national agenda. Sorry you don't agree.
worst healthcare system of any industrialized country
define worst compared to Canada, Japan, and UK ?
they have shortages and waiting lists... i cant think of anything
worst than someones fixes your issue some 6-9 months down the road..
millions of uninsured Americans
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs.... lets get the first thing done first..
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...
Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...Jobs... Jobs... Jobs...
double-digit annual price hikes made it the most important topic on the national agenda. Sorry you don't agree.
allow for competition... its not that hard...
allow for competition... its not that hard...
We already HAD a free market insurance system. It didn't work.
Funny - NONE of the people I mentioned agreed with me at the time. But now, you all seem to believe that dropping the individual mandate is a bad idea.
I think you missed the irony of the thread title... Let me help you..
Obama Repeals ObamaCare
Get it now??
I get that you are a hypocrite, yes. You whine and you whine and you whine about the individual mandate. Then he drops it and you whine about THAT.
We already HAD a free market insurance system. It didn't work.
across state lines ? what part didnt work....
across state lines ? what part didnt work....
Yawn. Your simplistic take on everything does not interest me.
across state lines ? what part didnt work....
Yawn. Your simplistic take on everything does not interest me.
nope... JOBS are not on the agenda... we dont want to see
americans working on icky icky jobs ... dirty water dirty air...
Why just a thread? Why not link the entire garment?
No, we argued that there shouldn't be any Obamacare.... Period...
Here is a thread where I argued that dropping the individual mandate alone would be a bad idea, and where curious2 argues that dropping the individual mandate alone would save money:
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