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78554   Ceffer   2016 Dec 28, 8:06pm  

Trigglypuff giving birth to a huge, steaming burrito turd.

78555   lostand confused   2016 Dec 28, 11:16pm  

Fucking White Male says


As in "hit it" or just punch it with your arm?

78556   Y   2016 Dec 29, 6:12am  

When your wife says "no" to you for the 25,000th time and you are a john goodman lookalike with no hope for finding another blind bride...well, to paraphrase Reggie Hammond, 'Lack of pussy make you whine! Man!'...

anonymous says

she felt very strongly you had more than a passing interest in this, whether the result of a personal matter or that of a family member.

78557   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 29, 11:44pm  

Sad state of affairs!

78558   MMR   2016 Dec 30, 5:57am  

How many times did mother jones refer to Obama or Clinton as an idiot?

78559   MrEd   2016 Dec 30, 6:06am  

mother jones is a dyke tranny...

78560   Shaman   2016 Dec 30, 8:31am  

7. Thank Russia!

it's not like they hacked the Pentagon. If they did it, they phished Podesta's DNC account, downloaded emails, and released ones that showed him and his ilk to be the corrupt monsters that they are.

Whoop de freaking do!

We don't like Killary anyway and we are glad her campaign went down in flames. She was the absolute worst person for the job and America dodged a bullet when she wasn't elected President. Hell, the way she talked and raged, we may have dodged a few thousand nuclear warheads!
War with the other nuclear superpower in the world is and should always be out of the question. Conflict like that goes beyond destruction and politics and power. It's an extinction level event.

Any other option must be pursued before the one that would wipe our species from the face of a radioactive and uninhabitable planet Earth.

You hear that, duck????

Any option! Any politician who even hints that nuclear war might be an acceptable solution to a POLITICAL problem is INSANE and must not be allowed such power!

FUCK! I thought this shit was obvious, but apparently some people are too ignorant to understand that you can't blow up the world and then win!
What the actual FUCK?!

78561   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 30, 8:55am  

Usually in these circumstances the US government actually lists IPs and where they were tracked to, they have logs and packets to offer up as proof.
The only thing Obama has offered is ill-timed triggered crybaby accusations.

And if it is true that Putin ratted Hillary, the DNC and Obama out to the American voters, then we owe him one flattering statue, in the appropriate halls where other American hero statues are erected.

78562   Robert Sproul   2016 Dec 30, 9:06am  

7. Something else

-Train our bumbling apparatchiks basic internet hygiene and then hold THEM accountable.
-Learn something about diplomacy from Putin, he is running circles around us.

78563   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 30, 9:12am  

How about all the fuckheads that haven't read any of the alphabet soup govt. agencies reports on Russian hacking, post a link to them
I be glad to read the evidence.
I have read all the reports that prove that IRAQ HAS WMD.

78564   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 30, 9:15am  

He saved us from a Muslim American hating Kenyan on going legacy.

In the scheme of things, this is a better pay off.

78565   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Dec 30, 9:16am  


Denier in chief will opt for five.

78566   Robert Sproul   2016 Dec 30, 9:18am  

Valuable to recall that the US has interfered in foreign elections as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon. Most recently in Russia’s backyard.

78567   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 30, 9:27am  

I'm glad Trump came along, Dan makes sense now.

78568   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 10:22am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

Obama has been the most anti-Whistlerblower President in US History; Hillary would be even worse.

Yeah, thank goodness we have an upgrade to a President that's okay with Russia (maybe successfully) influencing our elections.

Gosh, could it be that Trump doesn't want to condemn Russian efforts to illegally influence our elections becasue he is the one they helped elect ?

Probably just a coincidence that all of those arguing that it was okay for Russia to use stolen info to influence our elections happen to be happy that Trump won.

If they had any integrity or intellectual honesty, they would say they are glad Trump won, but that at the same time they are not okay with Russian government meddling in our elections. There are some republicans that have taken that position. Who knows, maybe those are republicans that privately would have strongly preferred Hillary as President.

78569   Shaman   2016 Dec 30, 10:32am  

We should reward Russia for their investigative journalism by removing all sanctions and promoting trade deals on a massive scale. Both our countries have much to gain from trade. Then we should make agreements on world security, response measures to Islam, etc. Finally, we should agree to construct an inter-continental bridge from Alaska to Siberia and construction of a connected highway that will make it possible to drive from Chile to Zimbabwe.
THAT'S how far we should go to improve Russian relations!

78570   MMR   2016 Dec 30, 10:37am  

.......But when russians spy it is intolerable because that's the narrative that the MSM wants to push. Social media is making it harder for MSM to push half-truths

78571   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 10:46am  

Quigley says

promoting trade deals on a massive scale

So while Trump works on undoing globalization, we should increase globalization with respect to Russia ? I guess that's based on the idea that they won't undercut us on labor costs ?

I'm pretty sure the irony involved in defending Russia is lost on all the people whose biggest beef with Hillary was that she's corrupt and supposedly thinks she's above the law

78572   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 10:50am  

PCGyver says

The DNC is not a government agency. They should have spent a little bit of their money on cyber security. And Podesta is a dumbass for falling for a phishing scam.

