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46746   rooemoore   2014 May 29, 2:05pm  

Warmer weather is here. rootvg, the coward, has slithered out from under his rock.

46747   Y   2014 May 29, 2:34pm  

Not if you're hetero....

jazz music says

The fact that he claims to like the Palins is pretty scary though.

46748   curious2   2014 May 29, 2:40pm  

jazz music says

probably holds a DoD security clearance, so he's had his background checked already,

Robert Hanssen held security clearance but became so caught up in his delusions of grandeur and "conservative" religion that he betrayed America and got many people killed.

46749   Analyzer   2014 May 29, 2:54pm  

New Renter says

I have a 15 year old Honda that gets me to and from work everyday in the same amount of time as the Porsches and Mercedes in our parking lot. Next topic?

And I'll bet it does so with less time in the shop.

True that. What they spend per year on oil changes is my total cost of maintenance.

46750   bdrasin   2014 May 29, 5:26pm  

curious2 says

bdrasin says

rootvg says

When it becomes legal to walk in the Castro with a forty five on my hip, we'll KNOW something big is happening.

Is it just me or does that sound a bit...I don't know...GAY?

Not only that, but he needs a 45 in order to feel "big".

That's not a gun in his pocket - he's just glad to see you.

46751   curious2   2014 May 29, 7:28pm  

bdrasin says

That's not a gun in his pocket - he's just glad to see you.

"Glad" doesn't quite say it - excited maybe, and (violently) conflicted.

46752   HydroCabron   2014 May 30, 12:35am  

I'm not seeing a problem here.

These people were definitely not bankers, and were quite possibly liberals.

46753   Blurtman   2014 May 30, 12:37am  

He should have laundered the drug money instead of selling the drugs.

Welcome to the two-tiered justice system in the banana republic of Amerika.

Boot on the neck of the commoner. The wealthy run wild.

46754   dublin hillz   2014 May 30, 2:27am  

Danville ain't exactly a republican stronghold either, in fact it's 67% dem.


46755   corntrollio   2014 May 30, 3:05am  

The incompetent cops say they didn't see any indication of children:

“There was no clothes, no toys, nothing to indicate that there was children present in the home. If there had been then we'd have done something different,”

Does this mean we need to start pinning kids toys and clothes to our porches to make sure cops know we have kids and their friends might be visiting too? Wtf?

There should be mass firings with forfeiture of pensions for this kind of stuff, but we all know the police unions will back the assholes and that local government will back down. The problem in poor neighborhoods is that they sometimes riot over things like a minority criminal getting shot by a white cop, but won't riot when a kid gets killed by any person no matter what race, cop or civilian.

46756   Ceffer   2014 May 30, 3:29am  

Meth heads turn out kids like kindling. They need to duct tape their babies around the porch and windows if they want to become "raid proof".

Of course, then their children would no longer be useful in lawsuits against the city.

46757   FortWayne   2014 May 30, 3:42am  

This is horrible, sick and twisted.

I guess I now have the right to throw a flashbang at the cops face and excuse it as "I didn't have any indication he was present." I'll add that to my bucket list.

46758   HydroCabron   2014 May 30, 3:47am  

FortWayne says

I guess I now have the right to throw a flashbang at the cops face and excuse it as "I didn't have any indication he was present." I'll add that to my bucket list.

You should probably save that one for last.

46759   dublin hillz   2014 May 30, 4:49am  

PolishKnight says

If anyone is NOT breeding like rabbits, it's the bay area useful idiot white
male liberals that celebrate the extinction of their own kind.

The object of life is not to outbreed others, it's to outlive them!

46760   Analyzer   2014 May 30, 5:36am  

Hopefully gold keeps falling to 1000, then we can back up the truck.....................

46761   rooemoore   2014 May 30, 6:16am  

PolishKnight says

Heck, I'll put it this way: My decision to be on the right is an, er, no-brainer.

Self-aware humor. Well done.

46762   Dan8267   2014 May 30, 6:17am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Atlanta Cops Grenade an Infant

The only way to deal with this is to apply the same suffering to each offspring, past and future, of every cop involved in this situation. Only when their own families suffer the same as their victims will cops change their behavior.

A cop should treat every household he enters as if it were his own and the people in it as if they were his own family.

46763   Dan8267   2014 May 30, 6:23am  

The fucking media warns viewers that the photo is graphic. The actual event was graphic. That's what should offend you.

This is yet another example of why the War on Drugs must end immediately.

It is also an example of why every citizen has a valid self-defense right to shoot cops on their property on sight with RPGs. The very concept of a no-knock raid is tyrannical and absurd. A man's home is his castle.

People have the right to expect privacy and security in their own homes, especially from government. If the government can't force us to quarter British soldiers in times of war, the government has no right to burst into our bathrooms while our teenage daughter is taking a shower. And no cop has the right to discharge ANY weapon in a private home without knowing who is there. Hell, no cop has the right to inflict ANY harm on a civilian who isn't an immediate danger to other persons.

