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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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78849   Dan8267   2017 Jan 6, 8:14am  

joeyjojojunior says

"POLL - How many people want free stuff taken away?

Yes - 16%

No - 84%

Did our handout society ever give you doubt?"

People aren't asking for free health care. They are asking for affordable healthcare with reasonable costs that won't bankrupt them the first time they get sick. The fact is that capitalism has completely failed to provide decent affordable health care. If capitalism worked for health care, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

78850   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 6, 8:20am  

Yep--and there are so many other systems out there that we could copy/model our system on. Systems that deliver better healthcare for much, much less money. It shouldn't be this difficult.

78851   MMR   2017 Jan 6, 8:43am  

anonymous says

Hey - what do you think Trump's son and daughter in law are going to do for privacy in their shack a few blocks away?

Probably the same things that allow Carlos Slim to drive his own car down streets of Mexico City without any kind of security detail; something like aid and abet the russian mob, similarly to how Slim aids and abets the el chapo types in mexico.

78852   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 6, 8:51am  


78853   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 6, 8:52am  


78854   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 6, 9:42am  

He also funded massive border walls in Jordan and Tunisia, too. With US taxpayer dollars.

78855   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 6, 9:43am  

Tim Aurora says

And that is the problem with America. The intelligence of a country is its "intelligence". It is what decides the strategy vis-a-vis our enemies. If it does not have the confidence of America, America cannot lead the world. I guess, Trumpites are OK with that, and he is the President. Well it was good till it lasted . Lets give the reigns to China and Russia.

Democrats: 1965-2016 "Question Authority!"
Democrats: 2016- "How DARE you question the authorities?"

78856   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 6, 10:18am  

MMR says

They had their chance; GOPe have to maintain their power; if Trump paints them as uncooperative and recalcitrant against bills that the public supports in principle, they will be on hot seat. He can do this all day long and even if nothing gets done, he will use social media to pass any heat on him to others.

You got it.

The Establishment is against the Reformer, shock of shocks. That never happens in World History. He'll likely will fail and bebesmirched in the process. Then the Establishment is really in trouble.

Ryan has been against Trump since day one, his mentor was an Establishment convicted Pedophile named Hastert. When he wasn't structuring payments to get around bank reporting requirements. Trump's real problem is the GOPe: Graham, McCain, McConnell, Ryan, and others hate him, they like it the way it is.

78858   marcus   2017 Jan 6, 10:56am  

Ironman says

Folks, you can't make this shit up....

Why would you ? It's called security. He's going to have a detail of secret service protecting him for the rest of his life. This was very easily their idea.

Do you know the definition of hypocrisy ? I'd love to hear your explanation of the hypocrisy going on here.

78859   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Jan 6, 11:06am  

Ego baiting Trump: he can't admit that Russians did the hack. That would force him to admit that the election was rigged and undermine his victory.

78860   Shaman   2017 Jan 6, 11:32am  

Cool. All part of draining the swamp!

78861   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 6, 11:40am  

I would quit too if I couldn't lead from behind.
America questions our Intelligence community.
They have lied and lied and lied.

78862   AllTruth   2017 Jan 6, 1:05pm  

Logan will tweet that he will suck Trump's penis and work his balls if Trump or his surrogates re-publish Logan's "professional" biography (that was written by Logan, himself, which makes it a professional autobiography).

Trump likes that kind of shameless, grandiose self-promotion.

Maybe Logan can create about 100 different Patrick.net user accounts to tell everyone how "they' attended one of Logan's exciting speeches at the airport Holiday Inn Express to hear about reverse mortgages and refis.

78863   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Jan 6, 1:16pm  

I only tweeted once in my life, to tell Lebron what a little bitch he was for The Announcement. Had an account for all of five minutes. Seems to have worked too, I remember Lebron tweeting something whiny about being picked on, hilarious!

78864   RWSGFY   2017 Jan 6, 2:07pm  

Why would a Russian operative lie?

78865   missing   2017 Jan 6, 2:40pm  

Why are you red and not green then?

78866   Ceffer   2017 Jan 6, 3:48pm  

Bating Trumpligula with passive aggressive sorties designed to enrage and frustrate his narcissism, until he tears his hair out in big, orange cotton candy clumps, sounds enticing. However, haven't the foggiest how twitter works.