Their security was a joke. They haughtily turned down FBI offers to assist with hardening and monitoring their IT - probably because they feared leaks from the FBI more than any thing else at the time.


marcus says

So while Trump works on undoing Globalization, we should increase globalization with respect to Russia ?

So when the King Of England sends envoys on the Status of Calais or to arrange the marriage of children with the King of France, that was Globalization?

Or just ordinary Diplomacy practiced since the Bronze Age?

78573   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 10:57am  

I know one thing a President traditionally does not do during their last days in office, and that is make substantial foreign policy moves.

78574   Dan8267   2016 Dec 30, 11:02am  

Remember, America was founded on a violent, criminal revolution that violated many laws. It was not legal for the American colonists to revolt against their government, the British Empire. To argue that the law must always be upheld is to argue that our nation should not have been founded.

78575   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 11:04am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

So when the King Of England sends envoys on the Status of Calais or to arrange the marriage of children with the King of France, that was Globalization?

I have no idea what you're talking about. Many argue against trade deals they don't begin to understand, because it's more globalization. For many months you and others argued that Trump is awesome, in spite of his obvious personality and character flaws because he promises to magically undo the consequences of globalization. Then Quigley says we need to promote massive trade deals with Russia as a reward of us supposedly taking the neoliberal elites out of power.

That was the context of my comment.

78576   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 11:09am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

that is make substantial foreign policy moves.

YOu mean like not vetoing the UN on something ? Some would say doing the veto would have been a more significant foriegn policy move.

But speaking of norms, the President elect is supposed to realize that there is only one President at a time, and keep a low profile relative to international affairs until after he is inaugurated. But not Trump. He has an image of not having any class and being an idiot to uphold.

78577   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 11:09am  

Dan8267 says

Remember, America was founded on a violent, criminal revolution that violated many laws. It was not legal for the American colonists to revolt against their government, the British Empire. To argue that the law must always be upheld is to argue that our nation should not have been founded.

There's only one excuse for rebellion against legitimate authority:

If you win :)

78578   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 11:13am  

marcus says

YOu mean like not vetoing the UN on something ? Some would say doing the veto would have been a more significant foriegn policy move.

Not really, since we've veto'd pretty much every UNSC anti-Israel resolution (inevitably put forward by regimes far far far far more tyranical and genocidal human rights violators than Israel) since the 1967 "Land for Peace" resolution.

This is a major, major move and even the Legacy MSM can't dismiss this. You realize that most of the Dem leadership in the House and Senate is really pissed the fuck off about this? If just for political reasons.

marcus says

The President elect is supposed to realize that there is only one President at a time, and keep a low profile relative to international affairs until after he is innaugurated. But not Trump. He has an image of not having any class and being an idiot to uphold.

Sorry, that's not how it works. The outgoing President generally focuses on pardoning people on his way out, occasionally putting in some recess appointments and sneaking in an executive order or two on domestic issues sometimes.

Presidents have let forts be besieged by insurgents without Federal response, rather than commit the country to a course of action in the days before the President Elect takes the Oath.

78579   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 11:16am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

Sorry, that's not how it works. The outgoing President generally focuses on pardoning people on his way out, occasionally putting in some recess appointments and sneaking in an executive order or two on domestic issues sometimes.

Wtf ?

I was arguing that Trump should be quiet about policy, other than talking about his transition, and cabinet appointments and so on. And sorry, that is how it works.

78580   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 11:20am  

Somebody needs to cut Trump off from his twitter feed for a few weeks, for his own good.

78581   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 11:20am  

marcus says

I was arguing that Trump should be quiet about policy, other than talking about his transition, and cabinet appointments and so on. And sorry, that is how it works.

Uh no. Speculation about the Cabinet, First Priorites, and the trickling of information from PEOTUS is an American Tradition. Do you remember 2008 at all? Or 1992? Or 1980?

It's also tradition that the Legacy Media gives the incoming POTUS the benefit of the doubt for the first few months of his term, but nobody expects the Oligarch Legacy Media to do that this time.

Now, do you deny that Obama has really dicked over Democrats in the House and Senate? It's funny, the SJWs think they won a victory, but the Top Dems are going to have to swing hard in support of Israel now with super-duper Pro-Israel legislation to re-establish their credibility..

78582   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 11:28am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

Uh no. Speculation about the Cabinet, First Priorites, and the trickling of information from PEOTUS is an American Tradition. Do you remember 2008 at all? Or 1992? Or 1980?

Apparently you don't. Aside from 1980, I can't imagine a President elect being this much of an idiot.

OBama's white house is doing what it can to help Trump with the transition, which is very necessary becasue they started so late. The least Trump could do is shut the fuck up, and be a little more circumspect.

Israel just got a massive arms deal from the U.S. THe U.S. has not lost any credibility. Even a huge segment of Isreali Jews have a problem with the ever expanding settlements, and a majority or Israelis are for a "2 state solution," which becomes less and less possible with the expansion of the settlements.