46764   Dan8267   2014 May 30, 6:24am  

The judge who issued the no-knock warrant should also be drawn and quartered.

46765   Robert Sproul   2014 May 30, 6:58am  

These lunatics are doing 50-80 THOUSAND of these violent home invasions a year, nationwide.
This woman's home was destroyed by a SWAT raid:
"For more than four hours, SWAT team members fired grenades through walls and windows and blasted in the doors with explosives."
Nobody was home, the guy they were looking for hadn't stayed there in months. They broke every window in the house while they kept the evacuated neighbors standing in the rain for 4 hours.


46766   Tenpoundbass   2014 May 31, 12:29am  

They were from the Minority report squad.
That kid was going to grow up to be a Tea Party President.

46767   Robert Sproul   2014 May 31, 12:32am  

Apparently it is NOT the cops fault.
Says Habersham County Sheriff Joey Terrell:
“The person I blame in this whole thing is the person selling the drugs,” Terrell said. “Wanis Thonetheva, that’s the person I blame in all this. They are no better than a domestic terrorist, because they don’t care about families…"

This same over amped "Task Force" gunned down an innocent Pastor in '09:

46768   Tenpoundbass   2014 May 31, 12:39am  

Robert Sproul says

This same over amped "Task Force" gunned down an innocent Pastor in '09:

Like who hasn't thought about doing that?
Those damn pastors aren't so innocent, they are intolerant Jesus spreading bigots. - Cali Lib

46769   Vicente   2014 May 31, 1:15am  

Robert Sproul says

They [meth dealers] are no better than a domestic terrorist

Clearly a few dollars worth of meth is an offense that justifies military-style response.

Because of their poor research & surveillance, the alleged dealer wasn't even THERE at the time. Was he carrying an AK-47 with grenade launcher when arrested?

"Terrell said the suspected drug dealer, 30-year-old Wanis Thonetheva, was arrested later at another house, with a quantity of methamphetamine, possibly as much as an ounce. but no weapons."

Judges who approve no-knock warrants like this, should be removed from office.

46770   HydroCabron   2014 May 31, 2:11am  

If the cops had had an armored vehicle with a battering ram, they could have just knocked the house over, and that baby would not have been burned.

The worst part of the video was the sheriff saying they'll know what to do better next time. How about not doing anything next time?

46771   Ceffer   2014 May 31, 3:21am  

Next time, they need to pack the baby and it's diapers with C4 and a remote trigger, wheel it into the house on a robot and detonate so no cops get hurt.

46772   Robert Sproul   2014 May 31, 3:35am  

The Professor says

A persons life has to be pretty messed up

Like, nobody in the family has worked since grandpa had a job at the mill in "82.
Much of middle America is a sacrifice zone to "Globlaization"
Then they monetize the pathetic left-behinds through the "War on (some) Drugs".
It was in regard to prescription opioid addiction (another way they profit from poverty) but I thought this phrase was poignant:
"Some of these patients could be said to be suffering from what his colleagues call 'terribly-sad-life syndrome.' 'These patients are at a dead end, life has stymied them, they are hurting,' he said. 'They want to be numb.'"

Terribly-sad-life Syndrome, let's all count our blessings today.

46773   HydroCabron   2014 May 31, 5:03am  

I know some of this sort of people: living off public assistance intermittently or permanently, never accumulating savings when times are good, sometimes working harder but other times giving up.

I have no idea as to how the family in this case fits this profile, but here are some of the characteristics one sees again and again:

1) High incidence of mental illness in the family - a schizophrenic here, a severe autistic there. It's uncanny sometimes.

2) Uncanny ability to fail most of the time, even among the brightest of the bunch. The smart ones will tell themselves they must hang around to take care of the weakest (mentally ill or drug addicts), which inevitably wears down the smart/able ones themselves, who are torn between their jobs and the extreme drama at home. Guess what happens to their job performance?

3) Disapproval and meanness toward family members who succeed by moving to where jobs are more plentiful or by starting their own business.

4) Fear of leaving the hopeless shit hole backwater they're living in, because "we don't belong with city people, or whatever people it is who live elsewhere and are oh-so-scary and "better than us".

5) Failure to save due to weak character in the face of constant barrage of televised appeals to spend, spend, spend. The poor have TVs, which gets them into the same frivolous spending habits as the rest of us, but they can't afford those habits.

6) Consistently abysmal choices in sexual partners, as in three drunkard husbands in a row, followed by a fourth who is obviously chemically unbalanced to even the most casual observer; have a child by this man, and the child then must be institutionalized for life.

7) Lots of small bad choices which pile up, creating health problems: diets of beige fried food and sugary treats, lack of exercise, poor vehicle maintenance resulting in accident and chronic pain.
The worst of these is usually dietary - near-universal diabetes in some of these families.