78867   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 6, 4:13pm  

RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says

it is going to be delayed until the 20th. Useless's laywers will present the "evidence" in a bunch of suitcases filled with toilet paper.

I heard there will be a "Public" version and a "Decision-maker" version. Both will be full of circumstantial shit, but this will allow Lindsay Graham, McCain, Pelosi, etc. to say "Indisputable Truth! We have a separate version with the more sekrit evidence."

Again, who ELSE hacked into the DNC Server. Preferably asked while somebody is under oath. They're not telling you there are many, many other groups that hacked into the DNC.

78868   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 6, 4:24pm  

Who was the first to accuse Russia?

Crowdstrike, hired by the Democrats. How conveeeeeeeenient they decided it was Russia.

78869   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 6, 4:34pm  

What gets me is they go from one pile of shit on to the next. It's not like they had all of these tinfoil hat conspiracy theories going at the same time.
They get the shit kicked out of them on one, they come back with a new one.

NPR today the theme was Trump all about Trump. But they want to lead the narrative, they want to smear his name his supporters, lie about associations, make wild accusations. But then the minute he Tweets and calls them all an Idiot with 144 characters or less. They all scream in tandem "Oh my God why wont he go away. Trump makes everything about HIM! Waaah aaaah haaaah!!!!"

NPR's thought specialists are really losing their edge. They have turned into Putz Practitioners.

78870   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 6, 4:43pm  

They don't realize that non-super partisan democrats are already sick of the smears.

78871   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 6, 4:46pm  

Bill Richardson.

January 5th, 2009.

He didn't want to be a 'distraction' from the charges he was facing regarding muni bond peddlers.


It's pretty clear the intel services don't want Trump, he'll cut into their lucrative double dip retirement scheme.

78873   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 6, 4:57pm  

Dan8267 says

Why the hell should trying to influence an election require that you give up safety? Every person who endorses a candidate or opposes another is trying to influence an election. Should they all have to submit to a government that has recently tortured innocent people for political reasons? That is ridiculous.

I linked to the DNI report in another thread. It says Putin ordered and influence campaign and seems to focus alot on RT programming since Occupy Wall Street. Otherwise it's all maybe, probably, coulda, shoulda, woulda.

Dan8267 says

At least Thunderlips has the decency to show us cleavage with each post. He's a real hero.

Samples are free.

Otherwise $1000/hr. + expenses. Right Rin? Good tipper.

78874   Patrick   2017 Jan 6, 5:44pm  

I do have a Twitter account, https://twitter.com/patrickdotnet but how would you all get to abuse it?

I don't get the mechanics, but I'm all for equal-opportunity flame-baiting. Though I don't really trust Twitter since I know they have PC-compliance guards shadow-banning "offensive" material, the only kind of material really worth reading.

78875   Strategist   2017 Jan 6, 7:14pm  

Ironman says

“Mr. President, I object on behalf of the millions of Americans, including members of the intelligence committee,” Rep. Barbara Lee said


Ironman says

“Mr. President, I object to the votes from the state of Wisconsin, which should not be legally certified,” Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee insisted.

Another dummy.

Ironman says

Ryan finally lost it and started laughing when Rep. Maxine Waters stood up

Yet another dummy.

78876   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 6, 7:15pm  

Unbelievable,the most flaming SJW Liberal Bash-bush types are the new McCarthyists.

78877   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 6, 7:18pm  

Well he is an Info Warrior.

78878   Y   2017 Jan 6, 8:59pm  

Excellent. I hear the full time full wage jobs train coming round the bend...

anonymous says

Just hours after passing the very first bill of the new Congress on Wednesday — one designed to roll back a range of environmental and consumer regulations — House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., celebrated with a corporate lobbying firm at a fundraiser for his campaign committee.

78879   Ceffer   2017 Jan 6, 11:14pm  

Thank goodness they talked them out of using bagpipes.

78880   rootvg   2017 Jan 7, 6:24am  

Someone from the Wall Street Journal said just yesterday it's the tweeting that the journalistic class and establishment in both parties fears most about this administration.