Word has it that Trump doesn't even know what the settlements are. I believe that.

Maybe Trump is not as stupid as I think, and he's taking suggestions from Kissenger or someone like Kissenger. It's smells like a bunch of PR that means nothing.

78583   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 11:32am  

The only thing we know for sure is that Trump loves to read stories about himself in the newspaper more than any President in modern history.

78584   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 12:31pm  

marcus says

YOu mean like not vetoing the UN on something ? Some would say doing the veto would have been a more significant foriegn policy move.

There's more and more evidence to suggest Kerry and Rice collaborated with the Palestinians and Egyptians on writing the resolution in the first place.

78585   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 12:34pm  

marcus says

Israel just got a massive arms deal from the U.S. THe U.S. has not lost any credibility. Even a huge segment of Isreali Jews have a problem with the ever expanding settlements, and a majority or Israelis are for a "2 state solution," which becomes less and less possible with the expansion of the settlements.

Who has the power of the purse? That's Congress - and there are Dems backing that as well.

Obama has actually been the greatest Arms dealer since the Cold War. Something like $300B, including to Wahabi State Sponsors of Terror like Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The abstention on this vote broke about half a century of US Foreign Policy, at the tail end of a lame duck outgoing President's Term.

And he not only can claim it's okay because Congress is against such a move, he can't even claim it's okay as his own party was both shocked and opposed his radical shift.

The Senate Minority Leader, the House Minority Leader, the Minority Whip and the majority of all Democrats opposed Obama's decision. Nor apparently did he consult them beforehand.

It was literally an unprecedented AND totally unsupported move. Unilateral "to the max".

78586   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 12:52pm  

Oh, and duh, I have to mention this again:

Obama interfered with the 2015 Israeli Elections to get rid of Bibi.

This is from Haaretz, which has an anti-Bibi bias:

So apparently it's okay by Obama to coordinate the sending of his former campaign staff, tax payer money via the State Department, and more.

"There was money moving that included taxpayer U.S. dollars, through non-profit organizations. And there were various liberal groups in the United States that were raising millions to fund a campaign called V15 against Prime Minister Netanyahu," McLaughlin said.

He noted an effort to oust Netanyahu was guided by former Obama political operative Jeremy Bird and that V15, or Victory 15, ads hurt Netanyahu in the polls. McLaughlin said the Israeli leader rebounded after delivering a speech to Congress early this month, prompting more critical ads.

V15 was viewed as part of a broader campaign to oust Netanyahu. The group was linked to Washington-based nonprofit OneVoice Movement, which reportedly received $350,000 in State Department grants. Money to OneVoice stopped flowing in November, officials said, before the Israeli elections.


Another interference was when Netanyahu was invited by Congress to speak to general Bipartisan Acclaim, but then Obama snubbed him and made him leave by the side door at the WH. Another sign of lack of support for Obama's policies, and why this latest move was unilateral and unprecendented.

78587   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 1:08pm  

Ironman says

“Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks,” he tweeted. “Thought it was going to be a smooth transition - NOT!”


5 minutes later he said the transition is going very smoothly, and that he's talking to Obama everyday.

78588   Shaman   2016 Dec 30, 1:18pm  

Don't forget Obama has also decreed by executive order the doubling of H1B and H2B visa limits and rushed to import and settle as many rape-fugees as possible in American communities. He's also established more regulations, created more unwanted state parks, and released more drug dealers from prison than any outgoing POTUS before him.
He is most definitely putting road blocks for Trump, running counter to the established will of America. He's the lamest lame duck ever.

Obama is a scourge upon the Oval Office and the country. The sooner he is gone, the sooner Trump can begin to rebuild.

78589   Shaman   2016 Dec 30, 1:55pm  

Yah that's about the gist of it.
DNC gets caught rigging the elections, and in turn accuses Russia of doing the same. A concept this absurd would be laughed out of any fiction publisher's office.

78590   Booger   2016 Dec 30, 3:06pm  

Russian hackers did not write those emails, corrupt Democrats did

78591   Booger   2016 Dec 30, 3:33pm  

Obama's temper tantrum towards the Russian diplomats are merely his marching orders by his puppet master Soros.

78592   RWSGFY   2016 Dec 30, 3:37pm  

#3 is the only rational choice.

78593   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 3:41pm  

Straw Man says

#3 is the only rational choice.

With no more appetite for war in the Middle East, and Apple, Walmart, Samsung,etc.nixing any conflict with China, all Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon really have is to saber rattle on Russia.

Otherwise, they make have to make products for the private sector and compete in the global market, instead of being able to "Develop as we Manufacture", probably the greatest scam ever pushed on the taxpayer.

That being said we need a whole new fleet of planes that can dogfight, however the contractors will bid and a panel of USAF pilots at least 15 years from retirement will make the selection from among completely finished, flyable and testable prototypes.

Booger says

Russian hackers did not write those emails, corrupt Democrats did

Shhh! We're too busy shooting the messenger.

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