This stuff is exasperating to witness. I know two brothers with the same intelligence level and same decent work ethic: one lives in wealthy retirement with a supportive wife, while the other lives in Section 8 housing with his mentally-ill daughters who are pushing 50, with drug addicts among the grandchildren, a couple of whom steal his stuff to buy drugs.

The wealthy got there partly by marrying the boss's daughter, but still worked hard. The poor one also worked hard, but was treated like shit by his wives. I also know people who shit on their spouses and children, who would steal your putter out of your bag at the golf course, and are quite wealthy.

The worst things these marginal people do are to themselves; drugs are a symptom and not the cause. None of them deserves to have their 18-month-old blown up.

46774   Vicente   2014 May 31, 1:30pm  

The Traditional American Way.

CIA enables an existing challenger to take over as the new strongman. Promise whatever support is needed to pull off a coup, and extraction if it fails.

His family however has been remarkably successful at eliminating possible threats. And you couldn't realistically use this method for some 3rd tier underling who would neither have access, nor the ability to maintain order post-coup.

Fomenting a popular revolution is too risky.

46775   Bellingham Bill   2014 May 31, 6:51pm  

"Kim Jung-Un"

Like Saddam Hussein was, I think the present Korean dictator is an effect not a cause of systemic instability.

Vicente says

His family however has been remarkably successful at eliminating possible threats

I don't know anything, but suspect the corruption of the NK regime extends far beyond "family".

NK seems to me to be a fallen party-elite controlled state, the end state of all governments that successfully unbind themselves from true popular electoral feedback dynamics.

I'd like to think if the ROK just rolled over the border the rotten state would collapse immediately, but short of that I don't see change happening there anytime soon.

ISTM the "inner party" -- whatever that is -- has got too tight a grip on the levers of police power in NK.

The day NK disappears should hopefully be a happy day indeed; one of the last authoritarian holdouts, left or right.

46776   hrhjuliet   2014 Jun 2, 2:08am  

Sorry, two more questions:

In the twenties the government focused on the loss of the family farms, but didn't focus on the residential losses, or do much to bail them out. Now the focus and aid is on the residential market and how it effects real estate stocks. Would this shift in focus mean a different outcome for our upcoming crash?

I thought the housing market kept doing well until 1933? Would you liquify your real estate before the stock market crash, or wait a few years?

46777   indigenous   2014 Jun 2, 4:55am  


If you want to get the straight dope:


46778   rooemoore   2014 Jun 2, 5:07am  

indigenous says


If you want to get the straight dope:


Woods is a straight dope, alright.

46779   indigenous   2014 Jun 2, 5:14am  

rooemoore says

Woods is a straight dope, alright.

not in my opinion, not that you would pass any sort of test on the great depression.

46780   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jun 2, 6:04am  

rooemoore says

Woods is a straight dope, alright.

Oh, Thomas Woods Jr. that's the crypto-Confederate: "It wuz all abouts da tariff!" - nevermind that the tariffs had been agreed-upon decade after decade, and it wasn't tariffs that Southern Leaders railed about. It was about the empire of slavery expanding Westward, so Plantation Owner's sons could own vast tracts at the expense of small farmers.

Amos is happy where he is, dammit!

46781   indigenous   2014 Jun 2, 6:06am  

thunderlips11 says

crypto-Confederate apologist

I guess you mean neo confederate. He is not at all, strictly a solid Austrian.

46782   socal2   2014 Jun 2, 6:29am  

marcus says

I distinctly remember Bush (GWB) campaigning that he was opposed to "nation

I distinctly remember a little event on 9/11 that changed our thinking on foreign policy.

We used to think we could just support dictators to keep a lid on the crazy and the crazy wouldn't spill on our shores. That didn't work out so well for us on 9/11 and required new thinking.

Now that we are bugging out of the world and letting the crazies take over, expect to see more stories like this where Jihadis trained in Syria are coming back to Europe and elsewhere to kill Jews.


46783   rooemoore   2014 Jun 2, 7:33am  

PolishKnight says

In any case, as I said, since the left ultimately winds up in bed with the very same capitalists they claim to hate (Goldman Sachs, for example) and then engage in a race agenda to make up for their failures with the bread and circus populace,

If I understand you correctly, you think both sides are screwing you but you like the way the Republicans do it better.

Well, that's because they have small dicks. When your getting fucked in the ass, smaller is probably better.

46784   hrhjuliet   2014 Jun 2, 9:01am  

Thank you very much! I appreciate all your helpful, educated and well-thought out answers to my questions. This gives me a lot to think about and research further.

46785   marcus   2014 Jun 2, 9:12am  

socal2 says

I distinctly remember a little event on 9/11 that changed our thinking on foreign policy.

The neocons had plans for Iraq (which was unrelated to 9/11), way before 9/11.


It is true that without 9/11, it would have been somewhere between difficult and impossible to get support for what we did in Iraq. But that's a far cry from saying that 9/11 truly justified the Iraq war.

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