If the White House Press Corps can't manipulate public opinion by filtering Trump, he can run the table until the end of his second term. Who's gonna stop him? Twitter is said to be not doing well financially so if they get close to bankruptcy, guess what? One of the Trump kids buys it. Yes, that's legal. It's already being discussed.

This was a bigger loss than most people understand. 1980 was a realignment but I think 2016 was bigger because the Republicans have everything and there are all those openings on the Federal bench. Reagan wouldn't have dared to nominate a Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State or a Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy but Trump's done precisely that and the train just keeps rolling down the track. Sherrod Brown was generally understood to be the second coming of Howie Metzenbaum but the DSCC is broke and there are so many vulnerable seats in the next cycle. If Jane Timken decides she wants to force the issue and get rid of him, she'll commit the resources. It's all about money.

The left has a ton of work to do between now and 2022. That's the earliest they'll be viable with reapportionment not until 2022. If they stick to their identity politics they'll continue to lose big races away from the coasts. We're not the United States of California and Massachusetts.

78881   rootvg   2017 Jan 7, 6:40am  

I'm thinking a very wounded and weak Democratic party will run Sanders or Warren in 2020 only to watch him or her be destroyed ala McGovern in 1972. There's plenty of precedent for this: Stevenson in 1952/1956, Mondale in 1984, Dukakis in 1988, etc. All were during periods when Democrats were in the wilderness. It's about keeping the lights on, i.e., creating excitement among the base such that they keep writing the checks to pay key staff and maintain office space.

Hillary did this to herself. Even Colin Powell said everything she touches turns to shit.

Bill had political gifts and an instinct his wife does not possess. He was also the one who told the DNC in June not to ignore the white working class.

78882   zzyzzx   2017 Jan 7, 6:40am  

78883   MMR   2017 Jan 7, 6:44am  

rootvg says

terday it's the tweeting that the journalistic class and establishment in both parties fears most about this administration

Makes sense to me. Journalists can't control narrative like in the past

78884   MMR   2017 Jan 7, 6:59am  

rootvg says

I'm thinking a very wounded and weak Democratic party will run Sanders or Warren in 2020 only to watch him or her be destroyed ala McGovern in 1972. There's plenty of precedent for this: Stevenson in 1952/1956, Mondale in 1984, Dukakis in 1988, etc. All were during periods when Democrats were in the wilderness. It's about keeping the lights on, i.e., creating excitement among the base such that they keep writing the checks to pay key staff and maintain office space.

Hillary did this to herself. Even Colin Powell said everything she touches turns to shit.

Bill had political gifts and an instinct his wife does not possess. He was also the one who told the DNC in June not to ignore the white working class.

Bill Clinton had charm, was handsome and has a Certain je ne sais quoi; Hillary is female dick Cheney

78885   rootvg   2017 Jan 7, 6:59am  

My wife is all a-twitter (pun intended) about Trump due to her Horatio Alger life story but you can count me as cautiously optimistic.

We need energy to grow. We need a new tax code. Old news there. The mandate from the ACA was killing us. We need some infrastructure.

I live about twenty minutes from the research labs in Livermore and happened to settle into a bar stool one night next to a retired scientist with a Q clearance. He told he what Trump is saying appears to be true. Our nuclear stockpile has been in need of a refresh for years and I suspect he's going to use that as a means of job creation. LLNL (otherwise known as Larry Lab) will see some impact from it but Sandia's work is almost exclusively weapons related and they'll get a big boost. They aren't even a real lab anymore, having been absorbed into Lockheed Martin a few years ago. They work on DoE contracts where the other lab is more of a research entity. Berkeley Lab is still here but no longer does weapons research. It's prohibited by law, still a DoE facility but you don't need a clearance to work there anymore.

We needed a strong hand on the rudder and now we have one. Let's see where this guy takes us.

78886   rootvg   2017 Jan 7, 7:10am  

How do you figure that?

If the Republicans are successful in repatriating the several trillion Dollars that are parked offshore, how can things not get better?

What I think you're hacked off about is Congress being in Republican hands. This could have never happened with a Democrat in the White House and of course it's the Republicans who will get the credit for all that money coming back to our shores.

I'm worried about inflation.

78887   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 7, 7:15am  

This just in the President is a real person.

78888   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 7, 7:15am  

We're going to win so much Liberals get sick of Twitter.

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